Chapter 236 Red Dragon
There was a rush of footsteps in the corridor outside the Tower of London.

With the crisp click of the iron door lock, the iron door engraved with tulip patterns was opened, revealing an old face outside.

The old man outside the door held an oak cane in his hand. His figure was a little stooped, but his eyes scanning the room were extremely sharp.

He saw Henry, whose face was full of shock, and glanced at Princess Catherine aside with his peripheral vision.

After seeing that she was not affected, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He saluted Henry and said.

"The Green God has awakened, and He has conveyed a message. I hope you can go to the oak forest next to the holy lake to see Him as soon as possible in order to cope with the changes that are about to happen in the world -"

"Is that so?"

Although the words of the old man in front of him were very urgent, Henry in front of him did not move. He forced his eyes to slowly move away from the bloody sun above his head.

Feeling the familiar aura, his eyes flickered.

"What instructions does the spirit of the holy lake have on this?"

He did not immediately obey the call of the land's indigenous deity, the Green God, once worshiped by the Celts, to listen to his teachings.

Instead, he first inquired about the attitude of the mysterious god in the holy lake who truly guided his ancestors to cross the sea and achieve their royal deeds, and who was forever hidden in the mist.

The old man in white robes in front of him sighed secretly when he saw the current performance of the king of England.

Although the Green God has long ago publicly expressed forgiveness for the atrocities committed by the Anglo-Saxons across the sea against the Celtic natives in history.

He also hoped to form an alliance with the King of England to consolidate the power between the two parties.

But unfortunately, the descendants of these conquerors have always been suspicious of the olive branch offered by the true God, the Green God, to the descendants of the losers who had long been driven into the wilds of Ireland and the mountains of the north.

They are more willing to believe in the guidance of the Lake Fairy than the Green God.

"The spirit in the lake has no strange movement——"

Although he felt bitter in his heart, the old man in front of him could only bow helplessly and reply to his king's question.

Hearing about the spirit in the lake, he didn’t react in any extreme way.

Henry was visibly relieved.

He pondered for a moment.

look up.

"Maester Wogan, please release the raven, summon the lords to meet me in London, and strengthen security at all passes -"

The old man named Maester Wogan nodded, and Queen Catherine beside Henry secretly made a face as she said goodbye to the teacher who had grown up with her.

Wogan smiled bitterly, and Henry patted Catherine's head lovingly.

"The herbal medicine has been sent to the palace. Your Majesty, please tell the queen to take the medicine well——"

For this disciple who experienced the pain of losing a child early on, it was like his own daughter.

Wogan's heart was filled with pity.

Upon hearing this, Catherine's expression instantly fell, while Henry on the side nodded seriously.

"Maester, please rest assured, I will keep an eye on the queen—"

Hearing this, Wogan breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and pushed open the door with three iron ropes hanging behind it.

Getting ready to leave this ornately decorated room that looks more like a fancy hotel than a prison.

But when he was leaving, he suddenly seemed to remember something. He turned around and looked at King Henry of England, who was calming the queen's emotions, and said.

"About the Spirit of the Holy Lake, there is a rumor among the people recently——"

"Some fishermen saw a white dragon and a red dragon fighting in the sky in the North Sea... The red dragon finally fell towards the holy lake."

"The scholars of the order consulted the classics and believed that this was a replica of the vision that appeared in the sky over Britain when the Roman Empire withdrew from Britain thousands of years ago——"

"The God of the Ocean, I'm afraid he will revive again -"...

Looking at the red light beam in front of him, it instantly shattered the ancient Buddha that was transformed into a fragment of Shuide into pieces.

Zhu Houcong breathed a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the broken Buddha head in front of him, Huode Tianming must have been able to completely erase it from this world with just a slight lift of his finger.

This surprised Zhu Houcong, who originally thought he was going to experience a battle between dragons and tigers.

Is the gap between the complete destiny and the fragments really that big?

But wait until the oracle of Huode Destiny is transmitted telepathically by a certain phoenix bird in your ear.

Zhu Houcong's face changed slightly as he looked at the Buddha's head that was dyed red by the high temperature.

What does it mean that destiny has fallen into deep sleep again and will not respond to the call of believers for a long time.

Before falling asleep, he specifically asked Zhu Houcong to deal with the last remnants of the Shui De destiny fragment in front of him after being severely damaged.

Zhu Houcong decided to take back his previous words.

Compared with the fragments of the Water Virtue Destiny in front of us, the current state of the Fire Destiny is probably not much better either.

Do we really have to make plans in advance as Shui De Tianming said in front of us?
Zhu Houcong thought.

But in front of him, the dying fragment of Shui De Tianming saw Zhu Houcong's hesitation and laughed.

It mocks the selfishness and pathetic hesitations of mortals, and curses their sad future.

The broken Buddha head was burned by the fire and only half of its face was left for people to look at. It was laughing and looked particularly terrifying and ferocious.

"Is He already so weak? He can't even end my existence. It seems that I am still the final winner this time -"

Accompanied by a raucous laugh.

The only remaining right eye of the ancient Buddha, stained with the golden paint left after the fire, stared at Zhu Houcong in front of him.

"Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, humans and gods on earth, how do you choose -"

"Do you really want to insist on that useless loyalty and let your descendants be buried with your dynastic destiny?"

Shui De Tianming's words contained some subtle temptation.

Zhu Houcong said nothing.

He hesitated.

It wasn't the other person's words that moved him and made him fall into the myth of the narrative of his family and country.

He was thinking about how to choose in order to maximize the survival of more people in this country and preserve more of the heritage of civilization without being completely wiped out and burned in the huge chaos that seemed destined to come a hundred years later. , turned into ashes of the times.

Zhu Houcong tightened his grip on the King of Qin Sword, and stepped towards the Buddha's head in front of him step by step.

Zhu Houcong walked very slowly, thinking about how the history of this world would progress without his own arrival.

Shui De... Shui De...

He made up his mind.

The Qin King Sword in Zhu Houcong's hand shone with a scarlet enchanting light.

But a sudden sound of Buddha's name not far away disrupted Zhu Houcong's thoughts.

"He is just a human-like figure imagined in a dream by the sleeping destiny. The donor must not believe his nonsense easily."

Zhu Houcong looked up.

Among those golden Buddha lights, mixed with the broken body of the Corpse Buddha, the red-robed man who stepped out was extraordinary.

He had not shaved his head, holding thirteen glass orbs in his hand, looking at Shui De Tianming on the ground with indifferent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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