Chapter 286 Hongzhi
You know, this is not Nanjing before the Jingnan War.

The Ming army in the three towns of Suiyuan, Datong, Xuanfu was only more than a hundred miles away from the capital.

Abandoning the baggage and riding fast, they received the imperial edict from the powerful ministers plotting rebellion one day, and the leading cavalry who were ordered to quell the rebellion the next day could arrive under the nine gates of the capital.

As for these northern generals and warlords who had money and food in their hands, Xiaozong had no doubt that they could resist the temptation to expel powerful ministers, do what Huo Guang did, dominate the government and the public, and leave their names in history.

Whenever Gui Yong remembered that when he was assigned to Suiyuan as the deputy commander-in-chief, Emperor Xiaozong gave him the secret edict that "if there are no honest ministers in the dynasty and there are traitors, the general shall follow the edict and raise troops to punish him." Kuang Fu Wang Industry, leave a name for the ages.

The excitement in my heart is simply beyond words.

Thinking about it now, Emperor Xiaozong's gentle and calm face made Gui Yong feel a little ashamed of his youthful spirit and a little scared now.

Emperor Xiaozong's grasp of people's hearts was really terrifying.

So for so many years, even though he knew that Emperor Xiaozong had already served as a guest, even in his dreams, Gui Yong did not dare to have any contempt for the emperor who was just like a mortal. Sometimes at night, he remembered that Emperor Xiaozong Call yourself forward, give yourself the dragon bone and sword, and let yourself refine it with the family's secret method, so that you can use it to support the king's industry when necessary in the future.

At that time, Gui Yong looked at the golden light that occasionally flashed in the eyes of the emperor in front of him.

In addition to being frightened in his heart, he wondered why the emperor knew so much about his family's secrets.

But he didn't think much about it.

But then one year before Emperor Xiaozong's death, that is, in the 17th year of Hongzhi, Gui Yong received the posthumous title of God Lord inscribed by Xiaozong himself.

Just now I was shocked to realize that the emperor had anticipated everything and had arranged everything for his future life.

If I dared to have any different thoughts at that time... I'm afraid...

Thinking of Emperor Wuzong's succession to the throne, the eminent secret monks who came from Tibet immediately rushed to escort him and were stationed in the capital.

Gui Yong no longer dared to think about it further.

He stared at the Emperor Xiaozong in front of him.

The emperor ascended the throne and ruled the world for eighteen years.

Not only relying on exquisite weights to deal with various forces in the world.

Moreover, when he ruled the world, he created an era when the Ming Dynasty rarely had large-scale wars.

This is not only due to the fact that he made military towns in various places raise their own military salaries, and military power was gradually decentralized.

This is even more due to his keen grasp of the current situation.

Internally, he complied with the requests of the world's classics families and powerful demons, and expelled Buddhism and Taoism from the capital.

However, he frequently held sutra feasts and summoned famous scholars from all over the world to the palace to teach the way of the Holy King. On the one hand, he wanted to protect his own life.

On the other hand, it is to show the world that he pursues benevolent government, and does not follow the orthodox Chenghua's example of provocation, wasting people and money, and his determination to live in harmony with the people.

In order to show his determination, Emperor Xiaozong not only personally participated in the compilation of the Ming Dynasty's criminal law, but also abolished many tortures in the Ming Dynasty law.

He also strictly enforced criminal laws and provided relief to the poor and weak. He would rather have the imperial government's finances be in deficit year after year than exempt the affected areas from taxes and declare it to the world to show the emperor's kindness.

Emperor Xiaozong knew very well that even if the imperial court did receive the money, it would not end up in the national treasury, not to mention that the powerful powers from all over the country had already violated the Ming Dynasty.It would be better to make it clear directly, so in the memorials submitted to the emperor by officials from various places, they always mentioned local disasters and requested tax reductions in the disaster-stricken areas.

Emperor Xiaozong not only exempted and exempted all taxes, but also simply ordered that all taxes in the disaster-stricken areas be exempted, and publicized it widely.

As for what the court will do if it has no money.

If the powerful gentry has money, they can just borrow it.

When dealing with floods in Suzhou, Zhu Youtang sold part of his palace property and borrowed money from court officials in order to reward the people.

As for the officers in the army, they treated ordinary military households like slaves and were beaten and killed at will.

He issued multiple edicts to severely condemn this, and ordered that no one should serve as a sergeant in the regiment.

Externally, it pursues a policy of peace, leaving the northern Tatars to military towns to resist on their own, giving these military towns, which have an unprecedented determination to resist in order to protect their property, great autonomy.

On the contrary, great results were achieved.

During the Hongzhi period, the little Mongolian prince went south several times, but was defeated by military towns in various parts of the north. Seeing that there was no profit to be gained from the plundering south, he was not allowed to send envoys to the Ming Dynasty to ask for repairs and trade.

Regarding the northwest and the south, Xiaozong changed the aggressive foreign policy of Xianzong before and treated each other as equals, winning the goodwill of the countries in the western regions and the south. During Xiaozong's reign, the Ming court did not launch any aggressive war.

In stark contrast to his father, grandfather, ancestors and even his son.

The only use of troops in the northwest was at the invitation of Hami and other countries in the Western Regions. The Ming army, together with thousands of Hexi guards and tribesmen, attacked the city of Hami, sent troops to expel the brutal Ahema and Turpan troops, and restored Hami. The emperor Wang restored the local rule by wearing gold and silver official uniforms, "granting gold seals and crowns and uniforms".

The three expeditions to Hami, without taking an inch of land, undoubtedly won the trust of all surrounding forces, and bought the Ming Dynasty, which had been crumbling with constant uprisings and foreign invasions in endless battles, 20 years of precious time to recuperate.

Therefore, during the Hongzhi Dynasty, neighboring countries such as Annam, Siam, Uszang, Ryukyu, Champa, Samarkand, Huoraza, Java, and Japan, which had originally cut off communications and ceased communication due to the excessive greed of the Ming Dynasty, started again. Trade with the Ming court began, and the tribute system began to function again.

As for the chieftains in the southwest, Ming Xiaozong changed the previous policy of Yingzong Xianzong directly sending troops to intervene and forcing them to submit to the Ming court's policy.

Xiaozong mainly tried to appease the emperor publicly, but secretly stirred up disputes among the chieftains in the southwest. He made a fuss about the ownership of territorial water resources and other resources and intensified the conflicts.

Regarding the dispute between Man Mo and Ming Dynasty, Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty intended to hand over the management of Man Mo, an important transportation road, to the relatively weak chieftains of Mubang. This caused dissatisfaction among chieftains such as Meng Mi and coveted Man Mo. In order to compete for this important road, trade routes.

Mengmi and Mubang launched a fierce war, and with the continuous participation of chieftains from the southwest, the scale of the war continued to escalate. The Ming court sealed the borders, absorbed victims, supplied weapons, and canonized new chieftains in a timely manner to ensure the continuation of the war. The constant wars consumed the strength of the chieftains in the southwest.

There is no doubt that Emperor Xiaozong was an excellent emperor.

Gui Yong thought of this, and when he looked at the golden dragon above his head heading straight towards the evil god in the sea named Dagon, his eyes couldn't help but be very complicated.

By reducing the number of conquests, routine frugality, and light corvee and low taxes.

From the time Xiaozong ascended the throne in the 23rd year of Chenghua to the 18th year of Hongzhi, he was killed by a demon.

The ordinary people of the Ming Dynasty, who had long been devastated by endless foreign conquests, internal rebellions and famine, finally received a rare respite.

The population of the Ming Dynasty increased from 50207934 in the early years of Hongzhi to 18 in the 60105835th year of Hongzhi.

(End of this chapter)
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