My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 337 Departure from the White Tower

Chapter 337 Departure from the White Tower
"This is a map redrawn by the Federation when it explored the White Tower, as well as the original data of Matrudao you mentioned before..."

In the city hall, Bud placed two heavy suitcases in the hands of the young sage in front of him.

Looking at the face in front of him that was truly full of youthful vitality compared to his own.

His thoughts couldn't help but drift back to two days ago.

The young sage in front of him, in a way that he could not understand, repelled the extremely terrifying servant of the Green God who commanded the green mist and seriously injured several sages.

And saved everyone including himself.

Thinking of how he had been completely unclear about the situation before, and had rashly plunged into the trap of those Green God believers, and even thought that the young sage in front of him was doing a job... Bard couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at this moment.

Outside the door, the federal troops who had just landed at Port Matruh sang inspiring slogans and lined up towards the battlefield.

People in the city were inspired by the atmosphere and cheered to see him off.

Bard sighed, standing under the huge relief symbolizing the giant scales of the Parliament of Creation, watching the sage in front of him re-check the items in the box, and after confirming that it was correct, handed it to the female assistant beside him.

I couldn't help but ask to stay again.

"The situation inside the White Tower is still very chaotic. You can wait in the city for two months. After the federal army has fully assembled and launched a counterattack to regain the position, you can then go to the White Tower to search with the cooperation of the federal army."

As he spoke, he subconsciously glanced at Natasha next to Zhu Houcong.

As for the orphan left by the sage who disappeared in the White Tower, the sages in the Federation have all heard of their family's tragic experience.

But because of many historical issues.

The federal government's relief to their family was quite perfunctory.

But when he saw the young sage in front of him, he shook his head again just like before.

Bud had to sigh again.

"We may not be able to give you the permission for the Ether Engine you applied for at the moment, and it will have to wait until the end of the war at the earliest. However, the application for the Hydroponic Research Institute in Matruh City has been approved. Barron is in charge of this matter. He is very Thank you for your life-saving grace. If you have any requests, just ask him..."

Hearing the words of the sage who had a beautiful appearance in front of him, Zhu Houcong felt the slightly decayed breath of life coming from him.

I realized that the real age of the Speaker of Matruh City was not as young as his appearance showed.

According to Zhu Houcong's personal estimation, he is at least nearly [-] years old.

The life span of most ordinary people in this world is actually similar to that of humans in the Ming Dynasty. Most people will hardly live past forty.

In the Ming Dynasty, the main factors that affected the average life span of human beings were evil spirits, famine, disasters, etc...

The average life span of humans in this world is also less than 30 years old. This is mainly due to cruel industrial pollution, poor living environment, high-intensity work, widespread extreme poverty, and the sages competing for various resources in the world. Resources, various endless wars launched...

The lives of sages are very long, compared with those of ordinary people.

This allows them to regard most ordinary people as various resources with greater peace of mind, and apply them in various fields such as "war", "production" and "scientific research".

Of course, the world ruled by wizards before the sages was not much better than it is now.

It's just that compared to the wizards who wantonly plundered ordinary people for human experiments, and snatched away women to reproduce.

Sages actually do not directly interfere with the lives of ordinary people most of the time. In a federal society with highly developed media tools, their figures rarely appear in the real world where mortals live.

Ordinary people mostly only know a few familiar figures on the screen.

Compared with the cruelty of wizards, sages will even pass appropriate laws and relief to protect the lives of ordinary humans.

In order to adapt to the subsequent increasingly cruel oppression for the plans that the sages had already made, in order to facilitate the sages to continue exploring on the road to the truth.

But in a sense, compared to the world ruled by wizards, this can be regarded as an improvement, isn't it?
Looking at the world of sages in front of him, Zhu Houcong seemed to see the shadow of the Ming Dynasty world in it. When extraordinary power completely takes control of a country's political power through absolute violence, no matter how noble their ideas are.

In the end, all the costs of the empire's advancement will be borne by ordinary people.

Zhu Houcong realized that the imperial examination system must be further reformed, otherwise it is not easy to say what the future of the Ming Dynasty will look like as time goes by.

Nowadays, although the extraordinary power of the Ming Dynasty is generally in the hands of wealthy families.

But most aliens are still ordinary people in essence, suffering from birth, old age, illness and death - there is no escape from the sufferings in the world.

Even the Celestial Masters of the Celestial Master's Mansion, emperors of the past dynasties, humans and gods on earth will die as well.

This cycle repeats over and over again, although the bottom is still painful, but at least there is a meager path to promotion, so as not to completely despair.

However, if Ming Dynasty really becomes a country controlled by immortal cultivators.

Even foundation-building monks can extend their lifespan by a dozen years. From the early stage of foundation-building to the completion of foundation-building, their lifespan can be increased by nearly 300 years. If the core-building monks are stronger, their lifespan can be extended to thousands of years——

Even if Zhu Houcong popularized the art of cultivating immortals.

I'm afraid it's still a long way off for the lower-level immortal cultivators to get ahead.

When the time comes, no matter how whitewashed the imperial examination system is, it will be nothing more than a joke to those high-ranking officials and courtiers who calculate their lifespans based on thousands of years.

Behind power is violence...

Rights without violence cannot last long...

From this point of view, the secrets of the Knights of the Law and the Wizards of the Law.

It is becoming increasingly important for Zhu Houcong's blueprint for a peaceful and prosperous future.

"Thank you..."

Zhu Houcong clasped his fists.

Behind Bard, the sages who were also rescued by Zhu Houcong also bowed and expressed their gratitude to Zhu Houcong for his life-saving grace.

"When you come back from the White Tower, we will submit a report to the Federation about the research materials of the Law Wizard and apply for the permission to use them for you..."

Zhu Houcong stepped across the solid marble threshold in front of the city hall.

Next to her, Natasha seemed very depressed since she witnessed the war between the sage and the wizard in the medical school two days ago.

The one next to him was wearing the iron collar given by Bard. The knight lady who had just been in front of many sages in the city hall and didn't even dare to speak loudly was now following Zhu Houcong closely.

After these two days of getting along, Miss Knight, who had lived in a primitive tribe for the first half of her life and was also fatherless and motherless, actually developed a feeling of sympathy with Natasha.

As she said, in a tribe, only the chief's clan has its own name, and everyone else just calls each other by code names.

If necessary, Zhu Houcong and Natasha can call her Jin.

After Miss Jin walked out of the door of the city hall, she felt that the terrible atmosphere was gradually disappearing, and she breathed a sigh of relief without any prisoners.

He raised his head, and the iron collar under his pretty face shone in the sun.

As far as Bud said, this is a new tool developed by the federation to deal with passive workers and prisoners of war who were sent to various places as coolies.

Once a worker is found to be passive or trying to escape, electric current will be released immediately to punish him.

(End of this chapter)
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