My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 322 The way out for the Beifang soldiers

Chapter 322 The way out for the Beifang soldiers
Waiting for the airship.

After realizing that the current ruins of the White Tower lurked dangers that could make the sage fall.

In addition, the war between wizards and sages is still going on.

Zhu Houcong arranged for Natasha to settle in the city, and after waiting for the ceasefire in half a month before exploring the White Tower, he temporarily returned to the Ming Dynasty with the spiritual equipment and blueprints developed using the world's complete ether technology.

Breathe the fresh aura in the air of Xiyuan.

The slight snoring and the sound of children playing next to my ears made me feel even more——

Wait, snoring?
Realizing something, Zhu Houcong stood up from the futon and looked at the source of the noise not far away.

Sure enough, Zhu Changning, who was supposed to help Zhu Houcong take care of the children and handle palace affairs with Huang Jin, was lying on the soft couch and fast asleep at the moment.

Fortunately, the maids and eunuchs in the Longevity Palace still performed their duties.

Although he could not set foot in the emperor's palace, he stood outside the palace gate and looked nervously at the princes and princesses playing inside the palace gate. He did not dare to relax for a moment, for fear that something would happen to the emperor's heirs during this period.

However, they had completely given up trying to wake up Zhu Changning, but Zhu Houcong's face turned dark when he looked at someone sleeping soundly on the ground.

It is very likely that after several ineffective attempts, the palace people have completely despaired at waking Zhu Changning.

Thinking of this, Zhu Houcong could only choose some reliable palace officials in the Longevity Palace to help him.

Zhu Houcong looked at Zhu Changning's sleeping posture with his belly exposed and drooling, which was quite inelegant but extremely sweet.

Looking at the snacks and story books piled up next to him.

Occasionally, a few little ones nearby will crawl over to have a taste, and then leave with a look of disgust.

On the other hand, the second prince Zhu Zaihen came here frequently, looking very interested in snacks and notebooks filled with little figures.

Zhu Houcong glared at the unambitious brat, and after scaring him away, he didn't have the heart to wake Zhu Changning.

She has been fighting for half a year, so it would be nice to ask her to rest for a few more days.

In the future, as the vassal king expanded his territory and invaded the borders, there would be times when she would be asked to lead the army on an expedition.

Good days are yet to come!

"Where's Huang Jin?"

Zhu Houcong stopped the little eunuch outside the door who was hurrying past with documents in his arms and looked familiar.

It seems that he was the one who sent a letter to Zhu Houcong on behalf of Lu Fang a few days ago, asking Zhu Houcong to deal with the issue of the troops in the lower north.

It seems to be called Feng Bao or something?
"Yes, Eunuch Huang went to the Royal Horse Prison today to distribute winter clothes to the Imperial Army. If Your Majesty is in need, I will go now..."

Hearing the sudden summons from the emperor, Feng Bao hurried over to listen to the order. Although he looked to be no more than twenty years old, he was already a eunuch in charge of the ceremony, and was already involved in the operation of the core power of the empire.

"No need, I will go to Yuma Prison to find him personally. You can take people to send these things to Qintian Prison and ask them to summon the craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War to conduct experiments and improvements-"

As he spoke, Zhu Houcong conjured a bunch of small mountain-shaped objects out of thin air in front of Feng Bao's eyes.

Feng Bao was obviously startled by the sight in front of him.

But soon he reacted.

Looking at the legendary immortal weapon in front of him, his face was filled with enthusiasm.

As the eunuch of the Superintendent of Ceremonies, although he had never personally seen these imperial decisive battle weapons that showed their prowess in the Eastern Expedition, he had heard about them from the mouths of several eunuchs of the Supervisor of Ceremonies who handled military reports. Power.

And those stacks of papers piled on the ground, covered with magical and complicated patterns, must be the legendary casting of copper and iron into their shapes, and then the Ministry of Rites directed the craftsmen to perform complicated steps called "activation steps" to awaken the fairy spirits. The grand ceremony of the body.Then we can go into battle and drive out the legendary "blueprint" of the four barbarians.

It is said that each of those drawings is the empire's top secret.

But now, with it placed in front of him like an ordinary piece of paper, he once again felt the richness of the empire.

But Feng Bao was not allowed to continue thinking.

The emperor's figure passed by him, accompanied by words that made him almost ecstatic.

"From now on, you will deliver all the meals delivered from the imperial kitchen to the Wanshou Palace on your behalf. By the way, you will take care of the emperor's heirs in the Wanshou Palace during the day when Huang Jin is away."


"Your Majesty, this is the list of salaries paid to the clan members in the palace this year. According to your instructions, men and women, regardless of age, will be paid one or two or eight cents per month. Currently, there are 76 registered northern defense soldiers. Including the Lumi subsidized by the government and converted into silver coins according to the market price to top up, the total is..."

In the Royal Horse Prison, Huang Jin slowly opened two volumes of records of the imperial court's spending on the Northern Defense Forces in the past two years, and handed them to Zhu Houcong for the emperor to read, while saying.

These hundreds of thousands of clans cost the court almost 150 million taels of silver every month.

According to Zhu Houcong's order, due to the emergency of the war, after the lower-level clan members of the Zhu family were incorporated into the Northern Defense Force, as compensation, as long as they could breathe in the family, regardless of men, women, old or young, the court would provide them with food and salary according to the standards of the elite soldiers of the Nine Sides.

The imperial court provided generous support, coupled with the careful teaching and training of officials from the Forbidden Army and Qin Tianjian.

Only then could these northern defense soldiers use great courage to overcome the natural fear in human hearts towards those evil monsters that eat hair, drink blood, and eat human marrow.

Use your flesh and blood to open the way for those who come after you, search for the enemy's situation, and find out the direction.

If he were an ordinary soldier, he would probably be frightened to the point of death if he heard that he had to carry out such a mission with a narrow chance of death.

Even if he is forced to perform a task, he will most likely be unable to perform his duties due to fear, making an already dangerous task lifeless.

And it is obviously not appropriate to put the elite soldiers carefully trained by the empire into this kind of work.

It is also difficult for the battle formation killing method to be fully effective in this situation.

Along with batch after batch of northern defense soldiers were sent to the front line.

Although he suffered heavy injuries due to lack of experience at the beginning.

However, as the Qintianjian continued to improve the training methods and combat methods of the Northern Defense Forces through a large number of bloody cases, and the weapons eliminated by the Forbidden Army were transformed by the Qintianjian, they also continued to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Northern Defense Forces. And continue to bring down the high mortality rate bit by bit, and fall it into a relatively reasonable range.

The shackles that had originally imprisoned these low-level clans were constantly breaking as they performed the most dangerous duties within the empire.

Finally, they no longer have to worry about eating, and they no longer have to block the government gates to beg for food and suffer cynicism and ridicule from local officials.

"What happened to the feudal princes' funding to help the Northern Defense Force recruit refugees to join the war?"

Zhu Houcong looked at the account book roughly by the candlelight and confirmed that it was correct.

Putting down the account book, he asked slowly.

At this time, Zhu Houcong was sitting in the center of the Royal Horse Prison, on the bench where Huang Jin usually handled prison affairs.

The benches are made of yellow pear wood and are covered with animal fur for comfort.

Zhu Houcong leaned on the bearskin backrest behind him, thinking of the recent years of fighting in all directions. The lower-level clans of the Ming Dynasty fought for the country, their blood was spread on the battlefield, and their corpses were eaten by wild beasts.

He couldn't help but think about the future prospects of these lower-level clans when the war was over and the country no longer needed the special armed force of the Northern Defense Force.

(End of this chapter)
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