Chapter 356 Departure!

Zhu Houcong tried to find a way out for those imperial subjects who could not get rid of their lowly status through their own efforts.

For Fan He's generation, even everyone can foresee and see that the empire is making various preparations for structural reforms in the near future.

But after ten years of long waiting, it is destined that this path planned by the emperor for these criminals will not belong to the legacy of our generation.

Fan He and his children drank the glass of wine.

The entrance is warm, burning hot in the chest, dispelling the chill in the whole body.

He looked at his eldest son in front of him. Even though it was his first time drinking, his face was only slightly rosy, his forehead was sweating, and he did not show any signs of dizziness.

Good man——

He felt much more at ease in his heart. Drinking alcohol would not necessarily harm his health, but it would undoubtedly enable him to survive those long, cold nights in Tieling more safely in the future.

Although beast fur and warm blood can also provide a certain amount of heat, for these guards who garrison the fortress in groups of three or five all year round, they are not necessarily so lucky every time they go out to perform tasks.

Being able to wrap oneself in a thick bear skin after a fierce battle, pour hot blood all over the body, eat the flesh and blood that has not yet frozen, and walk through the long and arduous return journey.

Although the young man in front of him looks immature, he has a solid chest and broad back.

Destined to become a stronger warrior than himself.

The future belongs to them.

The windows rattled in the cold wind outside the cabin, blocking the cold and darkness from the light inside.

The fire in the house was burning brightly, and the family of four toasted and drank. At this moment, people forgot all their worries and enjoyed this rare moment of joy in the hard life.

Amidst the howling of the cold wind outside the window, people in the room held hands, men, women, adults and children, singing moving songs and dancing together to drive away the severe cold and hunger in the world and pray for light to come to the world as soon as possible.

"Under Hengmen, you can live in Chi.

Secretion of the ocean, can be happy to starve.

How can it be that if he eats fish, he must eat the bream of the river?
  How can it be that when he takes his wife, he must marry her?
  How can it be that if he eats fish, he must be a carp in the river?
  How can it be that if he takes his wife, he must be the son of Song Dynasty? "

After all, that prosperous palace is not the life of ordinary people. What ordinary people desire is just a stable life, partners who support each other, and enough food...

But even these are still extravagant hopes for many people in this world.

I am meditating on a futon in the Longevity Palace, trying my best to adjust myself to the best condition, so that I can have a better chance of successfully completing the next long retreat in another world.

When the darkness outside the window cleared and a faint white light shone in through the window, Fan He carried his wife who was supporting him to the bed and covered her with the only deerskin blanket he brought with him when he went out to guard.

He wiped the morning dew from the corners of his eyes and took one last look at the sleeping children huddled in a corner sheltered from the wind. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes, but in the end he resolutely put on his luggage and walked towards the turbulent distance.

"Get out of the car Pengpeng, with the flag in the middle. The emperor ordered me to go to the other side of the city."

It is his mission to conquer distant lands. He cannot escape and does not dare to escape.

When people saw the corpses of giant monsters hanging everywhere, which were comparable to city gates, they were dragged through the city by the imperial guards and spread throughout the city.

Even the most unruly and murderous military generals had to kneel on the ground in fear, shouting that the emperor is wise and never dare to have any rebellious intentions.

By the time Fan He led the horses and walked down the mountain to the only trail leading to North Korea, Guo Xun had already been waiting here with three forbidden troops for a long time.

Liu Zhen and Liu Yushi, who recommended Fan He to join this operation, were riding on a brown war horse, looking unnatural for some reason.

General Gao was riding next to Liu Zhen holding a map and was saying something, but his eyes were pretentiously and unintentionally staring closely at the imperial censor beside him.

His eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Until he heard the noise behind him, Guo Xun got on his horse and came to Gao Lin's side. He looked at the map in his hand, then looked at Liu Zhen beside him, and asked Gao Lin.

"Why did the imperial court suddenly let us rest in Niumao Mountain...and why is Liu Yushi here too?"

Guo Xun asked casually. Last night, a secret order suddenly came from the Qintian Prison, saying that the Liaodong rangers had discovered traces of the White Lotus Sect on the border of the Ming Dynasty. It is suspected to be the residence of the White Lotus Sect’s mission in Liaodong.

Let Guo Xun and the others be stationed here to investigate first, and wait for the reinforcements from Qin Tianjian to arrive and enter the court together.

"It is said that a local Taoist temple reported to the Qintian Prison that there were evil spirits at work, who were suspected of possessing the human body and manipulating the human body to do evil..."

Gao Lin said, he and Guo Xun looked at each other. It was obvious that neither of them believed this explanation.

"What the hell are these veterans doing? There's something that we can't tell you directly."

Guo Xun complained.

It seems that Guo Xun has long been resentful towards these old Taoists who are playing tricks every day for their own reputation.

"It's not necessarily that they are unwilling to talk about it... After all, the historical issues left over in Liaodong are too complicated... Various forces are mixed together. Although they know that the situation is serious, they may not really know what is happening there?"

Gao Lin comforted.

"But yesterday, when I asked the Jurchen Rangers to go to North Korea to deliver a message, I collected some information about the so-called "mermaid tears" along the way. I got a tip saying that on the black market on the border of North Korea recently, some heretic Yehuchan came from nowhere. I got a batch of so-called "mermaid tears", which are near Niumao Mountain, so you can go and have a look first."

At this time, he pretended to be casual and turned to look at Liu Zhen, who was silent while waiting for Feng Bao.

"Oh, by the way, I remember Liu Yushi's hometown is near Niutoushan!"

After hearing Gao Lin's words, Guo Xun also turned his attention to Liu Zhen.

Feeling the gazes of the two people, Liu Zhen could only nod.

This Confucian scholar, who was wearing a green robe and had an elegant face, had just been gazing eastward in the direction of the North Korean border, feeling slightly dazed.

But when faced with Gao Lin's question, he sobered up, turned his head, and returned.

"It is true that as the general said, my hometown is indeed from Niumao Town at the foot of Niumao Mountain - it is just an ordinary town on the border of the empire."

"Although Niumao Town is a small town, the Zhengde Dynasty can produce seven Jinshis in a can be regarded as an outstanding place!"

Gao Lin said, and when he heard this, Liu Zhen's fair face with a short beard flashed a hint of alertness that was not easily detectable by outsiders.

And when he heard the name Niumao Town, the fear and tangle that flashed subconsciously in his eyes was captured by Gao Lin.

"I heard that Liu Yushi took the initiative to apply to Mr. Wang Ge and came to station in this bitter cold place in Liaodong. He is so young and has such a responsibility. He is really a pillar of the country. I really admire him..."

Gao Lin stared closely at the young scholar beside him who had been stationed here for several years since Wang Shouren entered the court in the fifteenth year of Zhengde.

Like a loyal hound watching the hungry wolf spying on the sheep in the dark.

After hearing Gao Lin's words, Liu Zhen in front of him became increasingly silent.

He was silent for a while and then said.

"As a minister, it is your duty to be loyal to the country... Why is the general making such a fuss?"

"I hope you will always remember these words...I will encourage you..."

Gao Lin said, and there was something in his words.

He no longer paid attention to the stunned Liu Zhen beside him. When he turned around, Feng Bao's cavalry had already come down from Tieling. The eunuch Bingbi, the eunuch of the ceremony, was riding a war horse at the front, with two other people on both sides. In addition to the escort of the Tengxiang Four Imperial Guards, who were under the command of the Royal Horse Supervisor under Huang Jin, there were also six Tieling warriors selected by the Tieling Guard commander to escort them.

Feng Bao didn't care about the real strength of these Tieling warriors.

The important thing is to let the emperor know that he is seriously implementing the empire's policy of reducing humble status.

When they saw Feng Bao coming, everyone raised their whips and started to go to Niutoushan to track down the remnants of the White Lotus Sect who had fled to North Korea.

(End of this chapter)

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