Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 54 The Consequences of Pretending

Chapter 54 The Consequences of Pretending
Even on that rainy night, Lin Fan didn't panic.

But at this moment, he panicked.

The thief is so panicked!

The more I think about it, the more panic I get, because most of the protagonist’s novice villages really don’t end well!

Another example is a certain fairy world. The protagonist did nothing and the entire village died...

Later, we went to Qingyun Gate, which almost collapsed. Many people died, including the master.

So, I am actually the most dangerous one?

I am Nima! ! !
Wait, don't panic!
Don't panic.

Lin Fan could only force himself to calm down: "Although the protagonists are all novice village destroyers, but, but, this but..."

"But, I have more than one protagonist!"

"Although the crisis will be super doubled, the 'resistance' will also be super doubled."

"If the two protagonists take turns solving problems, ahem, it's still possible to survive."

"Moreover, risks and opportunities coexist. Risks that can be solved are not called risks, they are called opportunities. They are called mobile experience packages. They are here to give us experience..."

After thinking about it this way, Lin Fan felt a little more at ease.

"But thinking about it this way, the crisis that happens once a year is probably..."

Currently, I am only in the third realm!
Daily experience baby is already in the fifth realm!

How strong is this once-a-year crisis?

I'm afraid it's going to kill me!
"No, we have to prepare at least half a year in advance."

Lin Fan paced back and forth, having already made a decision, a one-year crisis?You have to prepare at least half a year in advance. Ten years of crisis?That would have to be five years in advance!
It's not that I, Lin, am a timid person.

But the damn 'one small test every year and one big test every ten years' that might not be so difficult in the first place will directly become a hellish difficulty after you have two or even more protagonist template disciples under your sect!

It is impossible to go directly from goblin siege to the arrival of the devil and the flying dragon riding on the face!

Whoever the hell changes, everyone will panic.

Liu Xun saw that Lin Fan was obviously more anxious after he finished speaking, and he couldn't help but secretly wondered if his casual joke had scared him?
This thing is really just a joke.

By the way, I wanted to avenge Lin Fan for cheating that night.

But the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention!

But at this moment, Liu Xun felt embarrassed, lest he scare Lin Fan...
"Well, there's no need to worry, Sect Master Lin. It must be a coincidence or someone is doing something secretly. As for the Feng Shui, it's just a joke."

Lin Fan: "..."

Of course I know you're joking, but you have no idea what I'm worried about.

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

He sighed softly: "Yeah."

When Liu Xun saw this, he was embarrassed and left directly.

Why is this so scary to people?
He thought for a moment, no, we can't let this matter affect the alchemy!

We have to find a way to make Lin Fan feel at ease so that we can ensure production...

Thinking of this, Liu Xun rolled his eyes: "But, well, in view of this, and we are friendly partners and help each other in offense and defense, so I decided..."

The two elders immediately stared at him nervously, fearing that he would suddenly go crazy and talk nonsense.

"I have decided that our Liu family will arrange a sect-protecting formation for you to help you protect the entire sect. It is not possible to completely block the sixth-level monks, but blocking some ordinary sixth-level monks will allow our Liu family to If we have time to rush for help, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

The two elders were immediately shocked.

Good guy.

I call you good guy, you really dare to say that!
When Lin Fan heard this...

I am happy.


Isn’t this what angel investors should do?
If you don’t invest, how will I repay you in the future? !
"Of course that's the best." Lin Fan quickly agreed and said, "I wonder when it will start?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Liu Xun regretted them a little.

He regretted seeing Lin Fan like this again.

But how could he, a dignified young master of the family, go back on his words and break his promises? !

You have to ask for some face!
I can only pinch my nose and admit it!

"Ahem, I'll make some arrangements when I get back so that Sect Leader Lin won't have to wait too long..."

Liu Xun greased the soles of his feet and slipped away.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be unable to help but show off and make any promises, which would be the real deal.

He slipped away, but Lin Fan couldn't help but start thinking about it.


"Angel investors finally look like angel investors, but what's the point of just covering a spiritual mountain? It's not powerful enough!"

This guy's thinking is extremely clear.

Not to mention being able to resist the Sixth Realm for a while, but what if it could be completely blocked?

Isn’t there still only one hilltop?

Could it be that in case of danger, everyone can only huddle on a mountaintop and tremble?
It's not a big problem if we don't have many disciples now. But when we have more disciples later, how can one mountain be enough?
“So, we have to take this opportunity to expand.”

"We have to seize the time, expand the territory before they come to set up the formation, grab a few more spiritual mountains and come back, and then, hehehe~"

As an angel investor, if you don’t go whoring, you won’t go whoring!

What's more, if they become prosperous in the future, they will be rewarded.

"However, the goal is to choose well."

Although he was happy, Lin Fan couldn't help but be secretly wary.

Perhaps under normal circumstances, no external forces would intervene in the fighting between third-rate sects, but if the protagonist template is involved, then it is uncertain.

What's more, they are disciples of the two protagonists' templates.

Once a war begins, there is a high probability that something unexpected will happen!

There is a high probability that they will not be affected by this, but that may not be the case for Lan Yue Sect.

"So, you have to plan carefully."

"Minimize the risk as much as possible."

"And there is..."

"If you can't do it yourself, don't do it yourself."

Lin Fan began to recall what he had seen about Sun Tzu's Art of War, but it was something he had seen when he was a child, and he had long forgotten about it. Forcibly recalling it almost burned out his CPU.

"Speaking of which, Lan Yue Sect's original territory is better, but it's a pity..."

The tens of thousands of spiritual mountains during the peak period of Lan Yue Sect were all in places rich in spiritual energy. They were deep in the millions of spiritual mountains in the southwest region, and there were countless caves and blessed places.

Any one of them is thousands of times better than Lingshan Mountain today.

Unfortunately, the lack of support and the enemy's increasing pressure directly led to the decline of Lan Yue Sect, and the number of the Ten Thousand Spiritual Mountains became fewer and fewer. In the end, they were all taken away, and even the lineage was almost wiped out. Only a few ordinary disciples were left with part of the inheritance. After escaping, I found such a spiritual mountain that Lan Yue Sect looked down upon at first.

However, most of the original ten thousand spiritual mountains fell into the hands of their mortal enemy, the Haoyue Sect.

"Speaking of which, the decline of Lan Yue Sect must be related to Haoyue Sect."

Lin Fan muttered quietly to himself.

He didn't believe that a large sect that cultivated immortals would decline in ten thousand years because of a simple lack of support!
There are no genius disciples, there are always ordinary disciples, right?
There are always ancestors and elders, right?
Could it be that it only took ten thousand years for them all to die?

Even if he really dies, he can only be killed by someone else!

(End of this chapter)

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