My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 120 The secret of Yuan Ting

Chapter 120 The secret of Yuan Ting
"Your Majesty, there is no need to refuse in a hurry. I haven't told you the price my master has offered you yet?"

The scholar replied.

"you say……"

Zhu Houcong stared at the scholar in front of him, his thoughts changing.

The person in front of him is just a puppet in the hands of destiny. From Zhu Houcong's personal feeling, it is difficult to say how much real autonomy he has.

"First of all, my master will make a covenant with you, agreeing never to invade, and to voluntarily withdraw from the territory of the Ming Dynasty, escape three thousand miles away, and never enter the territory of the Ming Dynasty within a hundred years."

"Furthermore, is your Majesty worried about the Northern Tatars invading the borders of the Ming Dynasty with the help of the Can Yuan Destiny? If Your Majesty is not willing to ask for help from the Fire Destiny, my Lord has a solution that can help His Majesty solve the problem of the Can Yuan in the north. Destiny will make it unable to invade the Ming Dynasty again for at least a hundred years——"

The scholar in front of him was full of confidence, and Zhu Houcong became somewhat interested.

But still shook his head.

"Silun Guang, as the leader of the rebellion, will be taken to the southern suburbs to be punished. He cannot be given to you, but you can choose someone else."

"What about Silun Guang's eldest son Silunze -"

"The six sons have committed extremely heinous crimes. I have ordered the Ministry of Punishment to select a day to kill them."

Zhu Houcong shook his head again, but considering that the conditions proposed by the other party were indeed very attractive.


"However, he also has several minor grandchildren who were innocently implicated because of their ancestor's misconduct, so I can give you a few more."

They say they are underage, but in fact the oldest one has just learned to crawl on the ground.

The scholar obviously also knew the situation of Silun's family.

But originally he wanted to find a priest to serve his destiny, but instead he found a father for himself. Naturally, the scholar was extremely unwilling.


"Is it true that we can no longer be accommodating?"

Zhu Houcong shook his head and said that this was the last condition, love or not.

"Then just think that in my previous life, as a scholar, I did something good for the people of the world... That's it..."

He shook his head and sighed.

Zhu Houcong was noncommittal.

"Does Your Majesty know that when the Yuan Dynasty conquered the Central Plains with Jin Ming, why it was Mu De Tianming who followed him into exile in Mobei when the country finally fell?"

The scholar in front of him said slowly.

"Appreciate further details."

Seeing that Zhu Houcong had written a document on the paper and ordered Jin Yiwei to pass the decree to pardon all the children under the age of three in Sijia and send them to nearby farmers to be raised, the scholar breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"Your Majesty, does he know about the battle between Yuan and Ting?"


Zhu Houcong was thoughtful.

"Could it be like the story of the Han Dynasty, where the Yuan Dynasty was fighting for destiny?"

The Battle of the Two Capitals refers to the fight for the throne between the Yuan Wuzong lineage in Dadu (now the capital of the Ming Dynasty) and the Taiding Emperor in Xhangdu (the old capital of Mongolia) in 1328 (the first year of Yuanzhihe and the first year of Tianli). civil war.

The final result was that Dadu finally won the victory. After two battles in Liangxiang and Tanzhou, the grassland forces were almost completely slaughtered by the Central Plains forces. In the end, Emperor Taiding's prince Alajiba also became as unknown as the dear nephew of a certain King of Yan. The end.


The scholar laughed.

“Later, Aljiba fled westward with Jin De’s destiny, took refuge with Batu’s successors, and settled in the Golden Horde... Decades ago, the Golden Horde fell into pieces, and Jin De’s destiny was nowhere to be found. ——”

"However, my lord does have definite information, proving that Jin De's destiny has fallen into the hands of a vassal state that was once under the jurisdiction of the Mongolian Empire."

"The name seems to be Rus, Rakshasa, or the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Because the journey is too far and there are translation problems, I can't be sure -" "It's just that during the war, Jin De's destiny was shattered and the fragments were left behind. Everywhere.”

"Any destiny longs for its own integrity, and Jin De's destiny is no exception. If given the opportunity, no destiny will give up the opportunity to complete itself——"

"what do you mean……"

Zhu Houcong's eyes flashed.

"It happens that our lord knows the whereabouts of one of the fragments. If your majesty can obtain it, he can use the strategy of driving the tiger to devour the wolf. The Mongols have ruled Rus for hundreds of years, and the two have already forged a bloody feud. In the hands of the Mongols, the main body of Mud and Rus The main body of Jin De in human hands is also a feud. If the two can determine the location and condition of the other party, even if they are thousands of miles apart, there will be a big war——"

The scholar talked eloquently, but Zhu Houcong remained silent.

The destiny of this world, and the understanding of the current situation of mankind may have long exceeded human imagination.

They will never stingyly use the hatred and desires between humans to achieve their own goals because of the weakness of humans.

"Great offer, well worth the deal."

Zhu Houcong nodded.

He handed the pardon paper in his hand to the scholar in front of him.

"The last question, answer it and you can leave and go west on your own."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"Isn't your master also a fragment of Mu De's destiny? Why do you want to calculate the main body of Mu De's destiny in the hands of the Mongols like this?"

Zhu Houcong asked curiously, and the scholar was obviously in a good mood after completing the task, and answered with a bit of a smile on his face.

"Even in human society, brothers will not hesitate to fight each other for the ancestral property left by their parents, let alone the fragments of destiny competing for dominance? It is life and death! Who doesn't want to collect all the power and become a true person? Where is his supreme destiny?"

Zhu Houcong nodded, and the scholar in front of him bowed deeply to Zhu Houcong, then turned and left.

"I hope your Majesty will treat all people kindly and usher in a prosperous era of prosperity. Although there is a covenant ahead, the Lord and I will come back one day..."

I'm waiting -

The so-called mutual non-aggression is just a compromise between each other that they have no choice but to do at present.

Regardless of whether it is Mu Detianming behind this homesickness, he has collected enough fragments to regain his strength.

Zhu Houcong has made great progress in cultivation and can compete with the destiny.

There is still another battle between them.

Zhu Houcong stood up and picked up the report about King Mu's orphan that had just been presented by the chieftains in his hand.

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Two Jinyi guards waiting outside the tent heard the noise inside the tent and knelt down on one knee in front of Zhu Houcong.

"Let the chieftain send people to send all the so-called orphans of King Mu to the capital, and let the nobles and civil servants in the capital distinguish the true from the false."

After all, Zhu Houcong had never really seen what King Mu's orphan looked like, so it wouldn't be embarrassing if he admitted his mistake.

At this time, a qualified king must know how to throw difficult problems to his civil and military ministers.

You made the right choice, I am a good leader.

If you do something wrong, it's because your father is busy with everything and has been deceived by the treacherous villain below.

"Instruct Jiang Ding and the generals to choose a good and auspicious day to return to the capital and pay homage to the ancestral temple."

After hearing Zhu Houcong's words, the two Jinyi guards below looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

After all, the prosperous capital city is more suitable for human habitation than the stagnant southwest mountains.

However, it is no secret in the military that some of the troops and forbidden soldiers are left to continue to conquer the remaining demons in the southwest.

If you are really drawn, you can only lament that you are out of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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