Chapter 326 Real Thoughts
At that time, the Chen family regime, which was enshrined by Zhu Yuanzhang, was usurped by the powerful minister Hu Jiya.

But in the beginning, although Zhu Di knew that a coup had taken place in Annan, he did not react immediately. The reason was that he had just ascended the throne through illegal means, and he had a little quarrel with the original emperor of tomorrow not long ago. conflict.

If he rashly expressed his request for Hu Jishan to return power to the Chen Dynasty, it would be a bit embarrassing if the other side reversed Zhu Di's legitimacy.

So in the second year of Yongle, when Zhu Di had just stabilized the domestic political situation, he sent a mission to escort Chen Tianping, who had fled the Ming Dynasty, back to China to succeed him.

As a result, he was killed by Hu Jiyou on the road.

The Chen royal family was completely destroyed.

Zhu Di was furious and ordered the Ming army to immediately go south to conquer.

After the Ming army went south and wiped out the Hu family's regime, they were embarrassed to find that the royal family originally canonized by the imperial court had been completely extinct.

We had no choice but to set up prefectures and counties in the local areas and temporarily hand them over to the direct officials of the imperial court.

Annan's long coastline happened to provide favorable conditions for Zheng He's voyages to the West after Zhu Di.

There were many precedents. Although the cabinet members were surprised that the Ming Emperor suddenly interfered with North Korea's domestic affairs, they were not particularly surprised.

Faced with the envoys from the Kingdom of Heaven coming with an edict from the Emperor of Heaven, demanding that the Kingdom of Korea return to the right path, the Korean monarchs and ministers would most likely not dare to object openly.

After all, the last Ming Taizu declared a country without conquests. Under the iron heel of Emperor Yongle, even the surnames of the royal family had been changed three times.

This once again proves that Zhu Yuanzhang's so-called ancestral precepts from the emperor's Ming Dynasty basically have no binding force in later generations.

Even his own grandson and son don't care.

Not to mention the more distant Ming emperors in later generations.

However, compared to the legal considerations of interfering in domestic affairs, the economical cabinet members of the Ming Dynasty considered something more practical.

If this hole is opened.

So in the future, whether it is the countries in the Western Regions or the countries in Nanyang, if the Ming court has to intervene in everything, it will be such a heavy burden for the court.

"Your Majesty sympathizes with the hard work of the Korean people, and I feel deeply ashamed of my stupidity... It is the way of the ancient sage kings to educate the barbarian rulers to treat the common people well... With the power of God, in the face of the sincerity of the emperor, the kings and ministers of Korea must bow their heads to listen to the holy precepts... …”

"There is only a little suspicion in my heart. The barbarian monarchs do not know the etiquette, music and education, and cannot distinguish between the loyal and the virtuous. However, if the imperial court sends envoys to persuade, or even mobilizes troops to conquer, there are hundreds of vassals in the Ming Dynasty, and each of them will be like this. It means that China’s talents are consumed and the barbaric spirit of the barbarian countries is eliminated..."

"Now that the four seas have been settled, the threat of the Tatars in the north has not been eliminated. It is the time when the people need to recuperate and recuperate. I also ask the emperor to put the people of China first and not to use force indiscriminately and waste the wealth of the four seas to accomplish what cannot be done..."

After hearing Zhu Houcong's words, Liang Chu, the first assistant, was silent for a moment and then spoke.

To put it simply, the theme in Liang Chu’s discourse is one.

That's why our Ming Dynasty spent money and energy on North Korea. In the eyes of Liang Chu and many Ming Dynasty officials, the previous policies implemented by the imperial court towards the barbarians were very good.

As long as the surrounding monarchs can continue to recognize the tribute system led by the Ming court.

The Ming court provided the most basic security guarantee for it.

As long as these pro-Ming regimes are not overthrown, why should we care about their domestic affairs?
Liang Chu said.

He kowtowed deeply to the ground.

His peripheral vision was focused on the faces of several cabinet ministers around him. Apparently, it was as he expected.

After two consecutive wars involving hundreds of thousands of troops and overwhelming national power.

Facing reports from officials from various places, cabinet ministers have realized that people's lives are now quite difficult.

If the oppression continues, Mingting will inevitably usher in resistance from the people.No one wants to have the blood of his fellow citizens on his hands.

Even if the imperial court has already prepared troops to suppress it at any time.

They can also write these people down in the history books as traitors and rebels, as they have done before.

But if it is not necessary, no one is willing to let his glazed heart of sainthood and virtuousness be stained with blood.

What's more, the most important question is, will the emperor really allow a group of cabinet ministers who use the heads of ordinary people to get promoted and make money to continue to stay in the court?
Whether it is for the sake of vain reputation or for their own career, no one wants the court to maintain such a high-pressure state.

But among the cabinet ministers, Liang Chu was keenly aware that Wang Shouren, who had entered the capital with his achievements in suppressing bandits in southern Jiangxi, had a solemn expression at this time, staring at the emperor in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking. .

And when Liang Chu had just finished expressing his doubts and the emperor fell into silence, before he could think of how to answer, the king's elder had already stood up and spoke.

"North Korea has always been the closest to me, China, and its etiquette and culture all share the same origin with me. It is incomparable to other barbarian countries——"

Wang Shouren said, and people suddenly saw the corners of the emperor's mouth slightly raised when he heard this.

Yes, the relationship between North Korea and China is different from other barbarian countries.

But as for the real reason why the emperor was so eager to interfere in North Korea's domestic political affairs, I am afraid that only Wang Shouren and Zhu Houcong know the real reason at this moment.

Longevity medicine!
Although Wang Shouren was not sure whether the emperor, whose aura was completely different from that of other royal families who relied on destiny or evil spirits to protect themselves, would need elixirs of longevity like those kings in history.

But don't forget, there is a terrifying being in the East China Sea who covets the legendary elixir and has been planning it for nearly a thousand years.

And there is a high probability that the other party does not have good intentions towards the Ming court.

The emperor's deliberate expulsion of the White Lotus Sect reminds me of the route that the First Emperor took several times to send envoys out to sea to explore the fairy mountains.

Wang Shouren could roughly guess the emperor's intention.

But the "Elixir of Immortality" is too sensitive. In the history surrounding it, the endless desires and madness of the kings caused heavy disasters and pain to the land and people. It is destined that this will not be a story that can survive in the world. Issues discussed publicly in court.

Thinking of this, Wang Shouren could roughly understand why Zhu Houcong summoned the ministers at this time.

"And since it is to support the Korean king's career, rectify the atmosphere, and torture the name... it is a good thing that is beneficial to the people of Korea, why should we consume our Chinese people's wealth, gold and silver? The required expenses can be left to the Kingdom of Korea to bear it... "

"What Aiqing said is very true!"

Zhu Houcong smiled.

This was the long-awaited laughter of the ministers.

The old minister in front of him, who was as ominous as those kings in troubled times, was so keen that he grasped Zhu Houcong's unspeakable considerations almost instantly.

In fact, there may still be people in the court who can vaguely guess why the emperor attaches so much importance to the political situation in North Korea.

But just as Wang Shouren worried before.

The heavy historical burden carried by the elixir of life, and the suffering caused to the land by the kings in pursuit of it seem to be still vivid in our minds.

Scholars and officials were familiar with these past histories.

Even if people knew that the emperor wanted to gain the support of his ministers, there was a high probability that they would pretend to be deaf and dumb because of their inner prejudices.

And try to destroy this ominous medicine that has never made people immortal, but has brought countless pain and disasters to the world.

(End of this chapter)
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