Chapter 152 Third Son
After Zhu Houcong's heavy screening, those who can stay in the palace are all wealthy and noble ladies from Beijing or various places. The power behind them is simply unfathomable in the eyes of ordinary people.

These rich and noble ladies have been accustomed to the intrigues and infighting in the back houses of their clans since they were young. Most of their fathers and brothers also hold high positions of power, and their political sense is extremely sensitive under the influence of their ears and eyes.

After hearing the words of the Emperor Taizu of Hongwu who casually mentioned it casually because he was happy to have his beloved son, "Establish a feudal royal family to protect the central government."

The hearts of many concubines, who were weak and delicate on the surface, suddenly felt like overwhelming waves.

Even Huang Jin, who was smiling happily at the prosperity of the emperor's descendants and arranging the princes' respective seats, had a flash of shock on his face.

But it was quickly hidden by his superb expression control.

He continued to put on the amulets given by the emperor to each of the little princes in front of him according to the rank of the concubines and the strength of the mother clan behind them.

But compared to before, his hand holding the amulet couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Who knows—compared to other Taizu’s teachings that were frequently used by officials to admonish the emperor, only this Taizu’s teaching that “all people build clans and vassal houses” was adopted by the vast number of civil servants, military officers, scholars, and vassal kings in Taizu’s favor. They were invariably ignored within a hundred years after their death.

Although the fate of a certain emperor of the second generation of the Ming Dynasty who was the first to blatantly violate this group training has proven to us the foresight of Taizu's teachings.

Emperor Jianwen, who was forced to disappear, and King Yan, who ascended the throne with tears in his eyes, both expressed that my father/grandfather still looked far ahead!That’s so true!

Then the first thing he did when he came to power was to slash at the vassal kings who said after Zhu Yuanzhang's death that they would "forever be the central barrier".

The atmosphere in the venue instantly became tense. Everyone was worried, but they had to pretend that they didn't understand anything.

The concubines knelt down on the ground in fear. They looked at the emperor in front of them and the princes in his hands with their peripheral vision. The light of ambition was shining in their eyes, mixed with the emperor's seemingly innocent words. , and the uncertain fear, joy, excitement, worry about the future - complex emotions flashed in their eyes.

If this is true, then even if his son cannot become the supreme emperor in the future, but becomes a vassal king guarding the four directions, the newly built small frontier courts will affect the fate of many people and the rise and fall of many families. .

As the mother clan that provided the greatest support to the lords who lived in the palace before they came of age, there is no doubt that they should get the biggest piece of this huge cake.

The maids in the palace were coming and going in a hurry, and even if the concubines below were sweating profusely, they could only hold their breath and concentrate at this moment, pretending to be unintentional, waiting to witness this important moment that would determine the future of the empire.

But at this moment, what Zhu Houcong was thinking about was——

It turned out to be an A-class spiritual root. Your father and I were originally qualified to be in the D-class.

If he hadn't known about Li Siyi's excellent qualifications, Zhu Houcong would never have believed that this little baby with the template of a cool male protagonist could be his son.

What the hell, our Lao Zhu family is taking a counterattack route.

Zhu Houcong touched the baby's hand.

Very powerful. When you reach adulthood, I will give you some more saplings from Xiyuan for you to plant in your own palace.

"I'm so happy, little Zaihen!"

Looking at the little baby in Zhu Houcong's hands, feeling the comfort brought by the spiritual energy washing over the body, the little baby giggled.

Li Siyi, who was completely unaware of the current situation, quietly knelt on the ground beside her, but Yin Huaisu, who was soaked in cold sweat behind her, whispered.

"When I usually hug him, he always has a reluctant expression on his face——"

Yin Huaisu had no intention of answering Li Siyi's complaint.

Because she felt that as Li Siyi whispered, the emperor's eyes looked towards the group of concubines and stayed on Li Siyi.

"My dear wife, I think there is a suitable place for you to go as a vassal in the future. You have made great contributions to the country. I am very happy today. It's just a guess, but it doesn't matter."

The emperor looked very happy, but no one dared to think that the emperor's profound words were just casual remarks.

"Except for the North and South Zhili, other places are casually——"


No, eldest sister, why are you really thinking seriously?Looking at Li Siyi who seemed to be really thinking about where her son would take her out of the palace in the future and where to take care of her in old age, Yin Huaisu secretly thought that something was wrong.

as predicted--

Maybe there were too many choices and it was too painful. Li Siyi blinked and said I want them all.

"How about, Your Majesty, you can see which piece of land is suitable when the time comes... I don't ask for much, as long as the territory is large enough!"

The naive Li Siyi has a very simple understanding of the land, that is, the bigger the land, the better.

The emperor in front of him seemed to be shocked by this request.

But for a moment, he seemed to be amused by his innocence and burst into laughter.

Holding the young Zhu Zaihen in his arms, he promised Li Siyi.

"I promise you that the land bestowed upon you will be the largest among the many vassal kings. However, I hope that my concubine will not feel that the land is too big. She will only be able to ride a horse and gallop for the rest of her life to only have a rough look and regret it. ——”

"Absolutely not!"

Li Siyi was overjoyed when she heard this!

wow!So big!How much money can be collected every year from just taxes!

On the side, Yin Huaisu tried his best to pull the reins of the stubborn donkey but couldn't hold it back, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

While Li Siyi was dreaming about the beautiful future, she didn't see the cunning smile flashing in the emperor's eyes, as if a conspiracy had succeeded.

"Concubine Li Ai has indeed won my heart. I promise that when the time comes, you and Zhu Zaihen will be given priority in selecting the escorts that the feudal lord will bring."

You can't catch a fool and trap him to death, right - you have to give him some benefits, so that when the time comes the guy realizes that he has suffered a big loss and is lying in front of Zhu Houcong and refuses to admit it.

Looking at Li Siyi who was still very happy and elated, Zhu Houcong felt a rare sense of guilt.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again.

Although the emperor didn't seem to say anything, he seemed to have said everything.

Although Li Siyi didn't quite understand what Zhu Houcong meant, what were the palace guards to pick from?

But adhering to the consistent principle of not taking advantage of the bastard.

Thank you again immediately.

Zhu Houcong nodded with satisfaction.

After putting Zhu Zaihen back in the hands of the eunuch, he would add that for any prince whose spiritual roots were detected, he would add that this son could defend the central vassal, and then ask Huang Jin to write down their names and thank his mother for his kindness.

But they don’t have the right to choose at will.

At that time, I will naturally be a brick of Ming Dynasty, and I can move it wherever it is needed.

Now Zhu Houcong has three sons with spiritual roots, namely the eldest son Zhu Zaiji, the second son Zhu Zaihen, and the third son Zhu Zaihe.

As you can imagine, there will be more to come.

As for those two who have no spiritual roots, it is actually quite good to be ordinary princes and be happy until death.

(End of this chapter)

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