Chapter 174 In the Deep Sea
"The ancients failed - except for the relics that may still exist in the barren land of the far north, those ancients who still tried to stay in the civilized land were completely extinct last night."

The rolling river went straight into the deep sea, and all the essence of heaven and earth it carried was swallowed by the behemoth in the deep sea in front of it.

They were huge undersea monsters, hundreds of meters long octopus tentacles, giant whales as old as fossils, huge sea pythons like the snakes that swallowed the world in Western legends... and what Zhu Houcong saw in Dengzhou The one is suspected to be a dragon transformed into an eel.

In the dark deep sea, these giant monsters on the seabed gather together, communicating with each other using obscure and incomprehensible sound waves, some of which are absolutely imperceptible to the narrow hearing of humans.

Even the latest of these languages ​​was created tens of thousands of years ago. Their civilizations are so long that humans are just pathetic, tiny bugs in front of them.

"But they left some evil seeds behind - those things are the real threat compared to the useless and funny ancient ones who think they are the creator."

The words just now were spoken by the true master of the four seas, who was in the center surrounded by the ocean lords of various places and the ocean kings who ruled one area.

He is the protector of all hybrid sharks, a huge monster of the deep that is as big as a mountain.

At this moment, it was lying quietly at the confluence of the river and the sea, enjoying the nourishment of its body by the essence of the sun and moon.

It sneered, unabashedly ridiculing the so-called creators who had wandered around the world and had reduced themselves to thieves and beggars by virtue of a certain indescribable existence.

"If those alien species want to seize their own treasure house of origin from the corpses of those ancient ones and choose to go south, our northern allies will give us a reminder."

The huge dragon that confronted Zhu Houcong in Dengzhou said in a low voice.

It raised its eyes and looked dimly at the terrifying ocean monarch in front of it.

The King of the Sea in front of him is hidden in the dark and dark seabed, and his body is like a black mountain.

"The most curious thing now is - that thing under Jinling City? Is it true or false? If Emperor Ming enters Nanjing, can our alliance with those things continue - can those bugs continue to control the situation and maintain our relationship? The transaction between them is still unknown——"

The dragon slowly opened its mouth, and its golden body gradually floated up. The sunlight that occasionally strayed into the deep sea hit its scales, flashing a bright golden color.

"Is Akito still unwilling to negotiate?"

The Ocean King in front of him cleverly avoided the first question asked by Jiao Long, about the thing that existed under Jinling City, the legend that had been circulating for nearly a thousand years.

Along with the billowing smoke and dust, the golden body was melted and the Northern soldiers crossed the Yangtze River. However, the kings had evil intentions and fought against each other. In the bloody dust of history, the mythical story about the tragic monarch of the Southern Dynasties has been circulated in Jinling——

The core of the story is what all the terrifying giants present who think they are the successors of the deep sea yearn for.

A fragment of destiny that has completely lost consciousness in the long wear and tear——

"The Emperor Ming still refuses to release Empress Dowager Zhang and forgive our compatriots on land——"

The dragon swayed in the water, causing a small tsunami on the sea surface.

It sees the things in front of it and doesn't want to share this secret with them.

This secret is said to allow the king of the sea to completely rule the world.

"The mermaid nobles are so arrogant. In order to please the Poseidon, they actually set their sights on us, the Lord of the Sea, who are also members of the Poseidon." The real Lord of the Sea was bewildered. When these rebellious remarks were made, When it came out, it could see all the emotions of the giant creatures in the ocean in front of it.

Even after hearing such rebellious remarks in the human world, no one was willing to stand on the side of those pure-blooded sharks, which made him extremely satisfied and continued.

"They are just relying on their right to freely enter and exit the Dragon Palace on the bottom of the sea and have more opportunities to serve the Poseidon. They dare to be so arrogant as to claim to be the Poseidon's sacrifices and require us, the true patrons of the Poseidon, to pay tribute every year. I ran around day after day looking for food and sacrifices for the Poseidon, but in the end, all the rewards from the Poseidon were taken away by them——"

"These damn mermaids——"

Many giants echoed.

But there were still questions.

"So what can we do? These shark priests control the entry and exit of the Dragon Palace and the right to worship the sea god. Without permission, we will never be able to enter those underwater cities-"

"No, you are wrong, my brother."

Looking at the huge white shark in front of me, it seems a bit joyous to call my food in the traditional sense my brother in the cruel ocean world.

But the mountain-like King of the Sea obviously didn't care about this boring group division in order to be able to go further.

Its voice was low, but it frightened the surrounding sea lords.

"The city under the sea, the city blessed by the sea god, can be called anything, Dragon Palace, Atlantis, the ancient kingdom of Xu that sank in the deep sea in ancient times and was entrusted by Dayu——"

"In the past, the sharks enjoyed many blessings and conveniences thanks to the blessings of their ancestors, but as of today, entering the Dragon Palace is no longer the privilege of the sharks - "

It opened its eyes, and its huge mountain-like figure began to tremble. Even the Eastern Expedition army that was far away quarrying felt the huge tremor coming from the bottom of the sea and up the river.

"The era when the sharks ruled the world is about to pass. My men have found traces of the descendants of the true master of the Dragon Palace. When my men bring the keys to the Dragon Palace back from the land! I will personally take action and let the Ming court The emperor felt the fierce power of the sea, and then——"

"Completely smash the rule of those stupid and weak Mermaid nobles over this vast sea that has lasted for tens of thousands of years——"

Immediately afterwards, upon hearing the news, countless giant behemoths on the seabed cheered together despite their different thoughts.

Feeling the excitement of those powerful beings, the countless mixed-race Merman tribes under his command, these beasts with only basic consciousness, also celebrated together.


"Your Majesty, the eunuch Gu Dayong, the leader of Xiaoling, would like to see you."

In the quarry barracks, Zhu Houcong, who had just sent a team of forbidden soldiers to explore the situation along the Yangtze River, received the news that Gu Dayong followed Wang Zuo and arrived secretly on a fast horse.

"Let him in—"

Seeing this former one of the Eight Tigers of Zhengde again, Gu Dayong now looks much richer and has a rosy complexion. It is obvious that he has been away from the internal fighting in the capital during these days in Nanjing, spending time with Emperor Taizu who is sleeping underground. Pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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