My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 85 Six Guards of the Government Army

Chapter 85 Six Guards of the Imperial Army
The emperor and senior officials of the Ming Dynasty knew better than anyone else the corruption of the Ming army.

During the Wuzong period, great efforts were made to improve the situation. Unfortunately, the Ming army was already full of factions, and the censors sent to various places could not investigate at all.

In the fourth year of Zhengde's reign, the censorship group sent to Ningxia to inspect the military depot was directly killed by the bandits. Then, a war broke out with slogans such as "Kill Liu Jin", "Qingjun side" and "Jingnan", which lasted for several days and was Qiu Yue, the Marquis of Xianning, led hundreds of people to suppress the Ningxia Rebellion, which was bizarre and absurd.

Zhu Houcong was determined to take the opportunity to rectify the warlords within the Ming court.

In addition to these senior officers, all lower-level soldiers will be pardoned unless they committed "murder", "robbery" and other crimes worthy of death during the rebellion.

There are so many volunteers who are willing to devote themselves to atonement to help Zhu Houcong save the Ming Dynasty.

I also have theoretical support from enthusiastic friends.

Since Zhu Houcong's progress is extremely fast.

"What was the result of the competition at the foot of the mountain?"

Zhu Houcong asked.

"Most of the talents recommended by the elders of the Beijing Pavilion chose to apply to join the Qintian Prison after winning, and take charge of the world's demons for the imperial court. However, more powerful people in the Datong Army were willing to join the Forbidden Army, but those who applied to join the Qintian Prison were few."

Zhu Houcong nodded, not surprised by the result Qiu Luan said.

Although the Qintian Prison obeyed Zhu Houcong's orders, after all, unlike the 26 emperor's imperial guards, they were directly under the emperor's command. They were neither under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War nor the Fifth Army Governor's Office, and directly obeyed the emperor's orders.

The Qintian Supervisor was part of the Ming court's bureaucracy. The people in the cabinet were deeply entrenched in the capital, so they naturally hoped to continue to send more people to the court to increase their strength.

Most of these rebellious local tycoons are rooted in the local area and do not have deep roots in the capital.

Instead of fighting with those nobles and celebrities in a strange capital city.

It is better to just stay with you and wait for the opportunity.

However, after taking the list handed over by Qiu Luan, Zhu Houcong saw a few people he was quite familiar with in his previous life.

"Zhang Cong, a native of Yongjia, Zhejiang, has won twelve games in a row. Please be admitted to the Qintian Prison..."

"Hu Zongxian, a native of Jixi County, Huizhou Prefecture, South Zhili, requested to join the Forbidden Army..."

"Peng Tianli, a native of Changzhou, Suzhou, requested to join the Forbidden Army..."

"Yeshui Ye Jiuliu, please be ordered to join the Forbidden Army..."

"Guo Xun, Marquis of Wuding, requested to join the Forbidden Army..."

Those who hope to take this opportunity to give it a try are not only the bureaucrats in Beijing and local powerful people, but also the noble children of the aristocratic group of the Ming Dynasty.

Although most of today's nobles' descendants are followers of civil servants, there are still some people who can take the lead.

Although he was probably forced to do so by the pressure of being expelled.

For example, this Guo Xun.

His father, Guo Liang, was once almost expelled from his title by the court. Just like how it was done to vassal kings from all over the country, his successors were eager to find out, but the court refused to let them inherit the title.

Starting from the Zhengtong period, Guo Liang's father Guo Chang passed away, and he began to petition the court to inherit the title of Marquis of Wuding.

As a result, the edict for inheriting the title went through Zhengtong, Jingtai, Tianshun, Chenghua, and finally was issued to Guo Liang during the Xiaozong period in the fifth year of Hongzhi, allowing him to inherit the title of Marquis of Wuding.

The negative attitude of the imperial court towards letting these raiders be seen is evident.

Zhu Houcong returned the list to Qiu Luan.

Is it noble...?

Zhu Houcong was thinking about the composition of the new bodyguard.

If we say that the core of Jinyiwei is the royal palace and the close ministers who followed him when he first entered the capital.

So the huge establishment that Zhu Houcong is planning to set up this time, the backbone of the Forbidden Army, will be composed of six personal guards in the Forbidden Army, namely, the Fujun Guards, the Fujun Left Guards, the Fujun Right Guards, the Fujun Vanguards, the Fujun Defenders, and the Six Huben Left Guards. The guards are composed together.

His duty is to guard the patrol, follow the battles and defend the imperial city.

Because the organization is large, it should be more conscious and focused on attracting heroes from all over the world.

It will not lead to a situation where one faction is dominant and one family is dominant.

According to Zhu Houcong's idea, after absorbing powerful people from all over the country to first build the framework of the Six Guards of the Prefectural Army, the selection of the Six Guards of the Prefectural Army should be conducted through open "military examinations" in the future.

To balance the forces of various companies and network talents from all over the world.

As for the number of guards, Zhu Houcong corresponded to the standard of Jinyi Guards, with each guard recruiting 120 people above flag officers.

Although the current environment of the imperial city seems to be unable to support so many people. 500 people is already the limit.

But Zhu Houcong increased the supply of spiritual flesh in a short period of time, so there should be no problem.

The Battle of the Southwest was destined to be an extremely tragic war.

Even though Zhu Houcong asked himself that he could completely achieve the clone of the Southwest Barbarian God before he could speed through without any damage, but as for the entity of that thing, the Ming court had devoted all its efforts to suppress the evil god for hundreds of years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Zhu Houcong often recalled the strange man in the southwest mountains. voice, but still not sure of victory.

How many of these people will survive is still unknown.

However, what if the Barbarian God is just a showman?It's just that it's better to hide.

Zhu Houcong asked himself to think the best.

In case the losses during this trip to the southwest are not big, how to arrange the extra demon blood warriors is still a problem.

"His Majesty……"

Qiu Luan beside him hesitated to speak, and Zhu Houcong asked.


"Previously, we were ordered to recruit troops from various garrison posts in Shaanxi Province to assist Datong..."

He looked up and saw Zhu Houcong listening attentively without any unnecessary expression.

So he continued.

"Most generals immediately selected elite soldiers to accompany the imperial guards after receiving His Majesty's order. However, some guards have delayed their arrival on the grounds that the food and armor have not arrived yet..."

Zhu Houcong's expression did not change.

"Who specifically..."

"Most of them are from the Hebei Guard, and the leader is Chen Shi, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu..."

When Qiu Luan saw Zhu Houcong like this, he secretly complained in his heart.

These arrogant generals took advantage of the endless internal fighting in the Ming Dynasty and the financial deficit. They married each other and their official positions were hereditary. They had a vague tendency to dominate one side.

Now that the imperial court is in danger, he has the idea of ​​​​sitting aside and supporting his troops to respect himself.

As one of the three major towns, Xuanfu has more than [-] soldiers, but it also has the confidence to respect itself.

However, the expected violent storm did not come.

Qiu Luan was already ready to obey orders at any time and lead the imperial guards to capture these arrogant and powerful generals.

"The king is here suddenly, let him handle this matter..."

The emperor's expression in front of him was as calm as water.

Unintentionally, he met those dark eyes that were like a bottomless pool.

Qiu Luan shuddered.

"You can preside over the Hengshan martial arts test with peace of mind. The imperial court will send people to deal with these arrogant and powerful generals..."

After hearing the emperor's words, Qiu Luan did not dare to say anything and kowtowed to the ground.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"


Walking on the official road in Hebei, it has been three days since I was received by the emperor and received the emperor's favor.

But riding on the horse, Guo Xun was still a little uncomfortable with this body, which was like being rebuilt.

Since that day, his hearing and eyesight have been beyond imagination.

Whether it's the tiniest sound of a butterfly flapping its wings, which is undetectable to mortals, or the hustle and bustle of a town miles away, he can not only clearly distinguish the source and direction of earthly sounds, but can even perceive the tiniest changes in volume.

Wherever he looked, darkness was no longer an obstacle. In his pair of tiger eyes, all evil and strange things in the darkness could not hide.

The strength of the limbs can easily break steel, and every breath taken out of the body will almost set the trees on both sides on fire.

Is this the power of the emperor’s gift——

Feeling the powerful power surging throughout his body, Guo Xun couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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