My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 142 The fake man is missing

Chapter 142 The fake man is missing
Except that the whole body was painted red with some special paint.

The layout of the Li family ancestral hall looks no different from other ordinary ancestral halls.

The altar is filled with ancestral tablets, and the family tree is placed at the highest place for people to look at.

Something special is the protector invited in the ancestral hall, which is the child-giving lady who can protect the family's offspring in legends in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

But what was held in it was not a baby to be given to the benevolent woman's family, but a huge golden carp.

In the Empress's arms, the golden carp's face showed a humane emotion of joy, and a pair of fish eyes stared directly at the exquisite virgin who was following the Empress.

I don’t know which master craftsman in the late Yuan Dynasty carved this group of statues. The whole group of statues is lifelike and lifelike, as if they were real people.

If you look carefully, you can see a bit of reluctance in this virgin's smile, and the deep-rooted fear of the golden carp staring at her in her eyes.

Zhu Houcong stretched out his hand to pick up the gold-plated Li family tree on the altar table.

A cold wind blew from the side, with a slight smell of blood in the coldness. The windows slapped against the wall. The cold wind passed through the Li family memorial tablet, making waves of babies crying. The blood-red walls around them became even more gorgeous, exuding a faint scent for a moment. red light.


Zhu Houcong didn't care at all about the dark wind that suddenly blew around him, took down the genealogy and cursed.

The golden flames burning beside him directly ignited the sneaky thing hiding in the wind out of thin air.

With a painful cry mixed with unparalleled fear, the dark wind suddenly dispersed at a faster speed.

Zhu Houcong opened the family tree that was placed on the altar in front of him and ranked on top of all the tablets.

It was a strange arrangement, but almost as soon as he saw the first page of this genealogy, Zhu Houcong knew why they attached so much importance to this book, and why only the elders of the clan could read it.

The opening chapter is like a thunderclap, tearing apart the obscure and inexplicable origins of the Li family.

"In the 23rd year of the Zhizheng Period, the Poyang Lake army was defeated. Zhang Dingbian tried to protect the Han king from retreating to Baoxie Mountain. The king was killed by an arrow. The prince Chen E was lost in the rebellious army. Dingbian still risked his life in a small boat at night to carry Chen Youliang's body. , Chen Li, the son of Hu Liang, rushed to Wuchang and made Li the emperor."

"On February 24, the [-]th year of Zhengzheng, Zhang Bixian came to Wuchang's aid, but was defeated and captured. Wuchang became an isolated city. The next day, the Wu army captured Gaoguan Mountain. King Wu sent Luo Furen into the city to persuade him to surrender, and Zhang Dingbian surrendered with Chen Li."

In the middle is a large section of text that has been erased. It can be seen that it was not completely erased at once, but covered up in batches.

There were even decades in between.

"In the 28th year of Zhizheng year, he changed his name to Li and took Prince Chen Li of Han Dynasty to Qingcheng——"

The two sons of King Chen Youliang of Han Dynasty were the prince Chen Shan and the youngest son Chen Li.

Not Chen Shan but Chen E?

It's Chen Li, not Chen Li.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help but feel a little disturbed in his heart when he looked at the secret information in front of him that was completely invisible in the official historical records compiled by Mingting.

He became more and more interested in the history that was deliberately erased in the late Yuan Dynasty.

Chen Youliang... this person, no, judging from the appearance of his successor, it is still in the middle of the question whether he is a human or not.

Interesting, really interesting.

What interests Zhu Houcong even more is the erased text.

In the 24th year of the Zhengzheng Period, it was certain that Chen Li and Zhang Dingbian had fallen into Zhu Yuanzhang's hands.

But for some reason, Zhu Yuanzhang did not kill them. Instead, he allowed them to escape to Qingzhou, Shandong again in Zhizheng 28.

The 28th year of Zhizheng was also the first year of Hongwu, a special year.

Xu Da was ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang to lead his army in the Northern Expedition and conquered the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. Emperor Yuan Shun fled north in panic.

And it was impossible for the Northern Expedition armies to capture Dadu (now the northern capital of the Ming Dynasty) without passing through Shandong.

Zhang Dingbian and Chen Li settled in Qingzhou, Shandong at that time.It's getting more interesting.

Zhu Houcong's eyes were dim and uncertain following the candlelight in the palace.

He continued to flip through the so-called genealogy, which was made of unknown materials.

After explaining the origin clearly, the names of the family heads and clan members of each generation followed.

Major events and deeds of outstanding people that have happened.

What makes Zhu Houcong feel strange is that all the Li clan members recorded in this genealogy are men, not even a woman.

Is it possible that their genes are really so powerful that all the children born in the past hundred years are men?
Even if they are really men, don’t these clan leaders and elders take wives?How can you have a son without a wife?
Maybe the matter is more serious than Zhu Houcong thought before.

This terrifying ethnic group has been hidden in the Ming court for more than a hundred years.

Zhu Houcong thought about it and continued to scroll down. The time came to Yongle and the Tang Saier Rebellion.

At this time, the Li family had already established a firm foothold in Qingzhou with its special skills.

By bribing local officials and entering into marriages, he weaved a network of interests and accumulated a lot of property.

It was a prosperous scene, but under the prosperity there was an undercurrent, and some people could not bear the living atmosphere within the clan. The genealogy did not explain why it was depressed. Taking advantage of the Tang Saier Rebellion, and with the help of the White Lotus Sect, some people recovered. They took the surname Zhang and joined their enemies in the sea.

It is said that some of the bloodlines in that branch are exceptionally good and can stay on the shore almost all their lives. It is said that they finally arrived in Hebei, which was the place where the late emperor’s biological mother, Queen Mother Zhang, lived during her maternal clan era——

The context of many things that Zhu Houcong could not figure out before was instantly clear——

But there are some things that need to be seen to prove.

Zhu Houcong listened to the sound of gongs and drums coming from outside the ancestral hall. People were confused and at a loss, but they still subconsciously rushed to the ancestral hall.

Zhu Houcong put this "genealogy" in his arms.

Sitting on the altar, I quietly watched the hustle and bustle outside the ancestral hall.

Here comes the fish hooked.


Outside the ancestral hall, Li Changge banged the gong vigorously.

The mansion had just been called by the elders and learned that the clan leader and his party had been arrested by the government for the blood sacrifice. When the worried people heard this voice, they subconsciously rushed to the ancestral hall.

I thought the elders had found a countermeasure and asked everyone to discuss it, but unexpectedly it was the young man Li Changge who they saw.

"Chang Ge! Are you crazy! Can you play these gongs and drums too?"

Several gray-haired old men were almost furious when they saw Li Changge's appearance.

"Why can't you knock it! I am the son of the head of the family, the eldest son of the eldest son. Now my father is squatting in the county jail, so it is my turn to knock the drum -"

Li Changge retorted unceremoniously.

His appearance at this time made several clan elders furious, but there was nothing they could do.

They sneered a few times and looked at more and more tribesmen gathering around them, as if they wanted to see what would happen if Li Changge invited so many people to come to the ancestral hall for a while.

One of the clan elders did not want to see Li Changge make a fool of himself, so he came to his side and advised him.

"You are still young. There are some rules in the clan that you don't know. This drum has only been played by the head of the family and those who have been enlightened by the fairy carp in the past generations -"

"Uncle Zheng, don't you understand me too? Enlightenment? My magic is the most proficient in this generation! Doesn't it prove that I am the most respected sacrifice by the sacred carp?"

(End of this chapter)

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