Chapter 300
Accompanied by a rapid knock on the door coming from outside the house!
Hearing a high-pitched angry rebuke outside the door, and the sound of Jin Yiwei's embroidered spring sword wrapped in white cloth being unsheathed.

The expressions of the people inside the door suddenly changed.

"No! Jinyiwei!"

The tavern owner Wang Zitong stood up immediately, and the oil lamp in front of her was blown out by the wind pressure caused by her standing up and flapping her sleeves.

In the darkness, the only sound left was the sound of the handyman girl stepping hard on the floor.

The old floorboards creaked under the girl's hard steps.

But the next moment, there was a low cry of "Found it".

The sound of the flap falling was heard.

A dark secret passage suddenly appeared under the foot of the handyman girl.

As the floor was lifted.

There was a damp earthy smell.

Tang Xiuying keenly observed the black mud around the tunnel. It was obvious that the tunnel had just been dug out in the past two months.

So much so that even the soil around the cave still retains moisture.


The handyman girl pushed Tang Cai'er and Tang Xiuying into the cave, and then quickly pushed Wang Zitong, whose face was turning green and red because he had just been slapped on the spot, toward the entrance of the cave.

"Hurry up, or the court's hawks and dogs will chase you!"

"Don't let me know who told the secret——"

Looking at Wang Zitong in front of him who was being pushed by the girl and saying harsh words.

The handyman girl couldn't help but hold her forehead.

At this point, who told the secret, is it really that important?

But there is no time to worry about it at this time.

Looking at the crumbling door behind him.

When the girl saw that several people had entered the crypt, she immediately activated the mechanism in the hall.

Following a burst of crossbow arrows, the girl resolutely jumped into the cave in front of her.

The cave is long and dark.

Considering that the arrangement of the Wenxiang Sect in Beijing over the past hundred years has become no longer safe from the moment the emperor succeeded to the throne.

The Wenxiang Sect not only dug this brand new tunnel very deep, but also laid out many confusing roads and traps, as well as multiple exits.

Therefore, if an intruder who is not familiar with the underground palace breaks in rashly, he must pay a great sacrifice, and it is almost impossible to catch those followers of the Wenxiang Sect who have a complete topographic map of the city.


A girl in handyman attire led the way.

There was a huge sound of the door panel exploding at the entrance behind him.

Along with a tremor, it was obvious that the Jin Yiwei outside the door couldn't wait any longer and realized that everyone in the house was trying to escape, so he simply used violence and broke in.

And soon, several people felt the light of torches coming from the entrance of the passage behind them.

Obviously, these Jin Yiwei who belong to Beizhen Fusi have discovered this secret passage, and without hesitation chose to jump into it to chase the scent-smelling rebels in front of them.

"follow me!"

Listening to the rapid footsteps behind her, the girl did not dare to hesitate, and opened a few mechanisms at hand again, releasing iron cage poisonous arrows to hinder the pursuit of the Jinyi Guards soldiers who were chasing behind her.

Then he led everyone to avoid the relatively spacious passage in front of him and squeezed into a muddy path on the right between the mud, rocks and grass clippings, which was full of mud and was only suitable for one person.

The mud walls on both sides were full of stains and stagnant water, and were covered by some moss and blue jagged plants that Tang Cai'er didn't recognize.

Especially hidden.

When Tang Cai'er passed by, she accidentally smelled some alluring fragrance coming from the blue plants in front of her. The fragrance was like jasmine, but it seemed a little too thin.

And as she looked back inadvertently, she saw that on the seemingly flat bluestone avenue beside her, there were black palm-sized ridges on the wall.

Looking carefully, I realized that those black ridges were trembling slightly as if they were alive.

And there was a faint buzzing sound.

That is--

Tang Cai'er followed her sister, trying to walk through the muddy land that exuded stench and dirt, but she still kept looking back, trying to figure out what those things were.

Until she saw a pair of thumb-long tails with poisonous needles emerging from the black mound.

There are also two turtles that seem to feel the breath of life and are constantly being pulled out of the earth.

As the first poisonous scorpion broke out of the ground, there were sounds of hard objects falling to the ground on both sides of the endless bluestone road.And as time goes by, more and more people gather.

He looked at the raindrops in front of him falling from the left and right walls to the ground, forming a sea of ​​poisonous insects like a wave.

Tang Cai'er felt the hairs on her back suddenly rise.

My legs couldn't help but tremble slightly.

If someone were not paying attention for a moment and entered it by mistake, even if they were highly cultivated, as long as they were still human beings, they would most likely be seriously injured if they were bitten.

It’s really scary to do so many arrangements and scent gatherings in such a short period of time——

she thought.

After following a few people through a few more turns, they saw various traps arranged by the Wenxiang Sect here.

She couldn't help but have a clearer understanding of the hidden power of the Wenxiang Sect within the Ming court.

Even because the new emperor succeeded to the throne, the Wenxiang Sect lost most of its arrangements in the Ming court.

But only relying on these small forces that did not fall.

He was still able to build such a complicated escape underground palace in just two years, hiding it from the eyes of many forces in the capital.

"You can rest for now! It may take some time for the guards to catch up -"

After escaping into this stone hall that seemed to have no way out except for the door, the leading girl lay cautiously on the ground, listening to the sounds coming from behind.

After confirming that it was correct, he immediately stood up and twisted a pair of palm-sized bronze lions in front of the door.

I saw the stone door in front of me slowly rotating. At the same time, Tang Cai'er and Tang Xiuying looked calm on the surface but surprised in reality.

The environment of the entire stone hall seemed to have begun to change.

Not only were the originally smooth and difficult-to-climb walls around them turned into rugged mountain stone walls after a period of dizziness that made several people feel weightless.

Behind him, where the True God Doumu was originally worshipped, a stone staircase appeared leading to the stone door above.

The handyman-looking girl seemed to think that she and others were temporarily safe at this time.

Subconsciously he breathed a sigh of relief and took off the silk scarf on his head.

Revealing a fair and delicate face.

Seemingly seeing Tang Cai'er's eyes looking at the stone steps above her head, she glanced at Wang Zitong, who looked solemn beside her, and explained.

He approached a seemingly ordinary loom next to Doum and placed the scarf on the table.

"Before confirming how many reliable strongholds there are in Beijing, we'd better stay here first!"

Hearing this, Wang Zitong nodded in agreement.

"Compared to the ground, looking at the whole world, only a few core members of the Wenxiang Society know how to get there, so there is no need to doubt the safety."

After listening to Wang Zitong's words, Tang Caier nodded.

Looking around, he looked at the structures of machine gears that were exposed in some places because of temporary rush work.

Thinking of what he had seen before, he couldn't help but admire it.

"Wen Xiang taught Lu Ban the art of cleverness, and he really lived up to his reputation——"

"Excessive praise, too much praise——"

Although he said this, there was no hint of humility on Wang Zitong's face.

"It's true as Zi Tong said, they are just some small skills inherited from ancient times, not worth mentioning——"

The girl sitting in front of the loom echoed the words, and the conversation suddenly changed as the information revealed by the pattern produced by the loom in front of her.

"It can't be compared to how your White Lotus Sect attracted nearly all the Zhenfusi and Qin Tianjian to come out of the capital as soon as they entered the capital——"

"The military commanders of the five cities were ordered to close nine gates in the daytime and declare martial law in the capital. The patrol battalion of [-] cavalry and the [-]th regiment battalion sealed off a hundred-mile radius and searched for all caravans."

The girl who looked like a servant was sitting on a loom next to the stone steps.

Look at the secret message conveyed by the pattern on the cotton cloth spun out by the loom in front of you.

The girl's eyes gradually became extremely solemn.

"The dark men of the Ming Dynasty who have been lurking in our Wenxiang Sect have almost all thrown away their disguises today and come out in full force."

She slowly turned her head and looked at the two senior White Lotus sect leaders looking at each other behind her, feeling that something was wrong.

After pondering for a moment, he stared at the two of them with solemn eyes, as if to determine what kind of secrets they had that could lead Ming Ting to make such a big fuss about arresting them, and then slowly spoke.

"Can you tell me why your White Lotus Sect went to the capital this time and summoned Wu Sheng's old mother to earth?"

(End of this chapter)
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