My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 169 Entering the Interior

Chapter 169 Entering the Interior
The disc, which was originally black and dotted with star-like patterns, seemed to realize that it had been discovered, and bursts of white light lit up from all sides.

A blue light shot out from underneath it, heading straight towards Zhu Houcong and Zhang Fawei.

This light—

Zhu Houcong looked at the "hat demon" above his head who seemed to have suddenly woken up from a deep sleep, with a strange look on his face.

Extraterrestrial craft?Category [-], [-] and [-] contact?
Moreover, Zhu Houcong also vaguely saw that there were some things that looked terrible to human aesthetics wandering around inside the hat demon.

From the back, there were human-like figures flapping and shouting, but there were also some tall creatures covered with tentacles wandering among them.

It's like observing the actions of these people on the outside.

"Disciples of Longhu Mountain! Form a magic circle and ask the heavenly soldiers and gods to protect you!"

Zhu Houcong dodged away from those blue lights.

This thing was not like any other spell he had seen since he traveled to this world.

On the contrary, there is no trace of magic in this blue light.

Instead, it really seemed like a body of pure energy that was uploaded from the silvery smooth surface in front of him, like the most sophisticated flying instrument, for attack.

There seems to be some kind of teleportation ability.

But Taoist priests like Zhang Fawei of Tianshi Dao seem to be no strangers to this thing. They have already summarized a set of methods to deal with it from the thousands of years of records of Tianshi Dao.

"The cave is mysterious and radiant. The powerful gods from all directions make me natural. The spiritual treasures and talismans tell the nine heavens. Qianluo Tanna, the cave is too mysterious. Kill demons and bind evil spirits, and kill thousands of ghosts. The divine curse of Zhongshan, Yuanshi jade text. I recite it once, but the ghosts will live longer. According to the five mountains, the eight seas know. The demon king restrained his hands and guarded me. "

There was a golden light protecting the body, firmly anchoring it to the ground, preventing it from being taken away by the blue light that had the meaning of distorting space.

"Your Majesty - this demon cannot move when casting spells, please kill it -"

Zhang Fawei shouted to Zhu Houcong in the blue light. His voice was intermittent, as if he appeared in another time and space, and his voice could only be heard by chance.

Zhu Houcong heard this and mentioned the King of Qin's evil-killing sword.

He jumped forward and headed straight towards the spaceship hovering in the sky.

He did not use magic to support him, but used his own strength to gradually increase the strength to test.

The King of Qin's Sword was already an unparalleled weapon in the world, but with Zhu Houcong's energy and force, he was unable to defeat it.

Looking at the white mark that appeared on the huge disk in front of him, Zhu Houcong fell into silence.

Little did he know that the human figure outside was able to leave a scar on this treasure that could cross the endless void and explore the stars with just brute force.

These control flying objects are as thick as giant trees, but they have animal-like skins. Behind them are dozens of slender tentacles, and the gaps between the ridges contain wing membranes that can be retracted like folding fans. The creature with wings, like a plant and an animal, felt even more horrified.

They collided with each other and exchanged information.

"Not good - they are descendants of other evil gods - their energy level has reached the highest level under the wild gods -"

"Leave quickly, remove the transmission channel, and don't let him take the opportunity to enter the spacecraft-"

"The Sleeper still needs sacrifices, so why not let the spaceship take off and charge the macro cannon - if you can capture such a life form, the Sleeper will be very happy -"

"No, you are crazy. The Star Destroyer Macro Cannon is a weapon that can destroy meteorites. What if it disturbs the sleeping things under this planet? You have to know that there are fragments of the evil god under the Jinling settlement. In dormant state——"

"No, I absolutely agree--"

"be opposed to--"

"be opposed to--"

"We are not sure whether we can deliver the sacrifice to the sleeper's mouth before he wakes up to gain shelter, so we cannot agree."

These terrifying and extremely intelligent creatures looked at the terrifying creature outside the aircraft and started talking.

And this naturally has nothing to do with Zhu Houcong.Zhu Houcong was basically certain that this thing was probably the creation of some extraterrestrial visitors.

At least with the technological level of humans in this world, there are also many highly recognizable curses or blessings from evil gods.

The final product is unlikely to have anything to do with the incredibly cool aircraft in front of you.

Touching it in front of you is simply the highest level of technology.

Zhu Houcong changed his mind.

Originally, he planned to violently break open the shell of the aircraft from the outside and then enter the interior of the spacecraft.

But once the Three Yang Mysterious Fire is opened, I'm afraid there won't be much left that can be used.

Zhu Houcong tried to get closer to those blue lights.

After the observation just now, Zhu Houcong has basically determined that this blue light will not pose any threat to him.

And the entire spaceship did not cause any fluctuations in its calamity-resolving method.

Zhu Houcong thought of the throbbing feeling in his heart when he just crossed the Yangtze River.

It seems to have nothing to do with these things.

Zhu Houcong thought.

But inside the spaceship, seeing Zhu Houcong's movements, the discussions among the tree-like life forms became more intense, even a little crazy.

"No, what does this descendant of the evil god want to do? Close the transmission channel quickly——"

"The passage is controlled by the worshipers of the evil god named "Three Days of Pure Qi" and cannot be closed -"

"Damn it, let the spaceship take off, hasn't the Sleeper responded yet?"

"This regime called Mingting is the territory of another powerful evil god. Since coming here, our contact with the Sleeper has been intermittent-"

"Damn it, he entered the transmission channel, he's coming over!"

These huge alien creatures exchanged opinions with each other. When they saw the human holding the ancient evil god's magic weapon, he chopped down the biological weapons with wolf heads and human bodies like melons and vegetables along the way, and clearly moved towards them. After coming from the main control room.

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became panicked.

"Emergency exit! Open the emergency exit!"

"He's coming - where's the emergency escape device? Activate it quickly!"

There was a lot of noise in the control room as Zhu Houcong passed through each section of the spacecraft.

Some features are very obvious, and Zhu Houcong can probably recognize their functions in a place where many high-end instruments are placed.

But in other places, Zhu Houcong didn't know much about the significance of these areas.

Bizarre creatures were soaked in huge tanks of solution.

And it gradually breaks down over time and is connected by a huge long tube to a giant machine as tall as a house.

Zhu Houcong even saw something similar to dinosaur fossils.

It was written with dense text in a language that Zhu Houcong had never seen before.

It looks like some kind of experimental file.

Arranged in chronological order, from the simplest reptile to the overlord who conquered the sky, land and sea, to the fantastic species that crawled back from the sea to the land after the extinction of the dinosaurs, struggling for hundreds of years but still unable to escape the fate of extinction.

The collection of this group of aliens is quite rich, but from now on they all have the surname Zhu!

(End of this chapter)

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