My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 282 The Arrival of Dagon

Chapter 282 The Arrival of Dagon

Accompanied by the calls of countless sharks with fear and joy.

The Mermaid nobles struggled to blow the sacred conches given by destiny in their hands.

At the mouth of the river, countless corpses of mermaids and sea beasts were piled up, the area with the strongest smell of blood.

As the sea water stirred, the bodies floating on the sea were slowly stirred up.

Then came even larger sea beasts, sea lions and seals domesticated by the sharks, as well as those huge ancient relics who were constantly being pulled into this huge whirlpool.

The corpses of these sea tribes continued to sink with the frightening murmurs and huge suction coming from the bottom of the sea.

In the end, it seemed to be swallowed up by some terrifying giant thing and disappeared completely. People heard the terrible chewing sound coming from the sea. The sound was dull, but it did not sound like steel teeth cutting bones, but like someone cutting bones. A terrifying existence.

It uses some kind of flesh and blood limbs to crush the hard bones into pieces bit by bit. The bone powder is mixed with the minced meat and swallowed into its belly.

That horrible monster!

People stared at the sea in front of them with fearful eyes.

Accompanied by a huge sound of whales gasping for breath, the huge whirlpool disappeared together with countless bodies of the sea tribe that sank into the water.

The sea calmed down again.

But neither the Ming troops on both sides of the river nor the sharks in the water who narrowly escaped with their lives, no one was happy.

Under the calm sea in front of him, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared.

Along with the turbulent waves, a cold and sticky breath emerged from the water.

One can't help but feel that there seems to be some kind of boneless bio-adsorption with a lot of mucus climbing over the skin.

Along with the shadow on the seabed, two long objects split out.

Breaking open the sea surface, revealing a pair of giant scaly arms.

The melodious and magical Dragon Palace fairy music also came out at the same time.

When people heard this music, the eyes of those who were not strong-willed had already turned white, their expressions were dreamy, and they began to subconsciously try to jump into the sea following the sharks who were controlled to swim towards the terrifying sea god.

"wake up!"

Seeing that many Ming soldiers around him were bewitched, they threw down their armor and were about to leave the team.

Quanzhen Taoist leader Tianshi Lan Daoxing shook his gilded Taoist robe, raised it up and down, then struck it with a Pure Heart Curse, and shouted loudly.

At this time, the elite Ming army reacted immediately.

Here, the Forbidden Army and the Rangers followed the officials of the Qintian Prison and knocked on the heads of the confused Ming soldiers one by one to wake these unlucky ones out of their confusion.

Jiangbei, accompanied by the bewitching magic sound from the bottom of the sea, enters the mind.

The spears engraved with the word "die and rest" in the hands of the elite soldiers of the nine-border military households in the north were filled with black energy.

The heroic souls of our ancestors protect these living people from being deceived by these illusions.

The spear proved where they came from, and also guided the elite warriors who served the Ming court in these times on their way back after death.

When they died on the battlefield, their relatives and children would do the same thing as these generals have done countless times in history.

Collect their dead bodies and melt them into ashes in the blazing torches.

Swinging on the repeatedly tempered spear in front of him, he carried the resentment of the warrior who died on the battlefield, and merged with the heroic souls of the ancestors of all generations in the burning flames.

It becomes an increasingly heavy weapon in the hands of future generations, rather than a simple burden when moving forward on the road of history.

People looked at the horrific sight before them.

The faces of the shark priests changed greatly when they heard the name of the terrifying evil god of the sea coming from the mouths of the shark nobles behind them.

While dodging the fire from the firearms on the Ming army's warships.

While yelling at the indifferent shark nobles not far away.

But even if they have cast as many spells as possible, they can restrain as many ordinary sharks as possible around them.But he still couldn't stand it. In the sea, millions of sharks gathered here and swam towards the huge shadow in the sea like moths to a flame.

Then one by one disappeared forever into the silent deep sea, facing the unspeakable horror in the water.


The thing in the sea finally poked its head out.

The terrifying head, which resembled some kind of fish, was covered with scales. The viscous liquid reflected the blazing fire on both sides under the dim starry sky, revealing a somewhat evil death light.

Just like many ordinary mermaids, his mouth is full of jagged fangs - no, it would be better to say that the monster in front of him is an extra-large mermaid.


Accompanied by the vague shouts of the shark nobles in the waves.

This terrifying creature that has made cameos in ancient legends around the world finally raised its head with the uneaten corpse of the shark hanging on it.

He passed through the dark waters like an ancient evil that had broken its seal.

In the Bible, the terrifying being worshiped as a god by the Philistines once again responded to the call of the great destiny he followed.

Opening his eyes, he emerged from the deep sea.

Since Theodosius, the last emperor of Rome, banished him to the endless prison of the deep sea in the name of Christ.

It has been sleeping for too long.

When he woke up, the hunger that penetrated into his bones almost drove him crazy.

Fortunately, His descendants knew how to serve Him and prepared so much flesh and blood for Him to enjoy.

As for who these flesh and blood come from.

Who cares?

Just as He has ignored the calls of despicable, self-destructive fanatics around the world countless times.

The Secret Cult, which has been hovering in a deserted place called Innsmouth for a long time, has tried countless times to communicate with Him about His true form.

But no matter how bloody and horrific the methods are used to perform sacrifices.

All he got was Dagon's disregard, or impatient whispers that were enough to make these believers' brains explode and their bodies mutate as a warning to disturb their slumber.

This time the believers are really thoughtful!

Savor this delicious offering.

Dagon was very satisfied.

The sheer number of sacrifices truly surprised Him.

So much so that it was only for a moment.

The long-lost feeling of fullness in his abdomen was enough to revive his energy.

Do your best to expel their enemies for those great Poseidon followers who summoned you.

Let me see which ants in the world have angered my dear letter——


Feeling that with his birth, they all chose to stop. Even the Corpse Execution Immortal chose to take back the Wanlu Formation to strengthen itself.

Those five paths, no, even more belong to this world. No matter what belief system they are placed in, they can be called the aura of God.

The true god of the sea named Dagon suddenly realized such a cruel fact.

This fact was so painful that He only uttered half of the roar announcing His arrival, and the other half ended abruptly in his throat as a result of several eyes that were either scrutinizing or wary.

(End of this chapter)
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