Chapter 330 Weird System

"Sage, if you are interested in this aspect, you can go to the Matruh Medical College in the city. I heard that a group of captured Law Knights were recently ordered to be imprisoned in it by the sages. We are preparing to perform an excision to explore the source of the power of the law wizards——"

Seeing Zhu Houcong's curiosity, Will added.

"I am going to deliver some medical equipment and medicines to the college now. If you need it, I can send a message to you, sage..."

Some time ago, the sages suffered a lot of harm from the sudden appearance of evil spirits on the ruins of the White Tower.

But as a result, many ordinary wizards and law knights who were left behind were captured alive.

It is also a blessing in disguise.

When Zhu Houcong heard the name Matruh Medical College, his eyes flashed.

Isn't this a coincidence?
A certain Zhu Houcong was very interested. One of the researchers of these miraculous Matruda rice, which was completely possible to solve the famine problem of the Ming Dynasty, a sage named Barron was recuperating in this medical school at this time.

"No many people can fit in your carriage?"

Zhu Houcong looked at the carriage from side to side and asked pointedly.

And when he heard that the sage almost explicitly asked him to lead the way, Will, who thought he was an ordinary soldier and logistical waste in the federal army, looked embarrassed.

"We have internal rules in the army——"

"I have permission from the Sage."

"The cargo hold is crude—"

"My assistant and I don't mind."



Although his sixth sense told him not to go into this muddy water.

But whether it is a sage or a wizard of laws.

These are not things that a junior officer of his level can easily get involved with.

Seeing that Zhu Houcong was determined, he could only open the carriage behind him, remove the two giant iron pliers used to pull out the teeth of the tarantulas the wizards were riding, and make room for them. Zhu Houcong and Natasha sat down.

"Master Sage and Miss Assistant, please be safe! We are setting off!"

As he spoke, Will waved his riding crop, and the Gale Horse bred by the Agricultural College in front of him let out a long neigh.

Then he raised his horse's hooves, and stepped on the concrete road of Matruh with the thick and sturdy horseshoe, and a silver-gray hurricane unexpectedly stepped out.

Even the world has developed something similar to a car.

But because of the existence of fantasy power, horses still have an extremely important strategic position in this world.

Feeling the cold wind blowing rapidly across both sides of the caravan as the carriage was traveling at a fast pace, the hot and strong smell of sweat from the gale-force horses in the air lingered on the streets along with the strong wind.

Zhu Houcong thought of those extremely delicate horses that were crossbred and fed with spiritual grass in Xiyuan.

Except for the occasional mission, things need to be done quickly if things are urgent.

The imperial guards of the Ming Dynasty are usually quite reluctant to serve these extremely delicate spirit beasts, whose legs become weak when they go to places where spiritual energy is lacking, and cannot move unless they are fed spiritual fruits.

Maybe after the spiritual energy of the Ming Dynasty has returned to a certain standard.

The Ming Dynasty could also have such a powerful mount.

Zhu Houcong thought.

The space inside the cabin is actually much larger than it appears from the outside.

It was filled with the medicines of this world.

Zhu Houcong picked up one of the small bags, which was filled with all kinds of tools, bandages, tweezers and various bottles and jars. "This is a federal standard military first aid kit. The red one is a hemostatic reagent, the green one is disinfectant, and the yellow one is an antidote for the Southern Continent's corpse poison damp fever. Occasionally, the Federal Academy of Sciences will stuff some experimental drugs into it... …So don’t ask me what’s in those little blue-gray bottles? Who knows which federal department really can’t get enough clinical materials to put these drugs with God-knows-what effects into the military to collect data… "

Hearing that Natasha knew these things very well, Zhu Houcong couldn't help but look up at her in surprise.

During this period of time together, because they got to know Zhu Houcong, the way of communication between Natasha and Zhu Houcong became more open.

There is less calculation and more straightforward innocence.

"Don't look at me like that. When I was a kid, every time my father set out to search for the White Tower ruins, he would ask my mother to prepare these things..."

Natasha said, looking at the medicine in front of her with complicated eyes.

She reached out and picked up a small bottle on the table, put it under her nose and smelled it, but her face suddenly turned pale, and then she retched outside the car window.

"Fuck! What did those quack doctors from the Federation put in it? This thing smells worse than my Teddy's urine!"

Zhu Houcong waved his hand before the smell had time to spread to the entire carriage, attracting a breeze to disperse it.

Looking at the sage in front of him, he was almost following his words.

Natasha, who had just returned from retching in the wind, had a look of envy on her face.

In fact, sometimes Zhu Houcong also thinks about what the power system of this world is.

Zhu Houcong felt very strange about the power system of the sages.

It's not like his own system of cultivating immortals that all great power is attributed to himself.

It is another system that is more abstract and relies on the never-exhausting ether energy that the entire world does not know where it comes from.

While thinking about the origin of the ether system, Zhu Houcong couldn't help but think of the morning star with a strange head, but was revered as a god by countless people.

Yes, the ether concentration in this world is not static. On the contrary, as time goes by, the number of sages increases and the use of ether engines increases.

The authority Zhu Houcong gained after his promotion reminded him all the time.

The ether concentration in this world is changing at any time.

As the scale of the ether industry continues to expand, the ether stock in this world is being consumed all the time.

However, whenever the ether in this world is consumed to a certain extent.

A larger amount of etheric energy will once again come from outside the world to fill it up.

Zhu Houcong knew very well that this was definitely not the so-called world's feedback.

Instead, new "ether" is constantly pouring into the world, maintaining the foundation of the entire sage system.

Where does this etheric energy come from?

Why is it that the ether concentration in this world is maintained generally stable as it was deliberately arranged?

Zhu Houcong didn't know.

The only thing he knows is that if all this has a source, it must not escape that weird morning star in the sky.

Therefore, in this world, becoming a sage is not necessarily a good thing for these natives.

Zhu Houcong thought to himself.

He reached out and picked up the small bottle in front of him that almost made Natasha choke, and carefully studied the words on it.

"Gransimo distemper, used to treat insomnia, migraine, irregular menstruation...disabled people..."

Zhu Houcong smelled a very special smell from the Southern Continent herbal medicine that was different from the industrial compounds produced by the common federation.

(End of this chapter)
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