My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 165 Something like a wolf

Chapter 165 Something like a wolf
"Madam! Is there anything else to eat at home?"

Maritime businessman Liu Yan, who had just finished discussing the specific amount of goods to be sent to Nanyang this year from the manufacturing bureau, returned home, looked at the dark home and shouted in a low voice.

Now the imperial court has relaxed the restrictions on the amount of tribute trade from various countries. Although it is still inconvenient for merchants on the sea due to the chaos caused by the sharks, the trade routes on the road are already smooth. Therefore, the orders of various weaving bureaus have doubled this year, along with their caravans that cooperate with the weaving bureau. Everyone got busy.

After calling twice but no one responded, Liu Yan thought something had happened. He was lying on the recliner tiredly and he suddenly became alert.

"My lady! My lady!"

"What is it called! Are the children still sleeping? When I get home every day, they either eat or sleep..."

As the sound of his wife's nagging about getting dressed for the night rang out, and looking at the woman in front of him who was complaining that he came back too late while taking out two steamed buns from the bamboo basket for him, Liu Yan finally let go of his hanging heart.

Liu Yan didn't mind it either. He dipped the dish in oil into a few mouthfuls and ate it quickly. He reached out and wanted to take it, but his wife raised her hand and knocked it down.

"There is no food at home. This is for the parents-in-law and children to eat tomorrow morning! If you eat all the food, what will the family eat tomorrow?"

Looking at his wife's cold face in front of him, Liu Yan laughed dryly, knowing that his wife was still angry about what happened in the morning.

He stepped forward and held his wife's hand. The woman still wanted to break away, but seeing Liu Yan's really pitiful expression, she softened her heart and stopped struggling.

Seeing this, Liu Yan had a clue in his heart and said.

"Today's Holy Virtue cannot bear to see that people are homeless because of the war in all directions. The hungry people are selling their children and daughters. We ask rich families and clans from all over the country to donate money and food to help the court with disaster relief and settle the victims——"

"You are kind-hearted. My dear Liu Dashan, the refugees are pitiful. Don't forget that our family still has so many mouths waiting for food. All the rice stored at home was donated by the people this morning. If it weren't for my previous relationship with the neighbor Second Sister Zhao made some steamed buns while digging wild vegetables, and our whole family will be hungry tomorrow—"

As he spoke, his wife grabbed Liu Yan and started to cry.

"Why am I so miserable? After marrying a loser like you, I have no food at home..."

"Don't cry, don't cry. I'll just go to the grain store to buy some tomorrow..."

Liu Yan held his wife in his arms, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her.

Knowing that his wife is a talkative, she tearfully took out her dowry and gave it to the cavalry team of the Lingnan Xuanwei Envoy in exchange for silver this morning when she was donating money.

Both of them are now over forty, and of course they are not stupid boys who just shout slogans and then donate money to others.

He was a general in his family, but he turned to business at this time.

My wife also comes from a scholarly family, and she is considered to be a young lady from a high-class family.

On weekdays, the two people's attitude towards various fundraisers organized by various monsters and monsters can be described as indifferent.

The reason why I was so excited this time was probably because I looked at the convoy of young scholars riding donkey carts heading to the southwest, and listened to the emperor’s sincere words read by the state official, hoping that the entire Ming court would unite sincerely and overcome the difficulties together. I feel that every penny I donate this time will probably really fall into the mouths of the refugees and become life-saving food for my compatriots.

Instead of stuffing it into the pockets of some corrupt officials and unscrupulous wealthy businessmen as in previous years, letting them feast and drink, continue to bully the superiors and conceal the inferiors unscrupulously, and rob the people of their wealth.

If every cent of your money can really help your compatriots, there must not be many people who can remain indifferent to the suffering of the people living on the same land.

Unfortunately, as has happened repeatedly in the past dynasties, the official relief institutions that were supposed to help the orphans, widows and the poor, such as Beitianyuan in the Tang Dynasty, Anjifang in the Song Dynasty, Zhongjiyuan in the Yuan Dynasty, and Yangjiyuan in the Ming Dynasty, all ended up becoming gentry. A tool for officials to make money.

He deceived the imperial court's appropriations at the top and deceived the people from donating money and food at the bottom.

In the end, people of Ming Dynasty knew that they had been deceived, so they naturally turned a blind eye to these so-called "good deeds" and refused to pay any more.


His wife looked up with tears in her eyes. The two people who had been married for more than [-] years were looking at each other under the moonlight. Liu Yan's eyes actually looked a bit like a mature woman at this time, and I felt a sense of pity in them.

Seeing that the children had already fallen asleep, Liu Yan became more interested than ever before. He picked up his wife and headed towards the back room.

"What are you doing--"

The wife panicked.Seeing Liu Yan's determined look, his face was inevitably stained with a bit of blush.

"Are you still hungry? You can eat my share for tomorrow morning -"

It’s not like you only have the strength to work when you’re full.

Liu Yan chuckled, just as he was getting ready to eat and drink and work overtime at night.

Suddenly there was a noise from outside the door, and then a blue light appeared in the yard.

not good!Hat monster!
Thinking of the recent rumors that have made people in the southern provinces panic, Liu Yan's expression changed drastically and he quickly shouted to his wife.

"Wake up the children and my parents and go from the back door first——"

"And you--"

The wife rushed into the back room, holding Yao'er in one hand, shaking her eldest son and daughter awake with the other, and anxiously shouted to Liu Yan who was standing at the door.

The father and mother had also woken up. At this time, the mother was opening the window and pulling her grandchildren out of the window to escape.

"You and your mother-in-law go first -"

Liu Yan felt the huge impact from the door panel behind him and the roars like beasts from the courtyard. He just wanted his wife and daughters to leave him alone and leave quickly.

Then he saw his father, who had served as a guard patrol in Nanjing, walking towards him on crutches and said to him.

His father was as strong as an ox, so he lifted Liu Yan up and pushed him up.

"It's not a pity for me to die. If your whole family is gone, you will starve to death——"

Looking at his son who looked sad and refused to leave.

The gray-haired old man scolded.

"As the saying goes, you stand up at thirty. You are already at the age where you know your destiny. Why are you still acting like a stupid young man? Mother-in-law, run away quickly - protect my Liu family's incense."

"Think about your mother, how will your wife and children live if you die - leave quickly."

The knocks behind the door became more violent each time. Fortunately, there seemed to be only one of them this time, and I could barely cope with it even after taking a breath.

"Find a backlit place to run, don't be exposed to those blue lights!"

Liu Yan lingered in sadness. He knew what his father meant, but he had nothing to do. The situation was urgent, so he had to look at his father one last time. He picked up his daughter through the window with tears in his eyes, climbed over the wall at night, and went straight to the government office. And go.

Come on, you bastard—

A bit of ruthlessness flashed in the old man's eyes.

Seeing that the door was solid, the thing stopped hitting it and pulled out a swaying figure outside the door in the moonlight.

Obviously trying to break in through the window.

He picked up his cane, with a short blade hidden inside.

The cruel living environment maintains people's strong clan concepts.

No one is expendable, and everyone dies when they reach old age.

The key is why you die.

Finally, with a low roar, the thing broke through the window, and a wolf-like figure rushed in, a pair of green eyes shining with an evil light in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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