My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 297 Hegemony?Pay tribute!

Chapter 297 Hegemony?Pay tribute!
And after the victory, the imperial court's rewards and high-ranking officials' generous salaries could make the soldiers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait not happy.

For Zhu Houcong, this battle was won.

Although the cost is huge, at least for years of fighting, if it is not dealt with in time, famine in Zhejiang, Fujian and other places this winter is almost certain.

No matter how high-end the form of warfare becomes.

But all costs must always be borne by the weakest.

And in this world, how can unarmed farmers resist the plunder of these ferocious soldiers and cruel officials who can drive away demons and kill evil spirits?

Zhu Houcong tried his best to restrain the greed of officials and soldiers and prevent them from plundering excessively.

However, even if the cost is so high.

This battle allowed the Ming Dynasty to obtain an eastern coastal border that was stable for at least a hundred years, which can be said to be still quite cost-effective.

Only a few troops were left to garrison the east.

Most of the elite soldiers of the Ming court can be transferred back to the north.

Concentrate on preparing to go west into the Western Regions or go north to conquer Mongolia.

As for Jianzhou and Annan.

The current strength of these two places is still relatively weak.

Even in the original history, Jiajing's old master could handle it.

The Jurchens paid tribute every year and proclaimed themselves vassals, and Annan was simply recaptured by Jiajing's troops and included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houcong believes that the current Ming Dynasty can be said to have strong soldiers and horses.

There is no need to deploy the main force at all, just two partial divisions can be easily quelled.

Things should always be done step by step and slowly.

The scene of all barbarians surrendering and all nations coming to court seems to be right before our eyes.

But Zhu Houcong was not fooled by this grand picture.

At least, this winter, after all the troops are in place, the weapons will be suspended.

First, allocate resources and ask local governments to resettle the refugees displaced by the war.

It is best to return part of the tax revenue and food that was not used up during this war to the already exhausted people, so that millions of people in the southeast can survive this cold winter.

Zhu Houcong thought.

Hear the cheers of the soldiers on both sides of the river.

He knew very well that after the hearty victory, the common people in the world paid a heavy price for this battle.

It is imperative to recuperate and recuperate.

As for leaving Yumen in the west and regaining the Western Region.

Zhu Houcong was not in a hurry about the two major projects of conquering Mongolia to the north.

After all, the Western Regions and Mongolia are there, and Zhu Houcong is not afraid of them running away.

Next year, we can try to pacify the Jurchens and Annan first, and then start two small-scale wars in the north and south of the empire.

And the Mongolian tribes who demanded surrender at the border sent light cavalry to follow the small Ming army and continuously went north to harass the surrounding tribes to test the current Mongolian heritage.

By the way, the Ministry of Household Affairs was ordered to conduct a new population census, resettle the refugees, and register them.

The previous yellow records had long been unable to reflect the true situation of the empire due to the random fabrication by officials at all levels over the past hundred years and collusion with local powerful men to conceal the household registration and population.

There is also the Ming Dynasty's ocean fleet, tribute trade, the elimination and incorporation of the remnants of the sharks...

There are still many things that need to be done by Zhu Houcong.

But what matters most now is.

It’s still my own cultivation.

Feeling the surging power of calamity in his meridians, it is obvious that this time Zhu Houcong will break through several realms in one go, and it is possible to reach the late stage of pill formation or even reach perfection.

As Zhu Houcong sent a message to Zhu Changning, who was driving a pair of pilots to push away the giant sea monster corpse blocking the river mouth, allowing the subsequent Ming fleet to move down the river to attack the sharks.

Let her lead the Imperial Guards to clean up the battlefield and mobilize the troops to clean up the remaining shark lairs along the coast.

Zhu Houcong drove the phoenix bird back to Beijing first, and arranged the political affairs in Beijing during the period when he was away from the Ming Dynasty.

Looking at the father flying further and further above his head.Zhu Changning raised his eyebrows.

After hearing that Zhu Houcong asked her to protect a certain Jinling official who wanted to go to Beijing to submit a letter, and arranged for her to assist him in returning the surplus food from the army to the people everywhere.

Zhu Changning suddenly felt that his father was old and confused.

Just after the victory, the military rations were replaced by civilian rations and returned to various state capitals.

She didn't think that this policy, which just sounded like killing the donkey, would be supported by these sergeants who were still immersed in the dream of promotion and wealth after returning.

And I can't give up my choice, so that I can't really break up with the army in the future to make myself unhappy.

So, how to implement it?
Zhu Changning thought thoughtfully as he thought about the order that Zhu Houcong had just given to him to dispatch some fast horses and ships to go south to investigate the current situation of the Annan civil war and the degree of obedience of small countries such as Champa to the Ming Dynasty.

There is no rush to return military rations to various state capitals.

Instead, part of the Ming army can be sent on boats to travel south to various countries with the heads of sea beasts.

On the one hand, it is to show the might of the Ming court after its victory over the sharks and to calm people's hearts. On the other hand, it is to discuss with these southern countries about the Ming army helping them expel the sharks who have long occupied the sea routes, robbed merchant ships, and committed very bad and evil crimes. ——Should they give something as a reward?

Zhu Changning didn't want much.

For the larger countries on the Indochina Peninsula, each country can provide 100 million dans of grain as military supplies, while small countries can provide [-] dans.

And it’s not just the jungle peninsula to the south.

The Ming Dynasty expelled the sharks, which was a great good deed that benefited the world!
Those countries in the ocean, such as Luzon, Tangdu, Brunei and other countries, have been harassed by sharks for a long time.

Everyone should quickly lend food to the Ming court to help it continue to hunt down the sharks, so as to ensure that the sea, Yan and rivers are clear, the world is peaceful, and the trade routes are smooth.

Thinking about it this way, if millions of loads of grain were shared among the surrounding countries, not only would it be more than enough, but Zhu Changning could even make a small profit by stealing it himself.

After figuring this out, Zhu Changning restarted her mecha and hummed her cheerful ditty.

Then the instructions continued, and the first step in the gradual construction of an economic system in this world that was later called "an economic system that dispersed domestic risks to various vassal states and the world through the tribute system under Ming hegemonism" began.

As for you saying this is hegemony?Is this naked exploitation and oppression under Ming imperialism?

"My dear friend? How can we call it exploitation and oppression when we bring some people from your country to bring some food and join us in fighting aliens and evil spirits?"

"Our Ming Dynasty fights for the sake of a happy life for all mankind on this planet."

"So! All countries in the world collectively pay for the cost of the war. Is there anything wrong with that?"


At this time, news came that the Ming army was attacking the sharks in the south.

At this time, the most secret dark corners of the Ming Dynasty's capital.

But there were waves of terrifying whispers.

It was an underground tavern located in the east of the city——

The tavern was very small, with only two tables, one of which was lame. The owner of the tavern used two picture albums as a cushion to hold it upright.

The décor inside the tavern is shabby and the service in the tavern is unsatisfactory.

The landlady was lying on the table, always half asleep and half awake.

The waiter's service attitude is also very unfriendly. Every time a customer asks for more wine, he can always hear the wine bottle being hit on the table with a "thud!"

There were also a few mutterings that sounded like "drunkard", "drink yourself to death", "climb for me", etc. from the drunken girl.

Fortunately, the cold came very early this year and it got dark early.

Not long after, the hotel announced it was closing.

Just after the girl with a headscarf working in the tavern drove away the guests in the tavern one by one.

But at some point, two young women wearing white veils appeared outside the door.

The woman on the left has a bag slung around her waist, which is bulging as if it contains many books.

The woman on the right looks older in terms of temperament and carries a sword box behind her.

At this moment, he was staring at the words "Wenxiang Pavilion" on the tavern with great concentration.

 Let’s start the next volume!

(End of this chapter)
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