Chapter 53 Fu Zhu!

Looking at the figure who almost picked up Xiangxi Xie Sui's neck and beat him.

The Saint of the White Lotus Sect only felt ridiculous.

Why does this thing seem to be stronger than the Taoist sect leader Li Xuan and Longhushan Old Heavenly Master combined!

"Master Tsongkhapa, now is the time -"

Wait, where is Lama Tsongkhapa, the leader of the Vajrayana?

He watched the ghost baby in front of him feint menacingly for a few times before disappearing.

The Saint of the White Lotus Sect was dumbfounded when she heard the secret master next to her using secret techniques to transmit sounds thousands of miles away.

"This matter is beyond my ability to deal with it. I have repaid you for helping my senior brother return to his soul today. We will not owe each other anything in the future. Farewell!"

The fake master is still hesitating, but the real master has already rubbed oil on his feet and left!


The saint almost clenched her teeth and said a few words from between her teeth!

Under the cover of the Yellow Turban warriors, the members of the White Lotus Sect immediately dispersed and fled into the jungle.

Tsongkhapa ran really fast.

It also made the idea in her heart to wait for Zhu Houcong and the Blood Empress to suffer losses before making any plans.

"Commander Luo, don't chase!"

Looking at Luo An, who was furious because most of his men were killed and wounded, he got up and was about to chase him into the dense forest.

Li Xuan supported Zhang Zhengyi on the side with one hand and shouted loudly.

"The big demon hasn't been eliminated yet! We still need Commander Luo's help!"

After all, the battle on the Emperor's side is not over yet?

When she saw Zhang Zheng kowtow to Zhu Houcong on the Liushan Trail, Li Xuan had already guessed Zhu Houcong's identity.

As a Heavenly Master, the only one in the world who can make him pull his disciples to kneel in front of everyone is the Emperor of Heaven.

Hearing this, Luo An instantly calmed down.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the only six Jinyi guards left beside him, and all of them were injured, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Collect the remains of the dead soldiers and bring them back to the capital. Don't let evil monsters eat them along the way."

After hearing Luo An's words, everyone also shed tears silently.

The youngest, 16-year-old Qiu Luan, the grandson of Qiu Yue, the Marquis of Xianning, couldn't help crying.

The white lotus monsters are nothing to be afraid of, but the yellow scarf warrior is really powerful.

Except for Luo An, who is now comparable to a late-stage qi-training monk, no one else can handle it alone.

After saying that, Luo An turned around and saw that the battle between Zhu Houcong and the Blood Empress was coming to an end.

Above Zhu Houcong's head, a severed arm roared towards him with the sound of breaking wind. If it hit him with one blow, it would definitely cause Zhu Houcong's brain to burst.


Zhu Houcong's whole body lit up with a bloody red light!He actually gritted his teeth and carried the mountain on one shoulder - the five-meter-long, ferocious thing was held in his hands.

The raging flames burned, and the body that was burned to charcoal again and was in disrepair was lifted high by Zhu Houcong.

Then he was hit hard to the ground again.

The earth cracks!The mountains trembled and trembled at this blow of Oh One!
In an instant, a pit several meters deep appeared again on the ground of the Blood Empress Temple, which had been beaten to pieces by the battle just now.

Zhu Houcong had already stabbed her in the waist with a knife, but the evil spirit of the so-called Blood Empress was completely broken by this heavy blow!

The thing roared in pain again.

He immediately cut off his tail to save his life, and threw the black ball roaring like a cat in his arms towards Zhu Houcong with one hand.

He didn't care to pick up his lower body, which was blown away more than ten meters away.

The four severed hands behind him assisted the remaining body in crawling on the ground like a snake, rushing towards the outside of the temple door at extremely fast speeds!
This thing saw that the situation was bad and wanted to escape!
"Stop it!"

Zhu Houcong pinched the head of the ghost boy in front of him and bit his neck, and shouted.

Immediately, Luo An rushed forward with the royal guards, regardless of his own injuries, blocking the Blood Empress's only way to escape.

Looking at these damn Han people in front of me, feeling the burning pain in my body, new and old hatreds suddenly surged into my heart.

The Blood Empress opened her huge mouth and swallowed the Jin Yiwei in front of her who was unable to move due to his leg injury during the battle.

The other Jin Yiwei who dispersed early had no time to grieve, and their severed limbs and hands came in with thunderous force.The two Jin Yiwei couldn't dodge, so they could only use their last bit of consciousness to burn their blood and ignite the Dragon Bird Fire.

With the severe pain coming from the limbs, the evil spirit, which was at the end of its rope, went crazy again!

But the ghost boy behind him let out a shrill scream, feeling the terrifying presence, and the never-extinguishing fire was getting closer and closer.

The ghost boy couldn't stop the thing for long.

It could only give up on these damn mortals, and ruthlessly sprayed countless blood worms in all directions, its body shrinking visibly in a circle, hoping to avoid these damn mortals.

"Commander Luo!"

Suddenly, the Jin Yiwei next to him called Luo An. Luo An was a little confused and turned his head subconsciously.

Then there was a strong force coming from behind.

Push Luo An and the youngest Qiu Luan to the side of Qintian Supervisor Sizheng Li Xuan who was casting thunder magic and summoning five divine generals to protect them.

The two remaining Jin Yiwei looked at each other and said nothing.

The two of them immediately burst into flames.

Holding a spear in one hand and a knife in the other, dragging his scarred body, he rushed forward against the blood corpse insects in the sky.

But there were so many blood worms that the flames were completely submerged in the blink of an eye, and even the bones were eaten away in an instant.

Only the broken knife and spear burning with green flames passed through the beetles and penetrated directly into the face of the Blood Empress.

The Blood Empress leaned down and slapped away the sword with her severed hand behind her back. Only the spear penetrated the severed arm, but it was of no use.

The struggle of mortals risking their lives seems so ridiculous to these evil monsters that have existed since ancient times.

So much so that he can only rely on the sad and ridiculous curse of choking on his throat while drinking human blood.

After all, Blood Empress' escape pace slowed down a bit.

This is enough——

The sky fire comes again!

There was a ferocious bite mark on Zhu Houcong's right hand, and a large piece of flesh was torn off directly.

Really difficult!If this evil spirit were placed in the world of immortality, even the foundation-building monks might not be able to subdue it.

Zhu Houcong thought in his mind.

The ashes of the ghost boy behind him were scattered all over the courtyard.

He jumped up behind the Blood Empress.

Facing the brilliant sky fire above his head, the memory of being burned by the fire and the fear of having just been cut in half once again overwhelmed this cannibal monster.

"Do not--"

The fire spreads!Burning!
A cold iron spear fell from the sky, pinning the Blood Empress to the ground.

Let her scream and struggle, until this road has been entrenched in western Hunan for thousands of years, starting from the second year of Yuanfeng in the Western Han Dynasty (119 BC) when Emperor Wu conquered the Dian Kingdom, until now in the 16th year of Zhengde (1521 AD), which lasted for 1640 years. , the abominable evil thing that occupied Xiangxi and swallowed up countless humans and animals, was finally completely reduced to ashes in the hands of Zhu Houcong today.

Zhu Houcong looked at the evil spirit that turned into ashes in front of him, reached out to grab a small seal that fell among the ashes, and looked at the word thick soil vaguely visible on it, but there was not much joy on his face.

He turned around and looked at the scarred Zhang Zhengyi, at Luo An and Qintian Supervisor Li Xuan who looked guilty, and at Luo An and Qiu Luan who were grieving for their colleagues who had no bones left in front of them.

Not far away, Li Yannian, who used to be relatively strong, was now as skinny as a stick, with a head full of white hair. He carried the bodies of the Liu brothers with a strong breath, and escaped by hiding in a corner and pretending to be dead by using the turtle breath technique. A disaster.

But how long can we escape?

The world is in ruins, how can there be no place for the humble people to survive!

There were only a few living people in front of him, and everyone was injured.

Zhu Houcong closed his eyes.

There were over a hundred people who had just come to Xiangxi, including Liu's Chieftain and Jin Yiwei, but now the number of people who are still alive can be counted on the palm of a hand.

Different from the desolation and sadness here, once the Blood Queen was eliminated, the whole mountains were celebrating.

The clouds parted!The scorching sun broke through the dark clouds, and it seemed that even God was smiling at it!

Those thousands of ghosts who were swallowed by the Blood Empress and have been wandering here for thousands of years without being freed are also the black shadows in the woods that Zhu Houcong and others saw when they went up the mountain. They looked sincerely towards Zhu Houcong and his group on the mountain. They bowed from a distance, held hands to celebrate each other, and then turned into smoke and left.

In this world, the vast majority of ordinary people do not have the so-called reincarnation.

For these ghosts who struggle in purgatory every day, returning to heaven and earth after their souls are gone is their best relief.

"Gather the remains!"

Return to your hometown with the remains of those who died here!
After the dark clouds, the sun rises!
But today the clouds in the sky have dispersed, but what will happen tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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