Chapter 293

The sails cover the empty boat like arrows, and the cavalry gallops through the waves——

The sailors used ropes to integrate themselves with the ship.

As the battleship was pushed forward by the strong wind, it rushed forward rapidly.

The ship was shaking violently, and even the protection of the old emperor was no longer of any use. The people in the battleship tightly grasped the rope behind them that fixed their bodies.

Even though his hands had been rubbed red by the hemp rope in the violent tremors, he did not let go at all, in order to increase the pitiful sense of security in his heart.


As the exposed abdomen of the huge sea monster in front of him got closer and closer to him.

The heart in Wang Jinglong's chest could not be suppressed, beating like a war drum.

He shouted loudly, and his voice spread farther and farther in the divine wind, reminding the sailors to prepare for the coming impact.

Even the ships underfoot and the strong wind that was summoned seemed to know that the battle was coming.

They began to accelerate amidst violent tremors, completing the most gorgeous blow in their short lives.

The dragon's teeth in front of the ship are shining with golden light.

In response to the ninety-five mysterious lights above the golden dragon in front of him.

In order to show the merits of the benevolent Holy Lord, he has been blessed for eternity.

Finally, as the golden dragon once again strengthened its entanglement, it pressed Dagon in front of him into the water.

With a huge collision sound, sawdust and waves flew simultaneously, and the evil god in the sea roared in pain again.

Feeling the feedback of the ship hitting the giant object, Wang Jinglong felt that the collision of the ship was not like the towering evil god like a mountain in his imagination, but rather like the disgusting and sticky feeling coming from the blade of a sharp knife when it sliced ​​open the body of a sunfish.

The dragon's teeth at the bow of the ship pierced deeply into the body of the evil god on the sea in front of him.

Wherever it touched, where the golden light on the dragon's teeth shone, the monster's body in front of him dissipated as quickly as a burst bubble.

As the outer skin of this terrifying evil god disappeared, the stench inside its body was like opening ten thousand rotting tombs at the same time, causing the sailors on the ship to vomit instantly.

But even though the blessed battleship knocked out such a large cavity in his abdomen.

But the sea monster in front of him still had no intention of dying or completely disappearing with its belly that dissipated like foam.

With the wail of Dagon.

The sea suddenly surged.

Suddenly, people seemed to see a statue in the sea.

The man in the statue was faceless, wearing a water-blue robe and a hood, covering the back of his huge, weird-looking head.

He stood on the sea and looked at Dagon, who was pressed by the golden dragon.

In just a moment, the figure disappeared again.

Time flies so fast that many people even think they are seeing hallucinations.

"Poseidon—has he recovered to this extent?"

In the sky, Sun En, who had just defeated the Jinling Ghost Immortal Zhu Yunwen, looked at the empty coast.

His tone was rare and solemn.

And feeling the terrifying aura that just appeared in the sea, Zhu Yunwen also chose to stop at this time.

Is that the so-called "Poseidon" that the legendary First Emperor Dongxun once killed in his dream?

The fragments of Shuide were torn apart by the First Emperor himself and thrown into the East China Sea.

Thinking that history records this incarnation of the disaster in the sea that has caused countless killings and cruelties in the human world since three generations.

Zhu Yunwen looked in the direction of Dagon, and Jin Long couldn't help but feel worried.

As for the life and death of Zhu Di's incarnation as Emperor Zhenwu.

Zhu Yunwen was not worried.It's just a ray of separated soul. Even if it can't run, dying here will have no effect.

Instead of feeling sorry for my cheap uncle, it would be better to feel sorry for my father who died a long time ago just like me. My father doesn't care for my mother and doesn't love my dear grandson Zhu Houcong.

Sure enough, it was just as Zhu Yunwen expected.

Just when most people just thought it was an hallucination before their eyes.

Dagon, who had suffered two serious injuries in a row, was now firmly pinned underwater by the golden dragon. It seemed that Dagon would be completely killed as long as the golden dragon tightened the rope.

At this time, miraculously, he broke free from the golden dragon's shackles.

Standing up again from the water, he picked up the big boat in front of him that was deeply embedded in his body, and was about to smash it into two pieces.

On the contrary, the golden dragon, which had been so full of life just now, now looked sickly and weak.

Even the yelling became intermittent.

He wanted to pounce and tangle with Dagon again, but was easily dodged.

Dagon looked particularly energetic at this time, his eyes were red, and his figure became agile again.

But the huge gash in his abdomen and the huge sword wound on his back did not disappear because of the blessing of Poseidon.

Dagon roared in pain, and when he finally turned his gaze to the battleship with the bright flag inserted in his abdomen that was the source of his pain, his gaze became violent again.

When the people in the flagship felt the hull of the ship being lifted up from the water little by little by the terrifying giant in front of them.

People didn't have much panic, just because the heroic soul of the late emperor still protected them.

The golden light seemed to have some kind of magic power, calming the panic in the hearts of these Ming soldiers, allowing them to welcome death calmly and clearly.

But the expected end to the destruction of this flagship that had just set out on the road to glory never came.

Dagon stood up slowly, and the wounds on his body burst open again, blood gushed out, and many places immediately turned into droplets and dissipated.

The golden dragon behind him roared up again and wrapped around him.

At this moment, the violence in Jinlong's eyes, which was supposed to return to Jiuyou, disappeared, and his eyes gradually became clear.

Emperor Zhenwu walked on the dragon, and the sword light enveloped the evil god in front of him again.

Along with the sword marks on his body reappeared.

Dagon's figure stooped again.

Amidst the continuous heavy injuries, Dagon's steps became frivolous and his body couldn't help but sway.

It was covered in large and small scars, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, revealing the dense bones inside.

It looks particularly ferocious and shocking.


Even though the appearance of Dagon in front of him was so miserable.

But it still seems that it has not been harmed at all.

As time goes by.

Except for the battleship that was deeply inserted into his body, other scars were quickly restored over time.

Even the curse of the golden dragon lost its effectiveness under the blessing of Poseidon.

Looking at the sea beast in front of him who was recovering at an astonishing speed, the Zhenwu sword in Zhu Di's hand continued to shine, imprisoning Dagon in place, and a flash of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

How can we expel this monster that is close to immortality to some extent?

Just when the golden dragon entangled it to restrain its actions, Zhenwu was worried.

A sound was accompanied by the divine phoenix burning with blazing torches swooping down.

"Everyone, please retreat! Let me kill this evil god!"

(End of this chapter)
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