Chapter 280
"The way of heaven rotates, there is no eternally powerful thing, all that is left is for future generations to work hard... The world has so many obsessions, if you think about it carefully, why force it?"

Zhu Houcong was also observing this king who had mixed praise and criticism in history and was one of Buddhism and Taoism.

Although they were technically their ancestors, neither of them was in a hurry to recognize each other.

After all, it has been a hundred years, and even if the direct descendants have not seen each other for a hundred years, they have already become estranged. What's more, these two are only nominal relatives. Counting today is the first time that these two people have met.

Thinking of the complicated etiquette, both of them couldn't help but feel glad that this was a battlefield, so they could keep everything simple.

Otherwise, just for a meeting ceremony, I don’t know how much of my hair the Ministry of Rites would have to pluck out, and how long it would take to read the classics.

"I'm very grateful that you can avenge that kid from Zhengde and turn Hongzhi's shame away. No matter what others say, I think you did a good job——"

Zhu Houcong and Zhu Di's eyes met.

Zhu Houcong was a little surprised when he heard the words of encouragement from the Patriarch of Demon-Conquering.

Obviously, the deep sleep mentioned by Zhu Di was different from what many insiders in the Ming court imagined.

At least if Yang Tinghe knew that Zhu Di knew everything about the background of Empress Dowager Zhang and the methods of dealing with the two emperors Xiaowu.

They would never dare to use Zhu Di's fake corpse as one of the means to threaten Zhu Houcong.

After all, when Zhu Di really comes out from Changling, I really can't say who to kill first.

Apparently he was aware of many things that had happened during the hundred years he had been sleeping.

It’s not that they know nothing about the outside world.

However, it seems that even though he knew that Ming Ting was declining step by step, he could not take action at will to help his descendants tide over the crisis.

"It's just a matter of time."

Zhu Houcong nodded slightly when he heard this.

This is not falsehood, nor is it modesty.

Speaking of which, Zhu Houcong was still close to the family members of Prince Xingxian's palace.

Are you talking about the Ming Dynasty emperors like Zhengde Hongzhi?
Really unfamiliar, really unfamiliar——

Zhu Houcong said that he wanted to avenge the previous emperors, so he did not hesitate to provoke a war with the Hai clan, and also wanted to imprison Empress Dowager Zhang and destroy her entire clan.

It would be better to say that he has long been dissatisfied with the situation in which the Ming Dynasty has been in ruins for hundreds of years, demons have disrupted the government, the government and the public are uneasy, and all the people in the world have become the rations of demons.

His moral sense made it impossible for him to accept the conditions and covenants of peaceful coexistence and peaceful coexistence of these alien races.

It is impossible for him to ignore all the terrible things happening in the world at this moment. Tens of thousands of demons are hovering in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, demanding that humans be supported by the flesh and blood of the same kind. Corrupt officials embezzle national wealth, unite the gentry, abuse the people, and treat the same kind as blood. Mole-eating ants.

Zhu Houcong's sense of morality made it impossible for him to accept the proposal of co-ruling the world with these alien races who feed on humans.

Moreover, Zhu Houcong succeeded to the throne as a vassal king.

As for the chaos that breaking with these alien evil spirits that have been entrenched in the capital for hundreds of years may cause in the capital.

Zhu Houcong said, "I don't know all the noble and powerful civil and military officials in Beijing, so you can kill them if you like!"

Anyway, our Ming Dynasty is full of people, and there will always be people who can inherit the title, take over the official position, and continue to maintain the operation of the empire.

Aren't you just going to kill me and then I'll kill you?

Who is afraid of who!
However, these words had a different meaning in Zhu Di's ears.

Especially since they were both vassal kings and succeeded to the throne, they both overcame many difficulties and both had troubles with civil servants.

Compared with other Ming Dynasty emperors, there is a sense of sympathy and sympathy between them.

"If the emperor of the Ming Dynasty could be like you, the country would not be reduced to this -"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Di sighed and saw that Zhu Houcong's words did not seem to be false.

The two complimented each other again.

Zhu Di said that the Ming Dynasty is really lucky to have you. We, the Ming Dynasty, have hope for ZTE!
Zhu Houcong said that it was you and Emperor Taizu who laid the foundation, otherwise it would be difficult for us to operate.The two of them did not talk like elders and juniors, but rather like distant relatives who had been introduced by their elders.

Every meeting is indispensable without complimenting each other.

But soon, both of them returned to the enemy in front of them.

"I wonder who this person is and how he can do this?"

Zhu Houcong used the Three Yang Mysterious Fire to protect his body, while trying to destroy the formation in front of him with the King of Qin Sword, and asked.

Hearing Zhu Houcong's question, Zhu Di looked solemnly at the figure in front of him who could instantly recover and fight back no matter how the two attacked, and replied.

"I just have some guesses, but now it seems that when the Tang Saier rebellion was put down during the Yongle period, this guy probably didn't do his best -"

Zhu Di summoned turtles and snakes composed of thunder and fire to continuously hammer at the talisman summoned by the Corpse Executor in front of him.

The Ming Emperor, who had merged with Emperor Zhenwu, was looking at the light and shadow of the immortal with fluttering clothes not far away with a solemn expression.

He raised his hand, and the Big Dipper star flickered in the sky.

The sharp wind from the nine days blew, accompanied by the neighing of military horses and the sound of clashing weapons.

At this time, he changed his gentle image in front of Zhu Houcong.

In front of everyone, he returned to the invincible true king who once conquered the world and swept across the world.

Thousands of warriors from all ethnic groups traveled thousands of miles to fight under his command, risking being wanted and hunted down by local officials.

Share with him the supreme glory of Fengtian Jingnan.

"Do you know about the Wang Gong Rebellion during the Eastern Jin Dynasty?"

"Know a little bit..."

Zhu Houcong looked at the emperor next to him who had conquered the world by force and subconsciously touched his waist.

But the familiar Zhenwudang Demon Sword is not in his hand.

Zhu Di frowned, but still stretched out his hand to comfort the restless ghost soldiers of the three armies behind him.

Zhu Houcong didn't know much about Wang Gong's rebellion.

I only know that it was after the Jin Dynasty moved south.

An extremely tragic civil war broke out among the wealthy families in the south surrounding the supreme power.

Wang Gong and Yin Zhongkan were close associates of Emperor Xiaowu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At that time, Sima Daozi was in charge of the government and threatened the imperial power.

So Emperor Xiaowu appointed Wang Gong as the governor of Qingyan Province, Xi Hui as the governor of Yongzhou, and Yin Zhongkan as the governor of Jingzhou, using the power of the vassal town to defend the royal family.

But in 396 AD, which was the 21st year of Taiyuan, Emperor Xiaowu was killed by Concubine Zhang in the harem. Because of the sudden death, he did not leave an auxiliary minister as per the past practice, and the state affairs completely fell into the hands of Sima Daozi.

The first Wang Gong Rebellion also arose from this.

In 397 AD, Wang Gong ordered his troops to advance towards Kangkang on the pretext of attacking Sima Daozi's confidant Wang Guobao. He did not stop his troops until Sima Daozi ordered the execution of Wang Guobao.

However, the conflict between the two did not ease in any way because of Wang Guobao's death, so there was the second Wang Gong Rebellion.

In 398 AD, Jin general Yuan Xian lured Wang Gong's general Liu Laozhi to surrender. They were attacked from both inside and outside. Wang Gong was defeated and was captured and killed.Yin Zhongkan's army first defeated the navy led by Jin generals Wang Yu and Sima Huizhi. Later, they heard that Wang Gong was defeated and died, and the army had no fighting spirit. Yin Zhongkan's general Huan Xuan also surrendered to Jin.Yin Zhongkan's army was defeated in Baling, Xiakou, Jiangling and other places one after another. Yin Zhongkan was captured by Huan Xuan and forced to commit suicide.The rebellion between Wang Gong and Yin Zhongkan ended.

"Wang Gong? This man is brave and foolhardy, and he is self-willed... His defeat is destiny. It's just pity that countless loyal people who tried to help the Jin family died in vain -"

I heard that Zhu Houcong and Zhu Di were talking about Wang Gong's rebellion in front of him. The Sun Tianshi whom Zhu Di mentioned in front of him was not embarrassed by the fact that Zhi Jie Xian was now exposed.

On the contrary, upon hearing Wang Gong's name, there was a rare hint of ridicule and anger in his usually calm voice.

Obviously, when he had not yet mastered the magic of immortality, he was deceived by this ambitious and incompetent guy, and his Taoist heart was almost broken because of it.

So much so that even thinking about it now makes me angry.

(End of this chapter)
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