Chapter 305 Living Note

He stood up and came to Lu Song, took the bamboo tube, carefully checked it, and confirmed that there was no mechanism hidden in it.

Open the sealed red wax and take out a roll of yellowed silk tied with cowhide from the bamboo tube.

The silk fabric looks a bit old.

The main part appears fragile and yellowed under the ravages of long-term wind and frost.

From Yan Song's perspective.

It really looks like an authentic product from the pre-Qin period.

After confirming that there was no danger, Yan Song gently unfolded the yellow paper that had been carefully tied up.

The contents seemed to be some kind of giant mechanical palace.

But the structure of the palace is not complete.

It can even be said that the designer of the drawings did this on purpose.

Whether it's towering into the clouds or traveling through the clouds and mist, I don't know what kind of technology is used to make it float on the sky bridge.

It is still the huge and towering Steel Dragon Palace below, which uses more than two rivers as its power source.

The surroundings of the Dragon Palace are shrouded in clouds and mist, and the huge palace carriages shuttled through it are looming.

It seems to be echoing the candlelight that shines through the majestic and mysterious palace at night, and the beautiful and graceful figures dressing up in the mirror in the attic of the magnificent steel palace——

etc?What the hell!
Another wave of heat hit, pulling Yan Song back to reality. The graceful figure that had just tried to pull him into the illusion instantly shattered, revealing the charred and ugly face underneath.

He could feel that the faces of several Forbidden Soldiers around him, including Lu Song, suddenly became extremely solemn.

And his eyes were focused on himself.

Yan Song took a deep breath and looked up at the emperor on the golden platform with a slight nervousness.

Fortunately, the emperor did not say any words, but only used his eyes to signal Yan Song to hand over the drawings to him.

Yan Song just breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the drawing just now should not have much impact on him.

He rerolled the strange and magical drawing in his hand.

Then he raised it high above his head, raised his feet, and sent it to Emperor Shengtoku in front of him.

There is no doubt that what is depicted on the drawings is only a very small part of it.

Maybe the owner of this blueprint wants to bargain with Ming Ting in this way to gain more chips.

Yan Song thought in his heart.

But after the emperor got this volume of drawings, Lu Song responded.

But he denied the speculation in Yan Song's mind.

Yan Song returned to his seat.

He picked up the pen and paper again and observed the emperor's expression.

When he caught the emperor on the golden platform seeing the treasure map on the ancient silk, a bit of doubt flashed in his eyes. But for a moment, the emperor seemed to see something, and his eyes became very happy again.

Just write it down.

"The thief is caught loosely, and he learns Lu Ban's skills in a picture. He returns to tell the story and goes to the palace to present it..."

"The emperor looked at it and became happy after a while. He ordered..."

With Yan Song at the side, he was writing hard every day.

As one of the writers of the first draft of the Notes on Emperor's Daily Life, Yan Song naturally sat closest to Zhu Houcong every day.

Therefore, every minute movement and expression of Zhu Houcong was captured by his eyes.

Others could only feel the emperor's joy from the heavy sound of the bronze chime.

And heard the sound of the bronze chime that spread throughout the Wanshou Palace.

Lu Song knelt on the ground, knowing in his heart that his presentation of the picture was in the emperor's favour, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

But he still suppressed the excitement in his heart, lowered his head to the ground, and waited for the emperor's order. "Does she have the whole picture in her hands - where is this person? What are her conditions?"

Although Zhu Houcong did not know much about the famous Qin Dynasty in history that after unifying the world, it destroyed the classics of the six countries and unified them into Xiaozhuan.

But the nine-year compulsory education still allowed him to roughly judge the dynasty in which the thing in front of him was roughly.

However, in addition to Xiaozhuan, there are also other characters.

And it is most likely not the writing of any dynasty after the Qin Dynasty that Zhu Houcong is familiar with.

Obviously, when this picture was completed, the six countries had not yet been unified.

As for the specifics, we have to ask the old Hanlin Academy members for their opinions.

However, last time Zhu Houcong gave them a chart that seemed to be from the same period as Dayu's flood control. They discussed it for a long time and still did not give Zhu Houcong a clear answer.

It would be better to order someone to urge them to speed up.

If it didn't work, he would continue to delegate the task and let the young scholars from the Hanlin Academy participate.

If it still doesn't work, make a few more rubbings and announce them to the world, saying that those who can solve the diagram will be rewarded with a hundred golds, and may be given priority in the imperial examination as appropriate.

It must be possible to gather the talents from all over the world to decipher the contents of the drawings in a short time.

"According to the demon Wang Xintong, there are still several fragments of the picture, but they are still incomplete, but the conditions for partial reproduction are already met."

"Now that the demon is imprisoned in the imperial prison, he hopes that the imperial court will forgive his death penalty and leave him useful to repay the imperial court."

Lu Songyan said.

"In this case, he will be detained in the imperial prison first, and after the court has completely cleared out all the traitors, he will be put in shackles and admitted to the Ministry of Works."


Lu Song replied.

"Where is the captured leader Wenxiang's daughter you mentioned? How are the three law divisions planning to arrange it?"

Hearing the emperor's inquiry, Lu Song did not dare to neglect.

Fortunately, he had already communicated with the officials responsible for handling the matter before coming, and had already made up his mind, so he responded quickly.

"I have discussed with the Minister of Punishment, Li Borong, Jinyi and others. Now the core members of the Wenxiang Sect have been wiped out. The only person who can reunite the rebellious party is the demon Wang Zitong."

"If we inform the capital before putting him on the execution ground and interrogating him, other Wenxiang believers who had the chance to escape will definitely attract other Wenxiang believers to come to rescue him. At that time, soldiers can be posted around to be on guard, and they will be captured and questioned when they arrive."


Zhu Houcong knocked on the bronze chime twice more.

But Lu Song in front of him seemed to have something to say.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what to do with those members of the Wenxiang Society who have voluntarily surrendered to me——"

Yes, in fact, what Lu Song said before seems not that important in front of this issue.

Looking at the long list found from the Wenxiang Cult altar.

The number of big and small officials involved was so large that Lu Song almost had a myocardial infarction when he first saw it.

Moreover, since the other party has taken the initiative to seek refuge, no matter from any aspect, a certain degree of forgiveness should be granted.

This makes it difficult for the three judicial divisions to bring people to trial.

"The Wenxiang Sect has done many evil things, and they were just called traitors and rebels."

"Those who accompany them in doing evil will be punished by the imperial court without mercy."

"For those who have not done any great evil but have meritorious deeds, the imperial court will not harm them because of their origins in the Wenxiang Sect and order them to go home and be confined for three months to reflect on themselves."

As Zhu Houcong rang the bronze chime again.

Lu Song knelt on the ground and shouted to the Holy Spirit to show his sincerity.

Although the emperor's answer means that the Sanfa Division will face tremendous work pressure for a long time to come.

After all, it is much more troublesome to interrogate each person one by one to determine whether they are guilty or not, rather than rudely throwing all the rebellious members of the Incense Smell Society to the market entrance and beheading them.

(End of this chapter)
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