Chapter 106
However, this is a bit difficult to handle.

Zhu Houcong frowned slightly.

It seems that my treasure can only be opened after I go back after pacifying the southwest.

"Send an order to the capital and order Qin Tianjian to send people to Wushan in Chuchu to investigate the situation and wait for an opportunity."

After Zhu Houcong asked the capital to send people to take a look at his treasure, he still felt that it was not safe, and then looked at the young imperial guard in front of him.

"What's your name?"

Hearing Zhu Houcong's question, the young man couldn't help but tremble with excitement.


"Your Majesty, my name is Fan Yi, and my family has been serving in the Imperial Army since the reign of Emperor Xianzong——"

Zhu Houcong nodded and smiled.

"Would you like to lead a team of forbidden troops to inspect Wushan for me?"

After hearing Zhu Houcong's words, everyone around him cast envious glances at him.

After all, this is the emperor's personal decree.

Carrying the emperor's orders and returning to his hometown in fine clothes is not just impressive. Even the county official Yin Buzheng envoy must be polite when meeting him.

But when the young man heard this, he was shocked and didn't come back for a long time, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He gritted his teeth, his face changed, and then he kowtowed in front of Zhu Houcong.

"My elder brother died in Qujing yesterday. I have sworn in front of my brother's grave that I will kill the thief with my own hands to pay homage to my brother's spirit in heaven."

"Besides, many of the brothers in our clan are in the army. Since entering the southwest, three people have died and two have been injured and disabled. Compared with the thousands of people in the southwest who were massacred by the bandits, although it is not worth mentioning, it is still the case for our Badong Fan family. Bone-cutting pain.”

"I ask your Majesty to take back your order and send someone else. I am willing to lead the vanguard and attack the Luchuan Royal Court, and take the head of the missing thief to present to Your Majesty——"

The words are sincere and sonorous.

This young man is very good, but a little too arrogant.

Zhu Houcong can understand the mood of these martial arts families in the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, various industries were clearly divided. If you joined the army, basically the entire family had military status for generations.

If you are unlucky, if this generation is thin, it is not unimaginable to have a big defeat, let alone the whole family, and the entire clan will be wiped out.

Although the Ming army made rapid progress in the southwest, with the cooperation of the forbidden soldiers and Qin Tianjian, the number of casualties was still not a small number.

First, there is a poisonous miasma all over the southwest and there are many evil spirits, and the Silun family has been operating here for many years.

The elephant soldiers and wizards under his jurisdiction are all the best among the barbarians.

As of today, the Ming army is approaching Luchuan, and even the Forbidden Army and Qin Tianjian have suffered more than a hundred casualties.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers.

The total number of wounded and killed was nearly [-].

Even the senior generals of the Ming army who led the army to form a formation and killed the demons and barbarians with their blood and blood suffered a lot of losses due to the backlash of the evil spirit.

But it's all worth it.

Along the way, under the attack from the north and south by the armies of Zhu Houcong and Wang Shouren, most of the 30 Luchuan barbarians claimed by the Silun family had been killed.

Except for the elephant soldiers who stayed in the royal court, the rest of the elephant soldiers guarding various places were completely wiped out.

"You are a heroic and courageous warrior. How can I not agree to this? Let two of your disabled relatives return home first and guard Wushan for me!"

"By the way, tomorrow I will notify all the forbidden soldiers at all levels in the camp who are waiting for the Emperor's favor to come here. I will grant you the Emperor's favor one by one in preparation for the battle in the future!"

Hearing this, Fan Yi looked happy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I ordered Luo An to be commanded by Jin Yiwei. He was ordered by the emperor to search for the remnants of ancient Chu in the southwest. There must be no mistakes!"


Midnight drowsiness.

In Xiongjiazhai, everything is quiet.

This place is located in the center of Shanmiao Village and is hidden by mountains.

It was extremely dark at night, and you couldn't even see the moon when you looked up, it was obscured by the mountain peaks.

Only the silence outside the house and the shrill crow of crows were left.

Gillian was woken up by the chirping of birds outside the window.

I don’t know why, but the chirping of the birds around my house was particularly miserable today.

It was so noisy that I couldn't sleep.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up in a daze. There was a strange smell in the air, dripping on her face. She suddenly felt thirsty and wanted to go to the big tank in the yard to get some water.

"Where are you going?"

The little girl was barefoot, and as soon as she got off the ground, a voice sounded from the darkness behind her.

That was Grandma Xiong’s voice.

Yesterday she came to her home and took her father's things, saying that her parents were away on business.

I hired this grandma to stay and take care of myself and my little brother.

Her words were slurred and crunchy in the darkness, as if she was chewing something. "I'm thirsty. Get up at night and go drink some water."

Gillian didn't think much, she touched the bed, looking for her coat to put on.

But after touching it for a long time, I only felt something wet and sticky.

"Grandma, did you spill the water on the bed?"

Gillian put her hand in front of her nose and smelled it. There was a strange smell, a bit pungent,

"Your brother wet the bed. It's okay. Go and come back quickly!"

The voice replied faintly.

The sound of crunching hard objects became more and more intense.

The room was very quiet.

Gillian finally found her own linen, and the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl put it on her shoulders.

She turned her head and wanted to see what the old lady was eating, but it was too dark in the room. She tried hard for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

"Grandma, what did you eat?"

"The beef tendons and bones left behind by Butcher Wang yesterday when he killed the cow, the old lady used them to strengthen her teeth as she gets older."

said the voice in the darkness.

"Can I have a taste?"

Gillian felt that grandma's food was really delicious, and she couldn't help drooling when she heard the sound.

"It's food for the elderly. You're still growing teeth. Let's wait until they're done."

Seeing that grandma didn't agree, Gillian had no choice but to go to the ground.

Then she felt something was wrong again.

"Where's my brother?"


"Breathing sound!"

"Sleep sweetly."

Gillian felt that the thing behind her became silent for a moment, and even the chewing sound stopped briefly.

Gillian didn't give up and touched Adi's area next to her.

I only felt a large wet stain.

"Not on the bed!"

Gillian emphasized.

"In grandma's arms?"

The voice replied. At this time, the voice already revealed a bit of coldness.

Gillian could only get out of bed.

"and many more!"

The thing in the darkness behind called Gillian again.

"Put this on!"

Whether Gillian wanted it or not, that thing tied something to her foot.

"what is this?"

"The rope will prevent you from being snatched away by the eagle!"

"The eagle will not catch me. Grandpa, the village chief, said that all the birds in the sky are sacred beasts that protect the descendants of the Xiong family."

"That's because I'm afraid of being captured by the blind bear!"

"Blind bears only eat bad people. Our ancestors were saved by bears and grew up with bears."

"Who did you hear that from?"

The voice was rebutted one after another, and she suppressed her anger and asked.

"Today, many people came to the village riding tall horses and wearing beautiful clothes. The village chief hosted a banquet for them at the head of the village. We listened to the leader in the most beautiful clothes telling the village chief a story!"

Gillian said unconvinced, but her voice suddenly became a little irritable for some reason.

"Where does all this nonsense come from! Go and come back quickly!"

Seeing that grandma was angry, Gillian got out of bed quickly.

Stepping on the cold stone steps, Gillian suddenly felt that the rope tied to her feet was inexplicably warm in comparison.

There were even some water stains dripping down.

What on earth is Grandma’s rope?

Gillian was a little curious. She leaned down and tugged. Her hand felt lubricated, warm and elastic.

 There are two more tonight

(End of this chapter)

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