Chapter 118 A noisy wild god


Zhu Houcong narrowed his eyes and stared at the monster in front of him. It condensed into a human form again and appeared in front of Zhu Houcong. However, it was already extremely weak. Bloodworms would fall out of the body from time to time, and it was difficult to maintain its human form.

"I never like to joke with my enemies!"

Zhu Houcong's tone was cold.

"I don't mean to deceive you... The so-called dragon vein is just a way for the humans and gods who rule the earth and the gods in the sky to join forces to harvest the essence of all living beings. The fat of all peoples is the most terrifying predator in this world. We should not hesitate to put down our bodies and fight for each other's things——"

The Blood God looked at Zhu Houcong, hiding the desire from his soul in his eyes.

Its words were confusing. Looking at Zhu Houcong in front of him, he continued.

"My true body is still under the seal under the Dingnan platform established by Ming Taizu. Now I am just an incarnation, and I am very weak. If you find me lying, you can get rid of me at any time."

"But if you spare my life, not only will I no longer pose any threat to you, but I will also be able to help you, the Ming Court, rebuild the dragon veins, and even help you extend the dragon veins into the southwest mountains -"

"Think about it. When someone dies in the land of the Ming Dynasty, most of their essence will be extracted to support the destiny, and the remaining part is also very considerable. All of you in the Ming Dynasty can benefit from it. The good thing is, as long as the creatures on this land are not extinct, there will be endless fats and oils for you to use for your practice, and your descendants can become real gods and humans on earth! Enjoy endless glory and wealth forever!"

Seeing Zhu Houcong put away his sword, his bewitching tone became more urgent.

"Nice suggestion——"

Zhu Houcong nodded, as if he was really looking forward to the future where the Ming Dynasty's dragon veins would spread all over the world.

The blood god in front of him laughed loudly when he saw this and stretched out his hand.

"I have seen with my own eyes how King Qin brought out dragons from Taiyuan with a sword in the early Tang Dynasty, how he made Li Tang's dragon veins spread all over the world, and how Songtsen Gampo learned the method of constructing dragon veins from Princess Wencheng, so that Tubo could survive Li Shimin's death. Later, he competed with the Tang court for destiny! Let Chang'an fall seven times and the emperor move nine times! From a small barbarian country, it suddenly became a powerful country that could compete with the Central Plains dynasty for destiny!"

He was ready to take advantage of the young king's ambition in front of him and the bad nature shared by all human beings. In the process of building the dragon vein, he secretly intercepted a part of the fat of all peoples to feed himself, so that he could regain his strength as soon as possible, and then look for opportunities to remove it. The seal on one's own body.

He has already imagined a bright future after escaping from the trap, taking advantage of the sleeping destiny to feed on blood in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

But what followed was not the hand of the young emperor representing the sincerity of cooperation, but a long sword of fire that shone with cold light and burned with blazing true flames.

This sword directly chopped into pieces his body that was already fragile due to the massive death of blood worms.

"Your conditions would sound good to anyone, but I just don't think this will work."

Because I have decided to find a new way for mankind from this endless miserable cycle!
And even if there is cooperation, the collaborator must not be the terrifying barbarian god who kills people in the southwest like this.

"Nine Heaven Divine Phoenix! Listen to my decree!"

After hearing Zhu Houcong's order, he had been staring at the Barbarian God for a long time, and the hungry phoenix bird let out a long and long cry to the sky.

Faced with the strange bird, the blood worms were forced to flee again, but were blocked by the fire net set by Zhu Houcong. They could only watch the phoenix bird devouring his body bit by bit. At the end of his life, he roared at Zhu Houcong. .

"You're going to regret it! You pathetic opinionated person! Look at yourself!"

"You are a god! You are not a human being! How are those fragile and pitiful beings the same as us! We are the same race! Those mortal ants are only worthy of being our food!"

"We can make mountains collapse with just a finger! We can cause tsunamis to devour humans and animals with just a breath! The world is unkind! The law of the jungle has been the law of this world since ancient times!"

"If you want to break it! Break this iron law! Then you will be greeted by the anger of all the predators in this world. They will tear your flesh and blood and slaughter your tribe... Let everything you own turn into ash--"

When the last blood worm was swallowed by the phoenix bird, the world finally became quiet.Dealt with a very noisy Barbarian Avatar.

Zhu Houcong thought.

The Xuanfeng in front of him did not leave in a hurry, but took the initiative to shrink his figure and turned into a half-human-high phoenix bird that rested on Zhu Houcong's hand.

Although the size has shrunk, the weight has not decreased at all.

Zhu Houcong held it with one hand, feeling like he was holding a hill.

One person and one bird look at each other.

Fengniao leaned down lazily, leaned on Zhu Houcong's shoulder and began to take a nap.

Zhu Houcong collected the surrounding sky fire.

It was a good time to understand the situation on the battlefield through the Thousand Miles Transmission Talisman carried by Qiu Luan.

Without the help of the Blood God and Tianming, the Luchuan army was retreating steadily.

The imperial army has now entered Luchuan Royal Court, destroyed various blood sacrificial altars, rescued the people, and searched for the destiny left behind by Yuan Ting.

"I have a question, are you now the black bird and the phoenix above the nine heavens, or the King of Chu Zhuang who made a name for himself during the Warring States Period? Or are you both?"

Zhu Houcong took the initiative to break the brief silence. The black bird on Zhu Houcong's shoulder seemed not to understand Zhu Houcong's words at all and showed no reaction to it.

Instead, he continued to nap.

Zhu Houcong continued.

"You know, although your bloodline in the Central Plains was extinct in the melee at the end of Qin Dynasty, one of your bloodlines was luckily left somewhere in the southwest, and it happened to be found by my people. Aren't you curious about their whereabouts?"

Hearing that he actually still has blood left in the world.

The phoenix bird on Zhu Houcong's shoulder suddenly opened its eyes.

Looking at Zhu Houcong, the bird's face actually made Zhu Houcong see the tangle and complexity in his heart.

"Sure enough, beings like us who gave up the human form in the end for the sake of immortality, no matter how noble they are, are not worthy of unifying the Nine Provinces and becoming the co-lords of the Human Emperor."

"After all, the world belongs to the people of the world. Although there are evil gods from the sky watching, the road is indeed difficult, but civilization can continue. How lucky! How lucky!"

The cry of the phoenix bird soared from Zhu Houcong's body, circling around and singing, and reached Zhu Houcong's ears. His words were clear, allowing Zhu Houcong to understand it extremely clearly.

As a member of the Chu family whose bloodline can be traced back to the Yellow Emperor, even if he turned into a phoenix to perch on a moon branch in order to seek immortality, Xiong Lu always had a certain amount of reserve and arrogance in his heart.

How ferocious their era was. In that chaotic world, countless terrifying predators equal to destiny were entrenched in this fertile land.

Taking advantage of the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, the collapse of rituals and music, and the opportunity for the princes to attack each other.

They all stepped onto the stage, where humans and gods fought, demons danced wildly, cities and countries were massacred, and hundreds of thousands of captives and civilians were massacred and filled into ravines, where the victors used them to offer sacrifices to the heaven, earth, sun, moon, ancestors, ghosts, and gods. Just taking it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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