Chapter 377 Luo Jiao

Is it really that thing?

Liu Zhen looked at the monsters in front of him, although they were not as powerful as those abominable monsters and monsters that the imperial court had set up to conquer in the East China Sea and Southwest.

But if we really dig deep into the origin of this white-bone evil spirit with faint Brahma light all over his body, how did he cross thousands of miles to reach Liaodong, thousands of miles away... If we dig deeper, it will be even more frightening.

"Be careful, I'm afraid this is not the only one coming this time -"

Just when Liu Zhen was worried about this, the voice of Li Changshou, who was wiping the sword in his hand, came to his ears through sound transmission.

Li Changshou reminded in a low voice from the side.

The information in the words made Liu Zhen's face grow heavier.

After bandaging the wound of Tashi, who was grinning in pain, the boy next to him struggled to stand up. Looking at the broken bone that had just been pulled out of his body, he spat to show his resentment.

Liu Zhen just pulled Ta Shi back slowly.

The main door of the Zhao family behind them was less than ten steps away from the two of them.

If we could rush over in one go, we might still have a chance to survive in the Zhao family's stronghold where so many evil demon parties had infiltrated.

Thinking about it, Liu Zhen slowly turned his head and observed the surrounding situation.

And the bone demon that was confronting the Ming Dynasty ranger was looking up to the sky at the moment, its bones twisting and making rhythmic sounds.

It seemed to be shouting something.

Yes, combined with the words of the ranger, the monster in front of him is probably calling out to its kind.

Liu Zhen thought to himself as he listened to the sound of hard objects being dragged on the ground from all directions.

With the collapse of the rule of the Tang Empire in Central and West Asia, the Zoroastrian believers who took advantage of the situation and occupied the fertile land and were closely connected with the Luo religion in the Ming Dynasty, no matter what method they used, the bones they obtained The legacy will never be limited to this.

Compared to the forty-kilometer-long forty-kilometer-long terrifying Bone Demon Mountain described in history books, the white-bone demon in front of him was like gravel and dust. Its combat power and size were not worth mentioning at all.

Of course, this is compared to the empire's defense mechanism.

For a mortal like Liu Zhen, it is still impossible to fight against.

But as a member of the imperial bureaucracy, Liu Zhen still knew some of the ratings of these demons within the Ming court.

The demon in front of me has shown the ability to run rampant at most in remote rural areas where the empire's control is weak.

And as long as someone goes to the government to report the crime.

Or local governments raise funds to issue rewards.

It will take more than a month to raise enough manpower to deal with this demon.

There was no need to even bother dispatching regular troops from the empire.

Liu Zhen also knew the power of the Luo believers who called themselves "Mahayana Sect" in the Ming Dynasty.

It is said to have "one hundred thousand elite soldiers" and "a gang of ships mixed with grain"

Although Liu Zhen did not know that like Zhu Houcong, according to the original history of the Ming Dynasty, in the late Jiajing and Wanli years, the Luo family, led by Zhao Guyuan and others, raised troops from Hangzhou and marched north along the waterway to invade the capital. It cut off the Ming court's water supply route from the southeast to the capital in the north, causing the Ming court to tremble.

However, as the imperial censor, Liu Zhen had also communicated with his colleagues stationed in the southeast about the activities of these cults against the party in various regions.

He knew very well that these Luo believers were by no means comparable to ordinary cults.

Even compared to the White Lotus Sect, which has been declining since the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

These Luo believers, who were a mixture of Chinese local Buddhism, Western Region Zoroastrianism and other religions, only officially appeared on the stage of history during the Zhengde period.

And it is entrenched in the financial and taxation center in the southeast of the empire.

This is the real thorn in the side of the empire.

It's just that the imperial court had to concentrate all its efforts on dealing with the sharks in the East China Sea, and had no time to deal with these southeastern cults.

Moreover, when these Luo believers faced the Ming army stationed in the southeast, they were conscientious and did not do anything, including harassing the Ming army's logistics. Things such as cutting off grain roads and other things that provoked a large-scale crusade by the Ming army.

And waiting to defeat the sharks in the East China Sea.

The three armies were exhausted, and there was a food shortage in Zhejiang and other places. The imperial court had no intention of dealing with this group of civilian forces who seemed to have no different intentions.

But Liu Zhen knows the strength that the Yiluo believers are showing now.

It is impossible to just get such a monster with neither high nor low strength from the Western Region to snipe Ming Ting's troops.

And since this bone demon has such a powerful background, these Luo believers worked hard to bring this thing to Mingting from the Western Regions thousands of miles away.

There must be a back-up plan.


Thinking of this, Liu Zhen and the boy beside him took advantage of the confrontation between Li Changshou and the thing to turn around and leave.

When Liu Zhen broke out of the encirclement, he asked Gao Lin and others for help.

As a royal censor, he recruited people from nearby temples and Taoist temples to come to Niumao Town to help out.

It's obviously better than staying here and causing trouble for the ranger in front of you.

Li Changshou expressed his appreciation for the decisive performance of the imperial censor next to him.

However, the development of things was obviously not as easy as the two thought.

Close, getting closer——

The vermilion house door in front of them was only one step away from Liu Zhen and the two of them.

But the bone-white spears flying from the glazed tiles on both sides with the howling cold wind made this distance feel like a chasm.

Liu Zhen was a lazy donkey who learned from the Tieling garrison. After rolling twice on the ground in a very graceless manner, he could barely avoid a series of attacks from the sky.

When he raised his head again, he saw the Jurchen boy named Ta Shi inserted between his legs with a cold sweat on his face. He almost destroyed the Ming court's century-old strategy and made Zhu Houcong regret for the rest of his life that he could not create General Xiao Longhu. Bone Spear.

And there was a sound of bones interlacing from both the left and right sides.

No less than ten white-bone demons like the one Liu Zhen saw just now climbed up the wall.

He was standing high and staring at the people in the audience.


"The Luo Jiao rebellious gang—have you finally revealed your wolfish ambitions today?"

Li Changshou's eyes narrowed and he raised the long sword in his hand.

Looking around, he looked at the demons surrounding him, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Obviously, these bone demons are arranged in such an orderly manner, there must be a demon man behind them.

"General Li, it's been a year since we said goodbye to Haiyan. Now I see you again, I'm really happy to see you again!"

From behind those bone demons, a delicate female voice came. The voice was sometimes ethereal, sometimes tactful, sometimes seductive, and even finally crazy!

"But did you leave the head on your neck for me to pick off?"

Those crazy words were like a wild river, carrying sand, gravel and falling from a height of 10,000 meters, rushing freely.

It hit the calm lake surface of reality, causing waves of huge waves.

(End of this chapter)

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