My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 134 An ordinary confrontation

Chapter 134 An ordinary confrontation (5000)

Feather arrows burst out!As the bluish liquid like sulfuric acid spurted out, it splashed onto the iron arrows, sending out bursts of white smoke.

The monsters who came on the waves screamed in pain after being hit, and many fell directly under the waves and drowned alive.

That’s right… drowned…

Hybrid mermaids are terrifying amphibious creatures. Although these coastal mermaids can move underwater for a short period of time like fish, hunt and perform sacrifices, most of the time they still live in moist swamps or in the vast ocean. On an island or coral reef in the sea.

If they stay in the sea for a long time and fall into a coma, they will most likely never have the chance to wake up, and will be swallowed up by fish schools and become the nutrients of the sea.

It is said that in the darkest and deepest underwater ocean, those real pure-blooded sharks built a magnificent underwater city there.

They can live freely underwater and are no longer bound by oxygen and pressure.They worship the terrible master who has been sleeping for countless thousands of years in the Dragon Palace on the bottom of the sea.

The Dragon Palace occasionally welcomes guests other than the sharks.

They are the chosen ones, and the Dagons' sacrifices on earth have passed the test of the threefold oath.

The sharks will receive the revelation in advance, and then go ashore to find these lucky people, and take them on a pilgrimage to the bottom of the sea to receive the transformation and gift of the supreme power sleeping on the bottom of the sea.

The sharks swarmed and attacked.

Even though their blood is not pure, their intelligence is low, and they are like wild beasts, they are cruel and savage enough.

The huge wave flooded the entire harbor in an instant and swallowed up the tower, although the water quickly returned to the sea.

But what was left was an almost endless number of sharks waving steel forks and drooling all over the place.

They laughed wildly, their huge copper bell-like, fish-like brown-yellow round eyes flashing with cruel light.

The steel-like scales on his body exuded a rotten stench and a fishy smell.

The harpoon in his hand is not only a prop for hunting in the sea, but also a weapon for them to rob and hurt people.

Human women are even more rare treasures in their eyes. They are keen to let human women give birth to their offspring, in order to dilute the mermaid blood in their bodies and weaken the terrible thing on the seabed that unconsciously summons them and become an undersea altar. A delicious meal on the plate of their dear Father God.

It was also to enhance his independence so that he could compete with the real pure-blooded sharks at the bottom of the sea.

The women and children they plundered were thrown into the water behind them, and the outline of a huge creature faintly appeared on the sea behind them.

The creature was so huge that its nearly 30-meter-long body was covered with excited sharks. They used fishing nets to catch women and children from the water and put them on the back of the huge creature.

Then quickly sail away from the coast and sail towards the countless primitive islands in the boundless sea.

Surrounded by the vast sea, the people captured by the sharks could only look at the farther and farther shore in despair. Realizing that this might be the last time they would see the shore of their hometown in their lives, they cried bitterly.

"Prepare the Japanese soldiers! Arrange in formation! Arrange in array! Meet the enemy!"

The Japanese soldiers stationed at the port responded quickly.

Qianhu Yuha struggled to stand up from the waves that had just hit him and almost knocked him unconscious.

He turned around and looked at the mess around him. The sharks were plundering everywhere, plundering humans and animals to make their herds.

He used a pumpkin with his backhand to smash the head of a shark man who came back with a harpoon and grinned at him.

Fortunately, although their fish heads are hard, they are still inferior to those of hundred-forged iron hammers.

Ming Ting's warriors can still make them experience the feeling of their heads blooming when they hit them with blunt objects.

The brains as white as water splashed out. Different from the stench around them, these clear liquids exuded bursts of fragrance.

According to the legend of local fishermen, the brains of the sharks are the best medicine, which can cure diseases and prolong life. Many wealthy businessmen in the mainland have spent a lot of money on this. In order to make huge profits, local fishermen take advantage of the darkness of the night to make huge profits. Go out to sea, use fishing nets to hook spears, and use the family as a unit to hunt and kill lone sharks, take their brains, and sell them to wealthy merchants who come to buy them with huge sums of money along the way.


Finally, the Japanese soldiers recovered from the hasty attack. They put on their armor and their own iron helmets.

Picking up the surviving gunpowder and muskets that were not wet by the sea water, they lined up in two rows and started shooting at the oncoming sharks.

As the firecrackers exploded, the accelerating iron pellets hit the bodies of these sharks at close range.

The sharks fell to the ground and howled, and their steel-like scales were lifted straight away.

The rotting flesh with pus and stench underneath was exposed.

However, the vitality of these sharks is amazing. Even if their bodies are penetrated, as long as they do not hit key parts such as the head and heart, they can get up again from the ground.
Fighting again with harpoons in hand.

"Give firearms and spears to those without armor. Those with armor will take out their short blades and come with me!"

Yu Hao roared, and the bright sun in the sky broke through the dark clouds and shone brightly on the armor around him.

Most of the people who went into battle were armored men of the Ming army, strong men carrying double hammers and long axes and wearing heavy armor.

As Yu Ju entered the formation, he lined up in two rows in the center, holding two three-meter-long spear soldiers on both sides.

These Shandong Ming soldiers only numbered more than [-], but even if they faced an enemy ten times their own, their will to fight was high. When Yu Ju saw them, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the emperor is wise.

Due to the Datong Incident and the conquest of the southwest, the traitor Sijia's property was sold off.

The emperor ordered the court to give priority to repaying the money and food of the Ming army in Jiubian and along the coast who were fighting the sharks.

He also sent censors to various places to carry the emperor's personal rewards to support the frontline soldiers and civilians.

In the name of the imperial court, whenever they visited a place, if they lost too much money in food and salary and the amount they brought was insufficient, they would issue written notes to wealthy families in various places to borrow food and money, and set interest rates and a time limit for return.

Naturally, people with big surnames from wealthy families cannot refuse.

This year, the coastal guards finally got rid of the life of one meal and one meal. The bodies of the originally skinny soldiers gradually became stronger. The sharks were raging, and many people happily received the food and salary that they had lost money in these years. Improved life for the family.

Then he collected money and prepared a set of armor for himself.

The sharks are causing trouble, and my family is here, unable to escape, so it's important to save their lives.

This is also the reason why half of the five hundred Japanese soldiers at Dengzhou Harbor have armor.

Although the quality of the cloth armor distributed by the Ministry of Industry has improved in the past two years, the sharks' attacks are powerful and heavy. The officers and soldiers along the coast still prefer to wear iron armor on the outside and multiple layers of cloth on the inside as a buffer.

If you are fighting a shark close to hand without armor, you will undoubtedly suffer a lot when facing a shark with a bronze head and iron bones, and a body covered with scales and armor like iron.

The two wings were in close contact, flesh and blood flew everywhere, weapons and armor collided, emitting bursts of fire.

In the center, Ming troops wearing cloth armor, hanging iron plates, and holding spears were already in line.

People held their breath and concentrated, two rows of spears were raised side by side, and behind them were crossbowmen, gunners and archers waiting for opportunities to fire.


Facing the Ming court's spear array, the sharks' eyes clearly flashed with fear.

The spears used by the Ming army were mostly close to three meters long, nearly half as long as the harpoons in the hands of the sharks.

But the shark elder considered that the number of sharks on his side was nearly ten times that of the other side.

Then he became more confident and immediately ordered the sharks to form a similar formation to attack him.

However, compared to humans, most of the mixed-breed sharks had low intelligence and were like wild beasts. Only the priests and acolytes drove them away with whips and scolded them repeatedly before they reluctantly lined up in a row.

Rush forward with harpoon in hand.

Seeing the sharks coming like a tide in front of them, they roared and stabbed the harpoon in their hands towards the Ming army array in front of them.

The Japanese soldiers had been dealing with these shark pirates for a long time. At this time, they were still calm and walked side by side. The spears in their hands were surging. The sharks were close and looked calmly as they watched the harpoons coming towards them, but no one could dodge. No one dares to hide.

The Ming soldier fell to the ground and was immediately dragged to the rear, with one person holding a spear on top of him.

Using the training methods of the Ming army's spearmen, hundreds of people lined up in a majestic formation. The brave were not allowed to go first, and the timid were not allowed to come behind. They were stabbed with spears, stabbed away with spears, chopped with knives, and killed indiscriminately.

In an instant, the sharks who rushed forward and were close to the front of the formation were swarmed with spears from the hands of the Ming army in the rear row, inserted into the gaps in the scales, eyes, fins and other parts.

The spear stabbed randomly in the body, smashing the internal organs and pounding out the brains. Suddenly there were more than ten large and small holes in the shark's body.

This is destined to be a battle of courage. In order to maintain their fighting power, both sides are crowded into a small array, and what is coming is a dense array of spears and harpoons.

They are really rushing in together, and it is difficult to change hands. How can they tolerate jumping left and right? If one person turns around, the crowd will be suspicious. If one person moves an inch, the crowd will also want to seize their hearts. How can they tolerate either bursting out or retreating.

The Ming army had strict laws, and now the emperor ordered the Ministry of War to verify the placement of soldiers and their families in various local guards.

Anyone who escapes from the battlefield must be captured and brought to justice.

They were cut in half in public in the busy city, the whole family sat together, the men were sent to the army to guard the border, and the old and weak women were used as official slaves.

And if someone dies in battle, the government should resettle the widow and arrange positions. If there are children, the government will provide monthly grain relief until they reach adulthood, and arrange for them to enter private schools organized by local wealthy families to study and become literate.

Even if you run for your life, your life cannot be saved.When fighting to the death, the children have to wear common clothes.

Spears from both sides were going back and forth with each other, and soon the bodies of the dead Ming soldiers were piled up at their feet, with blood flowing into rivers.

The Ming army had no way out, so they struggled to move forward. After all, the sharks were still beasts and lacked human nature. When they smelled benefits, they swarmed up and snatched them like locusts. But once they encountered difficulties, they panicked like birds and beasts. Walk.

As the bodies piled up, more and more bodies were piled up.

The fierce shark in front of him looked at the corpses on the ground and the blood-stained spears in front of him, which were creaking and burned by the shark's blood.

There was also a look of fear in his eyes.

Even though the mermaid priests behind them roared at the top of their lungs and whipped them with their long whips, the mermaid's back was bloody and bloody, but they still roared and reluctantly stepped forward to charge into the battle.

Yu Jue knew the characteristics of these sharks very well, and immediately ordered the spear array to slowly advance along with the armored soldiers on both sides, forcing the sharks back into the sea.


Guns fired!Arrows are coming like rain!It was the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the sharks finally retreated!

Have the sharks been driven away!

Is today's battle over?
Seeing the sharks in front of him who could no longer maintain their formation and were running in all directions, Yu Hao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and Yu Hao immediately shouted.

"All ministries, please do not pursue! Maintain your formation! Advance slowly!"

As long as we use more force to drive the sharks into the sea again, there is a high probability that the shark tribe will not do it again in the next half month or so.

After all, the shark's army is drawn from various tribes and organized by the priests.

Every assembly is difficult.

But... as he stood on the waves and watched the Mermaid warriors, who were ten times the number of the Ming army, running toward the retreating sea like a tide, a look of irritation appeared on his face.

He stretched out the dry palm covered with dead skin from under the robe made of whale skin.

He picked up the faint blue conch around his waist, engraved with strange runes praising the Lord of the Deep Sea, brought it up to his fish lips and started playing.

Surprisingly, the heads of these priests look more like humans than ordinary sharks whose upper bodies are fish.

If they use bamboo hats to cover their faces and the ubiquitous fish scales on their faces, they can use their mysterious technology to make complex vocal cords, wander into human markets, and buy various items they need.

The conch made a sharp sound, and then huge waves rose in the sea behind it.

It was a huge sea lion, covered in layers of thick shells and corals as armor.

Under the command of the shark rider, it washed ashore along the ocean current set off by the priests.

Its size is unusually large, three meters long, and there are as many as a hundred in number.

He stuck his head out of the sea, tied a rope to his body, dragged the giant thing in the sea, and swam forward hard. The sight of the densely packed heads on the sea was daunting.

The sea lion came ashore, dragging the huge iron chain, and people finally saw the huge thing being dragged and guided in the sea.

It was a huge predator that was also carefully dressed by the sharks. The body below the neck was covered with shells and animal scales for protection.

It has a slender neck like the image in the sea monster's legend about a sea monster that can stir up waves and engulf fishing boats at sea, and its flat head is covered with fangs.

The height can reach more than thirty meters.

The body below the neck is bloated and supported by four short limbs.

Because it has not set foot on land for a long time, its limbs have degenerated into objects similar to the tail fins of fish.

The sharks surrounded it, singing ancient songs.

It shook its body, and the sharks one by one untied the chains that helped it land on land.

Its body proportions are very uncoordinated, and it cannot rise from the deep sea to land on its own. It can only rely on the dragging of sea lions to land.

The sharks summoned him based on an ancient contract.

Let this ancient predator set foot on the earth again, devouring land creatures as blood food to help the sharks win again.

Yu Hao looked at the terrifying monster in front of him in disbelief.

People were commotion, and the Ming army behind them looked at the monster who looked up to the sky and the earth, with despair in their eyes.

Eventually this despair turned into madness.

People looked at each other, and Yu Hao took off his helmet. His red eyes stared at the terrifying thing in front of him, which looked like a mountain.

The Ming army looked at each other in fear, but in the wordless silence, the desperate people looked at the beast's slender neck and discovered their last chance.

Yu Hao took out his dagger, put a spear on his back, slapped his limbs facing each other, and rushed towards the battle formation.

The battle formation was separated, but some people were still crushed by this thing. The spears in the hands of the Ming army could not penetrate the huge shellfish and scales on their bodies.

"Choose your vanguard! Follow me to defeat the enemy!"

The battle formation collapsed, and amid the screams of misery, Yu Hao shouted, and dozens of Ming army's first warriors took out their daggers and flew towards the giant beast.

The dagger was inserted deeply into the armor made of shells and scales, and he tried his best to stabilize his body and climb up.

Their target was the sea monster's relatively fragile, poorly protected neck.

Even though it is slender compared to the monster's body, the sea monster's neck is more than three meters in diameter.

Yu Hao and others climbed up the rock with spears on their backs, trying their best to stabilize their bodies to prevent themselves from falling and bending, to see if they could penetrate its thick horny rubber with the spears on their backs. As the monster rushed into the city and countryside, Before killing, let the sword leave some marks on it and let it shed some blood.

"Wan Sheng!"

The Ming army shouted!Crying in despair!

Hundreds of people were easily crushed and turned into blood and flesh.

Every breath this sea monster takes is like a huge tremor like a landslide to the humans who cling to him like ants.

Roaring in despair, the Ming army clinging to it fell from its body like raindrops, hitting the ground heavily and turning into a pulp.

The Ming army below vigorously wielded their long axes and spears, and stabbed with all their strength.

Blood oozed from the tiger's mouth due to the shock, but the layers of armor made from the corpses of marine creatures on the giant beast in front of him only left a few shallow marks.

The sharks watched, cheering for the infinite power of the giants in the sea.

Praise the great God of the sea.

The thing moved forward here, and another Ming army that was not afraid of death and tried to damage it through the gaps in the monster's armor was crushed into a pulp.

"Wan Sheng!"

A desperate cry came from above, which was proof that the mortal warrior was still climbing on the monster's body.

"It is said that a fish leaps over the dragon's gate and becomes a dragon when it passes by, but this is only true for the carp!"

Li Changge finally woke up. He opened up the sea of ​​ginseng that buried him and listened to the desperate shouts or angry roars in his ears.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood.

He knew that even if his life was shortened, he would still have to ask the Dragon-Transforming Carp that the Li family had worshiped for generations to take action.

Otherwise, everyone will die here, or be captured by the murlocs and used as slaves for the rest of their lives.

The red fish scales in his arms shone brightly along with the memorial words in his mouth.

The priest watching the battle in the sea seemed to feel something, and he looked at Li Changge's hiding place.

That familiar aura made his eyes startle with uncertainty.

Two small streams of water mixed with Li Changge's blood rushed towards the giant beast that almost reached the sky and the earth.

The sea monster also smelled the familiar scent. The sea monster hesitated and stopped its movements. Although it reacted quickly, it also gave Yu Ju and other elite warriors enough time to climb up.


Yu Hao stuck his dagger into the scales on the neck of the sea monster in front of him, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

He took off the spear from behind with one hand, and angrily stabbed the neck of the terrifying monster in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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