Chapter 375 White Bone Demon?

"not good--"

Liu Zhen pulled Ta Shi, who was still dazed beside him, and threw himself heavily towards the left side.

He dodged the long, snow-white arm like a noodle that passed through Mr. Zhao's body and hit him with warm blood.

Feeling the gusts of wind coming from above his head, Ta Shi once again felt a little out of breath due to nervousness.


Feeling Liu Zhen's slightly suspicious eyes beside him.

Ta Shi turned his head and said slightly embarrassed.

"Usually in the tribe, these things related to witchcraft are done by my uncle Jue Chang'an——"

Liu Zhen didn't say anything. He looked around and was keenly aware that as time passed, the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker.

Even the warm sunshine above the head, which was rarely seen on snowy days, disappeared.

There was only a gray sky above.

And listening to the screams that became increasingly sparse in my ears.

The uneasiness in Liu Zhen's heart became more and more intense.

These things only appear in the Zhao family.

He was attracted by the soul of Mr. Zhao.

Or is it because of some other reasons.

Under the cover of the jungle, the black Taoist temple worships the weird and terrifying headless Emperor Wenchang.

Liu Zhen subconsciously thought of the black Taoist figure that appeared when the fog first emerged.

Moreover, except for the Zhao family, what is the current situation in Niumao Town?

Can my mother and wife survive the attacks of these monsters? What is their current situation?

Liu Zhen couldn't help but feel anxious when he thought of this.

The monster behind him sucked all the essence and blood from Mr. Zhao's body, leaving only a shriveled skin that fell to the ground and belched with satisfaction.

At this time, he slowly dragged a piece of wet skin from the Zhao family's study, twisted his body and limbs like a snake, and crawled out of the study.

As its body twisted, its body became obviously swollen from devouring the flesh and blood of Mr. Zhao just now.

The petite woman's skin on her body obviously no longer fit her.

It shook its head, and the white skin on its body made an overwhelming sound of leather tearing.

Ta Shi watched this scene, guarding Liu Zhen, with a pale face, bow and arrow, aiming at the terrifying evil thing in front of him, but he did not dare to shoot rashly.

This is--

The monster in front of him shook his body, as if trying to break free from its broken body.

And with the shaking, the beauty's leather on her body cracked inch by inch.

Exposing a string of white bones underneath.

The bones are connected from front to back and are as white as snow.

Exuding bursts of white light.

It doesn't look like a monster in the mountains, but it gives Liu Zhen an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

I'm afraid this thing has a lot of background——

And then the thing in front of him burrowed into the body in front of him like a snake.

Liu Zhen also took the opportunity to lean down and pick up the folding fan that Mr. Zhao just dropped.

Unfolding the fan, I saw eight big characters written in gold powder on it——

"Sacrifice to the gods as if they were present, offer sacrifices to gods as if gods were present"

From Chapter 12 of "The Analects of Confucius·Eight Yi".

This means that even if ghosts and gods do not exist, when worshiping ghosts and gods, they should be worshiped as if they exist.

Although the Zhao family themselves do not know these Confucian and Taoist methods.

But in the land of Liaodong, there has never been a shortage of Confucian classics families who fled to avoid the war in the Central Plains.

As a member of Confucianism, it is actually not difficult for the Zhao family to obtain these things as long as they are willing to spend some money.

As Liu Zhen unfolded the folding fan in his hand, the human form in front of him disappeared and he got into the body of Mr. Zhao. The white-bone monster twisted its body unaccustomedly and looked at the golden words in front of him in a daze.

As the paper fan spontaneously ignited without wind in Liu Zhen's hand.

Golden ashes floated towards the monster in front of him. When it came into contact with the monster's body, the white-bone monster immediately retreated desperately as if it was electrocuted.

Wherever the golden ashes came into contact, the demonic body disappeared out of thin air.

The broken human skin and smooth internally cut bones were exposed.

"Let's go!" He looked at the demon that was retreating in front of him.

Liu Zhen said, turning around and leaving without waiting for Ta Shi's reaction.

Although it seemed that the demon had suffered a big loss, he looked at the golden powder in the air that gradually became sparser over time.

There was also the resentful look that the demon cast towards him.

Liu Zhen didn't think that if he didn't leave and wait for the thing to recover, it would easily let him go.

When Ta Shi saw this, he couldn't help but sigh, secretly thinking that these civil servants of the Ming Dynasty really had no courage.

But after Zhang Gong shot two arrows to no avail.

Feeling the demon's hatred, the eyes gradually focused on him.

Ta Shi was silent for a moment, looking at the arrow in front of him that pierced the human skin and was inserted into the seam of the demon's bones. It was constantly trembling as the demon advanced, as if it was mocking the stupidity of mortals.

Without any hesitation, he turned around the next moment, picked up the short bow and turned around to catch up with Liu Zhen at a faster speed.

But looking at the imperial censor next to him who was only half a position behind him.

Ta Shih couldn't help but secretly feel shocked that this censor was really talented in literature and martial arts, and he was really a good long-distance runner.

My ability to run away was developed day after day in the Jurchen jungle.

This Liu Yushi sat in the official office every day and read the imperial newspaper. He still had such good physical strength, which really impressed Ta Shi.

But how could he know.

Although Liu Zhen was just a censor, he had just achieved fame.

He was sent to a remote and cold place by the imperial court.

Every day, we have to cross mountains and ridges to check the defenses of fortresses along Tieling, as well as beacon fires and reserves of supplies.

In many places, the mountain roads are so rugged and dangerous that it is impossible to ride a horse. Some places are even primitive jungles, and even the roads have to be opened by yourself.

Day after day, Liu Zhen soon changed from a frail scholar due to the pressure of life to a qualified censor of the Ming Dynasty supervisory army with "a lot of rice, ten pounds of meat, armor on his back, and a horse running like flying".

However, although both of them are people with extraordinary skills.

But it is still in the realm of mortals.

The white-bone demon behind him was obviously not something ordinary humans could resist.

Just a few breaths.

The monster, which was originally far behind the two of them, chased after them.

And the distance is getting smaller and smaller.


Only a sharp explosion was heard next to his ears.

Ta Shi covered his left leg in pain, and a bone fragment penetrated deeply into it, causing him to fall to the ground.

And Liu Zhen looked at the Jurchen boy beside him.

His eyes changed, and he heard the sound of the snake-like bone demon sliding on the ground behind him, getting closer and closer to the two of them.

It is conceivable that once the white-bone demon catches up, the Jurchen boy will probably end up like the eldest son of the Zhao family. He will be drained of essence, blood and flesh, and then his skin will be taken away.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhen gritted his teeth for the last time, stopped, turned around under Ta Shi's almost desperate gaze, pulled him onto his back, and continued running forward.

However, both of them would be overtaken by this monster if they were running lightly.

How could Liu Zhen escape from the monster's pursuit with one person on his back?

Hear the evil wind blowing from the back of his head.

Liu Zhen sighed silently in his heart.

Are you really going to die here?

Although the desire to live in my heart is stronger than ever.

But the gap in reality is so desperate.

Perhaps in Tieling, Liu Zhen could still summon the Tieling garrison to work together to hunt down such monsters.

But now, there is no way.

But just when the two were desperate.

A spear flew out with a sound of breaking through the air.

Accompanied by a roar like a tiger.

He pinned the white-bone demon behind him, who was wearing human skin, to the spot.

"The Emperor of Tang changed his bones? Monster! Don't hurt anyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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