My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 324 Preparing for the summons

Chapter 324 Preparing for the summons
"There is a military report that Luo An and Qiu Luan, the two commanders of the Jinyi Guards, have led the Jinyi Guards in Liaodong to once again destroy the White Lotus Sect's attempt to summon the birthless old mother into the world, and according to His Majesty's instructions, they were Continue driving in the northeast direction."

As he spoke, Huang Jin took down a stone sword that was violently broken in the middle from the shelf next to it, presented it to Zhu Houcong in front of him.

Zhu Houcong took the fragment of the weapon that was rumored to have been used by Tang Saier himself and observed it carefully. From the broken stone sword, Zhu Houcong felt some familiar aura that was similar to when Maitreya of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple came into the world.

It seems that there is a high probability that the power given to Tang Saier was the real Maitreya, rather than some evil spirits who used Maitreya's name to cause trouble.

Zhu Houcong thought.

The broken stone sword in his hand was green-gray in color, covered with silver-white patterns, and a string of slightly incomplete words were carved in the middle with something unknown.

Zhu Houcong looked at it, and based on his understanding of the rebels in the empires such as the White Lotus Sect, he probably wrote prophecies of rebellion in Sanskrit such as "White Lotus comes to the world" and "All peoples will turn around".

The methods of these cults are basically the same. The White Lotus Sect has developed through the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, and is a mixture of Buddhism and Taoism. It not only has many Buddhist secrets such as the White Bone Hidden, but also knows many Taoist methods of opening altars and summoning spirits and attracting generals.

Zhu Houcong even saw traces of the Southern Celestial Master's technique of refining treasures in this sword.

After a while, Huang Jin can take this thing to the Supervisor of Ceremonies to find Zhang Fawei, and ask him about the time when Tang Saier revolted in Shandong, shaking the north and south and shocking the Ming court.

What on earth were the Tianshi Mansion doing at that time?

Thinking of Zhang Fawei's possible reaction to the emperor's question.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help but think a little bit wickedly.

Huang Jin was still describing the battles that Jin Yiwei fought all the way north.

"The Jinyi guards went north along Ningyuan and caught up with the White Lotus Sect rebels headed by Tang Xiuying in Tieling. They cooperated with the Tieling people who were guarding this place and killed most of the White Lotus sect members here. The rest followed the instructions of the inner court. All of them have been driven north——"

"This is the White Lotus Sect's magical weapon that was destroyed by the Tieling Guards when they destroyed the White Lotus Sect's ritual of summoning the Immortal Old Mother. Commander Qiu sent someone to present it to the court to show victory in killing the thief!"

Listening to Huang Jin's narration, Zhu Houcong nodded.

Huang Jin saw that although the emperor was calm on the surface when he heard the news, there was a high probability that he would be satisfied.

So he continued.

"Two adults from Luo'an, Qiu Luan, wrote a letter saying that the prisoners guarding the Tieling Guards performed extremely bravely in this battle, so they specially requested merit for them, requested rewards from the imperial court, and exempted them from prison terms as appropriate, and commended the officers and men to show their guilt. Don’t be afraid of life and death, and repay your loyalty to your king and father.”

Having said this, Huang Jin once again observed the expression of the emperor in front of him.

The emperor's face remained expressionless, making it difficult to guess his mood and anger.

"Tieling garrison..."

For Akito, this name is actually not unfamiliar.

In fact, Hainan, Liaodong, Ningxia and other places are the habitual destinations of losers in imperial struggles, and can be called their second hometowns.

Whenever a new emperor comes to power, the wild lands of these empires will welcome a new round of development with a large number of cheap laborers bringing their families and accompanying their families to monitor and escort the garrison.

"Since these garrison soldiers have made great achievements in quelling the rebels, the imperial court will naturally not turn a blind eye to their achievements because of their past crimes. Reward should be rewarded and punishment should be punished... Let the Chief of Ceremony send envoys to Liaodong to express condolences to all the garrison soldiers who participated in the suppression of the rebellion. And the time spent guarding the border for crimes can be reduced based on merit, and the person can be allowed to return to his place of origin, visit his relatives and old friends, and check his property..."

Zhu Houcong said slowly.

In addition to the ideological rule of ethics and ethics, the Ming court also implemented simple and crude military suppression.

Criminal law, garrison, military guards, household registration...

In addition to the four official residents of the empire, there are also a large number of people who are regarded as untouchables -

Many of them were not complete criminals. On the contrary, many of them were not only well-educated, but also came from quite noble backgrounds - but they were completely liquidated because they were on the wrong side of the political struggle within the Ming court.

For example, during the Jingnan Campaign, although many officials and their families loyal to Emperor Jianwen were not completely liquidated by Zhu Di, they were not forgiven like Li Jinglong and his family.

Except for a few people, most of Emperor Jianwen's staff and their families were severely punished by Zhu Di. They were deprived of all honors and even the families behind them, and were exiled to the deserted lands of the empire. He died of cold and hunger.

After arriving, the men were sold to the local military households as domestic slaves. If they were lucky, they could be adopted as adopted sons and servants by the local military households and integrated into the local military families, while most of the women were forced to become military prostitutes. Life is miserable, and many people commit suicide because they can't stand it.

Zhu Houcong is familiar with this history.

He knew very well that many people ended up in this situation not because they deserved it.

It's just a trick of fate.It is not unusual for Zhu Houcong to pardon some meritorious people.

Many emperors of the Ming Dynasty, such as Ming Renzong and Ming Xiaozong, pardoned the descendants of criminal officials who were unfortunately implicated because of their ancestors' mistakes.

But compared to them, Zhu Houcong hopes to change everything essentially.

"After these few attacks, the White Lotus Sect can no longer afford to summon Wusheng Old Mother. We can summon Luo An and Qiu Luan to leave some of the Jinyi guards to monitor their actions, and then they can return to the capital to report on their duties -"


Huang Jin took note of this, and then sent people to Liaodong to summon Qiu Luan and Luo An.

The reason why the two White Lotus cultists Tang Cai'er and Tang Xiuying were able to run so far was naturally not because of their powerful magic power.

Zhu Houcon still remembered Zhu Yunwen's meeting with his old ministers in Jinling, and before he fell asleep again, he had communicated with him the speculations about the reason why Sun En, the water fairy, had planned for thousands of years and used the power of the sea tribe several times to try to occupy the coast.

If Zhu Yunwen expected it to be true.

So what Sun En is looking for is also what countless tyrants and masters in the past have longed for. According to the legends in past history that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, there is a high probability that as the White Lotus Sect flees north, it will be outside the northeastern wall of the empire. Reveal your whereabouts.

Moreover, Tang Xiuying and Tang Cai'er have always claimed to be the blood descendants of Yongle peasant leader Tang Sai'er, compared to those cult followers of the White Lotus Sect who do all kinds of evil.

There is still a little bit of a bottom line.

Killing them and replacing them with more brutal believers from the White Lotus Sect would cause more heavy casualties to the people before leading out the thing. This was also one of the reasons why Zhu Houcong instructed the Jinyi guards to adopt the strategy of chasing them away without killing them. .

The two people now are nothing more than ants in Ming Ting's eyes.

Even Luo An was able to destroy Tang Sai'er's relic.

Not to mention the other masters in Ting's current Qin Tian Prison.

After the passage of time and the tempering of war, the strength of Luo An Qiu Luan's group of tested Forbidden Forces can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

Even Zhu Houcong has already considered trying to open up a foundation building path for them.

The only thing that really deserves Zhu Houcong's careful consideration and arrangements before leaving the Ming Dynasty is the "country without conquest" on the eastern border of the empire that Taizu of the Ming Dynasty once admired.

"Call the cabinet! I haven't seen the court officials for a long time, and I heard that there are already voices of criticism among the government and the public. Let Liang Chu and others come. First, they will talk about how we can recuperate and save the people's strength after the Ming Dynasty. Second, we will discuss with the surrounding people. The trade of the tributary states must come up with a complete set of regulations."

"By the way, I also want some people in the court to shut up! Stop guessing my heart and discussing matters in the inner court!"

Hearing Zhu Houcong's words, Huang Jin knew that the courtiers were dissatisfied with the emperor's recent discussion of summoning relatives to the capital, and wanted to take the opportunity to have the cabinet come to the palace to meet the queen and rectify the emperor's name.

So he kowtowed again and again.

After receiving the order, he asked.

"I wonder where the emperor wants to summon all the elders?"

When Huang Jin lowered his head.The emperor with slightly closed eyes above his head opened his eyes.

The endless fierce flames and light burning in those eyes made the blazing coals in the Royal Horse Supervisor's copper heating furnace look pale.

"Xiyuan - just let them wait at Wanshou Palace."

The emperor's voice was neither sad nor happy.

Far and near.

The hair on Huang Jin's back stood up.

He knew that this was not the emperor's intention to knock him.

It's just because the presence of the Emperor in front of him has reached a point where Huang Jin can't reach him even if he stands on tiptoes and looks up.

The power that was inadvertently exuded inspired the instinctive fear and trembling of all living beings in the face of irresistible natural disasters.

Don't dare to have the slightest resistance.

(End of this chapter)
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