Chapter 81 Peng Ze
Everyone looked closely and found that the person coming was none other than Li Guinian, who is currently the Chief Secretary of Shaanxi Province.

Although his head is full of white hair, his gait is steady.

"You are all loyal men who serve the country wholeheartedly. Now that the chief culprit has been punished, you should help the court to eliminate the demons of the White Lotus Sect and the Taiping Dao who incited the army and people of Datong to rebel! Then bear the thorn and plead guilty, and wait for the court to punish you. At this moment, the chaos Wouldn't it be rude to form a group and kill each other?"

These powerful people below were originally panicking, but seeing Li Guinian, a relative of the leader of the Taiping thieves, they were now so calm.

They all broke free from fear.


"Who do I think you are? It turns out to be Mr. Li! You, Mr. Li, are ignoring the emperor's favor and conniving at the witch cholera in the world! It's easy to kill everyone in your family, but you dare to teach us a lesson here!"

Below, Peng Zhe, the elder of the Peng family, sneered at the man in official uniform in front of him.

Li Guinian remained silent.

His disciple, who had seen Li Luyao, who looked like a daughter since childhood, had just voluntarily given up his life for the sake of his family.

At this time, he really couldn't refute the angry powerful people in front of him by saying that Li Luyao had been expelled from the Li family long ago and had nothing to do with the Li family.

Li Guinian's silence fueled the arrogance of these people. They cursed, and some even stepped forward to pull Li Guinian off his horse.


Another loud shout came from the distance!
Everyone turned around and was shocked when they saw the two military attaches in flying fish uniforms leading them.

The emperor's own army!Jinyiwei!

"You're on the wrong side! It's unjust! I really didn't know that these Taiping demons were so bold that they really wanted to rebel!"

"I served the imperial court during the time of the Changshui Wang family! Your Majesty needs to learn from this!"

"The leader of the Taiping demons is from the Mizhi Li family. I ask you to expedite the crime of conniving at rebellion and failing to report what he knew and that Shaanxi Provincial Inspector Li Guinian should be dismissed from his post and imprisoned!"

Everyone begged for mercy and accusations continued.

Qiu Luan, who came with a large group of Ming army cavalry, saw this chaos and his expression changed.

After hearing what everyone said, he immediately looked at Li Guinian with fierce wolf eyes, who was sitting on the horse with his head lowered and the official robe on his body was particularly messy from the tugging just now.

Good guy, you are a close relative of the leader of the rebels, right?
I just wanted the soldiers behind me to go up and take off Li Guinian's official robes, put him in shackles, and enjoy the many hospitality given to important prisoners appointed by the emperor in the imperial prison.

But then, I heard a voice coming from the top of the mountain.

His expression suddenly changed, and his originally fierce expression could not help but stiffen for a moment.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly.

He angrily yelled at the people who had just fought with Li Guinian.

"Bold! Guilty and innocent! The court has its own punishment. As a court official and a third-grade official, Li Guinian can allow a few common people to bully him! Come on! Take down the unruly people who just attacked the court official. !”

A team of soldiers and horses immediately came out from behind and pushed the few people who had just taken the opportunity to cause trouble to the ground. They were immediately shackled and thrown into the prison car in the convoy behind them.

One of them still wanted to struggle, but he roared, and half a tiger shadow appeared behind him, and he broke away from the hands of the officers and soldiers.

He fled southward in a hurry.

In response, Qiu Luan snorted coldly.

Immediately, more than forty guards in golden clothes behind him roared in low voices, bursts of red light appeared all over their bodies, and behind them, there was an imaginary image of a dragon bird flying high, and then it rushed towards the man.

When they arrived, Qiu Luan, Zhu Houcong and his party went straight to Datong first.

The remaining Jinyiwei each took the emperor's banner and token to mobilize troops and horses to Datong to quell the rebellion in Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places.

After Zhu Houcong killed the evil dragon on the Yongding River, in order to prevent Taipingdao from taking the opportunity to escape, he took the lead with his sword.

Then Qiu Luan and others continued to summon the soldiers and horses brought by various Jinyi guards along the way, and followed behind them in a mighty manner.

"Qi and blood are like rainbows! Martial arts master!"

"And the blue bird behind this, could it be the legendary Black Bird!" Listening to the exclamations of the crowd, the rich boy who summoned the guardian spirit and tried to escape in the chaos looked at dozens of people with blood flowing like a rainbow, and mysterious creatures on their backs. The Jinyiwei bird flew towards him.

He was obviously stunned for a few seconds!

Wavering between doubts about life and whether to fight with force.

But then, a hot fisting force came towards his face.

The rich boy who had just summoned Hu Ying to break free instantly flew out like a kite with its string cut off.

Looking at the powerful men in the world who were as silent as ice, Qiu Luan was very satisfied with the performance of the Jin Yiwei.

This time with Zhu Houcong on his westward journey, almost all the banner officers in the capital were out except those guarding the southwest with Luo An.

"Keep it down and wait until you come up before you let it go!"

Qiu Luan said.

Wait for the Jin Yi guards to pull him into the prison car.

Qiu Luan looked at the people who were looking at each other in shock when they heard the news that the emperor actually wanted to lead the expedition in person, and said.

"The Emperor was very angry when he heard about the military turmoil in Datong! So he ordered us to gather troops from all directions to go ahead. His Majesty will bring the world's civil and military elites and the most capable men in the capital to follow!"

Hearing Qiu Luan's words, the powerful men who had already knelt on the ground, shouting for the emperor's sage, and waiting for the court to recruit them were suddenly dumbfounded.

What the hell?
In fact, this group of people is no stranger to this scene.

After all, when King Ning rebelled two years ago, His Majesty the late Emperor Wuzong, who was naturally fond of fun, did something like this.

However, Wu Zong only verbally asked Wang Shouren to put King Ning back to continue the rebellion, and he wanted to lead troops to crusade against him personally. In the end, he was persuaded by the civil and military officials to go back.

And now this one is even more of a heavyweight!
This person didn't even discuss it, and sent people directly to inform the Datong rebels not to surrender yet!
I know you are in a hurry!But don’t rush yet!
Wait until I bring my troops to attack you rebels, don't worry.

I'm afraid these emperors in the Ming court have some serious brain problems!
Although they were madly complaining in their hearts, the several clan elders below looked at each other and could still see the bitterness in each other's eyes.

"I heard that His Majesty issued an edict to summon the heroes of the world to seek common ground, but I don't know..."

At this time, an old man walked out of the crowd, bowed respectfully to Qiu Luan, who was not even older than his grandson, and asked.

Qiu Luan didn't care at first, always thinking that these powerful men were looking for excuses to excuse themselves.

"Commander, this is the younger brother of Peng Ze, the former Minister of War——"

Until a Jin Yiwei recognized the old man and whispered in Qiu Luan's ear.

Qiu Luan's face stiffened.

It was not because he was frightened by Peng Ze's former Minister of War, but because the old man in front of him who was old enough to be his grandfather might actually know his grandfather.

Peng Ze was born into the wealthy Peng family in Lanzhou.

A veteran of the Chenghua, Hongzhi, and Zhengde dynasties, although he was a civil servant, he was known for his power as an official.

He successively served as the magistrate of Hebei, deputy envoy of Zhejiang, and inspector of Henan... Every time he took office, he would place a stone coffin in the lobby of the government office.

In order to show his determination to defend the laws of the Ming Dynasty to the death, instead of mitigating the punishment for the children of the nobles and wealthy families who broke the law, they would have to increase the punishment to the third degree. When faced with the request for bribes from the eunuchs who were close ministers of Emperor Wuzong, the old man even cursed in the street.

Hearing his reputation, the local powerful were frightened and fled overnight.Even the powerful officials next to Wu Zong were extremely wary of him and did not dare to provoke him easily.

Of course, that wasn't what made Qiu Luan's expression stiff.

When Peng Ze was the governor of Baoding, Liu Hui and Zhao Wei rebelled in Henan. The imperial court ordered Peng Ze and Qiu Luan's grandfather Xianning Bo Qiu Yue to separate their forces and attack them. They fought dozens of large and small battles, defeated them and put them down.Due to his meritorious service, he was promoted to the title of Yushi of Youdu and Prince Shaobao. Yinzi's royal robes were worn by hundreds of households.

Then Peng Ze was ordered to governor the Sichuan and Shaanxi armies to defeat the Liao Mazi and Yu Sifen rebels who had caused rebellion in the southwest during the Zhengde period, and won again.

Not long after they were pacified, bandit rebellions in Neijiang and Rongchang broke out again, and he was ordered to conquer them again. After the victory, he was promoted to the post of censor of Zuodu and Taibao of the crown prince.

Later, the imperial court appointed its governor-general Lanzhou Military Forces to resist Turpan's invasion of Hami. Peng Ze was tired of the endless military affairs and prayed to the imperial court to return to the capital, and recommended his old comrade Qiu Yue, Marquis of Xianning, to succeed him.

 I don’t know why the next chapter violates the rules. I’ll revise it. It will probably be released tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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