My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 197 The Strange Incident in Jinling

Chapter 197 The Strange Incident in Jinling
"Who am I? My human identity is just a temporary and superficial decoration for me - since Your Majesty has already suspected my relationship with Chen Li, why would you ask knowingly?"

This golden python, or in other words, after its claws are pulled out, what you see in front of you is just an eel that has become a climate. This time it is lying on the river that never stops flowing eastward, staring at the setting sun on the horizon, as if I saw my miserable fate.

It was dying, and along with the sound of the rumbling river water, it was almost impossible to hear the heartbeat that roared like thunder in the past and the heavy breathing like magma erupting.

It raised its head with all its strength and looked at the destined emperor of China who was holding the King of Qin Sword and slaying evil spirits in front of him. The man in front of him was so young.

And sometimes youth is even more important political capital than talent, martial arts, and prestige——

Just like when I had imagined countless times in the city of Wuchang, when my father accomplished great things and unified the world, and a hundred years later, I ascended the throne and proclaimed myself emperor, how would I express my ambitions, drive away evil spirits, defend my ancestors' foundation, the territory of China, and become a prosperous and wise king.


All the illusions were completely shattered by the shouts of "The Han army has been defeated!" that sounded like a landslide a hundred years ago, and the sounds of the fleet and panic-stricken soldiers falling into the water, and the blazing Ming Dynasty on Poyang Lake. In the fierce flames.

Before death comes, it can't help but recall the past self that could still maintain a human body, as well as those naive illusions that should have been completely destroyed with the collapse of the pseudo-Han Dynasty.

"Chen Youliang—dragon scales grow on his back, a real dragon descends from the earth—what is he?"

The Emperor Ming Ting in front of him seemed to finally confirm his inner guess.

He looked at the dying Chen Eel in front of him, and after confirming that it would never be able to threaten his kingdom again, he asked his own question.

"Can the Sea Clan also come ashore to fight for destiny?"

This is the deep emotion that countless founding monarchs in this land, who have great ambitions and great achievements, and amazing talents and martial arts skills, can't help but express after they defeat the demons and inherit their destiny.

Could it be that all kinds of alien races in this world other than humans can imitate humans and fight for their destiny?

If it is possible, then why are there never any records of these alien races in the inheritance of supreme power for thousands of years.

Not only are there no traces of winners, there are also very few records of losers.

Chen Eel was very happy to hear such questions from the Emperor Ming Ting in front of him at the end of his life.

After all, this is a question that only a hero with the ambition to wipe out the demons and rebuild the world like Taizu would think about.

Those conservative monarchs would not have such thoughts at all. In order to consolidate their own power and ensure that future generations will enjoy eternal prosperity and wealth, what can they do even if they cooperate with evil spirits from foreign races and jointly exploit the people of the world?

"Good question...but unfortunately, this is too complicated. My life can no longer support the moment I can explain it clearly to you——"

Chen Eel said that the blood all over his body was flowing out turbulently, and the surging divine fire on the river had gradually extinguished. The river was dyed red, and countless fish and shrimps gathered around him, greedily sucking the essence and blood containing the vitality of heaven and earth. And quietly waiting for the end of the life of the behemoth in front of you, waiting for the moment when it completely dies, before all the sea life, do your best to eat the biggest piece of meat from the thing in front of you. .

"Do you know why those Destinies love humans so much, and they do not hesitate to engage in bloody battles to divide the territory on land. There are so many sea tribes in the sea, why don't those Destinies come to fight for them?"

Chen Eel said, and the Emperor Ming Ting in front of him thought for a moment.

"Could it be that you, the Sea Clan, are just too stupid—"


Chen Eel in front of him was silent, but he could only answer.

"There is a reason for this..."

"Just look at me and say—"

"..." Chen Eel sighed.

For a moment, he suddenly felt that the future of Ming Dynasty suddenly became bleak——

"Human beings are the best elixir in the eyes of the Evil God, comparable to the Lord of the Sea Tribe. I hope you can continue to protect them like you do today."

It took a deep breath, it had no time.

"When the Poyang Lake army was defeated, fortunately Taizu took pity on me and did not accuse me. Instead, he released me in the South China Sea - and gave me the secret of transforming into a dragon to escape the control of the things behind the Han court. Such a great kindness, I should have repaid you, but unfortunately God failed to fulfill my wish, and I ended up dying under the sword of the Ming court——"

When Chen Eel thought of this, he looked up at the sky in a daze.

Then a dark blue fist-sized pearl spit out from his mouth.

A wave of water passed by and handed it to Zhu Houcong.

"This is a water-proof Nine Dragon Pearl. According to legend, in ancient times, an emperor killed an evil dragon in the East China Sea. Its essence and blood poisoned thousands of miles, and all spirits withered. Finally, it gathered the essence and dragon blood of millions of creatures and condensed it. It can make ordinary people swim underwater. Free movement, and it will greatly benefit the practice of water magical powers——"

Chen Ao explained.

The aura on his body became weaker and weaker.

"If you want to take back the things under Jinling City from the Sea Dragon King, this thing can definitely help you."

Zhu Houcong picked it up and was about to ask how to use it, when he saw the golden python in front of him suddenly rolling violently in the sea, setting off waves, and raised his head and shouted at Zhu Houcong with his last strength.

"I am arrogant and ashamed of Taizu's holy hope. Please burn my flesh, blood and bones, turn them into dust and scatter them into the river, and bless Jinling forever to pay for my sins——"

After saying that, he plunged into the water, obviously completely lost.

Zhu Houcong played with the water droplets in his hands.

After all, this guy had been a human before, and after entering the sea, he did less evil than other sea tribesmen.

Although Zhu Houcong definitely wanted to find out all his dragons and grandsons in the water, he didn't mind fulfilling his last wish and helping him spread his ashes for the sake of giving him equipment. to the river.

Behind him, blazing flames burned the dragon's corpse. Seeing this, the monsters in the water had no choice but to retreat. Zhu Houcong played with the crystal clear orb in his hand. After exploring it with his spiritual consciousness, he even found out a set of secret techniques for transforming into a dragon. It is obviously used for the Hai Clan's practice.

The source of this secret power was a name that Zhu Houcong had heard countless times from the shark's mouth before.



At this time, in Jinling City.

The secret room beneath the Forbidden City.

There are two capitals in the Ming Dynasty, and there are naturally two in the Forbidden City. However, because of the Jingnan battle, Emperor Jianwen set fire to himself. King Yan claimed that the emperor was unfortunately missing. He searched for it many times but could not find it. He had no choice but to wait for a while until tomorrow. Son, wait until you find Emperor Jianwen one day and then return the throne to your dear nephew.

The Forbidden Palace in Jinling has been uninhabited for a long time, and there are often rumors that Jianwen's soul appears and kowtows to the Xiaoling Mausoleum to cry out to Taizu about the crime of King Yan's rebellion... Therefore, in addition to the daily maintenance of palace activities, it seems unusual. Deserted.

(End of this chapter)

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