Chapter 203 Rampant Soldiers
There is a mermaid with his face covered and a pipe hanging on the counter on the right. Judging from his disguise, he is most likely one of the two mermaid priests shown in the information provided by Jinling officials.

On the left hand side are large tanks. The first few tanks have no lids, and the sound of fish and shrimp jumping can be heard from inside.

The lid further inside was not opened, and there was also a vague sound, but it was not clear what was inside.

"Pack up all the best seafood you have here——"

The desperate voice of Detective Wang Wu on the left came, causing Wang Zuo, who was observing the situation secretly, to frown slightly.

He raised his head. In addition to the front hall where the goods were displayed, the store also had a back hall, where some unsold seafood was stored. A familiar smell was mixed with the fishy smell, passing through the front hall and the back hall. A wooden curtain came.

Wang Zuo determined the locations of the ordinary sharks in the intelligence.

Obviously, the looming black shadow behind the wooden curtain and the strange breathing sound unique to the sharks as they exhale on land through their mouths revealed that they had been quietly hiding in the back hall, waiting for the opportunity to hunt.

"It just so happens that I have a treasure here, which is rare to find. I would like to ask you to see if it suits you. If you like it, just take it."

As he said that, Shopkeeper Merman led Wang Wu through the many restless herrings that seemed to feel the strange atmosphere in the air, and came to the one that kept making thumping sounds, and the constant collision of things inside made hundreds of fish in front of him. Yujin's large tank shook slightly.

The thing in the big tank in front of me seemed to feel someone coming outside, and actually stopped the collision and vibration on its own initiative.

The shopkeeper groped in his arms for a while and took out a bunch of keys.

After shaking the iron rope sealing the mouth of the cylinder twice, I looked for the keyhole. There was a rustling sound of muscles colliding in the cylinder, as if in response to something.

A charming smile appeared on the shopkeeper's face, and he was obviously very satisfied with the growth of the things in the tank. Wang Wu next to him listened as the pieces of meat in the tank that seemed to be covered in butter slid along the wall of the tank and finally fell into the water. But I couldn't help but feel hairy in my heart.

"What are you growing in this jar?"

"What a treasure! Master Cha, come closer, and you will know at a glance——"

Wang Wu was worried, thinking of how submissive these merchants were on weekdays, and looked forward bravely.

The surrounding windows were all covered with black cloth, making them appear dark. Standing three steps away, Wang Wu could only see a dark mass of meat about the size of a human head swimming in the tank.

There are some black linear objects on it that I don’t know if they are tentacles or something else——

"If you can't see clearly, you might as well get closer and take a closer look..."

The shopkeeper in front of him said with a smile, and Wang Wu saw such a strange thing in front of him. He looked more and more familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was, so he walked forward as if he was possessed.

No, not enough, not enough, you can get closer.

Wang Wu bowed down, and the sound of the thing slapping the water with its tentacles came to his ears, like a summons.

He even ignored the faint sound of swords being unsheathed from behind, and the faintly flowing scarlet liquid on the ground around the giant tanks. He lay on the tank, his eyes red, staring at the contents. .

The next moment, he raised his legs to jump into the tank and carefully taste this god-given seafood.

"wake up!"

With a roar like thunder, a big hand was on his shoulder. The next moment, he was thrown out of the window like a kite with its string broken, and fell to the ground. The burning pain in his back made him wake up from a dream.


he shouted in horror.

The Jinyi Guards of Nanzhen Fusi and the garrison troops under the Nanjing Military Department, who had been ambushing here for a long time, immediately surrounded the street in front of them and drove away the pedestrians.He also prepared firecrackers, spears and steel knives, ready to kill the sharks who escaped from the store at any time.

"What the hell is this!"

The steel knife in Wang Zuo's hand flashed with blue-red flames, and he slashed down as fast as the wind, cutting off the water tank.

When the steel knife cuts on this thing's body, it doesn't feel like flesh and blood, but like the firmness of some kind of gelatin.

All kinds of internal organs flowed out of the body of the thing in front of him, and the thing in front of him let out a mournful scream, like a sick baby that was about to die just after birth——

The green and red fire burned blazingly, burning most of his body in the blink of an eye.

The scream of the thing in front of me is even more shrill!

What the hell is this.

Looking at the sticky gelatinous mass in front of him that kept screaming like a baby, Wang Zuo couldn't help but feel a bit of surprise in his eyes.


The shark priest, who originally thought that it would be difficult for mortal weapons to harm this gelatinous mass, and was just watching the show leisurely, turned extremely fierce at this moment.

He looked at the burned mass, which was less than one-third of its original size. It was lying on the ground, squirming and making a sharp cry like a cat.

He tore off all his disguises, showed his sharp claws, and rushed towards Wang Zuo in front of him.

The meatballs on the ground crawled towards the body of the shark sacrifice, and soon the two of them merged into one.

"You hurt my child, and you have to pay the price for what happened today."

The shark priest was heartbroken as he felt the cry for help coming from the extremely weak gelatinous mass behind his back. He knew that if he did not feed it two living boys and girls today, it was obviously unknown whether this thing could survive. number.

He pointed with one hand, and the water in the tank turned into a water spear and rushed towards Wang Zuo. Wang Zuo frowned when he heard the angry words of the shark priest just now.

Descendants, this kind of thing?
He swung the knife, and the shadow of the dragon bird flashed behind him, and the water spears he stabbed broke off one after another.

On the other side, Peng Ze has also been killed with another mermaid priest. This old man has quite a bit of supernatural power in his body. The five ghost soldiers recruited by spreading beans into soldiers look better than Qin Tianjian. Supervisor Li Xuan is even more powerful.

Each of these Earth Temple soldiers and horses was full of blood and evil spirit. They had devoured countless lives and drank the blood of too many powerful enemies.

However, I thought that although this old guy was a civil servant, his promotion was basically based on leading troops to kill enemies, whether they were peasant armies, cultists, barbarian chiefs, local powerful people... he was invincible in every battle, like a god of war.

The earth altar soldiers and horses raised by the evil spirits of hundreds of battles are naturally full of blood and have extraordinary murderous intent. They are not comparable to the ghost soldiers that Li Xuan captured from various places and trained them with Taoism.

These rampant soldiers are in the transition between virtual and real. They cannot be described as yin and yang. They are not as full of yang energy as the heavenly soldiers and generals supported by Longhu Mountain, but they are also not as dense with yin energy as ordinary yin soldiers.

It can walk in the sun, and is not restrained by evil spirits. It is not afraid of thunder and righteousness, nor is it afraid of dirty magic. Although ordinary earth altar soldiers and horses are of average power, this rampant soldier in Peng Ze's hands is obviously not one of them.

Wang Zuo doubted that even the heavenly soldiers and generals enshrined in Longhu Mountain could defeat the earthly ghost soldiers in front of him, who were so full of evil spirits that they were almost solidified.

The shark priests in front of them were obviously overwhelmed in front of these ghost soldiers who were not afraid of magic. The sharks hiding in the back hall rushed out to help, but they were turned into ghosts swarmed by the black wind almost in an instant. The soldiers gnawed them into bones and devoured all their flesh and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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