Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 94: The immortal caressed my head, an inch of strength opened up the heavenly spirit!Confron

Chapter 94: The immortal caressed my head, an inch of strength opened up the heavenly spirit!Confrontation-W word

With a bright smile on Gu Yue Fangyuan's face, she strode forward without hesitation.

Go to the narrowest part of the mountain road.


Suddenly, fallen leaves were flying on both sides.

A group of eight strong men suddenly rushed out from the mountains and forests on both sides, holding swords, guns, swords and halberds in their hands, and viciously attacked him. Gu Yue Fangyuan suddenly stood there, motionless.

"good chance!"

"This pretty boy has been scared to death, take it down!"

'Big Brother' laughed loudly and took the lead. The long knife in his hand was immediately placed on Gu Yue Fangyuan's neck. The others followed closely behind, controlling his hands and feet to prevent him from moving.

"Ha ha."

"Baby face, don't be so scared that you lose control. We don't like being dirty. If you become incontinent, we will kill you."


Gu Yue Fangyuan smiled slightly: "I'm not afraid."


The eldest brother frowned: "How dare you speak harshly when you are about to die?!"

"Hand over all the valuables you have on you, and then tell me your background, identity, and where you come from. Otherwise, you will be tortured and you will not be able to survive or die!"

"Then..." Gu Yue Fangyuan's smile became even brighter: "If I obediently give you all my belongings, can you let me live?"


The eldest brother shook his head and said with a trace of pity: "It seems that I was stupid because of my reading. If I kill you, all the property belongs to me."


Everyone burst into laughter immediately.

However, Gu Yue Fangyuan was also smiling.

"why are you laughing?"

The eldest brother frowned and exerted slight force on the blade in his hand, as if he was going to wipe Gu Yue Fangyuan's neck at any moment.

"I'm laughing, this big brother, you're not very smart."

"Look at me, I don't look like I have any belongings with me. If I don't give it to you, will you be able to find it?"

The eldest brother was stunned for a moment.

Everyone's laughter disappeared and everyone frowned.

"You brat, what do you mean by this?!"

"Could it be that you want to say that you are a poor man, penniless, and beg me to let you go?"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong."

Gu Yue Fangyuan shook her head, as if she didn't care at all that the blade beside her neck was close to her skin, and said: "I mean, I did bring some belongings with me, and there are quite a lot of them."

"Just a little bit of it peeking out from between your fingernails can blind your eyes, and it will take you several lifetimes."

After hearing these words, everyone's eyes lit up and they were extremely excited.

Some people even got into a fight and found it difficult to calm down.

However, Gu Yue Fangyuan's next words made them completely stunned.

"It's just~~~"

"You can't get it without my help."

"Why can't you get it?!" The elder brother roared fiercely, "Tell me, where did you hide your property?!"

"I said, take it with you."

Gu Yue Fangyuan responded.

"Impossible! You can see at a glance that you have nothing, so how can you bring any belongings with you?!" The eldest brother said that he didn't believe it. How could you be so stupid?
"I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe me?"

Gu Yue Fangyuan sighed: "These days, no one believes the truth?"

"Do you treat me like a three-year-old child?!"

"No one believes the truth? Then you have to tell the truth!"

"But is what you said true?"

"Why not?"

"Why not? If the truth is true, where are the belongings you carry with you?! Could it be that they are in a dirty place?"


As soon as this was said, they laughed again.

Who would hide their belongings there?
Even if it is really hidden there, how much can be hidden?

That place is not a bottomless pit.

A priceless gem?

Or the 'immortal crystal' which is extremely precious to immortals? !


Gu Yue Fangyuan did not refute, but followed their words and said: "I clearly carry a lot of property with me, but you can't see it."

"Then where is it?"

"Nonsense, I think you are scared out of your wits, are you crazy?"

Someone laughed.

But 'Big Brother' suddenly trembled, and the ferocity and greed on his face instantly turned into terror: "No, this is impossible!!!"

"How could you be..."

"What is it?" Gu Yue Fangyuan half-smiled, "Say it."

"You can't be a fairy!!!"

After all, this eldest brother knows something about people who cultivate immortality, and he also knows about the existence of storage bags and other storage magic weapons.

Because of this, he combined Gu Yue Fangyuan's performance and his words to come to a conclusion that frightened him so much that he almost pissed himself.

Carry lots of belongings with you.

But can't see it! ! !

When I glanced around, I didn't see not only the belongings, but even the baggage.

How could such an 'ordinary scholar' travel across mountains and ridges to get here without even carrying any baggage?
If he was really a scholar, without any baggage or food, even if all the wild beasts in the mountains avoided him, he would definitely not be able to get here alive!

Therefore, this boy is no ordinary person!

In other words...

No, not possible!
The eldest brother doesn't want to believe this is true.

Otherwise, how can I survive today? !

He was shocked.

As soon as these words came out, all the subordinates were frightened half to death. They couldn't help but loosen their grip and retreat one after another. Their expressions were pale, and they were almost scared to death.


Gu Yue Fangyuan was 'empty', scratched her head, and said, "How should I prove myself?"

"Is that so?"

He raised his hand, and a lump of gold larger than his head appeared out of thin air in his hand.

He raised his left hand again, and several sparkling yuan stones appeared.




A strange turquoise mist emerged, enveloping the ancient moon, making it look like a demon...
"Or, should this be the case?"

The eldest brother suddenly felt like he was dead and almost forgot to breathe.



Little did he know that he had hit the iron plate.

No, this is obviously a big fucking mountain.

A monk who just barely opened a mystical gate, and who may not even be considered a monk, actually met an immortal directly? ? ?

Knowing the horror of the monk, he was instantly frightened and became incontinent. His pants were soaked and his urine kept dripping.


He knelt down directly on the ground, terrified: "I, I was just obsessed with it for a moment, and I asked the immortal to show my noble hand and spare my little life."

"The little one has a 180-year-old mother on top, and a wife and children below who are waiting to be fed..."

"I beg the Immortal to let me go. From now on, I will enshrine the Immortal Ranking at home and pray for the Immortal every day. I pray that the Immortal will live a long life and have a high level of cultivation..."

"Do not be silly."

Gu Yue Fangyuan sighed softly, stretched out her hand, and touched the top of her head.

'Big brother' trembled all over and was shocked.

But he didn't die, and his mind couldn't help but change.

Could it be...
Could it be that this immortal is not murderous, but compassionate? !
After thinking about it like this, he thought of another legend.

The immortal caressed my head, knotting my hair and receiving immortality! ! !
Could it be!

Did this immortal take a fancy to me, thinking that I have an immortal appearance, and wanted to truly lead me into the immortal gate and become one of the immortals? !

If so! ! !

If so, wouldn't he be developed?

He almost laughed.

But at this moment, Gu Yue Fangyuan said again: "Don't be stupid."

"Even ordinary people can live to be more than two hundred years old before they die. However, I am a cultivator of immortality, and you wish me a long life..."

"Aren't you cursing me to die young?"

The eldest brother was so frightened that he peed and pooped out.

"Forgive me, Immortal, but I never meant this, I never meant this!!!"

"The villain is stupid and deserves to die, but God has the virtue of good life, please take care of me..."

"Do not be silly."

Another "Don't be stupid."

The elder brother was confused.

He was tortured to the point of almost collapse.

But a glimmer of hope once again arose in the despairing heart.

Could it be that... I can still be saved? !

Who would want to die if he could live?

But he was really afraid of being tortured, so he cautiously asked: "What do you mean, Immortal?"

Whether it's life or death, you should give me accurate information!

If the torture continues like this, I will be scared to death!
If you don’t kill me, I won’t survive!

"Means nothing."

Gu Yue Fangyuan smiled: "You can barely be considered a monk, right? Then let me test you. Have you ever heard a sentence?"


"The fairy caresses my top."

The eldest brother was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed!

Sure enough, I guessed it right!

"You know, the villain knows that the second half of the sentence means getting married and receiving immortality!"

"Do not be silly."

Don't be stupid again, the eldest brother was stunned, but heard Gu Yue Fangyuan say quietly: "The second half of the sentence is to open the sky spirit with an inch of strength."

'Eldest Brother' was still kneeling at Gu Yue Fangyuan's feet, with an extremely horrified, painful and ferocious expression on his face, but unable to move at all.

Gu Yue Fangyuan stopped.

On the top of 'Big Brother''s head, there was a bloody hole, which was extremely eye-catching.

Its Tian Ling Gai...

But there was no trace of bones or residue.

The white, but bloodshot brain was exposed to the air and in front of everyone.


And the beating frequency is constantly increasing and accelerating!
"Ha ha."

Gu Yue Fangyuan smiled.


"You're scared, you're angry, you're desperate."

"I like it very much, my Gu worm, I like it even more."

"The more scared you are, the better your brain tastes..."

"It also gets more exciting."

Point out a finger.

A Gu insect so small that it was almost invisible flew out from his fingertips...

"Humanity, brain-eating."

Gu Yue Fangyuan whispered softly.

The next second, the seemingly insignificant Gu insect landed on the white, still beating brain of 'Big Brother', and then he spoke.

Deep into the bone marrow and soul!
Unspeakable pain.

The eldest brother was in so much pain that he wanted to struggle but couldn't move.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't move or make even the slightest sound.

His men could see clearly and move.

That little Gu insect was extremely terrifying.

My eldest brother's brain disappeared quickly under its gnawing.


They were so frightened that they were almost frightened to death. They were so frightened that they urinated and felt like they were dead. They could no longer care about anything else, so they turned around and ran away.

But as soon as they took a step, they found that they could no longer move and were frozen in place.

"Do not be silly."


"Do you still think you can escape or survive?"

"It took a lot of effort to tease you like this. This is perfect food!"

"Soon, it will be your turn~"

The fear level is instantly full!

These strong men were left with extremely frightened faces, as if they had experienced the torture of the eighteen levels of hell dozens of times before dying.


All my brains have disappeared!

Gu Yue Fangyuan showed a satisfied smile.

At this moment, he frowned slightly.

"come out!"


"You are really... a pervert."

A handsome young man in white clothes walked out of the forest nearby and said with a stern look, "Even though I claim to kill without batting an eye, I have to admit that you are a real pervert."



Gu Yue Fangyuan looked at him with a bright smile: "It's rare to meet a monk in a place like this."

"Could it be that he is a disciple of a self-proclaimed and upright family who wants to eliminate demons and protect the Tao?"

"No, don't get me wrong, I'm just passing by."

Long Aotian stared at Gu Yue Fangyuan with interest: "But having said that, your method is quite rare. You are really a heretic."

After leaving Yunxiao Valley, Long Aotian hid all the way.

Since the backlash was very serious, I didn’t dare to overestimate it.

He happened to be passing by this place and found such a pervert, which made him curious.


Gu Yue Fangyuan shook her head: "What kind of evil heretic? That is just the misunderstanding of me by others. It is their narrow thoughts that limit their knowledge."

"Actually, I'm a good person."

"I love the world so much~!"

"It's a pity that it's not understood."

"Can you...understand?"

Long Aotian chuckled: "Ah, yes, yes, you are right, you are not perverted, others are perverted."

"Another close-minded one."

Gu Yue Fangyuan put her hand on her forehead: "It's really nerve-wracking."


"A fight?"

“Who won and who was right?”

"I like this proposal." Long Aotian also became interested.

Such a pervert...

It should be fun to kill!

Half a day later, the two walked out of the forest arm in arm.

"Your methods are good."

"You're not bad either, but if I were in my prime, you wouldn't be able to handle it."

"Coincidentally, I think so too."

The two looked at each other and laughed again.

But at the foot of the mountain, the two discovered a village that had been massacred.


"Look, this is the evil heretic."

Gu Yue Fangyuan sighed: "You call me a pervert, but at least I won't do such things. The people I kill are all the people I think deserve to be killed!"

"Then who do you think should be killed?"

"I should kill whatever I want."

Long Aotian's face twitched.

Good guy.

Sure enough, even a pervert like me thinks you are a pervert!
But the next second, he was even more speechless.

Just because Gu Yue Fangyuan suddenly rushed forward, hugged a corpse and shed tears.

He was stunned, thinking that it was Gu Yue Fangyuan's relatives and friends, that's why he was so sad. He was about to get closer, but heard him muttering: "God damn it, who is so wasteful?!"

"What a wonderful brain, but now it's stale and can't be eaten!"

"But the internal organs are still barely intact."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yue Fangyuan took action directly, began to dig out his heart and lungs, and then raised his own Gu worms.

This bloody, cruel, and perverted scene almost made Long Aotian vomit.

He has killed many people.

But he has never experienced such a scene before when killing people. After all, when killing people, they always explode with one punch. How could it be so bloody and disgusting?


"Ugh, pervert!"

"Don't touch me with your hands from now on!"

"How come I'm so perverted?" Gu Yue Fangyuan glared, and while arguing her case, she dug her heart out at another corpse: "I'm doing my best to treat them well!"

"Besides, they're all dead anyway, so wouldn't it be a waste if they're not used?"

Long Aotian: "..."

I am Nima!
"I suddenly felt that I don't want to drink with you anymore."

"Are you afraid that I'll poison you?"


"Hey, don't mention it, you and the Yu Clan are mortal enemies, and I am about to hunt down the Demon Clan to refine the Demon Gu, and it just so happens that the strength of you and I is almost the same..."

"If you and I join forces, we will definitely be able to bring down the Yu Clan to death in the shortest possible time!"

Gu Yue Fangyuan was extremely skilled in her movements and had already dug into these corpses countless times.

Long Aotian's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he finally looked away.

It’s so disgusting!

"I'll tell you, Brother Long..."

"I have a plan!"

"Just listen and see."

"I have a kind of Gu insect that can..."

After a while, Long Aotian's face turned slightly pale.

Good guy!
Even though I am a pervert, I think you are a fucking pervert. Will this strategy work?
Extinct household?

This is countless times more ruthless than being exterminated!

"Can't you?"

Seeing that Long Aotian didn't respond, Gu Yue Fangyuan touched her chin: "That shouldn't be the case. I think my strategy is pretty good and I have a high chance of winning!"

"But it's okay, I have another plan."

Another moment later.

Long Aotian was silent.

"Not yet?!"

"Listen to my third plan..."

"Shut up."

Long Aotian's head was pounding.

After a while, he couldn't stand it anymore, it was so disgusting, he burned the village and the corpses on fire, and strode away.

Gu Yue Fangyuan shouted that it was a waste, but still followed him, chattering endlessly.

"Brother Long, Brother Long?"

"Listen to me, let's..."

Within the Yuanshi mineral vein, people from the six sects were responsible for guarding, while Duan Qingyao represented the Lanyue Sect to provide support.

This vein is located under a spiritual mountain called 'Huishan'.

Thanks to the existence of Yuanshi veins, Huishan's spiritual energy is rich, and practicing here can increase your speed a lot.

Therefore, everyone including Lan Yue Sect sent a small number of talented disciples to practice on the mountain.

Practice on the mountain and mine at the foot of the mountain!
But currently, only the Yulin Palace disciples have mining experience.

The other six disciples are still just apprentices.

At this moment, everyone's enthusiasm was extremely high.

However, the manpower is still insufficient.

After thinking about it, Duan Qingyao reported his thoughts to Lin Fan.

"Sect Master, the combined manpower of our seven sects is not large, and it is impossible to send everyone to mine, so the output cannot increase."

"In my opinion, it's better to use those people from before."

"And the forces behind them may also be able to be brought under their command and become affiliated forces of the Moon Sect for us."

"I don't know what to do with the sect's plan?"

"That's a good idea."

Lin Fan thought about it for a moment and thought it was feasible.

When the mine was captured before, there were many 'miners'.

In the end, they were not exterminated to death, but simply expelled.

After all, they are not 'one of our own', so why should we let them mine?

But now that there is a shortage of people, they can be put to use.

“But causation cannot be confused.”

"You must first become our affiliated force before you are eligible to mine and get wages."

Affiliated forces are extremely common in Xianwu Continent.

All more powerful sects have their own affiliated forces.

For example, there are many immortal cultivating families, and even some sects themselves are affiliated forces of large sects.

There are many benefits to having affiliated forces.If a talented disciple is born from this force, they will be sent to the 'Shangzong' first.

And it will be 'offered' every year.

Will help with all kinds of trivial matters...
Although being a 'Shangzong' also has various obligations, the benefits are still greater in comparison.

For these affiliated forces, the benefits are naturally more obvious.

The first is security.

With the 'Shangzong' guarding us, it will naturally be safer.

Secondly, you can borrow some resources from the Shangzong, and your own children can be trained by the Shangzong, etc.

"But it's not that simple for them to successfully attach themselves to the Moon-Raising Sect."

"Gotta flex your muscles."

"After all, it was an affiliated force attached to Yunxiao Valley before. I think it is not too weak, and it has some vision."

"If we want to take them down in one fell swoop, I'm afraid we have to be serious."

To be the boss of others, you must have the ability to be the boss of others.

Otherwise, why should others follow you?
"It is said that at the peak of Lan Yue Sect, there were so many affiliated forces, but now, tsk."

"Collect one first and then talk."

After sighing for a moment, Lin Fan agreed to Duan Qingyao's proposal and said: "There is no rush for now, I will ask Xiao Ling'er to take someone there tomorrow. As elders, it is not appropriate for you to deal with this matter."

Strength is part of it.

Style is also important.

To accept a subordinate force, if I, as the leader of the sect, go there myself, what's the point of forcing me to do so?

Or the elder just ran over, even if he was strong enough, he wouldn't be very convincing.

"There are still too few disciples."

Lin Fan sighed lightly.

"Gou Sheng seems to be ineffective at work. Han Li, ah, no, Qiu Yongqin is a little weak, and he is out of town. As for the emperor's appearance, it is not easy to expose him."

"We have to find a way to bring back a few more geniuses."

"Otherwise, Xiao Ling'er will be asked to do everything, which will affect our cultivation and development."

"Hmm... But, that's not necessarily the case."

Lin Fan suddenly thought of something.

Xiao Ling'er is no ordinary genius, she is the template for the protagonist!

The protagonist template cannot be judged by common sense.

If ordinary geniuses are running around for various things, they will most likely be delayed in their cultivation, but the template of the protagonist is different.

Because wherever the protagonist template goes, he will encounter all kinds of things.

And these things will basically turn into opportunities to help them grow in the end~
"This is the law!"

"How could I forget this?"

"Hey, just do it!"

"At once···"

"Let's go seven."

"Xiao Ling'er leads the team, and the Lucky Six Treasures follow to gather the number of people and pretend to be the new Lucky Seven Treasures."

"It's such a happy decision."

"As for me···"

After thinking for a while, the guy decided to follow him secretly.

If something unexpected happens, it’s best to take action in time.

He didn't think that Xiao Ling'er would overturn in this kind of action, but that was not necessarily the case with the Six Lucky Treasures.

It is not easy for Lan Yue Sect to recruit disciples, so naturally they should keep them as long as they can.

The next day.

Xiao Ling'er and Jixiang Liubao took the order and left.

While the clouds and fog were rising, Zuo Qingqing, Murong Loquat and others looked at Xiao Ling'er in front of them, all showing envy.

But at the same time, they also gained a glimmer of confidence.

"Perhaps one day, we can be like Senior Sister and work independently for the sect!"

In fact, within the Immortal Cultivation Sect, the 'seniority' is relatively chaotic.

If calculated according to the seniority of mortals, Xiao Ling'er should actually call them 'Uncle Senior', but in fact, they all call Xiao Ling'er Senior Sister!

This is because of the special nature of Xianmen.

Usually 'a generation' is considered to be the same generation.

A generation in the Immortal Sect does not last for more than 20 or 60 years, or only for [-] or [-] years.

The past thousand years can be counted as a 'generation'.

Among people of the same generation, whoever has a higher identity and status is the senior brother or senior sister.

This is also the origin of the so-called 'sequence'.

Xiao Ling'er is the first direct disciple, so she is naturally the 'Senior Sister'.

Xiao Linger took the lead, with a smile on her lips.

After receiving this task, she did not hesitate at all, but was actually quite happy.

"Finally I can do something for the teacher and give back to the teacher."

"This time, we must solve this matter perfectly!"

"180 miles west of Huishan, there is a small immortal cultivating family, the Fan family?"

The morning sun is somewhat dazzling.

The Fan family is enveloped in sorrow.

As a small cultivating immortal family, the total number of members is only over [-], and most of them are ordinary people, and their strength is not much higher.

Because of this, they choose to attach themselves to other forces.

Before, I was attached to Yunxiao Valley. Although my life was miserable, I was quite peaceful.

And there is also a miner's business, which can earn some resources and allow the family to gradually develop.

It's a bit slow, but it can be maintained.

But now, Yunxiao Valley has been destroyed, the miners' jobs are gone, and resources are suddenly unable to make ends meet.

In addition, without the protection of Yunxiao Valley, the Fan family is already in danger.

Inside the family ancestral hall.

Clan leader Fan Jin frowned.

"Shou Xin hasn't come back yet?!"


An elder smiled bitterly and said: "Not only did Shoushi not come back, but all the clan members accompanying him also lost contact. They are completely unreachable. I am afraid that something unexpected has happened."


Fan Jin cursed angrily.

"Someone must be deliberately targeting it and taking action in secret."

"If this continues, I'm afraid..."

Yesterday, they sent their children to the nearest fairy city to sell off some family property in exchange for the source of practice, hoping to improve their strength as much as possible.

After all, they are too weak now.

And without the protection of a strong person, it is easy to be targeted by others if you leave behind family property.

It's better to replace them all with resources and improve your strength.

A little improvement is a little improvement!
Fan Shouxin is already a contemporary leader.

He is not weak in strength, and he is alert, practical and reliable.

But now...

"How can this be good?"

"Clan leader, should I send someone to find them?"

"The patriarch..."

Suddenly, someone stumbled in: "Come, come, come... here it comes!"

"Here? Could it be that Shouxin is back?" Fan Jin was overjoyed.

"No, it's not."

The man was stunned and said quickly: "He is from the Immortal Sect and calls himself a disciple of the Lan Yue Sect."

"The leader's name is Xiao Ling'er."

"Xiao Ling'er?!"

Everyone's face changed slightly.

"This woman..."

"This woman is quite famous. What is she here for?"

"Could it be that you are also interested in the Xu family property of my Fan family?"

"That's it!"

Fan Jin sighed: "If you stretch out your head, it's a knife. If you shrink your head, it's also a knife. Come with me and see what she wants to do."

"Yes, patriarch."

People came one after another.

In the reception hall, I saw Xiao Linger and others drinking tea.

"It turns out that he is a high-ranking disciple of Lan Yue Sect who came from afar. Some of them were not welcomed from afar, and some were not welcomed from afar. I hope you will forgive me." After all, he is an old fox.

Even though the Fan family was in great trouble, Fan Jin was still smiling cheerfully without any trouble.

"When I arrive unexpectedly, I would like to ask the head of the Fan family not to be offended."

know me? !

Fan Jin thought to himself: In this way, he came prepared.

He was not in a bad mood: "I wonder what Miss Xiao's trip is...?"

"Master Fan."

Xiao Ling'er smiled slightly: "The little girl is here under the orders of the master."

"Perhaps the Fan family leader has also heard that our Lanyue Sect is now booming and it is the time to hire people, so the little lady came to inquire."

"Fan family, are you willing to rely on our sect and become our affiliated strength?"

"If you wish, the safety of the Fan family will naturally be closely related to my Lan Yue Sect."

"If there is a crisis, Lan Yue Sect will naturally not sit idly by."

"Furthermore, the Huishan Yuanshi vein is now owned by our Lanyue Sect. If you are willing, you can also send some tribesmen to mine. The reward will be [-]% higher than during the Yunxiao Valley period."

Everyone in the Fan family was very moved when they heard this.

But they also frowned and stopped talking.

They have naturally heard of the name of Lan Yue Sect.

Some people have even studied Lan Yue Sect carefully, so they are very clear about the difficulties that Lan Yue Sect is currently facing.

It seems to be developing vigorously and making rapid progress.

In fact, it is surrounded by dangers, and there may be a 'thunderstorm' at any time, or even direct destruction.

Not to mention anything else, just being a member of the Spirit Sword Sect was enough for them to reject it for ten thousand reasons.

Although the benefits provided by Lan Yuezong are many and the value is high, compared with them, life is more important.


They could not see the reason for their determination to attach themselves to Lan Yue Sect.

For a moment, they hesitated.

Fan Jin frowned: "This..."

"I know what the Fan family is worried about."

"However, the Lan Yue Sect can be passed down to this day, and even if it encounters so many shocking changes, it can still flourish and develop, which naturally has its foundation!"

"But what you say is unfounded."

Xiao Ling'er smiled: "I don't know, do your Fan family have any enemies?"

"We might as well make a deal."

"If I can resolve this grudge for you, how about you join the Lan Yue Sect?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Fan family was shocked and even more moved.

But still choose to remain silent.

On the contrary, Fan Jin pondered for a moment, then seemed to have made some kind of decision and said: "It's not necessary for the enemy, but our Fan family does encounter difficulties."

"To be fair to Miss Xiao, yesterday, I, a descendant of the Fan family, went to the nearest fairy city to buy training resources. We were supposed to be back in half a day, but we haven't returned yet."

"I'm afraid something went wrong."

"But our Fan family is in turmoil now, and I can't leave. I wonder... can Miss Xiao help me?"

"If this matter can be resolved, no matter whether the children of my Fan family are alive or dead, my Fan family is willing to attach itself to Lan Yue Sect and serve the Lan Yue Sect in the future!"


Everyone in the Fan family was shocked.

"I have made up my mind!"

After giving the order, everyone could only smile bitterly.

Xiao Ling'er was quite surprised: "Oh?"

"Then it's settled?"

"It's a word."

Fan Jin said in a deep voice: "If I don't keep my promise, Miss Xiao can take action at will, and my Fan family deserves this disaster!"

"it is good."

Xiao Ling'er nodded in agreement: "I will handle this matter."

"Just wait for my news."

Then, she took the people away.

Seeing them walking away, everyone in the Fan family couldn't help but ask questions.

But in the face of everyone's doubts, Fan Jin just sighed: "Do you think that Lan Yue Sect is asking for our consent?"

"Is not it?"

"The person coming is Xiao Ling'er."

"Who is Xiao Ling'er?"

"That is a ruthless man who can defeat Jianzi, and he temporarily has a death-free gold medal 'issued' by Lingjian Sect. If he takes action, what will happen to our Fan family?"

"Don't say I can't defeat her. Even if I can kill her, can I take action?"

Both are in the fourth realm.

Even his cultivation level is two or three small realms higher than Xiao Ling'er, but Fan Jin is not sure if he is allowed to fight against Xiao Ling'er.

No, there is still certainty.

should say···

Be fully confident that you will definitely lose!

In Fan Jin's view, the signal of Xiao Ling'er coming from the Lanyue Sect was already obvious.

Don't be punished by drinking wine if you don't drink it!
And the Fan family can't afford this fine.

"But what if you are attached to Lan Yue Sect and get implicated by it?!"

"If you don't attach yourself to Lan Yue Sect, you will be gone now!"

"Still involved?"

"Dependence, at least there is a way to survive!"

"What's more, things are going very turbulent right now. I don't know how many people are eyeing it and attaching themselves to the Lan Yue Sect, so it's not necessarily a bad thing."

"But, but, we used to be affiliated with a second-rate sect, but now we are attached to..."

"In the past? In the past, Lan Yue Sect was a first-rate sect!"

"Heroes don't mention their bravery in the past. Besides, you have been thinking of ways these days to become an affiliated family of Guiyuan Sect and other second-rate forces. Do you have any reply?"

Everyone suddenly smiled bitterly.

"We have made inquiries and paid tributes to the mountain, but there has been no response."

"In that case, why worry?"

"No matter how weak the Lan Yue Sect is, it is countless times stronger than our Fan family. The five-finger mysticism and a peerless genius like Xiao Ling'er are enough to protect us."

"Besides, I didn't agree easily, right? There are conditions!"


Everyone sighed.

"That's all it takes."

"Senior Sister, I'm afraid that Fan Shouxin is in danger."

"It's very difficult to find it." Pei Xiuqin frowned: "I wonder if Senior Sister has a clue. Should we split up and search for it?"

"Split up..."

"No need."

Xiao Ling'er felt that the six mascots were a little weak, so it was safer to carry them by herself.

"Go to that fairy city to inquire about it first, and then..."


"It seems unnecessary."

Before arriving at the fairy city, Xiao Ling'er frowned.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Yao Lao whispered: "I found some traces of a fight. It should be that someone from the Fan family encountered an accident there. If you follow the guidance of my consciousness, you should be able to find something."

"is teacher."

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Linger landed with six people.

The fresh traces of fighting not far away are extremely eye-catching.



"It should be, it smells so fishy."

"And scales!"

"A python-like monster?"

"There's a broken sword here!"

As soon as their spiritual consciousness swept away, Murong Loquat, Zuo Qingqing and others were suddenly surprised.

"Going this way."

Xiao Ling'er took them and galloped away.

Soon, a giant python was discovered.

It was more than ten feet long, with some minor wounds on its body. It was wrapped around a big tree, and it was very scary.


When it sensed someone coming, it immediately spat out a message and then jumped out.


Xiao Ling'er took action, and with an explosion of strength, he beheaded him in just a few rounds, and then cut open his abdomen.

Blood and flesh flowed all over the floor!
There are bones rolling out.

Finally, a bloody figure crawled out from his abdomen, breathing the fresh air greedily.

He was covered in wounds, most of his flesh and blood had been corroded, and even the flesh on his face was rotten, but he was still alive after all, not dead.

"A member of the Fan family?"

"I am loyal to Fan."

The man fell to the ground: "Thank you, senior, for helping me."


Am I already a senior?

Xiao Ling'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I was asked by the Fan family to come here to find you. Are the other clan members here?"


Fan Shouxin was silent.

No need to say more.

"That's all, I'll take you back."

Xiao Ling'er pays attention to efficiency when doing things.

He took the people back immediately, and at the same time, he also took the python body back.

As soon as they entered Fan's house, they noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere.

They were naturally very happy and cheered when Fan Shouxin returned, but the way they looked at their group was quite strange.

"Something happened."

Xiao Ling'er whispered: "Stay closer to me."

"Yes, big sister."

The six people immediately closed their formation and got closer to Xiao Ling'er, while secretly being vigilant.

Yao Lao said softly: "There are a few strange fluctuations in the Fan family, and they are staying with Fan Jin."


"Could it be that you want to intercept and kill us?"

Xiao Ling'er slowed down.

She is wary, but not too afraid. However, she must be responsible for the junior brothers and sisters she brought out!

"We have set up a soundproof formation. In my current state, if I want to infiltrate quietly, I still can't do it."

"However, it shouldn't threaten you yet."

"Then let's see what tricks they are doing!"

Xiao Ling'er no longer hesitated and strode in.

In the living room, everyone immediately turned back to look at Xiao Ling'er.

The atmosphere is even weirder.

Fan Jin smiled bitterly, feeling a little headache.

But he still stood up immediately, released the sound isolation formation, and said: "Miss Xiao is back?"

"I would like to introduce you to you. This is a senior disciple of the Guiyuan Sect. This"

He couldn't speak any more.

Xiao Ling'er understood instantly.

This is to cut off the nonsense!

The information about Guiyuan Sect also appeared in his mind.

Guiyuan Sect, a second-rate sect adjacent to Yunxiao Valley, is even stronger than Yunxiao Valley. Yunxiao Valley was destroyed a few days ago, and Guiyuan Sect reaped a lot of benefits.

Now, do you still want to cut off your beard?
Xiao Linger frowned.

She looked at Fan Jin: "I have brought back the person you want for you."

"Is the agreement still valid?"

Guiyuan Sect is indeed very strong.

If they really want to fight, Lan Yue Sect will definitely not be their opponent.

But Xiao Linger was not afraid.

Before we were defeated by Jianzi, Lanyue Sect and I both had the Lingjian Sect's gold medal for immunity from death. Are we afraid of you?

Besides, everything has to come on a first-come, first-served basis!

Besides, there is still an agreement!
He had already completed the agreement, but if the Fan family wanted to renege on their promise, he would not take action.

Destroy the Fan family!

She didn't think there was anything wrong with it.


No, this is cause and effect!

The agreement comes first, and one's own contribution comes first, while the Fan family's reneging comes last.

If there is a reason, you will naturally have to bear the consequences.

a time.

The atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Before Fan Jin could speak, a disciple of the Guiyuan Sect took the lead and said, "Are you that Xiao Ling'er, here on behalf of the Lan Yue Sect?"

"How dare a third-rate sect dare to compete with my Guiyuan Sect?"

Xiao Linger looked at him.

He didn't back down.

The two sides looked at each other and argued with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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