My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 352 The Rebirth of Maitreya

Chapter 352 The Rebirth of Maitreya

But history seemed determined to play a terrible joke on him that could change the fate of the peninsula.

When Goryeo was still immersed in the joy of occupying many lands in Liaodong, the northeastern border of Korea, with the acquiescence of the Yuan royal family.

What Liu Zhai was most worried about finally happened.

In a way that no one expected and very quickly, the disaster came in an instant, destroying the superficial peace, awakening people from the dream of singing and dancing life, and responded with bloody horse hooves and snow-like long knives. .

And indirectly led to the demise of the Goryeo regime.

At the end of the 1359th year of Zhengzheng (4 AD), [-] Red Scarf troops, led by their general Mao Jujing, moved to Goryeo to avoid Yuan Ting's pursuit and took advantage of the sudden heavy snow that covered the sky. He Yese crossed the Yalu River at an extremely fast speed, attacking every enemy along the way, and drove directly to Kaesong (Pyongyang), the capital of Goryeo, in just half a month.

The kings and ministers of Goryeo were horrified when they heard the news. Before they had time to react, they heard that the Red Scarf Army had attacked outside the city within a few days. They abandoned the city and fled eastward overnight. The Red Scarf Army then occupied Xijing. Under the attack of the Red Scarf Army, Within a month, the capital fell, half of the country was lost, and the elite soldiers accumulated over decades were wiped out in one fell swoop. The whole country of Goryeo was shocked.

As a last resort, he ordered the military generals from various border towns to recruit their own troops and go to the capital to serve the king.

He also sent envoys across the sea to Dadu of the Yuan Dynasty to request the Yuan army to enter the DPRK for support and suppress the Red Turban Army.

Perhaps Goryeo was not destined to die. With the assistance of the Northeastern vassal generals, Goryeo defeated the Red Turban Army in February of the following year and began to try to recapture the capital.

The Red Turban Army heard that Yuanting had mobilized troops in Liaodong and was preparing to cut off its retreat. As the weather turned cold, the Red Turban Army lacked reinforcements and supplies, so they had to give up their plan to continue attacking North Korea. This was the first time the Red Turban Army invaded North Korea. It ended in failure.


"After the failure of their first attack on North Korea, the Red Scarf Army realized that if they wanted to completely defeat the North Korean royal court, they had to start from the bottom of society..."

Gao Lin said, then reached out and groped in his arms for a while.

He took out a pamphlet from his arms.

placed on the table.

Guo Xun picked it up, flipped through a few pages, and read.

It is the "Maitreya Salvation Sutra" written in both languages ​​of Han Dynasty.

Because some Korean proverbs were newly created by the Korean court in recent years.

This booklet was obviously written some years ago.

Guo Xun can also see many places where Chinese characters and proverbs are mixed.

Although Guo Xun thinks that he is not as ignorant as most of the nobles' children.

But in the face of the new language system that North Korea has developed for nearly a hundred years since the Hongwu Dynasty.

Obviously I still feel a little powerless.

Behind him, Fan He clearly saw Commander Guo's helplessness.

Said softly from the side.

"The villain's ancestors were refugees who fled from Korea to Liaodong in the late Yuan Dynasty. In recent years, they have also had some contact with the old tribes in Korea. If you need it, I can translate for you..."

Guo Xun nodded slightly.

He handed the Korean-Chinese bilingual book in his hand to Fan He who was standing aside.

"This is the stolen property recently seized by the Liaodong border guards when they were searching for the White Lotus rebels who were trying to smuggle the Jurchens through North Korea. I haven't had time to ask the bachelor to check it yet. You can tell the contents that are different from those in the Han Dynasty... …”

Gao Lin said.

Feeling the gaze of the Liaodong warrior next to him, Fan He felt a creepy feeling for some reason.

It's like walking on a dark path, surrounded by dense jungle trees that block the moonlight, making you unable to see your fingers...and the tiger is hidden in the jungle, spying on travelers who stray into it.

This tall man doesn't seem to be a good person.

Fan He thought.

And what made him feel calmest the most.

Accompanied by the eyes of this Ming court military attache who was ordered by the imperial court to comfort the Jurchen tribes.

Fan He felt that the demon blood in his body that had devoured the demon fox's heart seemed to have seen a natural enemy, almost stagnating in instinctive fear.

Fan He lowered his head and tried his best to suppress the panic surging inside his body. He didn't know whether the Jurchen comforting general felt the strange movement just now.

As the gaze disappeared, Fan He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He opened the book in his hand and began to read carefully the Korean version of the Maitreya Sutra in front of him.

The very beginning is no different from Chinese Buddhist scriptures.

"I heard this. The Buddha of one time. In the country of Savatthi, there was only one tree in the lonely garden. He was with five hundred great bhikkhus. Then Ananda. He was exposed..."

The Maitreya Sutra in front of me is probably derived from the "Maitreya Sutra" among the six Maitreya Sutras. It was deleted by the White Lotus Sect and used for preaching purposes.

I just don’t know how much private life is mixed into this scripture.

The scripture is very short, and the main content is to promote the prophecy of Maitreya's coming to the world.

The followers of the White Lotus Sect claim that Maitreya will be born in the future and lead the believers to establish a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

Fan He translated sentence by sentence, and at the end of the scripture, when describing the various miracles of Maitreya, Guo Xun and others looked at each other and indeed discovered the differences between it and the scriptures promoted in the Han Dynasty.

"There are sharks in the north whose tears can turn into pearls...taking it can cure all kinds of diseases, and it is called a Buddha treasure..."

This Maitreya Sutra is indeed different from the ordinary Maitreya Sutra.

At least Guo Xun and the others have never heard of any grudges between the White Lotus Sect and the Sharks in the Han Dynasty, and they actually regard the Sharks’ tears as Buddhist treasures...


Guo Xun thought about those terrifying monsters with fish heads and trembling bodies that he had seen during the East China Sea War.

Guo Xun felt that if the tears of those things were really useful, those northern defense soldiers and border troops who made a fortune by poaching the brains of sharks during the war could not have known it.

Or the so-called mermaid tears refer to something else.

Either the sharks here are not the monsters with fish heads and bodies that harass the coast of the Ming Dynasty as Guo Xun thought.

And finally, when Fan He finished describing Maitreya's many wonderful ways to save the world, he turned to the last page of the Buddhist scriptures.

The White Lotus Sect no longer hides its views.

They claimed that North Korea was the place chosen by Maitreya, and that all the powerful and powerful royal families in North Korea were the incarnations of demons. They called on North Korean civilians to take up arms and join the Red Turban Army to jointly overthrow the demonic tyranny of the North Korean royal family.

The last article in the Buddhist scriptures is a separate page.

in the author column.

Guo Xun and others saw an unfamiliar name.

"Mr. Guan——"

As Fan He said the name, the expressions on the faces of several people present varied.

Feng Bao was still sipping tea.

It wasn't until he saw the strange looks on the two generals in front of him that he couldn't help but put down the tea cup and spoke.

"What? What's wrong with this person?"

Gao Lin and Guo Xun looked at each other, but Gao Lin held his hand and explained to Feng Bao.

"Eunuch Feng is not a warrior, and you may not know this person well. He is a first-class wise general in the Red Scarf Army. After the Red Scarf Army failed in its three-way Northern Expedition... it detoured outside the pass, made a surprise attack on Yuan Shangdu, and attacked North Korea and other places. A series of genius-like military strategies were planned by this person. He was the first-class military wizard among the Red Scarf Army in the late Yuan Dynasty——"

Gao Lin said, and after hearing this, Feng Bao's face showed a look of understanding.

As an eunuch in the inner court, Feng Bao was by no means uneducated in the eyes of the world. He only wanted to please his superiors and manipulate power and treacherous eunuchs.

In fact, starting from Ming Xianzong, in order to enhance the power of the inner court, the cabinet was checked and balanced.

Under Xianzong's order, the eunuchs in the inner court were uniformly educated in literacy and culture by bachelors from the Hanlin Academy.

Only in this way can we cope with the numerous official documents from all over the empire in the ceremonial department.

(End of this chapter)

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