Chapter 250
He looked at the two familiar faces that suddenly appeared in front of him.

One male and one female.

Li Wenzhong, who had prepared thousands of words, suddenly felt wet in his eyes.

His voice was choked and he didn't say a word.

His love for his father is no different from the love a son has for his parents.

He was about to kneel to the ground immediately, but a gentle force pushed him. He tried his best to bend down, but he couldn't kneel down.

"Have you really made up your mind—"

The Emperor Shengde in front of him seemed to have a clear idea of ​​his purpose, but Li Wenzhong immediately burst into tears in response to the Emperor's soft inquiry.

He looked at the emperor in front of him.

The emperor seemed to understand everything. There was relief, expectation, and a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Perhaps he was lamenting that the country finally had such a direct minister, who could express the wishes of all the people in the world and point out the shortcomings of the world.

Unlike those in the court who have survived four dynasties and five dynasties.

As those with vested interests, they will always sit in the court, pretending to be deaf and dumb, just like the old foxes who can only sing praises.

The person in front of him is the real hope of Ming Dynasty.

"I have decided!"

The man in front of him was only in his thirties. As an ordinary Ming scholar who came from a poor family in the Ming Dynasty and climbed up to here step by step through the imperial examination, his future was bright.

He was supposed to have a bright future.

Let your family, children and grandchildren enjoy the glory and wealth you never enjoyed when you were young.

But he refused, and he refused very simply.

As for why?
In order that the teachings of Confucius and Mencius will not be let down!
Also for your father!For the sake of all people in the world!

Someone must stand up, use his life as a bargaining chip, and win this bet with history and supreme destiny as the dice falls in the hands of the king's father.

End this distorted system and allow this dynasty to break free from the shackles of history and regain a new life.

To prevent human beings on this land from falling into the endless horrific historical reincarnation that has happened many times in the past thousands of years.

"The only thing ordinary people fear is death. I have been taught by Confucius and Mencius since I was a child! Sacrificing your life for righteousness is a great gift of my Confucianism. Being able to die for the world is my supreme honor!"

he said softly.

Looking at the emperor sincerely.

"But I have something to pray to the Emperor. I hope that His Majesty can grant me the honor of full ceremony!"

"it is good."

Zhu Houcong had seen too many so-called scholars who used the teachings of Confucius and Mencius as a tool for promotion and wealth.

There are also senior court officials who simply regard the teachings of Confucius and Mencius as a philosophy of governing the country indifferently. On the surface, they seem to respect the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, but in fact, they still use Legalist techniques to control the people.

But this was the first time that he saw a young man who believed in the great harmony of Confucius and Mencius appear in front of him at such a close distance.

Li Wenzhong saw the emperor in front of him nodding, his expression showing no emotion or anger.

Only the eyes that looked at him showed some sincere concern for his fate and future.

Li Wenzhong knocked deeply to the ground.

"I have only one request. After I die, please your Majesty to protect my family so that they will not be implicated and suffer revenge because of me."

"I promise..."

The emperor in front of him spoke with a firm voice, giving Li Wenzhong in front of him endless confidence.

"Your child will enter the Imperial Academy, and his parents and children will be supported by the imperial court... When your child reaches adulthood, no matter what his abilities are, the imperial court will grant him a title so that he can spend this life safely." "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. ——”

Li Wenzhong knelt on the ground for a long time. It was not until the Emperor and the strange girl with the mask left for a long time that the sound of footsteps completely disappeared, and then he raised his head.

He patted the dirt off his body and wiped the tears from his face.

He looked at Jinling with hot and firm eyes.

He is going to Jinling to write such a memorial, a memorial that can completely change the current situation of the Ming Dynasty and completely shatter the fragile balance formed by the centuries-old decline and decadence of the court.



Zhu Changning naturally saw the scene just now.

She was silent for a long time, but she still expressed the questions in her mind when Zhu Houcong deliberately released his aura to push back the dark thing entangled with Li Wenzhong.

"What was that just now?"

Her expression was more serious than ever.

After all, the feeling that thing brought to her was too terrifying. She had never felt like this before, as if it was a natural enemy that would not stop dying.

And Zhu Houcong's attitude towards that thing is also very subtle.

He obviously also cherishes the Ming Dynasty official who had a sense of justice just now.

But he didn't have any intention of expelling that thing.

Hearing Zhu Changning's question and seeing the unprecedented solemn expression on her face, Zhu Houcong lowered his eyes. Not far away, an attendant spotted the two of them, and immediately there was a cry of long live the mountain.

Zhu Houcong slowly walked into the Chinese army's tent, which had been brightly lit and had been waiting for Zhu Houcong's arrival for a long time.

Using the cover of his voice, he said.

"Probably... that's just some poor man's pathetic obsession with unifying the world before he died!"


"Most of the first batch of ships that His Majesty ordered the Ministry of Industry to go to the south to supervise the construction have been built! They will be shipped to Jinling along with the grain ships in a few days."

"Haha! With these big ships and some Jinling sailors, we can go to sea to attack the sharks at any time! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Two thousand newly made bird guns from the south have also been sent to the Shenji Camp to be tested by the soldiers of the Shenji Camp. If they are easy to use, Jinling said that as long as there is enough black iron, they can be mass-produced immediately!"

In the military tent, a huge map was placed on the ground.

The dangers of various ports on the southeast coast are clearly visible above.

The surrounding islands are dotted with spots, but since the Ming Dynasty has abandoned the ocean for many years, Yongle's nautical charts and information were basically destroyed by Liu Daxia's fire.

Therefore, the Ming army's understanding of these coastal islands is really limited. They can only collect information and charts from fishermen and maritime merchants, and try to restore the true situation by combining the two.

Senior officers from the Beijing Army and Xuanfu Liaodong Datong sat on the ground with Zhu Houcong, talking around the map and discussing the decisive battle with the sharks in the near future.

In order to seize Jinling, the Sharks sacrificed so many clansmen and the Sea Lord in quarrying, how could they be willing to return empty-handed.

It is only a matter of time before we attack Jinling again.

When the time comes, the Sea Clan will definitely come out in full force, and it will surely be another fierce battle.

Although the atmosphere of the discussion among the soldiers was lively, Zhu Houcong and Zhu Changning could still vaguely feel the vague restraint and temptation in the hearts of these Ming court generals at this time.

These generals speculated on the emperor's intentions without leaving any trace, and concealed their inner worries.

It must have been the fierce debate between the officials in Jinling and Beijing in the military tent not far away. Even these generals smelled an ominous atmosphere in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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