My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 263 The Battle of Jinling 5 Machine Souls are delighted!What a joy!

Chapter 263 The Battle of Jinling 5 Machine Souls are delighted!What a joy!

Not far away, officials from the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Etiquette were surrounding the weapons box that showed great power in Aurous Hill. They looked pious and recited those awkward and awkward incantations in unison.

Accompanied by the chorus of praises from the officials of the Ministry of Rites, those huge containers were slowly opened, and the contents inside were slowly waking up from their long sleep.

"Call your servant! Call it a victory over the enemy!"

"Hunhun Iron Control! Burn your dirty soul!"

Accompanied by the sound of gears and the roar of machinery, the officials of the Ministry of Rites played the elegant music that was highly praised by the Confucius when the Zhou family in the pre-Qin Dynasty was still alive.

Beating the bronze bell that the sage said was the most elegant and gentlemanly.

People drank the medicinal wine that was said to be able to enchant the gods, and the long sword, which symbolized the good character of a gentleman, was waving in the air.

The big and small chimes struck a total of 81 times [-] times.

It was not to praise this supreme masterpiece of Luban Shu, but these Confucian scholars tried to influence the machine spirit in it in this way, telling it their determination to sacrifice their country even if they died nine times.

"In the sixth month, we live in peace, and the military and chariots are in order."

"The four horses and horses are in regular service."

"Xi Xi Kong Chi, I am in a hurry."

"The king goes out to fight to restore the kingdom."

"The ceremony is over! The commander is awake! The whole world celebrates! Help the king! Drive away the barbarians!"

As the chief priest loudly conveyed the emperor's instructions to expel the barbarians to the things in front of him.

The melodious sound of the chimes grew from small to loud, symbolizing that the imperial decisive battle weapon in the box, which had condensed the efforts of countless talents from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Rites, had completely awakened.

A dazzling red light emitted from the belly of the huge black iron monster. The main body had awakened, and the surrounding boxes that were slightly smaller than the huge iron box in the middle were also opened at the same time.

It not only stores other parts of this important national weapon, but also stores the officials of the Supervisor of Ceremonies after Zhu Houcong opened the permission for them to study spiritual energy technology.

The latest weapon developed after studying eagerly day and night.

The silver-white arm-guard-like decisive battle weapon was quietly stored in the huge ancient blue wooden box in the east.

Echoing the stars in the sky.

Under the light of the sun beside the Yangtze River, the complicated and difficult-to-understand Sanskrit and Taoist talismans on it are particularly eye-catching.

Zhu Changning stepped on the thick black silk satin in front of him. Countless officials from the Ministry of Etiquette were holding flowers beside him. He cosplayed the noble gentlemen who were as noble as flowers in the sages of the pre-Qin Dynasty and chanted the shocking wisdom of the ancient sages. and noble moral character, and his illustrious martial arts skills in educating the barbarians.

When the divine machine in front of it felt the blood flowing in Zhu Changning's blood, it was consistent with the aura that Zhu Houcong had engraved on the core of its body.

The mecha named Pilot trembled.

The surrounding parts were flying in the air, accompanied by a harsh electromagnetic wave powered by spiritual energy.

The blue electromagnetic storm obscured their vision, and the officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Works, who had practiced this hundreds of times before, had already closed their eyes in advance.

But those sea monster sharks in the river who looked curiously at the terrifying thing tens of meters high in front of them did not have such good luck.

When the dazzling light flashed, there were bursts of roaring sounds coming from the river due to the pain of blindness.

Zhu Changning spit out her golden elixir.

The pilot in front of him has been waiting for a long time.

The huge roar of the engine came from the body of the steel giant, and the power that was enough to shatter the mountains was re-infused into the steel body in front of him.

The giant stood up, his body covering the sky.

This made the rats from the sea tribe who dared to invade the land look terrified.

When the officials of the Ministry of Rites saw the huge silver-white wrist-shaped weapon in front of them flying into the hands of the giant magic weapon, and quickly wrapped its right arm.

There was a faint sound of the green dragon roaring on it, and the Qing Emperor's Baogao, which had already been burned into it by the Quanzhen Taoists in the north of the Si Li Supervisor, was immediately heard.

When a familiar voice was heard, a crisp sound of a copper chime was heard from the crowd at the Quanzhen Taoist Sect, which had been prepared for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, the Director of Ceremony imitated the structure of the entire machine body, read the Taoist scriptures, and drew the power of the Eastern Green Dragon Star from the Nine Heavens, the energy of the Earth Mother Dragon Snake River, and combined it with the vibrating melody of the Golden Elixir Engine to create The Baogao incantation that awakens the sleeping Taoist soldier held by Tie Yu in front of him.

"The moon of Meng Chun. The sun is in the camp." "The sun is in the evening. The sun is at the end of the day. The sun is A and B. The emperor is Da Hao. The divine sentence is bright."

"Its insect scales. Its sound horns. The big bunches in the rhythm. Its number is eight. Its taste is sour. Its smell is mutton. It is sacrificed to households. It is sacrificed to the spleen..."

"The emperor is so shocked that the Qing Emperor of Dongfang Mu Xing is the eldest son of God..."

If the last sentence refers to anything, it seems to be telling that the Qing Emperor is the eldest son of God, but in fact it alludes to the identity of the driver of the Iron Control.

Hearing this, even Zhu Changning couldn't help but glance at these officials who looked calm on the surface but were in high spirits, observing the reactions of Zhu Changning and Zhu Houcong themselves...

However, seeing that most people were only seriously praising the Qing Emperor's merits and trying to awaken the Qing Emperor's magical weapons above their heads, they didn't have so many other thoughts.

Only a few real people from the Quanzhen sect, who were highly regarded by Zhu Di during the Yongle period, were obviously absent-minded at this time and did not know what they were thinking.

His eyes were wandering, secretly observing the direction of the emperor's pursuit.

Zhu Changning roughly understood the situation in front of him.

It seems that only a few people know about his identity, even among the ceremonial supervisors.

However, she did not take the opportunity to speak out, as premature exposure was not in her interest.

Even if he joins the Holy Emperor in conquering the world and pacifying the barbarians, his experience will undoubtedly increase his innumerable bargaining chips in the subsequent fight for power with the emperor's other children.

But compared to facing his old father's anger when he realized that he had been tricked, he would have to pay the price for breaking his promise.

Zhu Changning still said very sincerely what you are talking about. I am stupid and can't understand at all.

She just pays more attention to personal enjoyment than her father.

Not really stupid.

Since Zhu Houcong said that it would be ten years before he could officially appear in front of everyone in the empire.

Zhu Changning was not willing to test the price of breaking the contract in front of Zhu Houcong.

After all, my old father seemed to have a bodhisattva-like heart towards all the people in the world.

But when he really started to take action, Zhu Changning observed all the way, and he was really cruel, ruthless and unkind——

If it offends him——

Zhu Changning was driving at full speed while looking at the Quanzhen Taoists below who were running wildly on the road of crazy pursuit of death.

I hope that Master Taizong can really pop out of Changling and save your lives from my cheap father!

wrong!Maybe it won't be that bad?

The golden elixir boiler behind him is already heating up, the Pilot's Soul is full of fighting spirit, and the power of the entire machine is rising steadily——

While Zhu Changning comforted Tie Yuzhong, a machine soul was born from his golden elixir, just like his newborn daughter.

While thinking.

Maybe it's not that serious.

The punishment for spying on the secrets of the royal family is probably to be sent to Saibeibing original seed potatoes. If the yield does not meet the standard, you will not be allowed to return to that level——

However, how Zhu Houcong will deal with these Quanzhen disciples.

Whether these Quanzhen Taoists will actually summon the Northern Emperor to conquer the demons - Emperor Taizong - descends to earth to be beaten is still open to debate.

But none of that matters right now.

"Full power! The power of the blue dragon is ready to go!"

As Zhu Changning used all his strength to activate the golden elixir to supply energy, the magic weapon on his arm that was modeled after the Eastern Green Emperor lit up with a white light that penetrated the river.

Accompanied by the firing of thousands of cannons from the Ming army's position beside me!The green dragon roared into the sky!Then he completely merged into the beam of light on the pilot's right arm.

"You bastards of the Sea Clan! Wash your necks! Prepare to face the wrath of Emperor Aoki!"

(End of this chapter)

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