Chapter 255 Northern General 2
Because of his bravery in battle and repeated military exploits, he was personally summoned by Emperor Xiaozong and rewarded generously. He was also awarded the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Rear Army of the Fifth Army Commander-in-Chief for his meritorious service.

Deeply trusted by Emperor Xiaowu.

Gui Yong stroked the sword lightly, and a crisp sound came from the sword.

As if urging him to quickly present himself to the king in front of him.

Gui Yong passed through the crowd and handed the sword to the emperor.

The emperor took it and the sword was decorated with gold, silver and ivory.

Originally there was a layer of shark skin covering the scabbard for protection, but it has gradually fallen off due to time.

The hilt of the sword is embedded with copper-cast Ganoderma lucidum patterns and dragon and tiger decorations.

Zhu Houcong paused for a moment on the two lines of words "Death Rest" and "Hongzhi Ten..." on the scabbard.

Then he drew out the sharp blade.

The blade of the sword has been carefully cared for for decades and is still as bright as new, flashing with specks of cold light.

Zhu Houcong was keenly aware that this sword had something extra compared to the magical weapons he had seen before.

He tapped the sword lightly, and a strange feeling of instinct and blood connection came to his heart.

As the crisp sound of swords spread throughout the palace.

At this time, even Zhu Changning, who was eating melon, felt the familiar feeling in his blood and raised his eyes in surprise.

He looked at the imperial sword in Zhu Houcong's hand.

Zhu Houcong stared deeply at this divine sword.

After a long time, he said softly.

"It is indeed a good sword..."

And handed it to Gui Yong, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty—"

Gui Yong kowtowed deeply.

"I hope you can make good use of this weapon and live up to the expectations of the late Emperor Xiaozong——"

Zhu Houcong encouraged him.

"I must use this sword to protect the emperor and kill traitors and traitors in order to repay the imperial court's favor."

The two looked at each other without saying anything.


"Sea Dragon King seems to be really angry this time!"

The deep sea is dark and gloomy, but the surroundings are strangely shimmering with milky white starlight.

Tang Cai'er followed her sister, the saint of the White Lotus Sect.

With his eyes lowered, he listened to the words coming from the ghost-like figure sitting on the throne in the dark and ruined underwater dragon palace in front of him.

The two women were so nervous that even their gasps almost disappeared.

The human-shaped object in front of you in the dark underwater ruins is emitting a faint silvery white light. If you look closely, you will find that it has no real form.

And it's like a bunch of silver-white light beams intertwined together to form an existence.

Tang Cai'er and the White Lotus Saint looked at each other, and through the faint blue light curtain on the water-proof beads given by the ancient immortal essence that could walk freely in the water, they both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

This was the first time that they had come into such close contact with this terrifying existence that they could only occasionally interact with when hearing decrees at the altar.

At this time, on the throne, the faint voice echoed again in the empty and desolate underwater ruins.

"In this battle of Jinling, all the elites of the sharks along the coast have been brought out. In order to calm down the anger of the shark nobles in the Dragon Palace who acted recklessly against him and ruined the millennium plan, the Sea Dragon King must fight to the death with Mingren in the south!"

The voice paused, and it was as if some kind of smooth and watery gaze was entwined on the two White Lotus Sect demons in front of them.

"Are you sure that Maitreya did not succeed in arriving during this trip to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Cai'er suppressed the fear in her heart, raised her head and replied.

"All the rituals in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple have been prepared, but due to the resurgence of the destiny, it interfered with the ceremony. Maitreya did not successfully come into the world, and there was not even a decree. I saw it with my own eyes -" "Oh~"

Hearing Tang Cai'er's words, the source of the voice, the silver-white light curtain, nodded thoughtfully.

Only then did Tang Cai'er see what the crystal clear liquid exuding a faint white light was.

That was the sight cast by the terrifying immortal spirit above his head.

No matter where the silver-white light shines, it can't escape the eyes of the terrifying true immortal in the water.

He thought about it on the throne for a moment and made a judgment.

"It seems that Maitreya is really no longer able to interfere in the mortal world -"


Hearing the answer from the true fairy in the water in front of her, the pupils of the White Lotus Saint's lowered eyes suddenly shrank.

"The Maitreya believers in that religion..."

Tang Cai'er on the other side obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

I only thought that the failure of this ceremony verified the failure of the church members who still adhered to the Maitreya faith.

asked stupidly.

"Everything has a destiny, and all living beings must follow their chosen destiny—"

The silver-white True Immortal was composed of infinite light, and its face was empty without any facial features, but Tang Cai'er felt the cold gaze above her head, which was beyond the reach of any living thing in the world.

After the voice said this, it seemed that it had lost interest in Tang Cai'er.

His eyes returned to the side of the White Lotus Saint.

"These are the sacred objects that your ancestors entrusted me to keep. Now they are delivered to you. After you get them, you can take them to Shandong. I hope that this time, the Silent Mother can answer your call-"

As she spoke, two small white vortexes appeared in front of Saint White Lotus. The vortex expanded rapidly, and two long wooden boxes were spit out from her mouth like human vomiting.

The hand that Saintess White Lotus stretched out to touch the simple wooden box in front of her trembled slightly, no longer from fear, but from excitement.

She slowly pushed open the two wooden boxes on the left and right.

Look at the sword box and treasure book inside.

There was a look of ecstasy on his face.

According to legend, Tang Saier, the leader of the rebels in Shandong during the Yongle period, was born as a general and became outstanding in martial arts at the age of 15.

It was the time of the Jingnan War, and rebel troops were passing through the border. Tang Saier's family moved around to avoid the war. They finally managed to survive until the war ended. The originally prosperous family was destitute.

Zhu Yunwen burned himself to death and Zhu Di took over Nanjing. He thought that he would be able to live a stable and good life from then on and start over.

But who would have expected that a fierce conflict broke out between Zhu Di and the Jinling ministers over the move of the capital.

Zhu Di ignored the obstruction of the officials and ordered the Northern Army to enter Jinling. Using force and sword coercion, he forced the families of the Jinling officials to the northern capital.

He also carried out extensive construction projects in the northern capital, and more than 40 young men were recruited from Shandong for corvee service. Zhu Di also hoarded heavy troops in the north, preparing to go north to continue the crusade against Mongolia. The more than 20 Central Army troops who originally relied on military rations from the south had to pay their dues. All fell on northern provinces such as Shandong and Henan.

At this time, floods and droughts occurred continuously in Shandong.

The people ate tree bark and grass roots to survive, but they still had "endless corvees and endless expropriations." The people's lives had reached a dead end.

Tang Saier's father was conscripted into hard labor, leaving her mother and husband alone at home. In order to raise supplies for the Northern Expedition, the government came to the house every day to search for food.

Because of hunger, her mother fell ill from overwork and was seriously ill in bed. Her husband Lin San had no choice but to go to the government to beg for food, praying for mercy from the court and returning some rations to maintain the family's livelihood. As a result, he was beaten to death by the government.

Before her husband's remains could be collected, news came that his father had committed suicide due to the oppression and humiliation of the officials.

When my mother heard the news, she died of grief and anger.

The successive bad news finally overwhelmed this originally strong woman.

She went crazy, but it also allowed her to see the truly great things in this world hidden in the dark side of history after her sanity collapsed.

That is the reality of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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