Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 59 25 Spiritual Mountains, good news!

Chapter 59 25 Spiritual Mountains, good news!

Not long after, the banners of the Lan Yue Sect and the Liu family were planted on Lingshan Mountain, which originally belonged to the Peach Blossom Sect but was now devastated.

After leaving the third, fourth, and fifth elders to guard, Su Xinghai and Wu Xingyun set off again, preparing to go to the territory of the Golden Eagle Sect and the Bajian Sect to wait for an opportunity to plant flags.

Li Changshou and the other three were vigilant while deploying some defensive formations.

However, these formations are more symbolic than practical.

They are not advanced formations, and even the fourth realm monks may not be able to stop them.

But it also tells others that this place has an owner.

Want to rob or cause chaos?


First ask yourself if you are prepared to make an enemy of the lord of this place.

Halfway through setting up the formation, they sensed someone wandering around, which made them even more wary, but they didn't show it at all. Instead, they continued to set up the formation with a swagger. From the outside, they didn't panic at all.

This was also Lin Fan's arrangement.

Being panicked means that there is something wrong in your mind, which will let people see the clues.

You just have to be arrogant, even if you are scared to death, you still have to show extra confidence!
After a while, a Cave Heaven Realm monk appeared, looked from a distance, and then said loudly: "Is it a fellow Taoist from Lan Yue Sect?"

"I wonder what happened here, why did the Peach Blossom Sect become like this?"

Li Changshou stood up and said calmly: "We also sensed a big movement here and rushed to check it out immediately, but we never thought that we were a step too late. The Peach Blossom Sect has been destroyed, and there is no one left alive."

"This place is already ownerless. Although there is something wrong with it, but..."

"We, the Lan Yue Sect, are cooperating with the Liu family and are short of territory. Everything belongs to us."

"The Peach Blossom Sect was exterminated?!"

The Cave Heaven Realm monk's expression changed: "Do you know who did it?"

Li Changshou shook his head: "They have hidden their identities. When they do such a thing, they naturally don't want their identities to be known. We are weak and cannot see through their true colors."

"Is there anything else going on with this fellow Taoist from the Iron Fist Sect?"


The opponent clasped his fists and slowly retreated.

The conversation between the two people was not avoided, so many people who came to investigate learned about the situation, and for a while, they had mixed feelings.

Some people are annoyed that they are late, otherwise, wouldn’t this territory belong to them?

Some people are skeptical.

Some people's eyes flickered, wondering what they were thinking.

But there was no one who took action.

They have heard to some extent what happened in Lanyue Sect these days.

They don't believe it at all if the Lan Yue Sect resolves crisis after crisis solely by its own strength.

Most likely the Liu family will help!
At this moment, the flag of the Liu family is planted here!
Even if Lan Yue Sect makes its own decision, this is ultimately about the Liu family's face.

As far as the Liu family is concerned, after planting my flag, you small, third-rate, middle and lower-class sects still dare to take action?Didn't take me seriously at all!
They can't bear the Liu family's anger...
at the same time.

The Golden Eagle Sect has reached a dead end and is being crazily conquered.

Eight Swords Gate.

The spiritual sword in the sect master's hand broke, and his voice was like weeping blood: "How could you be so unreasonable, how dare you come to destroy the sect?!"

"My direct disciple is extremely talented and has been valued by the Spirit Sword Sect. He will become an inner disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect and is even expected to be promoted to a true disciple!"

"Aren't you afraid of being purged by the Spirit Sword Sect?!"

"Oh? Jie Jie Jie!"

"Being purged? Then you have to find us and know who we are. Don't delay any longer. Take action and leave no one behind!"


The Lingjian Sect is indeed very strong. It is a new first-class sect, and all members of the sect are swordsmen who are proficient in killing.

But as long as I'm ruthless enough and my hands and feet are clean enough...
Wealth is in danger!
Not long after, the Eight Swords Sect was destroyed.

Then there was a plunder.

Even the spiritual soil was swept away.

Then, they scattered and fled...

As soon as the front foot left, many people appeared around.

Most of them were people from the surrounding sects, but they were a little hesitant.

After all, if the disciples of the Eight Swords Sect really join the Spirit Sword Sect and they occupy this place, even if someone else does it, there is a high probability that they will be in trouble.

But just when they hesitated, Su Xinghai rushed out and quickly planted the flag.

By the time they wanted to take action again, it was already too late.

The Liu family's banner was so overwhelming that they almost couldn't breathe.

On the other side, Wu Xingyun was also extremely fast.However, there was no threat from the 'Spirit Sword Sect' here, and people from the surrounding sects were also taking action. Therefore, in the end, Wu Xingyun only captured six spiritual mountains.

Then, they also started to set up their formation.

The symbolic meaning is also greater than the actual meaning.

"It's done, but it's not settled yet. We need to take the next step immediately!"

After receiving the news, Lin Fan was quite excited, but he was not even a little bit carried away.

He knows very well that changes may occur at any time, so these territories must be completely occupied in the shortest possible time!
"Furthermore, although the three sects' lands are adjacent to each other, there are also sects' lands in the middle. We can pay some price and exchange with them so that the Lingshan Mountain of Lan Yue Sect can be connected into one, which is easier to manage."

There are ten spiritual mountains of Taohua Sect.

There are eight eight sword gates.

There are six seats in the Golden Eagle Sect.

In addition to the Lanyue Sect's own one, there are a total of 25 spiritual mountains.

Once it is eaten, it will be a huge opportunity for Lan Yue Sect.

But the premise is that you can hold it!

"The matter of exchanging Lingshan with other sects will be left to the fourth elder, and now, the Liu family."

Lin Fan smiled: "It's your turn to perform."

How can angel investors not take action? !

He took out the sound transmission jade charm and said: "Brother Liu, good news, great news!"

"Xiao Ling'er has been in excellent condition these past few days. Another batch of pills has been released, and there is even an unexpected surprise!!!"

Liu family.

Liu Xun received the news: "..."

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Logically speaking, he should be excited, but he couldn't get excited when he thought that he would have to set up formations for the Lan Yue Sect this time, and the fees would be deducted from his monthly salary.


You have to go, right?


"I found out that the Lan Yue Sect can defeat me."

He sighed, but still called for help and rushed to Lan Yue Sect at dawn.

As soon as they met, Lin Fan held his hand tightly and exchanged warm greetings.

They even offered spiritual tea.

Liu Xun was flattered by this treatment.

The first few times I came here, I didn’t have any tea or even a sip of cold water.

"Good news."

Lin Fan smiled brightly: "This time, it's definitely good news."

"Is there... Ninth Grade?"

Liu Xun is full of expectations.


"Moreover, there is also the Cave Heaven Pill."

Lin Fan lowered his voice: "That girl succeeded by chance, and she was very lucky, she is the eighth grade!!!"

"There are six. Thinking about it, Brother Liu should be interested."


Liu Xun was surprised.

Good guy, the eighth-grade Cave Heaven Pill? !

hiss! ! !
"Show me now!"

When he got the elixir and felt the rich medicinal power of the eighth-grade Cave Heaven elixir, he couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Sect Leader Lin, this is really great news!"

The Eighth Grade Cave Heaven Pill!

Although it is not the ninth grade, it is extremely rare. If you take it back and give it to those monks in the cave heaven realm who are difficult to break through, wouldn't it be a sure thing?

You can even make a lot of money at auction!

Liu Xun couldn't help but laugh, and then said loudly: "Sect Leader Lin, I also brought you good news."

"The arrangement of the formation mentioned a few days ago has been finalized. If you come here today, we will set up this formation for your Lan Yue Sect!"

"It's indeed good news!" Lin Fan was also extremely cooperative and overjoyed.

What I’ve been waiting for~ is what you said!
(PS: Oops, I heard that women's clothing can improve performance? Then let's give it a try. I hope you will read the latest chapters every day, so that you can get more recommendations. Let's just say, what if I can rush to Sanjiang to recommend Yes, we...women's clothing?

Ahem, even though I wear women’s clothing every day...)
(End of this chapter)

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