Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 188 Playing! abnormal! Immortal King Yuanyang!

Chapter 188 Playing! abnormal! Immortal King Yuanyang!

Everyone made crazy bids.


Their operations made Wang Teng's eyes roll.

"These guys are quite a scam!"

At first, he thought it was strange, Old Ghost Liehuo and other guys were selling seats? Doesn't this mean they are looking for competitors? They are all old Jianghu and old foxes, can't they be like this?

But after thinking about it for a while, he understood.

This is obviously an attempt to make money at both ends!


What they sell is only the qualification to enter, but they do not guarantee any benefits after entering.

"Perhaps they will kill them directly as soon as they enter?"

"Based on what I know about them, it's very possible." Inside the soundproof barrier, Chi Lian became even more vigilant.

"The old ghost Fiery Fire is not a good thing. It is said that the blue-blooded Taoist is not a pure-blooded human race, but has some demon blood. They are all ruthless people who kill without blinking an eye."

"When you enter later, be sure to watch out for these two people!"

"That's natural."

Wang Teng nodded: "How many of us cultivators have clean subordinates?"

"The higher the strength, the more so."

"And when you talk about those few, you can tell at a glance that they are not just ordinary people."

"If possible, it's better for us to stay away from them."


Qin Yu pondered: "However, before that, I heard some gossip, but I don't know whether it is true or not. I will carefully identify it later. If the news is true, please listen to my plan for the time being."

He considered it quite comprehensively and was quite ambitious.

Master has given all the strategies to him, what should he do?

Naturally, we should go all out to cover all the important treasures and benefits as much as possible.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that he would lose the dignity of his master?

This is an open book exam!

Even if you can't get full marks, you should at least get 99 points, right?

However, he was unable to confirm for the time being what details in the Immortal Mansion could match "The Change of All Stars", so he could not tell Wang Teng at this moment what they would encounter after entering and how they should choose.


It's just hearsay.

At the same time, he was worried that Wang Teng would be dissatisfied with his junior brother taking the lead, so he spoke calmly and discussed it.

"Oh? Any information?"

Wang Teng didn't care about this.

If it were the past...

He really doesn't listen.

Will directly come up with a sentence: "What kind of gossip? I am a great emperor. Naturally, I should crush and sweep everything along the way. Just follow me~!"

But now, he is extremely happy.

"It's best to have information, junior brother. Later, senior brother will act based on your eyes~!"

"Thank you for your trust, senior brother." Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be willing to obey.

After all, this fairy palace must be extraordinary, and there are many dangers in it. If something goes wrong, it will be difficult to change anything with my own and Chi Lian's average cultivation among these people.

"What's the word?"

Wang Teng shook his head: "We are brothers in the same sect. In my opinion, we are better than real brothers, not real brothers."

"If you can't trust your own brothers, who can you trust?"

"Senior brother."

Qin Yu felt hot in his heart and was filled with emotions.

In Wang Teng, he felt the long-lost family affection.

That was when I was still young.

Both of his brothers were very considerate of him, but as they grew up and changed in various aspects, they had to pretend to be indifferent and part ways with him.

At the beginning, I had doubts and resented them because of my ignorance.

But now that I understand everything, I am only moved...

He couldn't help but stretch out his fist: "Senior brother."

"Let us two brothers and sisters sweep away this Eight Swords Immortal Mansion together!"

"Hey, that's nature!"

Wang Teng also raised his fist.


Their fists collided, and both teenagers smiled brightly.

Seeing it in Chi Lian's eyes, even the heart that had been frozen for many years seemed to melt a little.

"How long has it been since I saw the young prince showing such a sincere smile?"

She was filled with emotion.

But that's it right now.

The old ghost Liehuo sneered: "Two little guys from the sixth realm, their smiles are quite bright."

"Are you making funeral arrangements?"

"We are ready. If you have arranged your funeral, please open the door."

"We are indeed arranging funeral arrangements!"

Qin Yu smiled: "As for whose funeral arrangements are made, I'm not sure yet."


The old ghost Liehuo smiled half-heartedly: "Okay, okay, I just like ignorant young men."

"After you go in, get closer to me and let me take good care of you."

"I don't like bad old men."

Qin Yu refused.


The blue-blooded Taoist didn't say much, and asked everyone to raise the small jade sword with a calm expression.

Their 'auction' is over.

All places are sold out.

However, those who are willing to spend money to buy them are all powerful people in the seventh realm, not even one in the eighth realm.

First of all, there are not many eighth realms here.

Secondly, they couldn't save their face.

The dignified eighth realm still wants to buy such a quota...

Compared to this, it would be better to wait and wait until they come out~

Isn't it beautiful?

After all, even if you don't do it, others will.

Even if you and others enter immediately, you will most likely be attacked by others after you come out.

Instead of being the mantis and being killed by the oriole, it would be better to be the oriole from the beginning!

And relatively speaking...

It is much safer to intercept and kill outside than to go in and fight to the death in person.

No one knows what risks there are in the secret land reclamation...



Under the strange gazes of everyone, eight jade swords shined.

"Inject vitality!"

The blue-blood Taoist shouted lowly.

Everyone injected vitality at the same time, and the luminous jade swords created a special connection with each other and had an 'induction'.

Then, each jade sword inspired a curtain of light, covering the nearest three people.


Stab it!

The jade sword led everyone towards the Immortal Mansion and galloped away. It passed through the formation in an instant, entered the 'keyhole' again, and disappeared.

Everyone outside just watched quietly and did not take action.

After a moment, someone laughed strangely: "You guys are not taking action, you all know what you are thinking, but please don't go too far."

"Lest you get burned."

"I don't think you need to remind me of this."

"If you don't have the guts, just get out of here!"


Although they were unable to enter and could only guard outside, they were still full of gunpowder.

There is a tendency to take action if someone disagrees with you.


"Coming in."

"Huh? Are you separated from the others?"

"This is not bad, it is good for us!" Chi Lian, who had always been extra vigilant, breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he felt a little bitter in his heart.

There were only three of them in my group, so they were too weak.

Although she didn't say some words, she felt somewhat unhappy in her heart.

Wang Teng occupied a seat!

In her opinion, Wang Teng is a related household.

It's just a sixth-level monk. The Prince of Qin's Mansion can call them at any time. There are also monks at the fifth, sixth or even seventh or eighth level of the seventh level.

If a partner who is similar to or stronger than himself is here, he will definitely feel a lot more relaxed, and there will be no need to be so worried and nervous.

Unfortunately, no if.

Even if she was separated from the others, she didn't dare to relax at all.

after all···

He was indeed separated from the others, but the crisis in the Immortal Mansion itself had just begun.

No one knows what will happen next and what dangers they will encounter.

Moreover, we don’t know where Old Ghost Liehuo, Taoist Blue Blood and others are. Who knows if they will suddenly jump out.

That is at this moment.

The small jade sword turned into light and disappeared.

Chi Lian dodged and protected Qin Yu and the others behind him.

The jade sword dissipated and bits of white light gathered.

Immediately, a voice sounded: "Welcome, little guys, it is fate to be able to enter my immortal mansion. We are destined to be destined, we are destined to be destined, hahaha!"

The voice is hearty and ethereal.

It came from nowhere and seemed to be everywhere.

"Since we are destined, little guys, I will give you the opportunity in my immortal mansion."

"Take whatever you like."

"Take whatever you want."

"I'm the best person to talk."

"Of course, the premise is to act within your ability. If you can't pick it up, don't take it by force."

"Ha ha ha ha···"

The sound went away as quickly as it came.

The light of the jade sword completely dissipated, and the laughter also disappeared.

Wang Teng looked around.

Here, it's more like a 'garden'.

There are many spiritual plants in it, and they are all very beautiful, but there is no 'spiritual medicine'. It is really just for beauty: "The owner of this fairy mansion really enjoys it."

"Such a good spiritual soil, instead of being used to grow elixirs, is all used to grow flowers and plants?"


"I think it looks good."

He murmured: "Junior brother, does the Prince of Qin's Palace want these things? If not, senior brother can just take them. Our Lanyue Sect has just expanded its territory and needs some embellishments."

After he finished speaking, he said again: "Then again."

"The master of this fairy mansion is generous."

"It's rare to allow those who come after you to take whatever you want. It's rare. It's really rare."

"It's not like that scammer Luan Gutou, it's really..."

"He begged me for a long time~"

Qin Yu couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this.

I've been begging you for a long time?

Or have you been imprisoned for a long time?

"Senior brother, you can take it if you like. We also have a garden in Prince Qin's Mansion. Although it's not as beautiful, we don't need it urgently."

"That's good~!"

Wang Teng opened the door immediately.

Qin Yu was wary.

"The master of the Immortal Mansion, at first glance, is indeed extremely generous. In his words, he allows others to take away the things in his Immortal Mansion, but in the final analysis, it is not that simple!"

"He is not such a generous person!"

He tried to put aside the strategy for "All Stars Change", analyze it by himself, and found problems from it.

"The biggest question is, if he is so generous and doesn't care about the things in his immortal mansion, and even wants to give them to the people he is destined to have, why does he need to set up a formation?"

"It took some effort to scatter the eight jade swords, and even forcing in would cause the immortal mansion to escape into the void and disappear completely..."


"Is this guy's character really similar to Ni Yang?"

"You're teasing me."

"Even want to play with people's hearts?"

Thinking of this, he became even more vigilant.

The danger on the surface, and even the sneak attack in secret, are not terrible. Only this old guy who likes to play with people's hearts is the most dangerous!


Wang Teng dug three feet into the ground without any danger.

In a short time, this beautiful garden was moved cleanly, not even a blade of grass was left.

The spiritual soil has been scraped clean!

"Come on, let's continue."

Wang Teng grinned.

The three of them went out to explore the garden.

"This damn place..."

Wang Teng couldn't help but murmured: "This person says he is very generous, but in fact there must be something wrong with him. Otherwise, why would he restrict our consciousness?"

"I don't know what kind of formation it is, but my consciousness can only spread a hundred feet at most."


When Chi Lian heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Wang Teng.


He is just a monk in the sixth realm, and he is not weak in the seventh realm. His consciousness can only spread more than two hundred feet, but he can actually spread it a hundred feet?

Shouldn’t the intensity of spiritual consciousness in the seventh realm be more than ten times that of the sixth realm? !

"Could it be that this formation is too powerful and weird?"

She guessed so.


While Wang Teng and the others were exploring, other areas of the Immortal Mansion were not peaceful.


The blood shot into the sky.

A soul ran away crazily, screaming horribly: "Old Ghost of Fire, I won't let you go!!!"

"Let me go?"


The raging flames enveloped him and swallowed up the soul in an instant. He kept struggling and cursing because of the burning, but it was all to no avail: "You don't have this chance!"



He slapped it with a palm, and his soul was instantly shattered.

Then open your mouth and take a deep breath.

Devour all the damaged souls.

“It tastes pretty good.”


The old ghost Liehuo sneered: "You guessed that I had bad intentions and still dared to pay to come in. Are you too confident, or do you have no brains?"

"The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish?"

"Wait, can you withstand the wind and waves?"


"The treasures in this immortal mansion are all mine!!!"


The blue-blood Taoist's expression remained unchanged.

One person keeps exploring and collects all the valuable things he sees.

"Is there really no danger?"

"So, the most dangerous people in this Immortal Mansion are other people."

"But it doesn't matter."

"So what if it's the old ghost Li Huo?"


He smiled.

Not far behind, there were two 'mummy corpses' that had been turned into pieces, their faces extremely ferocious and terrifying.


"Big brother."

The younger sister of the Ke family, Ke Shengmei, looked happy: "There are many treasures in this fairy mansion. Even if they are not of high value, they are more valuable than others. After bringing them back, our Ke family can resolve this crisis!"

"Don't be careless!"

Ke Deping was also very happy, but he maintained the most basic rationality: "Moreover, our Ke family's trouble this time is far greater than you imagined!"

"I'm afraid these things are not enough."

"After all, we still have many competitors."

"Brother, I understand what you mean." Ke Laoer's eyes gradually turned cold: "If there is a chance..."

"That's natural!"



People and horses from all directions were scattered.

Keep exploring in the fairy mansion.

However, they themselves did not know that the entire Immortal Mansion happened to be arranged in the form of 'Bagua'.

At this moment, people from all directions are scattered in different directions. While exploring, they are all approaching the central area.

At the beginning, they were all extremely vigilant, fearing a sudden accident.

But as they get more and more benefits, and there is no danger in the whole process, most of them gradually feel relieved.

"It seems that the owner of the Immortal Mansion really wants to give the treasures in the Immortal Mansion to the destined person."

"Yes, if this were not the case, how could we not have encountered any obstacles or encounter any dangers until now?"

"No need to worry about the Immortal Mansion, it's other people..."


Everyone has their own agenda!

They were relieved, but what they put down was their wariness towards the Immortal Mansion itself!

As for other 'competitors', they are still on guard at all times.


"Is it over?"

Explore and collect treasures.

Wang Teng and three other people all gained something.

About an hour later, they arrived outside a gate.


Wang Teng frowned slightly and looked at Qin Yu: "Is this the gossip you know?"

Qin Yu slowly shook his head: "But I think we should wait."

"Then wait."

Wang Teng had no objection.

Chi Lian naturally had no objection.

The three of them were waiting here immediately.

Although he didn't know what he was waiting for, since Qin Yu had an idea, he just listened to him.

Not long after, changes occurred in Qianmen.

Immediately, in the mist, the voice just now appeared again.


"That's right, that's right. You are all outside the door. However, those who are destined to get the treasure can get it. Inside, is where the most important treasure of this house is~"

"But you have people from all directions, a total of eighteen people."

"But there are only three treasures."

"What do you think should be done?"

"Oh my, this is really nerve-wracking."

Come on, come on, this guy is about to start!

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat.

I had already guessed that it wouldn't be that simple.

But the number of eighteen people made Wang Teng and others secretly say that it was true.

Logically speaking, there should be twenty-four people in the eight groups.

But now there are only eighteen people left.

This means that at least three groups of people lost two people!

"Old Ghost Liehuo, Taoist Blue Blood!" Chi Lian whispered: "The only one left should be Wenren Richeng or Feng Yuming."


Qin Yu frowned slightly: "Let's see what this Palace Master wants to do."

When everyone is thinking.

The voice said again: "Oh, yes, how about we play a game?"

"Let's do this~!"


It seemed that he was slapping his thigh excitedly and said: "Eight gates, eight people!"

"It's up to you to choose whether everyone can go in, or only three of you can go in to get the treasure, or~~~"

"Enter one person and take away all the treasures!"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly frowned.


Is this still a choice?

Who doesn’t want to eat alone!

But, can you still choose this?

Could it be that the others would just stare at it with their eyes wide open?

Just when they were confused, the voice laughed and said: "Yes, that's it!"

"Now, you make the choice."

"Just bet how many doors will be pushed open after ten breaths~"

"If all eight doors are pushed open, everyone can enter."

"If there are only three gates, then only people corresponding to these three gates can enter."

"If there is only one~"

"Congratulations, all the treasures are yours."

"But if there are only four gates, six gates, or two gates..."

"Then the door won't open~!"

"Therefore, you only have three choices, one, three, and eight~!"

clap clap.

The other party seemed extremely excited and clapped his hands repeatedly: "Hahaha, fun, fun." "Would you choose one, three, or eight?"

"I guess you all want to choose one, but others don't agree, hahaha~"

"Choose eight? Everyone has a chance, but among you, some are strong and some are weak, right? If the weak enters, can they still come out alive?"

"How about I give you a chance? As long as you choose not to push the door after ten breaths, I will immediately send you out to a safe place millions of miles away~"

"Oh, by the way, it's just that I can't push it away. Isn't it not fun?"

"Let's do this~"

"Except for one, three, and eight, if any other result occurs, you... will all die~!"

When everyone heard this, their hearts beat violently.


The old ghost Liehuo had a hot temper, but he didn't care so much. Looking at the 'door of death' that was shining brightly in front of him, his head jumped: "Pretend to be a ghost."

"You have been dead for who knows how many years, yet you dare to be so arrogant!"

"A mere door, you want to stop me?"

"Break it for me!"

He immediately burst into action and scored.

However, even if he used his unique skills to blast out a powerful blow, the door was still very solid and did not leave any traces.

"Five breaths left."

The voice came again: "Oops, someone is trying to break in?"

"But don't bother, I came down from above after all. Do you think you can break through my Immortal Mansion alone?"

"It's better to think about it quickly~"

"If you make the wrong choice, you will all die~!"

Everyone: "!!!"

Wang Teng frowned and Chi Lian looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu also looked slightly gloomy.

"You can't be wrong. This guy is just a pervert who plays with people's hearts, even worse than Immortal Emperor Ni Yang."

His mind raced, analyzing all possibilities.

"Everyone, can you hear me?!"

He shouted sharply and used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the message.

Turns out there was no response.


"It doesn't allow us to get in touch with each other. In other words, it forces us to make a choice."

"How to choose?"


"First of all, everyone is greedy and wants to be the 'one'! But it's almost impossible. Everyone wants to be the one, and when they can't communicate, no one dares to bet that they are the one!"

"Not even, even if we can communicate."

"As for three..."

"No, it's still hard to choose. Choose three out of eight? It's still too difficult."

"Only 'eight' seems to be the most feasible."


"It's not that simple!"

Qin Yu rubbed his eyebrows: "It seems that eight is the safest, no one will die, and it should be everyone's choice. This is the most tacit understanding when communication is not possible."

"But people's hearts are unpredictable."

"Because once you enter, you will run into other people. However, the old guys like Fiery Old Ghost and Blue-blooded Taoist are not good people. They will definitely kill people and steal goods!"

"Those who are not strong enough will die if they encounter them!"

"It's all death anyway. There's no guarantee that someone won't have crazy ideas and use their own death to bring everyone along. It's better than becoming a stepping stone for others and making wedding clothes for others, right?"




"Two breaths left!" The voice kept reminding, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, making everyone's scalp numb and difficult to make a decision.

"How to choose?"

Wang Teng hesitated.

Qin Yu took a deep breath: "Actually... we have no choice."

"In this game, we are on the passive side."

"Because we are bound to push the door open."

"But we don't know how other people will choose."

"But I think most people will choose to push the door open."

That guy is really perverted.

But in Qin Yu's view, since they are here to hunt for treasures, it means that everyone still has a 'pursuit'. Since they all have pursuits, they shouldn't actively seek death, right?

Unless there is a grudge between some people and they cannot take revenge by their own strength, they can only take this opportunity to die together.


Thinking of this, Qin Yu's mood worsened.

Don't tell me, it's really possible!

If this is the case, everyone else will have to take the back seat.

But again, they had no choice.

Just push the door open.

However, it is clear to understand this.

When it came time to push the door open, it was still accompanied by great fear and suffering.

Qin Yu stepped forward calmly.

There was already a storm in my heart.

Chi Lian stood with his sword in hand.

Wang Teng said: "Push it, junior brother, senior brother believes in your choice~!"

Qin Yu nodded.

But my heart felt even heavier.

Your own choice does not just represent yourself.


He whispered...


The door opened.

Qin Yu felt relieved immediately.

Only then did he realize that at some point, his hands and feet were numb and his vest was covered in cold sweat.


"Congratulations on your choice."

"Your choice is ~eight!"

"Everyone has survived, but you are about to meet, so are you ready?!"


"This pervert!"

Qin Yu cursed in a low voice: "He is not doing it for testing or killing people at all, but he is simply 'playing' with us as chess pieces or even ants."

"He is creating fear and confusing me."

"I see it."

Wang Teng said that he is also quite witty.

Therefore, they also cursed together: "This is indeed a pervert."

"The door is already open, and I'm still trying to scare people."

"Get in!"

Chi Lian took the lead, the soft sword in his hand shining brightly.

Brothers Wang Teng and Qin Yu followed closely behind.

Soon, the vision suddenly became clear.

The hall is extremely bright.

But it’s very empty!

There are not even tables, chairs or benches.

You can see the head at a glance, there are no special treasures.

They went deep as fast as they could.

Soon, his spiritual consciousness discovered people in other directions.

But at this moment, everyone was in a tacit understanding and did not choose to get close at the first time.

After all, taking action at this moment will definitely waste time.

If there is any delay, the treasure will likely fall into the hands of others, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Let’s get the treasure first!

Three treasures...

But don’t know what it is?

Another moment passed.

Everyone gathered into a hall almost at the same time.

The hall is magnificent.


On it, three flying swords are floating, the sword energy is flowing freely!

"The best Taoist soldier!!!"

"And it's a complete set of top-notch Taoist soldiers!"

"If they were combined together, they would probably have 50% of the power of the imperial army!!!"

Everyone suddenly breathed quickly.


The fierce old ghost roared and rushed out immediately.


The blue-blooded Taoist snorted coldly, unwilling to lag behind.

The rest of the group also rushed out immediately and fought over the three flying swords at the top Taoist level!

Only Qin Yu and the others did not take action for the time being, but just watched indifferently.

After all, they are the weakest.

It would be unwise to step forward at this moment.

"It seems that the murderer is Feng Yuming!" Chi Lian whispered.

There was no one else behind the old ghost Liehuo and the blue-blooded Taoist. It could be seen that they had killed all their opponents who had 'paid'.

In addition, Feng Yuming is also alone.

Wen Ren Richeng's two 'teammates' are still alive.


"What the hell is this?"

"People paid them to take care of them, but they ended up killing them!"

Wang Teng muttered.

But at the same time, I was also a little scared.

That area was hit so hard.

Every one of them seemed to be dying.

At this moment, the old ghost Liehuo and the blue-blooded Taoist had already grabbed a flying sword because of their strength, but because of this, they were set on fire!

Although the others were all in the seventh realm, but with everyone gathering fire and using all their methods and magic weapons, the old ghost Liehuo and the blue-blooded Taoist could not get any benefits for a while.

After all, everyone comes prepared.

They even brought a lot of disposable magic weapons, charms, etc., and they were throwing them out like crazy without asking for money. Even Li Huo and the two of them were a little hard to resist.

At the same time, the third flying sword also encountered the fiercest competition.

Someone has been injured!

The splattered blood dyed the area red.

But this Immortal Mansion is extremely strong.

Even though they fought extremely hard and the aftermath shook the world, the Immortal Mansion itself was not damaged at all, not even a single brick was damaged.


Wang Teng muttered: "The beating was so severe that the Immortal Mansion was not damaged at all. By the way, that voice just now said that he came down from above?"

"So, is it really the Immortal Mansion?"

"If that's the case, then it makes sense."


"A perverted immortal like this only has three flying swords at the level of top Taoists?"

"Furthermore, with his character and level of perversion, would he simply put his treasures here for others to snatch?"

"Why do I feel... something is wrong?"

Chi Lian was silent, but nodded silently.

Qin Yu pondered, but his footsteps moved slowly.


Wang Teng noticed his change and immediately followed him.

And following his gaze, he found a stone tablet.

Write the four characters "Eight Swords Immortal Mansion".

Not eye-catching.

Just standing outside the main hall like this, there is no special fluctuation.

"Eight Swords..."

Wang Teng muttered: "But there are only three swords here?"

Qin Yu suddenly relaxed and walked around.

It seems that he knows that he is not strong enough and has given up the fight.

Although Old Ghost Liehuo and the others were fighting, they still had some sense of consciousness to pay attention to them. After discovering that Qin Yu and the others did nothing special, they were naturally too lazy to focus on taking care of them at this critical moment.

After walking around and looking around, Qin Yu squatted in front of the stone monument, seemingly looking at it quietly and reaching out to touch it.


Just a moment.

His consciousness was sucked away.

Enter a special area.

The surroundings are densely packed with restrictions, and there is also a fairy crystal!

The Immortal Crystal is the core of the entire Immortal Mansion, located in the center of this void area. It is covered with formations, restrictions, etc., and is connected to the outside through many 'silk threads'.

If you are unprepared and suddenly come here in a spiritual state, you will definitely feel frightened.

But Qin Yu secretly thought at this moment that it was true.

"After all, I just followed Master's 'strategy'."

"Master is truly a divine being. He can know the things in heaven and earth, the past and the future without leaving home."


"Without further ado."

"let's start!!!"

If you don't use the guide, you'd be a fool.

You’re here, why should you hesitate?

What's more, it's not safe outside right now. No one knows when their battle will end. If they react, Chi Lian and his senior brother won't be able to stop them!

Once one's physical body is destroyed, it is quite troublesome to rebuild it.

He immediately pushed the power of his soul to the extreme and began to refine the core of the Immortal Mansion.

Slow at first, then fast.

By the end, faster and faster.

Each thread lit up, and the core of the Immortal Mansion gradually changed from dark black to faint blue.

The moment the entire core turns into a faint blue color, the Immortal Mansion is completely under Qin Yu's control!

He had a feeling.

With just one thought, he can control everything in the Immortal Mansion, even the life and death of Old Ghost Liehuo and others!

The restrictions and formations in the Immortal Mansion are too strong.

Once activated, they will die!

Almost subconsciously, he wanted to use the immortal formation to kill all outsiders.

And this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

But he finally endured it.

After all, he is a man who has read the guide.

How could it be so simple and random?

"Besides, this is not my original intention, it must be due to external influence!"

"In other words..."

"The Lord of the Immortal Mansion has left behind some special means and is up to something?"

As Qin Yu waved his hand, a 'mirror' appeared, and in the mirror was the scene in the hall at this moment.

As long as the war is still going on, the third flying sword has fallen into the hands of martial arts master Qi Zhenjiang.

The two powerful men he brought joined forces with him to resist other people's attacks and constantly fight back.

At this moment, Old Ghost Liehuo, Taoist Blue Blood, and Qi Zhenjiang were all under siege. However, due to their scattered manpower, Old Ghost Liehuo and Taoist Blue Blood already had the advantage.

However, it will take some time for the war to stop completely.

Right now.

An illusory figure appeared, with only the upper body appearing.

"Little guy, you are quite clever."

This figure looked about thirty years old. He smiled, with a cynical smile on his face: "Why don't you use the formation to destroy them?"

"Once they are destroyed, won't these treasures be yours?"

The voice is familiar.

It was the 'pervert' from before.


Qin Yu was neither humble nor arrogant, and said calmly: "Since the senior just said that treasures are obtained by those who are destined, then naturally the junior will not disobey and will listen to the senior in everything."

"This junior is destined to get the Immortal Mansion."

"They have strength, and it is fate to get the flying sword."

"How can a junior behave so recklessly?"

As soon as these words came out, the illusory figure was stunned.


Good guy, I thought you were upright in your heart and didn't want to commit murder or anything like that. But you said, are you listening to me? ? ?

You make me feel very strange!

"What fate?"

"You have won the Immortal Mansion, and you have the greatest fate. Everything in the Immortal Mansion should be yours. You are an immortal cultivator, do you understand?!"

"People who cultivate immortality prey on the weak and go against the will of heaven. They should seize every opportunity and chance to fight hard and kill all enemies."

"You must be ruthless and ruthless and put all the benefits into your own pocket. Only in this way can you have a chance to become an immortal. You are so indecisive and obedient..."

"How can we achieve something in the future?"

He was anxious.

I wish I could just say it, but do it!

You should kill them!

Qin Yu wanted to laugh in his heart.

Do you think I'm stupid now that I have the strategy in hand?

Once I take action, something will happen to me, right?

Die if you try?

For a pervert like you who plays with people's hearts, who dares to believe you?

Qin Yu estimated that the most anticipated ending for this pervert was to kill everyone by playing together!

As for the follow-up...


"What our predecessors have taught us is that God is watching when people do what they do."

"And the juniors have their own bottom line since they were young, and they cannot do anything that exceeds the bottom line."

Qin Yu pretended to be obedient and changed the topic: "By the way, senior, I wonder who you are?"

What a lively figure!

What does it mean not to be allowed to do?

As long as you take action, won't I be happy?

If you don’t take action, I’ll feel very uncomfortable!

But he couldn't show it, so he could only hide his anxiety and said with a smile: "You ask me?"

"Okay, since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy."

"I am the Immortal King Yuanyang!"

"Immortal King?"

"Yuan Yang?!"

Qin Yu was surprised.

Yuanyang, Niyang~

Isn't this just one word missing?

Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, is missing another word.


It must be Master's deliberate act.

His old man already knew everything!

You are truly worthy of being a master!

Qin Yu looked shocked and admired: "The Immortal King... must be very powerful, right?"

Seeing his expression, Yuan Yang immediately put his hands behind his back, slowly raised his head, and looked up at the starry sky at an angle of 45 degrees. He was invincible, cold and lonely, and said: "That's natural."

However, Yuan Yang didn't know that this admiration and shock were all for Lin Fan~

"Little guy, you do have some sense."

"It should be noted that the so-called Immortal King is not a realm, but a title!"

"In the vast immortal world, one must be powerful and defeat countless powerful enemies before he can claim the title of Immortal King."

"Otherwise, just carrying this name is a recipe for death!"

"And I, Yuanyang, am the best among the Immortal Kings."

"Those Immortal Emperors are going to give me some thin noodles."


"Senior is so awesome, I admire him!"

While Qin Yu was praising him, he was also murmuring in his heart.

So awesome~~~

I just don’t know if I was so unlucky that I stepped on a poisonous insect and poisoned myself to death.

He rolled his eyes and found that Yuan Yang's afterimage had no lower body. He couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: "By the way, I don't know something about this junior. I wonder if my senior can clear up the confusion?"


Yuan Yang smiled.

I secretly said that you have a good attitude, and it is not impossible to satisfy your curiosity.

But, the next second, he regretted it.

Qin Yu's face was full of smiles and admiration, and he said like a harmless animal: "Senior, this junior is very curious."

"that is···"

"Senior, did you wear shoes when you were alive?"

Yuan Yang: "..."


"Why do you ask this?!"

"Who asked you to ask this?!"

Yuan Yang immediately jumped.

Oh, now he has no feet.

But he couldn't help but roar.

(End of this chapter)

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