Chapter 73 Yongding River
"What a wonderful story!"

Zhu Houcong seemed not to notice the abnormality of the old soldier next to him, and clapped his hands and praised him.

"I happen to have a story here that I want to tell you."

At this time, the boat had completely traveled through the fog. Everyone looked around and was surrounded by white fog. They could not even see their fingers when they stretched out their hands.

Zhu Houcong seemed unaware of what was happening outside. He looked at the boatman, who was completely covered in a bamboo hat and raincoat, caressing the sword in his waist, and then looked down at the lake beside him.

The waves of the lake moved slightly, as if concealing the deepest secret at the bottom of the lake. The Qi-gazing technique running at full speed made Zhu Houcong's eyes seem to have golden light flashing. When he saw what was at the bottom of the lake clearly, he confirmed his guess and looked around with a smile. Everyone, said.

"It's also related to the Yongding River..."


It was the end of August in the first year of Jianwen, and it was rainy.

King Zhu Di of Yan had just defeated the [-] elite southern troops of Ming Dynasty founding veteran Geng Bingwen on the north bank of the Hutuo River, and integrated the old troops who had surrendered with Zhang Bao.

For a time, the military power was greatly boosted!

The Northern Army loyal to Zhu Di had already stabilized its position under the military attack of the Nanjing court. The Southern court was so frightened by this that it even changed its commander before the battle.

Emperor Jianwen heard that Geng Bingwen's army was defeated, and based on Huang Zicheng's recommendation, he appointed Li Jinglong, son of Cao Guogong Li Wenzhong, as general to fight against the Yan army in Geng Bingwen's place.

He also ordered Wu Gao, Marquis of Jiangyin in Liaodong, to lead troops to besiege Yongping.After hearing the news, Zhu Di left his son and a small number of soldiers to defend Beiping, and personally led the army to rescue Yongping.

Li Jinglong was overjoyed when he heard that Zhu Di's main force was heading to Yongping and that the guards in Peiping were empty, so he sent out all his troops to fight in Peiping.

He also summoned the four sea gods to convey the imperial edict. When Li Jinglong led his army to besiege Peiping, he must set off a furious wave to block Zhu Di's way and prevent Zhu Di from returning to rescue Peiping after defeating Wu Gao in Yongping.

Unexpectedly, the city of Beiping was strong, but suddenly ice fell from the sky. The city walls froze, preventing the Confederate army from climbing on it. Many people died from frostbite. Li Jinglong led an army of hundreds of thousands and besieged Beiping for several months without being able to conquer it.

At this time, news came that Zhu Di had successfully captured Yongping, and all the Liaodong troops and towns had surrendered. At this moment, he was leading the Liaodong cavalry to kill Li Jinglong aggressively.

In order to prevent being attacked from both sides, Li Jinglong had no choice but to abandon Peiping and retreat hastily.

Subsequently, the two sides faced off across the Baihe River.

Li Jinglong originally thought that with the help of the river god, the Yan army would not be able to cross the river for a while.

Unexpectedly, it snowed heavily the next day, and the Baihe River froze overnight.

The Yan army crossed the Baihe River at night. The tens of thousands of troops deployed by Li Jinglong were caught off guard and collapsed. The guard Chen Hui died in the battle!

Li Jinglong had no choice but to lead the Nan soldiers who had not yet recovered from their injuries to face the Yan army.

The two sides faced each other in formation at Zhengcunba. At this time, the Confederate army still had an advantage in strength, and with the help of water gods and other water monsters, the chance of victory was still unknown.

But unexpectedly, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the big river monsters were blown away by the strange wind. Three souls and seven souls were immediately wiped out, leaving only huge fish carcasses on the ground. The Confederate army was in chaos again.

As a result, all the Yan army's elite cavalry came out, the Southern army was defeated, and Li Jinglong fled to Texas alone.

In April of the second year of Jianwen, Li Jinglong led the last elite of the south to confront the Yan army again at Baigou River. The water god of Baigou River used magic to cause the Yan army to lose its way at night.Zhu Di then personally picked up the Demon Sword and walked at the front of the crowd. Only then did the army figure out the direction and return to the camp.

The next day, Baigou River, this was the most difficult battle Zhu Di fought since the Jingnan Campaign.

Zhu Di's own horse was shot to death three times, and three horses were replaced. Most of the personal guards were killed or injured. Even the Zhenwudang Demon Sword in Zhu Di's hand was broken in this battle.

The elites from the north and south of the Ming court once again fought in a stalemate, with rivers of blood flowing and corpses piled up like mountains. However, at the most critical moment, a strong wind suddenly fell from the sky and rushed straight into Li Jinglong's camp, blowing off Li Jinglong's flag. Then the Southern Army Fire broke out again behind him, and with no leader, the Confederate army collapsed again, and more than [-] people surrendered to Zhu Di.

Li Jinglong rode back to Texas alone again.

After this battle, the elite of the southern army was wiped out, and no one would doubt whether King Yan could conquer the world.

However, the northern river god repeatedly helped the court and blocked the Yan army, but Zhu Di was furious. He conquered Jinling and proclaimed himself emperor. He directly ordered the local government and Taoist temples to immediately send troops to destroy the rivers that occupied the rivers and blackmailed the people for human sacrifices. Ghost river monster.Especially the Wuding River near Peiping, Zhu Di thought that he was very careful about it. In addition to not allowing it to devour humans and animals, all kinds of sacrifices were available.

Never treated him badly.

But it colluded with his eldest nephew who was far away in Jinling to plot against him, who was the bread and butter of his parents.

Zhu Di thought of the Wuding River that has flooded uncontrollably since ancient times and swallowed up countless people. Now that they are rebelling, it is obviously their true nature that cannot be changed!
So I decided to personally eradicate this scourge next to Peiping and beside my bed, so as to frighten all the spirits in the world!
He carried the reforged Zhenwu Dang Demon Sword and beheaded the evil god on the Wuding River, cutting the body of the Wuding River Water God into three pieces.

Each paragraph is written about the huge monuments that suppressed the deaths and injuries of people caused by the flooding of the Wuding River in the past dynasties. Their souls were suppressed at the bottom of the river, where they suffered from being eaten by thousands of ghosts and could not be relieved.

Later generations called it Yongding Stone.

Since then, the Wuding River has become stable and has stopped flooding. People on both sides of the river have been able to live in peace, so it was renamed Yongding River.


"It is said that after the death of the river god, his soul should have been eaten by thousands of ghosts and gradually died away. Who would have thought that one day during the Zhengtong years, the blood suddenly surged by the river, and hundreds of people and animals were thrown into the river! It coincided with the ancient blood sacrifice to the river god. The method of human sacrifice! Another demon secretly helped, and actually broke the formation set up by Taizong to suppress evil spirits forever! Let the river god escape!"

Zhu Houcong preached calmly, and suddenly there were waves on the Yongding River.

The sudden waves of water in the river slapped the hull of the boat crazily, and the splashing water billowed in the air, forming dense walls of water.

These water splashes were instantly blown away by the strong wind and turned into tiny water balls, mercilessly hitting everyone on the boat in the face.

Even though the boat was like a leaf in a storm, Zhu Houcong was unaware of it.

Looking at the boatman, he asked with an unpredictable smile.

"I wonder where is the Yongding Stone that Emperor Taizong used to suppress the dragon's soul?"

"What a coincidence! It happens to be right here!"

The boatman put down the oar in his hand, looked at Zhu Houcong, and replied in a calm and unpredictable tone.

Naturally, Zhu Houcong had already used his qi-gazing technique to see the stone tablet under the boat that had been washed away by the river and the words were blurred.

The ship is now parked directly above the stone monument.

The boatman took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing a ferocious face like a demon.

 rest assured!I won’t whitewash anyone!

  The rebellion of the Ming army was mentioned in Li Shi's "Records of the Northern Envoy". This man was an orthodox Jinshi. After the Tumubao Incident, he led troops to Beijing to participate in the defense of the capital.

  The official history book of the Ming Dynasty, "Ming Shilu" - Yingzong Shilu, also contains records of collusion between spies and Wala within the Ming court.

  Interested men can go and see it.

  Besides, this is just a sneaky story in the book——

  This book will not be too entangled in discussing who is telling the truth and who is lying about what the Ming Dynasty history compilers and Tumu Fort witnesses said hundreds of years ago. This book is just a fictional story. The author tries to use historical facts as much as possible, but the master Don't read it as official history, I hope everyone knows it.


  Times are different, and gentlemen who like history should try not to have too high moral requirements for the feudal army.

  Otherwise it will be very uncomfortable——

  That’s all the author’s own experience.

(End of this chapter)

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