Chapter 88 "Sun"

Zhu Houcong then ordered his people to take the possessed palace maid outside the palace and lock her up, and then make plans after the reason was figured out.

But whenever the palace maid was sick, she was sent outside the palace.

A palace maid with symptoms very similar to the previous one would appear next to Zhu Houcong again, as if she was possessed.

When they are taken away from Zhu Houcong, destiny will once again seduce new candidates, and even Qin Tian Supervisor Li Xuan cannot avoid it.

Just now, his memory was still in the Palace of Qianqing, discussing with Zhu Houcong the appointment and dismissal of internal personnel in Qintian Prison. The next moment Li Xuan regained consciousness, she found herself in a wing of the Xiyuan in the southwest of the Forbidden City.

When he learned from Zhu Houcong what happened during this period, the old guy's face instantly turned pale and he looked really frightened.

He even refused Zhu Houcong's offer to leave him in the royal garden of Xiyuan to see the newly reorganized imperial army. He was so frightened that he hid back in the Zhenwu Temple in Qintian Prison and could not come out.

Fortunately, the guy in front of me seemed to have a low IQ and kept repeating the same sentence.

Moreover, its control area radiates outward in a circular shape from the southern suburbs, just including most of the imperial city.

And Xiyuan is just outside its control.

Looking at the palace maid in front of her who looked as usual.

"You missed me, right? Then I will go to your grave tonight and steal your tribute crazily!"

Zhu Houcong said, he stared at the woman wearing a green palace dress in front of him. Her appearance was still dignified and graceful, but she did not react at all.

"Your Majesty has ascended to the throne, why haven't you come to the southern suburbs to see me until now? Have you forgotten the promise you, the Zhu family, made to me?"

She looked at Zhu Houcong in front of her and repeated again.

He didn't seem to understand the meaning of Zhu Houcong's words, but answered mechanically.

Zhu Houcong looked at the expression of the palace maid in front of him, and felt a vague realization in his heart.

When she spoke, her eyes were as lively as a living person's, but her tone did not mean to seek a response.

Instead, the tone of voice was erratic, like... murmuring in sleep?

Is it dreaming...if what happened today is just an extension of its sleep talking.

So how does it observe everything that happens in the real world while it is sleeping?How did he see Zhu Houcong possessing the maids and eunuchs in the imperial city, and even Li Xuan, at a moment when no one was aware of it?
It’s impossible to imagine or even describe.

This terrifying existence...

This thought did not make Zhu Houcong relax at all. On the contrary, Zhu Houcong's mood became heavier.

In order to verify his conjecture, Zhu Houcong took back the Xuanjun Order on his body into his storage bag.

He then took off the King of Qin's Sword to Kill Evil and placed it a palm away.

Since that thing is directed at me, then there are only these two things in me that can prevent the other party from directly interfering with me.

"Qiu Luan, if anything abnormal happens to me, immediately put King Qin's Sword in my hand. If not, wake me up in a quarter of an hour!"

Zhu Houcong explained to Qiu Luan beside him.

There is no way to hide——

To put it harshly, could Zhu Houcong give up the capital and the millions of people in the capital because of himself?

Moreover, Zhu Houcong, who knew history, felt that nothing would happen to him.

Look at Taizu and Taizong, didn’t they live well when they were in power?
I may not be inferior to Emperor Taizong!
Thinking of this and seeing Qiu Luan accept the order, Zhu Houcong decisively let go of his sea of ​​consciousness.

A wave of sleepiness came over me...and then, I fell rapidly as if I was weightless.

Zhu Houcong fell into sleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes.

As he fell towards the abyss, Zhu Houcong saw a flash of blue light above his head.

It seemed that he wanted to save Zhu Houcong from this terrible dream.

But Zhu Houcong refused. He opened his arms and must see with his own eyes what the so-called destiny in this world is.

Finally... the fall stopped, unlike what he saw just now, which was all deep darkness.

This place is full of day and light.

There is no concept of darkness here - light is the only law of this world.But just like this, the existence that holds the power of daylight and so on is almost buried deep in the almost eternal sleep and darkness.

Zhu Houcong raised his head. His whole body was light and airy. His soul finally broke free from the gravitational constraints of the material world and could swim freely in the sea of ​​consciousness that was completely invisible in front of him.

An amber light came from the distance, which was the source of light in this world.

Zhu Houcong looked up subconsciously.

He saw the "sun"——

It is different from the solemnity and majesty described in the Great Sun Divine Art.

The "sun" made of indescribable lava and flesh in front of me is so grotesque, absurd, and terrifying.

But for some reason, Zhu Houcong knew for sure that this was the sun of this world.

Blazing red, covered with disgusting pustules, waving tentacles, subconsciously nauseating sunspots covered the exposed pitted skin.

The abominable monster in front of me was so daunting that no one knew how huge it actually was.

It is alive, but it is falling into a long dormancy due to changes in the environment. When someone wakes it up from its sleep, and when it fully unfolds its body, the bloody mouth made of magma is enough to swallow half of it in one bite. moon.

Even though its whole body is shrouded in endless flames, the pits on the surface are always spewing magma.

It is still alive, but it has abandoned most of its form, leaving only the core part, which rests underground in the Mingting Imperial City.

Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty originally buried it in Jinling, but after the Jingnan Emperor, Zhu Di moved it to the capital in the north.

At this time, Zhu Houcong also realized how much he had underestimated the existence of the so-called destiny in this world.

These so-called mandates of destiny have caused batches of heroic masters throughout the thousands of years to willingly call themselves "Emperors." People regard "Respecting Heaven and the Patriarch" as the spiritual totem of China, and rank the seemingly useless "Respecting Heaven" in the real It is not without reason that he can help and protect his "fazu".

On the contrary, the ancients deeply understood the horror of "destiny".

Zhu Houcong could fully imagine that no matter who faced this thing for the first time, no matter how strong his Qi-nurturing skills were, the three views that had been established over decades would be shattered at the first sight of this thing.

Being hysterical, breaking down and crying without going crazy on the spot can be regarded as having extraordinary concentration.

The reason why "Destiny" is destiny.

It is by no means comparable to those demons that were easily bribed by the imperial court using false names such as "Dragon Lord", "Mountain God" and "Water God".

How dare the demon disobey!The imperial court should raise righteous soldiers and summon the world's capable people to fight against it!

But if it's fate...

No, human beings can comply with destiny and survive in this world where demons are rampant. How can they dare to ask for destiny in turn?
In front of it, I am nothing more than an ant——

But it is such a destiny that is unattainable and regards all living beings as ants.

The humans in this world still grasped its laws and borrowed its power. They risked their lives to steal the divine fire from the sky in the eternal dark night, and expelled countless demons in the night that humans could not fight on their own.

It established its own civilization, passed it down from generation to generation, and has flourished to this day.

Of course, I am an exception——

When I grow up, I will kill all you monsters and monsters!

All the ashes are thrown away for you!

There is no such word as "unable to fight" in my dictionary!
Zhu Houcong looked at the murals left in the sea of ​​consciousness by the ancients who arrived here thousands of years ago, which recorded the history of mankind's discovery and use of destiny.

In the murals, humans sacrificed to the sun in the sky, stole fire from the sky at night, and expelled those abominable demons who forced human tribes to regularly sacrifice half of their newborns as blood food during the barbaric years.

The demon's whole body was blood red, and there seemed to be countless hateful red worms swarming under its skin.

Zhu Houcong recognized the monster on the mural.

This really blocked my old baby!

Isn’t this our old friend?
The wild god of the southwest thirsts for blood.

Wait!Wait until the Ming Dynasty army enters the southwest!

Zhu Houcong said that the old guy should have exploded with gold coins long ago!

(End of this chapter)

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