Chapter 388 Mongolia

Zhu Houcong came here this time to definitely eradicate this evil spirit that used his identity as Emperor Wenchang to confuse scholars and corrode the civil servants of the court.

But Zhu Houcong gave up his original plan of seclusion and breakthrough, and determined to come in person to solve the cause of the Liaodong Rebellion first.

But this is not the only one.

Even like the brief secret talks he had with Liang Chu and many cabinet ministers after he briefly left seclusion and handed over all the gains from this other world to the Ming court.

The sneakiness of Liu Zhen and Liaodong is only a very small part of it.

Zhu Houcong can still recall that after he prepared the World Tree, the courtiers headed by Liang Chu performed an unprecedented solemn worship ceremony in front of him.

Then they slowly stated their demands.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is at its peak, and the Mongols are deeply involved in the war in the west, the imperial court should take advantage of this opportunity to mobilize troops to attack Mongolia in the north and attack the royal court.

Although they did not say where they heard the news that Zhu Houcong would be in seclusion for ten years or more.

But Zhu Houcong could also guess the identity of the informer.

Zhu Changning——

After all, the news that Zhu Houcong would be in seclusion all year round had only been told to Zhu Changning who stayed in Wanshou Palace to take care of the princes.

It's actually quite simple, isn't it?

Zhu Changning must also know that Zhu Houcong can easily figure out who tipped off the secret.

But she did it anyway.

When he got this answer, Zhu Houcong was half happy and half sad.

What is joyful is that she has finally done something serious in the past two years. In this way, Zhu Houcong can see the problems that he has been unwilling to face before.

After eliminating the sharks and southwestern chieftains, the only threat left by the Ming Empire was Mongolia in the north.

As long as the Mongols are eliminated, the empire can use the surrounding vassal states as a barrier and truly sit back and relax.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, at least when facing an unstoppable disaster, it can abandon the strategic buffer zones built by numerous vassal states and directly retreat to the mainland.

No matter what happens, there's plenty of buffer space.

To defeat the Mongols, the Ming Dynasty is now strong enough.

The reason why he didn't take action was that Zhu Houcong believed that the Ming court was currently engaged in a series of fierce battles, coupled with the domestic purge of wild gods and evil worshipers.

Even if we could levy food from neighboring countries, it would undoubtedly be a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of people in the Ming Dynasty.

The cost of the war is weighing on their heads, and the people are still struggling on the verge of death.

As soon as the war in the north started, it was obvious that the front was longer than that of the sharks or the southwestern chieftains.

"If Your Majesty is worried about the difficulty of transporting food and fodder for the army on a thousand-mile front, I have ordered the censors from various places to coordinate with the local government and wealthy families and organize civilians to transport food for thousands of miles... Although the officials at both the upper and lower levels have been slacking off recently, if the imperial court can reform the rules and regulations, we can ensure that There should be no problem with supplying the army."

This was Liang Chu's answer to Zhu Houcong.

The reason why these imperial bureaucrats were so eager to get the court to launch the Mongol War in advance was simple.

According to Zhu Changning, Zhu Houcong's retreat this time may cause the Ming Dynasty's throne to enter a long empty window.

Although the Mongols are still locked in a war with the West.

But ten years is enough time for a lot to happen.

If the Mongols discovered that the Ming court was in a special situation at this time, they would take the opportunity to go south.

How should ministers overcome the temptations and suspicions of various forces within the empire and maintain the stability of the entire system while resisting the Mongol invasion?

In addition to this, there are probably reasons that are more secret and not enough for outsiders to understand.

Ten years may not seem like much time to Zhu Houcong. But the average age of this group is close to seventy, and the first assistant Liang Chu is also close to eighty.

Ten years is destined to be a desperate and long time for these veterans who have been officials in the imperial court since Hongzhi and even Chenghua years.

If they really continue in this way, then the glory of the empire is destined to have nothing to do with them.

Several of them were able to witness with their own eyes the empire's most powerful enemy and henchman, completely collapsed and disintegrated under the empire's military strikes.

Then, with such achievements that will last forever, his name will also be immortalized in history, for future generations of scholars to pay homage to?

Zhu Houcong doesn't think this is a bad thing.

What's more, it also made him aware of a problem that he had ignored before.

My breakthrough this time is different from the past. Once I start, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop.

In ten years, if the Mongols move south, although it is unlikely that the Ming Dynasty will be suddenly defeated by the Mongols.

But it is unlikely that the Mongols can be completely defeated and the threat from the north of the empire is eliminated.

There is a high probability that just like in the original history, the Mongols invaded every year and went deep into the interior to plunder, but they were unable to capture the capital and retreated on their own after plundering enough gold, silver, men and women.

The Mongols could not keep their attention on the West forever.

In a few years at most, the Mongols would withdraw their power to the east and begin a military conflict with the Ming court.

How much price will the Ming court have to pay this time to maintain the existing borders without Zhu Houcong's help?

It's better to take advantage of the fact that Zhu Houcong's energy is still at its peak.

Taking advantage of the fact that the army has not been completely disbanded, they went northward in one go to completely solve the problem of northern Mongolia, the Ming court's confidant for hundreds of years.

This is also the fundamental reason why Zhu Houcong is determined to come to Liaodong in person to deal with Sun En, Luo Jiao and other cultists as quickly as possible.

Along the thousand-mile front line between Mongolia and the Ming Dynasty, both sides were engaged in a sudden attack.

Jurchens and Fanzang soldiers and horses will attack the Mongolian king's tent from the east and west.

Zhu Houcong must ensure the loyalty of the Jurchen and Uzbek tribes to the Ming court before the military operation begins.

As for Zhu Changning, Zhu Houcong was worried that even people like her had begun to consciously interfere in imperial politics.

Expressed his views and concerns about the future fate of this country.

You may need to ask the cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies to convene academicians from the Hanlin Academy and officials from the Six Ministries to re-draw a complete development plan for the empire for the next hundred years.

To build morale and inspire people.

"Chang Ning..."

Thinking of her, Zhu Houcong couldn't help but sigh.

Before leaving, he handed over the palace guard work to Zhu Changning to World Tree.

Although Zhu Houcong knew that Zhu Changning probably had good intentions.

But now that she has made her attitude clear, she has expressed her interest in the government affairs of the empire.

Then she is no longer suitable to stay in the center of the empire as a loyal and powerful servant, responsible for the work of guarding Xiyuan.

Except that the highest authority of Xiyuan Formation was transferred to World Tree.

Zhu Changning is still the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army. In order to reward her advice, Zhu Houcong even awarded her the responsibility of commanding the Nanzhen Fusi and supervising the six departments of Nanjing as a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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