Chapter 226 Fierce Battle

However, all this came to an end under Ming Ting's cruel and cold blade.


As the generals measured the distance, the Ming army standing behind these death row prisoners, holding arrows wrapped with yellow paper talismans, was already communicating with the sword-wielding warriors beside them with their eyes and gesticulating in sign language, how to behead them and take them away. Defeating the enemy will be easier.

After hearing the order, the sword-wielding samurai stepped on the prisoner's legs, which had already been chopped off to prevent him from escaping. Later, another person tightened the iron rope binding the prisoner's head, forcing him to kneel and lean back.

Then the long knife was swung down, a head fell to the ground, blood sprayed out, and the talismans on the arrows were stained with fresh blood and immediately burned.

The archers strained their bow strings as hard as they could and carefully aimed forward. The ground beneath their feet was stained red by the blood of the prisoners who had their heads cut off.

This is a cruel world. Human beings in this world are no different from other rare and exotic beasts that have magical effects such as exorcism. Compared with those exotic beasts, humans are also a kind of resource, and they are also a kind of recovery tool. Fast, extremely versatile and high-quality resource.

As for whether the Ming court will run out of prisoners, it is not worth worrying about. On the contrary, it is because there are too many refugees accumulated over a century of decline. The horse bandits and thieves are hungry and the Ming court is worried about why they can't kill them all.

Although the strength of the Ming army has increased over the years, bandits and demons in various places have been brutally attacked by the imperial guards and officials in various places.

Government prisons in various places are overcrowded with prisoners waiting to be executed by the Queen of Autumn.

However, with the two wars between the Southwest and the Eastern Conquest of the Sharks.

Thousands of prisoners were consumed on the front line every day, and the wealth accumulated by the Ming Dynasty over the past century was in danger of being used up by the current emperor's militarism.

Take Zhu Houcong's Eastern Conquest of the Sharks as an example.

One month before the conquest order was issued, the imperial court immediately ordered the recruitment of 1 prisoners from prisons in Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shanxi and other northern provinces to accompany the army.

During the Shandong War, the Ming army rescued the people of Dengzhou, and most of the prisoner army was consumed in one battle. By the time the sharks' lair reached Nanjing along the way, the [-] or so prisoners on death row were either killed in front of the battle, or led by the northern defense troops. He was used as cannon fodder to explore the road.

Basically consumed.

Seeing such a shocking deficit, and in order to make up for the needs of the front line, wherever the Eastern Expedition Army went, it was necessary to first check whether there were any inaccuracies in the number of people on the rosters in the prisons of the local government. The military censor also began to check the historical cases of the government. , to see if there are powerful people colluding with the government, bending the law for personal gain, daring to bribe the government to evade the sanctions of the Ming Dynasty law...or the number of people in the prison is not true, the person is not named, etc...

All the relevant officials who found out the problem will be executed and sent to the army for the next wave.

Therefore, wherever the army passed, the prisons were emptied, the powerful were frightened and fled away, the corrupt officials were wiped out, and the people stayed open at night. Seeing this, the surviving officials and Confucian scholars and sages praised the rule of the Three Generations. The people's hearts are simple and the king's way can be achieved.

However, compared with the use of the army, there were still too few prisoners in the prisons along the way. So when they arrived at Jinling, the imperial court once again ordered the southeastern provinces to empty the prisons in each province, and sent officers to transfer all the prisoners in the prisons to the Eastern Expedition army. For the Holy Lord and good generals to use to bring order to the world.

In front of the formation, hundreds of arrows approached the ancient Buddha in front of them with evil aura. These corpse Buddhas were originally as invulnerable as glass jade bones, but their extremely strong skin was now like tofu in front of these arrows.

Each flaming arrow meant a human head fell to the ground. The arrows that pierced into the body of the Corpse Buddha exploded in an instant, but they only opened huge holes in the Corpse Buddha's body.

They got up from the ground. These arrows, which were very effective against those evil creatures and sorcery, were not very effective against these corpse Buddhas.This was also expected by these Ming troops who had been informed in advance of what they were facing.

As the rhythm of the war drums changed, the archers watched with unwillingness as the Corpse Buddha in front of them retreated to the rear of the military formation. Then the Ming army armed with improved fire blunderbuss stepped forward. Hundreds of five-eyed blunderbuss were aimed at the Corpse Buddha in front of them, guarding these The heavily armored warrior next to the gunman looked serious, and his mood was much more serious than that of the gunmen waiting for the shooting order.

After all, if the fire gunmen beside them cannot knock down the monster in front of them, they will follow the imperial guards who have drawn their halberds and are ready to attack the corpse Buddha in front of them, and engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat.

But fortunately, it turns out that after the enchanted arrow broke through the first layer of protection of the corpse Buddha in front of him, the fire gunman's attack was still effective.

There was a dull sound, shooting, and the hands of the fire gunner were cracked open by the shock of the fire gun, which was mixed with part of the dark iron to improve the stability of the weapon and the amount of charge, and the arms were numb.

The Ministry of Industry purchased a large number of Western firearms salvaged from the ships that were attacked by the sharks from the Spaniards who were rescued by coastal fishermen from the shark attacks.

In addition, a large number of Franji craftsmen and soldiers who were unable to return home due to the Mermaid rebellion joined the Ming army at Magellan's suggestion and chose to serve the Ming court in order to make a living.

The improved version of the Five-Eyed Gun in front of you, which combines Chinese and Western elements, plus a little bit of otherworldly technology and materials, is the latest achievement of the Ministry of Industry.

Although the recoil was strong, looking at the remains of the corpse Buddha shattered to the ground in front of him, all the costs were still worth it.

After all, this thing actually does not have much technical content, and the amount of black iron required is also very small, so it can be popularized in the Ming army in the future.

As for whether it will leave a few more mysteries about the mysterious and ancient Ming court materials to future generations.

It is an unsolved mystery of the Ming Dynasty that has puzzled scholars of later generations. They cannot figure out how the ancients relied on crude technical means to produce such materials.

But now Mingting can no longer control that much.

Surrounded by monsters from all directions, why are people talking about these things when they have already sent them?

"What Master Zhang said is indeed true. This fire and thunder is indeed the most powerful thing in the world and can defeat hundreds of ghosts. Even if this Corpse Buddha is not afraid of the Dharma, he will not be able to escape punishment!"

Yu Dayou was overjoyed when he saw that the gunpowder was effective.

He waved his halberd and said to the soldiers of the fifth military camp wearing heavy armor on his left and right.

"Quick! Let me mount the two horse-drawn artillery newly sent by the Ministry of Works. Warriors of the Ming Dynasty, follow me to attack! Victory belongs to your father!"

"All victories belong to the emperor! All victories belong to the king and father!"

Seeing that the Corpse Buddha had already rushed in front of them, the Ming army no longer hesitated. The fire gunmen retreated, and the Ming army wearing heavy armor showed its heavy blade!

Yu Dayou took the lead and struck the corpse Buddha in front of him with his halberd, which was not fatally injured by the previous fire blunderbuss and arrows. Compared with the surrounding companions, the golden light all over his body was particularly dazzling.

 I’ll make up one chapter today and fight again tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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