Chapter 350 Arrangement
  This was his first formal mission assigned by the inner court after returning to the Ming Dynasty. As a representative of the imperial court, Guo Xun knew that he must not make any mistakes. The emperor, who had been spending time and night with noble military ministers like he had done in those two years of campaigning east and west, lost trust in noble officials.

So he spoke immediately.

"Lead the way, I'll set off soon."

With that said, he turned around and looked at Fan He who picked up Ma Shuang again.

"You will be my bodyguard, lead the horse, equip yourself with weapons and go with me..."

Guo Xun said, but considering that Fan He was also stationed outside all year round, he said to the Forbidden Army soldier beside him.

"Take my token and go get half a fan of pork and two pheasants to the homes of hundreds of households in Fanhe River...and also collect thirty taels of silver. If there is anything missing at home, I will prepare it for them..."

After the explanation, the Imperial Army soldiers took the order and left.

Without waiting for Fan He to thank him, Guo Xun mounted his horse on his own.

Indicate him to lead the way.

"You don't need to thank me. On the day when you are punishing thieves, if you remember your father's grace today, just kill a few more thieves to repay your father..."


"Commander Guo, it's been ten years since we said goodbye to Shanxi!"

He suddenly stood up when he saw Guo Xun pushing in the door and chatting with a fair-faced eunuch in front of a square table in the room.

The military attaché, who was wearing a brocade robe and had a powerful figure, clasped his fists, and with a burst of hearty laughter, said to the distinguished contemporary leader in the capital in front of him.

Guo Xun also responded with clasped fists.

"I heard that General Gao's career in Liaodong has been at a rapid pace since he defeated the Shanxi bandits. In just a few years, he was appointed to the third rank of General Comfort. I really envy him..."

"Nowhere, I can't compare to Commander Guo who always accompanies the emperor and bathes in heaven's grace... If I can exchange with the general, even if it means serving as a guard by the emperor's side, even if the imperial court removes my position of comforting the general, I will be willing to... …”

"If the emperor knew about General Gao's loyalty, he would definitely be very happy..."

Fan He looked over and saw the young eunuch called Eunuch Feng speaking with a smile.

A pair of curved fox-like eyes revealed a cunning light.

After chatting about some old things, they finished their greetings.

Guo Xun sat down, and Fan He stood behind him with Guo Xun's weapon on his back.

Only then did Fan He realize that whether it was the military attaché from the capital or the third-grade consoling general from Liaodong.

They could only sit on both sides of the eunuch, with their hands hanging down.

Fu Xun, the commander of the Tieling Guards who used to fight for life and death in the Tieling Guards, could only sit calmly, doing his duty, sitting in the corner with empty eyes, without saying a word.

Like a broken doll.

Fan He was speechless for a while.

But think about it, Fan He thought as he cleared his mind. Even the consoling general of the third rank must be respectful in front of this eunuch. Although a small commander of the Tieling Guards is also a third rank, compared with the military attache of the third rank in Liaodong Military Town, he is undoubtedly different from a beggar and a wealthy businessman.

These people are so powerful!

Fan He, carrying a halberd on his back, stood behind Guo Xun, his eyes empty, thinking.

Although he tried his best to reduce his presence, Eunuch Feng had obviously noticed him.

"General Guo, this is..."

Feng Bao looked at Fan He behind Guo Xun and asked with a puzzled expression.

"I love the Tieling garrison soldier for his courage. This time I go to North Korea, and I want to take him with me as a personal soldier..."

Guo Xun said, and after the eunuch heard that Fan He was a soldier of the Tieling garrison, he nodded and suddenly felt that everything became reasonable. However, when he thought that Guo Xun recruited soldiers from Tieling without consulting him, his face became ugly. .

After all, before coming to Liaodong, the inner court had hinted to several people many times that this time they could draw manpower from several larger criminal soldiers to comply with the court's new policy on dealing with the sons of criminals in various places.

But Fan He obviously didn't understand the twists and turns.

Listening to the words "Commander Guo is always with you, he really knows how to comply with the emperor's heart", I don't know whether it is a joke or a sarcastic comment, and Guo Xun said, "There is nothing better than Eunuch Feng volunteering to go to Liaodong to supervise the military towns in Liaodong and strive to be the first..." ..." There was something in the answer.

Feeling the eunuch's eyes as cold as a knife cutting across his skin, Fan He felt inexplicable. He suddenly felt a big pot falling from the sky and thought something bad in his heart.

This Eunuch Feng, could he be a small-minded person...

Feeling the familiar feeling on his face, this Eunuch Feng was obviously a very skilled stranger. He only glanced at himself, and the parts of his body that were swept away felt numbness and faint pain like frostbite.

But with all the court officials here, Fan He did not dare to use his energy and blood to melt away the frost on his body. He could only pretend as if nothing had happened, put on his armor and held his troops, and stood behind Guo Xun with a serious look on his face. Look ahead.

"As expected, he is a fierce warrior from Liaodong... Our Ming Dynasty is full of talented people. Even your little Tieling Guard can produce such a figure. It is indeed God's blessing on our Holy Dynasty, and the mercy and grace of the king and father spread all over the world..."

When Eunuch Feng saw Fan He's behavior, his expression softened slightly, and he looked at Tieling Guards commander Fu Xunyan and said.

After getting Fu Xuan's promise that Feng Bao could pick warriors at will in Tieling and bring them back to the capital, Feng Bao nodded with satisfaction, ending the dispute between eunuchs and nobles, two classes who relied on imperial power for their livelihood. A conflict that is not a conflict.

Guo Xun asked Fan He to close the door and the imperial guards patrolled outside. After everything was correct, Fan He returned to his position.

Only then did I hear General Gao, who had just watched the epitome of the power struggle between various forces within the capital, speak, as if he knew nothing about what just happened.

"When I came here, I had already discussed with General Longhu of the Ming Dynasty and Yibaha, the king of Haixi who was enthroned by the imperial court, to seal the land border of North Korea and cooperate with the North Korean navy to catch thieves. This is the plan we are currently preparing -"

Gao Lin took out a map that he had prepared a long time ago and spread it out in front of the two people in front of him. As for why they were two people, after seeing the scene just now, Tieling Guard Fu Xuan said that he suddenly thought that there were still people in the guardhouse. There are many urgent matters that have not been dealt with. As long as the superior has any orders, he can directly convey them to Fan He. The military situation is urgent, so I would be respectful to leave first——

Although this behavior seemed cowardly, Fan He was actually somewhat envious.

Gao Lin pointed at the border area of ​​the Ming Dynasty on the map and said.

"In the north, Haixi Headquarters can send out [-] soldiers to set up defenses along the Tumen River. If necessary, they can cross the Changbai Mountains and go south along the Langlin Mountains to drive straight to Xianhua to pursue the demons of the White Lotus Sect..."

"To the south, Liaodong Town sent out [-] horsemen, plus [-] warriors selected from various Jurchen tribes. The same number of [-] people was deployed in the Yalu River. The North Korean navy has collected enough ferries at the mouth of the river. As long as the court With an order, Liaodong's fifteen thousand soldiers can also go south to support at any time..."

(End of this chapter)

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