My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 228 Transformation on the Original Basis

Chapter 228 Transformation on the Original Basis

Originally, Zhu Houcong's division of the respective territories of his personal guards in Xiyuan was very vague. On the basis of equal distribution, each guard mostly competed to enclose the territory and verbally divided the sphere of influence. No matter how you look at it, it is a big mess. , Zhu Houcong didn't want to care about it.

But who would have expected that things would become more and more troublesome, and even people as far away as Qiu Luan, Luo An, Guo Xun, Ye Jiuliu and others in Southwest and Central Asia would send letters to Beijing to express their opinions on the matter.

Seeing these warriors writing to each other in a serious manner, asking Zhu Houcong to seek justice for him and let the other side compensate for their property losses.

Fortunately, these forbidden troops were relatively civilized under Zhu Houcong's education, and most of the conflicts remained verbal.

In the end, Zhu Houcong really couldn't bear the annoyance, but he couldn't ignore it, so he simply said that you don't want to fight anymore - there is no way for the bird to be resurrected after it is dead. You Jin Yiwei can't go to the territory of these six guards of the government and get some casually. Just something as compensation.

At this time, Wang Zuo, who was arranging soldiers and horses outside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to guard various important roads, could not help but darken when he heard this familiar voice next to his ears.

Then he turned around and said with a dark face that these bastards of the Fujun Guards must feel the same pain as the Jinyi Guards.

So, when Yu Dayou and Xu Youbang looked at the white tigers riding in front of them, they deliberately walked very ostentatiously, for fear that the soldiers of the Fujun Guards would not be able to see the Jinyi Guards.

The expressions on the two people's faces were distorted, and uninformed people might even think that their wives had been snatched away by the Jin Yiwei in front of them, and they were the kind of people who looked at each other before their husbands -

Loss - big loss -

He clenched the bone whistle in his hand and looked at the white tigers in front of him who had to endure the humiliation of their crotches - of course this was purely Yu Dayou's imagination,

Although Yu Dayou really wanted to see in their eyes the emotions of being ridden by the royal guards, showing humiliation and unwillingness to resist in the surface flattery.

Then Yu Dayou took the opportunity to morally condemn the Jinyi guards in front of him.

But the white tigers in front of me were all full of energy, with bright eyes and shiny fur. It was obvious that during this period under Jin Yiwei's hands, they not only ate well and slept soundly, but even felt a little embarrassed when they saw their old friend. Intentionally or unintentionally, he avoided the hot and expectant gazes of Yu Dayou and others.

We are tigers!It's already in the shape of Jin Yiwei!
I don't know why, but looking at the expressions of the white tigers in front of them, Yu Dayou and Xu Youbang looked at each other, and neither of them could see in each other's eyes any happiness because the tigers were living well under Jin Yiwei's hands.

On the contrary, Yu Dayou and Xu Youbang fell into extreme silence at the same time as they looked at these white tigers who were in perfect harmony with their new master Jin Yiwei and cooperated tacitly.

At this moment, the silence of the six soldiers of the government army was deafening——

"By the way, Your Majesty just explained what the mission will be after dealing with the corpse Buddha in front of you. It seems to be to find the body of the Jin Yiwei who unfortunately died here 40 years ago, right - where is it?"

"It seems to be in the bamboo forest. Let's go take a look now?"

"Okay! Let's go together!"

Yu Dayou and Xu Tianyou swept across the battlefield in front of them, which was instantly reversed as a large number of forbidden soldiers joined in, without leaving any trace, as if they didn't even care about the drama of the love between humans and tigers performed by the imperial guards in front of them.

"Northern Defense Soldiers!"

Before leaving, Yu Dayou still helped the Ming army beside him to clean up several corpse Buddhas in front of him.

Then Yu Dayou put on new weapons. Not far away, the northern defense soldiers who were carrying various equipment and were summoned from various places by the court again came over under the leadership of a young man who was familiar to Yu Dayou.

Yu Dayou nodded, and there were more than 30 northern defense soldiers in front of him.

Apparently, the last time they went down to the underground cave to clear out the sharks, after the previous Northern Defense Force was almost wiped out, the imperial court recruited a large number of personnel from Zhu clan clans from various places to fill in and maintain the establishment for the use of the imperial army.

The oldest of the Northern Defense soldiers in front of him had turned white, while the younger one, such as Zhu Xiangyang, was still under 16 years old.Although he is almost the youngest among the crowd, he is the leader among the more than 30 people, and he does not have any dissatisfaction.

Although Zhu Xiangyang is the youngest, as one of the first veterans of the Northern Defense Force, he has the richest experience among them.

At this time, he was carrying a sharp knife on his back, and a water bag and some sundries were hung in the bamboo basket behind him.

It had been nearly a month since the last goodbye. When he saw an old acquaintance, Yu Dayou blinked and couldn't help but say a few more words before the battle.

He saw the psychic gun tied to the young man's waist.

"Follow your orders, my lord—"

When they met again, Zhu Xiangyang was not as reckless as before.

He bowed and saluted, and the Imperial Guards soldier in front of him looked at the psychic gun on his waist for a while before speaking.

"You changed to new bullets - solid bullets with spiritual energy. Who made them for you?"

Having just finished dealing with the corpse Buddha beside him, the rare silence on the battlefield made Yu Dayou couldn't help but ask. He looked at the familiar psychic gun on the young man's waist with a look of surprise on his face.

As a lover of psychic guns, he could naturally see that the psychic gun he had used before had signs of recent use.

Obviously, it is impossible for the young man in front of him to master the advanced skill of manipulating spiritual energy, so if he wants to use it, there is only one possibility - those physical bullets mixed with spiritual energy as the firing device.

However, with the popularity of psychic muskets in the Forbidden Army, the emergence of physical projectiles that incorporate part of the spiritual energy as a backup method when the spiritual energy is exhausted is not something that surprises Yu Dayou.

The Forbidden Army gathered talents from all over the world to serve their supreme emperor.

There are many people who have good skills and know how to use their own abilities to reversely deduce and transform psychic muskets.

After receiving the emperor's gift, not only their combat power was enhanced, but their intelligence and thinking ability were also greatly improved, and they could learn new skills extremely quickly.

Often, the achievements that mortals spend their entire lives to achieve may be achieved by them spending several years studying. This is the result of them doing research in their free time while fighting.

If they study hard, their achievements will obviously be higher.

"A little Taoist Priest of the Qintian Prison, you wouldn't know him - he is just a little seventh-grade Wuguan Si Li."

The Five-Function Calendar was originally assigned to two people by the Qin Tian Jian, the ninth rank, and their duties were to assist the Five-Function Calendar, calculate the calendar, and determine the four seasons.

Later, due to the expansion and status of Qin Tianjian, the minor officials of the ninth rank were promoted to the seventh rank, and the quota was expanded from two to more than 20.

Zhu Xiangyang took out two iron bullets that he had kept close to him from his arms and handed them to Yu Dayou in front of him for inspection.

Yu Dayou took it.

The cold metal touch is mixed with some lead and mercury as materials for spiritual energy transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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