Chapter 343 The old god is dead
  Thunder, landslides, and the sky cracks.

The blazing sun rose into the sky, piercing through the dark clouds, but was immediately swallowed up by deeper darkness.

The earth cracked open and fire poured out, seemingly echoing the terrifying roar in the clouds above.

The dark clouds counterattacked, and the long night came, finally completely blocking the sun.

Thousands of thunder finally appeared between heaven and earth.

"It's impossible... Green God..."

Suddenly, the priest of the Green God looked at the green mist formation that was flashing with the bloody lightning above his head and completely disappearing between the sky and the earth.

Said in disbelief.


The green god's gift didn't work.

In front of his eyes, silvery white and bloody lightning continued to wreak havoc around the wizards, knocking them to the ground.

The green mist that was supposed to expel it quickly and repair itself failed to exert its original effect.

Instead, they quickly retreated under the bloody lightning.

The wizards who were originally hidden in the green mist gradually revealed themselves in the dissipating green mist.

Then one by one, their heads were lifted by the sages in front of them.

What a terrible power this is!

Who the hell is this person!
  He watched as the sage in front of him broke a wizard's neck again.

The spell that the wizard cast in despair dissipated on its own as soon as it got close to his body.

He looked at the sage who was forced to retreat from Matru City. In the bloody lightning and the dissipating green mist, he casually threw the corpses on the ground as if they were throwing garbage.

He could recognize the name of the wizard who had died at the hands of the Sage.

Hotch Rowan.

In the past fifty years, there have been few geniuses in the declining wizarding world.

Not only does he belong to the destruction system with the highest combat power among wizards, but he is just thirty years old this year, comes from a famous family, and is at the peak of his combat power.

But in front of the sage in front of him, he couldn't even block a move.

He saw with his own eyes how the sage used the cover of lightning.

He stretched out his flaming iron hands, ignoring all the spells and struggles of the wizards.

Their throats were crushed bit by bit in suffocating panic and despair.

Sure enough, he didn't do his best in Matruh at that time.

The old priest looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The green god's blessing disappeared inexplicably.

The combined efforts of the wizards present were clearly no match for the sage in front of him.

Perhaps, the only way to break the situation is to let those law wizards who suddenly appear and use treacherous methods take action to see if they can use this to drive back the fierce and excessive sage in front of them.

"no need to worry……"

It seems that he felt the call of the old priest.

The exceptionally tall black-robed wizard suddenly appeared beside the old priest at some point.

Even though his whole body was shrouded in a wide black robe, his iconic body shape still allowed the old priest to recognize his identity.

Dryden Cloud.

The owners of the green god's gift, those newly emerged law wizards.

"Can you handle it?"

Although the old priest was suspicious and even wary of these sudden appearances, the priest who claimed to have been inspired by the Green God.

But now, it would be great if these law wizards, whose actual identities are still a mystery, can take the initiative to step forward and help traditional wizards like them share the pressure.


Think of the strange abilities of those law wizards.

The priest even felt a little excited while relaxing.

Maybe, with the help of these law wizards, we can really turn defeat into victory——

"You go and see how the tree demon is doing first, and leave it to me here——"

The tall law wizard's words came, causing his eyes to turn to the huge corpse lying on the ground at the entrance of the cave.

Dryads are the messengers of the Green God.

It is also one of the incarnations of the Green God in the human world.

It has great significance in the beliefs of wizards. In the long time since the fall of the gods, there has been very little left.

If one died here, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to the wizards who had just rebuilt their country.

Hear reminder.

The old priest thought of the weird demon sword just now, and a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, according to the instructions of the wizards, the nearby tribes were planted with black feather fruits near the altar, which could be used to treat the tree demon at any time.

"Then more -"

The old priest turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave, but before he could say his thanks, a sharp pain came from his chest.

He slowly lowered his head, and a big hand penetrated his chest from behind.

The blood-stained palms were clutching a moving heart.

And with a sigh from behind, he clenched his hands tightly, and the jumping giant tiger's heart was suddenly squeezed into pieces.


The old priest turned his head with difficulty.

The face of the law wizard behind him under the black robe was neither sad nor happy.

It seemed that what he killed was not his own kind, but the Green God's rebellion.

Claude knew how angry and confused the priest in front of him was.

This made him feel a little sorry for this old wizard who was highly respected among wizards.

He explained helplessly, as if he wanted to give the old wizard in front of him the last comfort.

"This is the will of the Green God——"

"It's not the Green God you thought. The one that is gradually resurrecting now is very different from the one that has been buried in the abyss of history."

The black-robed wizard in front of him was not surprised to see pain and shock in the eyes of the old priest in front of him.

There was even some relief.

Perhaps the old priest was not unaware of all the strange things this new green god showed in his daily life.

But even if he had doubts in his heart, he did not dare to think deeply, for fear of destroying the last hope of the wizards to escape from that terrible fate.

"The old god is dead!"

Claude said slowly.

Yes, the old gods are dead.

And there is no chance of recovery.

He watched the old priest in front of him slowly close his eyes, as if his faith was broken, he gave up all struggles, and as the blood flowed from his seven orifices, he calmly welcomed the arrival of death.

This made Claude subconsciously sigh in relief.

If this veteran priest insists on fighting for his life.

He couldn't guarantee that he would escape unscathed.

Yes - the old gods are dead.

And "Eradicate all the remaining dependents of the old gods on the earth"

It was the oracle personally issued by the terrifying thing called the Green God, who swallowed up the remains of the Old God one by one in front of Claude, in the depths of the White Tower.

This is also one of the purposes of this war.

The wizards of the Law Order led the wizards to resolutely attack the sages stationed by the Federation in the Southern Continent, in addition to seizing the Federation's dominance in the Southern Continent.

It is to pass this war and borrow the hands of the sages and troops of the Federation.

Eliminate all traditional wizards who still believe in the old gods in this land.

Therefore, not only was Claude not prepared to lend a helping hand to the wizards who were being slaughtered in front of him.

Instead, he stood at the entrance of the cave and watched with cold eyes as the wizards in front of him were all killed and injured under the attack of the sage named Zhu Houcong.

And be sure not to let anyone get away.

The battle in front of them continued, and the screams and wails of the wizards were fleeting.

The power of that sage was truly terrifying.

Seeing the miserable situation of the wizards in front of him, Claude thought silently in his heart.

He lowered his head and checked the old priest and the tree demon again. After confirming that the servant of the old god was completely dead, he felt relieved.

And the sword stuck in the tree demon's body was emitting an ominous red light at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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