Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 178 52 Lingshan Mountains! Enter the secret realm of Fengyun!

Chapter 178 Five hundred and twenty spiritual mountains! Enter the secret realm of Fengyun!

As soon as they met, they were full of compliments.

Then, let’s get straight to the point.

They are all human beings. Since they have something to ask for and have taken the liberty to come, they will naturally not beat around the bush and annoy others.

The best choice is to get straight to the point and explain your purpose.

"Oh? You are so polite, so complimentary."

Lin Fan was secretly happy, but he never showed it.

After all, we are modern people. Although we were not big business leaders before time travel, we have been exposed to it since we were young. Besides, watching so many movies and TV series is not for nothing.

Even if you haven't seen it, when you were shopping with your mother when you were a child, your mother must have taught you the "secrets of bargaining".

Even if you want something very much, you still have to show mild interest or even don't want it.

Only in this way can you bargain successfully.

Even though he is not a professional, compared with these 'pure' immortal cultivators, his 'business thinking' is still much 'advanced'.

Just like this moment.

He pretended to be puzzled: "I just don't know, what kind of business do you, the sect leaders, want to discuss?"

"Ashamed to say that."

Since Li Fengshan was the first to bring up this matter, he was naturally taking the lead at this moment.

Mainly being the first to speak is the most embarrassing.

Other sect leaders and senior officials were unwilling to disgrace this person.

Since Li Fengshan is the leader, it is naturally the best.

"Is such that."

Li Fengshan also had a small thought in mind and said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, Sect Leader Lin. These are troubled times. Even though it's a golden age, there will be countless dead bones buried."

"Our sect, whether it's big or small, is really not safe."

"Just in the past few years, the Hongwu Immortal Alliance has developed rapidly, and the benefits are excellent. The sects that joined the Immortal Alliance before have made very gratifying developments, with various benefits."

"I wait···"

"I'm a little excited too."


Lin Fan pretended to be confused and said, "I have also heard about this. Yulin Palace and other six sects joined before, and now their strength has improved well. When we met a few days ago, the smiles on their faces were particularly bright."

"But, what does this matter have to do with our Lanyue Sect?"

"Could it be that Pavilion Master Li wants to invite us, Lan Yue Sect, to join the Hongwu Immortal Alliance?"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid I will disappoint you all. Although our Lan Yue Sect is small, we currently have no intention of joining the Hongwu Immortal Alliance."

"Self-reliance is always more free."

He made up his mind to 'bargain'.

In the past, I was very "upright" towards Yulin Palace and other six sects. That was because the two parties had a cooperative relationship, and at least they still had Wang Teng's relationship.

But what is the relationship between Lan Yue Sect and your thirteen sects?

Why not bargain?

Just cut it!

Cut as much as you can~!

But his words made Li Fengshan and others curse in their hearts.

It doesn't matter what you are.

Is it freer to be self-reliant? Who doesn’t know?

Do you really think we want to join the Hongwuxian Alliance? You have already joined, why don't you wait until now? The treatment for the first batch to join is obviously better, and there are more sites to choose from, right?

Damn it, it’s because of you Lanyue Sect, the troublemaker, that we had to take this step and be forced to move!

And now you're telling us this?


Are you still a human being?

I am so angry!

Li Fengshan was very angry, but he couldn't show it. He could only force himself to calm down, and even smiled at him: "That's not true, Sect Master Lin, you misunderstood."

"I'm not here to be a lobbyist, but I simply want to make a deal with Sect Leader Lin."

"Before this, the six sects such as Yulin Palace happened to be bordering the thirteen sects including us. And when they joined the Hongwu Immortal Alliance, all these spiritual mountains were given to the Lan Yue Sect."

"We also know about this."

"I feel ashamed to say it. When I came here, I also wanted to imitate fellow Taoist Wang Yulin and the others, and give all the products of the thirteen sects, such as the Lingshan Mountain, to your sect."

"I don't know..."

"Does your sect have any thoughts on continuing to expand?"


Lin Fan frowned: "My sect is currently very sparsely populated, so I have no idea in this regard."

"As for the previous one, it was all because of the face of my disciple Wang Teng and the fact that our sect has a cooperative relationship with their six sects and has close contacts, so I was willing to take over."

"But now..."

"Although expansion is definitely great, our sect's resources are stretched thin, and the demand for industries such as Lingshan is not urgent, so~"

"This, this~"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited for them to 'enlighten' themselves.

After all, I’ve said it all for this reason, so you can’t still guess what I want to say, right?

Li Fengshan and others suddenly lost their expressions.

There was already a quarrel in the sound transmission from the divine consciousness.

"That's unreasonable!"

"He's just sitting on the ground bargaining!"

"You made it clear that you want to buy it at a low price, but you don't take us seriously at all!"

"What about that, everyone, calm down. With Lan Yue Sect's current strength, there is no need to take us seriously. Moreover, there is a difference between closeness and distance..."

"Our price is lower than Wang Yulin's, which is understandable."

"It's excusable, but I can't swallow this breath!"

"Why don't we find other sects to take over?"

"The Lan Yue Sect is not the only one neighboring us!"



The crowd made a loud noise with their spiritual consciousness. After listening for a moment, Li Fengshan reluctantly sent a message and said: "I know that no matter who it is, they will not be happy to be haggled like this."

"If you have an idea, it is reasonable and excusable."

"But do you think it's possible to sell it to other sects?"

"Who doesn't know that Lan Yuezong is a troublemaker?"

"At least once a year, the violent fluctuations can be felt thousands of miles away. The other sects adjacent to us must also be frightened. It's just because we are in front, so they don't do anything in a short period of time."

"But if they know that we are going to run away and want to give them the territory, guess what they will think?"

"You will be fooled and taken advantage of."

"Still scared to the point of peeing, some even come to Lan Yue Sect to beg for help?"

"Once they come, not all of them need to come, but just a few of them, Lin Fan will have a reason to lower the price again!"

"At that time, it will really be a waste of time."

Li Fengshan's thinking was very clear.

In other words, he has already considered all this over and over again.

Now the other party wants to bargain...

What can you do if you are unhappy?

"The only thing we can do now is to try our best to get a higher price, and then take action to join the Hongwuxian Alliance."

"Otherwise, the longer it is delayed, the lower the price will be and the more dangerous it will be!"

"Moreover, we must not let Lin Fan know that we made this choice because we were afraid of being implicated by the Moon Reaching Sect. Otherwise, we would really be squeezed to death by the low price!"

Everyone: "..."

After a brief silence, they fell silent.

I can't make any more noise.

It doesn't sound nice, but it's true.

Mad, you have no choice at all!

In desperation, they could only show their special abilities and use their sharp tongue to try to raise the price.

However, they are experts in cultivating immortals.

When it comes to bargaining and doing business, they are far less astute than Huo Kunlun, let alone Lin Fan, a modern opponent.

He was soon 'killed' and left behind his armor.

The bottom line changes again and again.

He took another step back.

In the end, they all stared with red eyes.

"This price is too low, it is absolutely impossible to sell it to you!!!"

"If you don't want to sell it, don't sell it. Anyway, we don't lack land now." Lin Fan spread his hands: "Besides, there is no such trouble among immortal cultivators."

"Whenever our Lanyue Sect doesn't have enough territory, we can just grab it again."

"In this turf war, there is no right or wrong. Whoever has the bigger fist is the truth and the king's law."

"I guess everyone is familiar with it, and most of your territory was stolen, right?"

"So, actually I don't want it."

"Since you don't want to sell it, then..."

"see a visitor out?"

Li Fengshan and others were numb.

Damn it! ! !

You little beast!

Just now, you were negotiating in a roundabout way, but now it's better to start threatening directly, right? ? ?

But who do you think we are?

Are we scared?

Do you think that if you threaten us, we will retreat?

We also have a bottom line, right? !

wipe! ! !

"make a deal!"

Li Fengshan agreed.

When the other sect leaders saw this, they cursed secretly, but they did not dare to wait any longer and quickly agreed.

Bottom line...

But, you can still take a step back.

"Pleasant to work with."

Lin Fan smiled.

This wave is really a big profit!

Thirteen sects, a total of 412 spiritual mountains, some are large, some are small, some are rich in resources, some are relatively ordinary, and there are three spiritual stone veins. Although they are all 'small', they are all better than those in Yulin Palace. Big!

It is about five times that of Yulin Palace and other six sects’ spiritual mountains!

But the total price was only more than double that of the previous transaction.

The unit price has been cut by more than half~!

But that’s how business is done.

And for this price, Thirteen Sects can’t be considered a blessing.

It can only be said that there is no profit.

"One hundred and eight plus four hundred and twelve, five hundred and twenty? Hey, this number is not bad, but I am still single."

Lin Fan sighed secretly, and then said: "In half a month, our sect will take over. When the time comes, we will hand over the elixirs and resources with one hand, and deliver the goods with the other. How about it?"

"it is good."

Li Fengshan and others could only hold their noses and respond.

Now that the price has been negotiated, what is there to hesitate about?

As for half a month, it is completely enough.

They even felt that half a month was a bit too long.

After all, no one knows when the troublemaker Lan Yue Sect will cause trouble next, or if something big happens within half a month and a war breaks out...

bah bah bah!

Everything will go smoothly in this half month, and there will definitely be no accidents~~!

After paying the deposit and sending Li Fengshan and others away, Lin Fan could no longer hide his excitement and waved his fist: "It's great!"

"This wave of expansion is very relaxing~!"

"Also, I haven't made any enemies in the last two expansions, which is great~!"

He has been worried about this problem before. As the sect develops and expands, it will have to compete with others for territory. After all, the territory has already been occupied, especially good places.

For example, those cave heavens and blessed lands are all owned by their owners.

When it's his turn, he has to rob not only the cave heaven and the blessed land, but also any ordinary spiritual mountain. If he robs, he will make enemies!

For example, the Peach Blossom Valley and the Eight Swords Sect at the beginning provoked the Lingjian Sect and Jianzi.

Therefore, even a sect at the bottom of the third rate cannot be underestimated.

Making enemies means danger. No one knows if these sects are related. Many times, existences that seem out of reach may suddenly jump out.

Therefore, Lin Fan has been thinking about this matter in his mind for the past few years, and also thinking about how to solve it perfectly.


By accident, this annual crisis, as well as the 'god-level troublemaking' ability of his disciples as templates, perfectly solved this problem.

The neighbors were ‘scared’.

Previously there were six sects including Yulin Palace, but now there are thirteen sects including Bishui Pavilion, Tianyin Sect, and Ziyun Sect.

He was immediately ‘scared’ and ran away~!

Although I spent money, I spent money justifiably!

They can't even regret it.

Bargaining and feuding?

That's not the case.

At least, it's better than fighting and robbing directly, right?

As for the deposit, Lin Fan was not afraid of them taking it and running away.

Unless it’s life-threatening~~~!


"It is necessary to re-plan these five hundred and twenty spiritual mountains to make perfect use of them, but there is no need to rush for the time being. It will not be too late to start after returning from the world of wind and cloud."



The fourth day, early morning.

After thirty-six hours of ‘selection’, the final results of Lan Yue Sect’s grand opening were announced.

We should still follow the iron law of recruiting apprentices by ‘selecting the best’.

There are more than 7,000 disciples entering this time.

The standards of the Great Elder have been raised!

After all, the Lan Yue Sect is getting stronger and stronger, and its foundation is getting deeper and deeper. It is no longer the small and low-end existence with only a few or dozens of spiritual mountains.

If you are confident, you will naturally choose better disciples!

Among these seven thousand disciples, those with 'top grade' talents are all over a hundred years old!

Although most of them currently have no cultivation level and cannot provide Lin Fan with combat power, their 'understanding' combined can also bring a lot of benefits to Lin Fan.

And as time goes by, they will soon become immortal cultivators and bring Lin Fan a combat power bonus.

A little adds up to a lot.

Lin Fan will only get stronger and stronger!

"The understanding... is so wonderful!"

At the end of this year's Grand Opening, Lin Fan felt the changes in himself. The extremely clear thoughts and the understanding that seemed to be able to penetrate all things made him say wonderful.

"I had a gut feeling."

"In the early stages of Xing Zi Mi, I'm almost realizing it."

"The idea of ​​having the formation tattooed on the body doesn't take long to be realized."

"But today..."

"The world of wind and cloud, the secret realm of wind and cloud~"

"let's go!"


In Lanyue Sect, strong men gathered!

Led by Lin Fan, Xiao Ling'er and other direct disciples in the sect were all there.

Zhu Rurong even brought his twelve red pigs.

After growing up for more than two years, these red-haired pigs already have nearly fourth-level combat power, and they are well fed by Zhu Rourong and are very obedient~!

Bringing it out this time is also an experience and an attempt.

Su Yan is also here.

Although he had not passed the novice stage, Lin Fan still pulled him here - ready to use his unlucky attributes as bait, ahem.

After all, Xiao Sanxiao is not easy to find, but if Su Yan is there, the other party will probably jump at him automatically.

In addition, among the five elders, only the fifth elder was left to sit in the sect and deal with related matters for the time being, while the other four went together.

As for Huode Sect, Huo Kunlun and the three elders were also summoned.

Naturally, Lian Bo and the other three will not be absent.

There are also Jianzi, Sanye and Long Aojiao.

Xiao Longnu is naturally indispensable. She will not miss this excitement.

Such a lineup can be called luxurious.

Even though Song Yunxiao is just an ordinary person, and has never read a "novel", and does not know the templates of Long Aojiao, Xiao Ling'er, etc., at this moment, he is full of pride, and his heart is full of expectations and hopes.


He almost shed tears: "I have finally waited for this day."

"My golden finger finally worked!"

"The gear of destiny, turn it for me!!!"

At Lin Fan's signal, he placed the entrance to the secret realm at the back of the 'side peak' near the main peak.

hum! ! !

The space trembles, rotates, and then blurs!

An indescribable and unknown aura of terror spread.

Even Long Aojiao couldn't help but change his expression slightly.

"This movement is quite alarming." She whispered.

"The space is chaotic and chaotic. It's almost like two worlds are bordering each other. The spaces are repelling each other, but they are forcibly merged by an inexplicable mysterious force..." Huo Kunlun was surprised: "What kind of secret treasure is this?" , actually has such power?"

"Could it be a true immortal treasure?"

In shock, the chaotic space rotated rapidly, and finally turned into a blue vortex, with a constant breeze blowing around it.

Gradually, the cyan vortex gradually stabilized and became the door to space.

At a glance, it can be seen that its center is like a 'water mirror', with little waves appearing from time to time.

"Wait for the seal."

Lian Bo stepped forward and immediately set up multiple formations in this space, and said: "This portal should be open in both directions. To prevent accidents, it needs to be sealed. I can only wait for it to go in. The people inside can't get out." !”

"It's troublesome, Uncle Lieutenant."

Lin Fan nodded slightly.

It really needs to be sealed.

Otherwise, a few people would pop up from time to time, and even if they could be blocked, it would be too scary and troublesome.

Soon, the formation was completed.

"This girl goes first!"

Long Aojiao did her part.

Lin Fan didn't stop him.

After all, this is in line with her character.

If she was willing to be the last one in, that would be a problem.

After Long Aojiao entered the door of space, everyone entered one after another. Xiao Ling'er, as the senior sister, specially brought Song Yunxiao with her, and protected her in the middle with Huo Yun'er.



After entering, everyone frowned.

"This feeling···"

"No spirit energy at all?"

"It is indeed a completely different world, and the energy system is also different."

"This aura seems to be martial arts energy?"

"It's really a small world of martial arts!"

Everyone was talking to each other, and they soon became convinced that this was already a completely strange little world.

Cheng Guangshan said firmly: "The rules are perfect. Although it is not as powerful as the Xianwu Continent, it is by no means a fragment of the small world or a incomplete small world."

"Sure enough, this is a complete world."


Here is a mountain forest.

There was no one around.

But under the consciousness of these immortal cultivators, they can instantly 'see' very, very far away.

The land of China, the world meeting, the unparalleled city...


Even in the Western Continent, everything is under control.


"There are some strong people in this small world." Jianzi showed a look of surprise: "There are also swordsman masters? I will definitely fight with them and win them!"

Then goose.

Wang Teng's words instantly cooled his excitement: "My dear disciple, wake up, you are carrying the ancient inheritance. It's okay if you lose. Once you win, you have to start all over again."

"So, are you sure you want to fight the sword cultivators of this world?"

Jianzi: "...?!"

He was numb.

Instantly deflated like a ball.

But soon, he gritted his teeth: "I still want to fight him!"

"Different worlds, different swordsmanship, fighting with them will definitely be of many benefits to me. If I miss it, I will feel uneasy."

"If we win..."

His face darkened: "The worst case scenario is that we'll have to start all over again."

"Okay, okay, you are indeed my good disciple." Wang Teng couldn't help but glance at Jianzi, but he secretly thought that it was outrageous.


Jianzi is the best descendant of chaos~!



Xiao Longnu's whole body was trembling. She said in disbelief: "I sensed... the aura of the same race?"

"It's just that he seems to be an adult, but why doesn't he feel strong enough?"

"Same race?"

Long Aojiao was surprised.

She already knew that the little dragon girl was a real dragon.

But through my own spiritual exploration, I didn't find that there is a real dragon on this 'planet'?

"There should be a secret method of hiding." Lin Fan knew that there were dragons in the Fengyun World, and based on the analysis of the "divine sense exploration" just now, the current time in the Fengyun World was still relatively early.

The sword masters are still alive.

Wu Ming, who is playing the erhu with full blood, and with full blood, is still playing the erhu.

In other words, Qilin is still alive.

Of course the dragon is still alive.

And it’s a real dragon!

But due to the world level, the dragons in the high martial world are naturally not as good as the immortal martial world.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Xiao Longnu to feel that the other party is not strong enough.

And the version, as he thought, was the most classic TV series version.


It’s the instant noodles Tou Bu Jingyun version.

However, Lin Fan couldn't say these words clearly, otherwise wouldn't it mean that he knew the plot?

As for what’s next~

Naturally it’s time to explore.

Lin Fan whispered: "What do you think?"

"What are you thinking?" Long Aojiao pouted: "Of course I'll push him all the way and hit him!"

"Since there is a real dragon, the best thing is to fight it back and make dragon and phoenix soup! By the way, since there is a real dragon in this small world, what about the phoenix?"

Everyone: "!!!"

Good guy.

I call you good guy, you deserve it. You want to drink dragon and phoenix soup as soon as you get started?

"I found a master of divination who seems to be able to calculate everything in this world." Huo Kunlun whispered: "He is called the Ni Bodhisattva and is being hunted by people from the Tianxiahui?"

"Perhaps he can answer your questions."

"However, I have a different opinion." He criticized Long Aojiao and said: "If there are really dragons, phoenixes and other mythical beasts, then naturally they cannot be killed to make soup."

"Keeping them alive will be of great use."

Long Aojiao thought about it and realized that it was true, then said: "Can you chop off a piece and make soup?"

"If it's really inappropriate, it's not impossible to dig out a piece of meat."

Everyone: "..."

Are you still a foodie when it comes to relationships?

"Let's go, find the Clay Bodhisattva first."

Lin Fan said: "My spiritual consciousness has also discovered him, and the Tianxiahui has already succeeded. It just so happens that I can also meet the Tianxiahui by the way."

Since one of the 'customs clearance tasks' is to defeat the Tianxiahui, it will naturally happen sooner or later.


He thought to himself that it was a pity: "Today's Feng and Yun are still just in their infancy. At most, they can be regarded as ordinary 'first-class masters'. The aura of the protagonist has not yet unfolded, so they are too weak."

"However, there is no problem with Emperor Shitian and Xiongba."


They set off.

The only exception is Jianzi.

He mused: "Sect Master, everyone, I can sense that there are several swordsman masters in this world who are worthy of my challenge!"

"Therefore, I will not join in the fun and prepare to directly challenge those swordsman masters."

"I wonder if that's okay?"

Wang Teng looked at Lin Fan.

The latter nodded slightly: "Go."

"Pay attention to safety and don't have any accidents."

"Thank you for your concern, sect master." Jianzi smiled: "However, with Sanye here, it should be no problem."

He picked up Sanye and smiled brightly.

Sanye swayed slightly and said in a child's voice: "It shouldn't die."

Jianzi's smile disappeared in an instant, leaving only a face full of embarrassment.

This is too disrespectful~!


Separate sides.

Lin Fan and others went to find the Clay Bodhisattva.

However, Jianzi followed the guidance of 'Sword Intent' and transformed into sword light, flying towards the Zhonghua Pavilion.

"I made a decision!"

"If I don't use my own cultivation and only use swordsmanship to fight him, my chances of winning should be very slim."

"In this way, I can fight with him, and there is a high probability that the 'losing streak' will not be broken. Isn't it wonderful?!"

Sanye: "You are really thick-skinned."

Jianzi: "Nonsense, I am a descendant of Luan Gu, how can I be called thick-skinned?"

"Haha, shouldn't you fight with the invincible belief that you will win?"

"I think I will win. I think I can 'win' with just my swordsmanship. But if the opponent defeats me, what can I do?"

Sanye: "···"

Okay, okay, such a 'definition' will definitely win, right?

Good for you!

At this moment, it was evening in the world of wind and cloud.

In the Chinese Pavilion, Wuming was playing his erhu and pouring himself a drink, his eyes full of melancholy and indifference.

Suddenly, his whole body was shaken, his mind was stirred, and he was almost sober from the alcohol in an instant.


There was a harsh and strange sound, and the erhu string broke!

Wuming's face changed slightly.

The sword intention from far to near was particularly powerful and clear, making him feel helpless.

"Have you been hiding for more than twenty years under false pretence, but you never thought that you would be found?"


“The trees want to be still but the wind doesn’t stop.”

"It's just that such pure but completely unfamiliar sword intent, who is this person?"

He was puzzled.

If you hide yourself so well, it stands to reason that no one can find you.

Furthermore, he boasted that he knew a lot about the swordsmanship in the world. Even if he didn't know it, he had seen a few things. But at this moment, the swordsmanship of the visitor was extremely unfamiliar.


But it’s also extremely tyrannical!

"Today, there will be a fierce battle."

"After the First World War, I am afraid that my Zhonghua Pavilion will not be able to live in peace."

Wuming sighed helplessly, put away his erhu, stepped out, and left the Zhonghua Pavilion, heading towards the deep mountains and old forests.


After a stick of incense.

In the dense forest, the two met.

Jianzi clasped his hands in his fists: "Senior, we are both sword cultivators. I sincerely ask for your guidance."

Wuming put his hands behind his back, his face full of sadness and helplessness, and a bit haggard: "..., at your age, with such a swordsmanship, your talent and future achievements must be above mine, why do you have to be like this?"

"Can you not fight?"


Jianzi frowned: "Senior, you are one of the top experts in the way of swordsmanship. There are no more than two people in the world who can defeat you, and they are both in the way of swordsmanship. You should be determined to forge ahead and kill all the injustices in the world with one sword."

"But why does the senior have such a mentality, completely without any energy?"

"A sword is still a sword without its sharpness?"


"you're right."

He smiled bitterly: "So, I'm leaving?"

Jianzi: "???"

What? ? ?

I say this to stimulate you, to arouse your fighting spirit, to let you fight me at your best, and to let me experience a completely different way of swordsmanship. I am not letting you think you are not good enough and then stop fighting!

What kind of sword cultivator is this?

It was hard for Jianzi to imagine what the person in front of him had gone through to become so decadent.

"No, if you don't fight me with all your strength, I will kill you!"

Jianzi had no other choice but to force the opponent to fight.

"Why bother?"

"I can't even admit defeat?"

Wuming is still unwilling to fight.



"That's all."

"It's just that I'm curious about one thing. Who did you study under, and how did you find me?"

"Teacher? No comment." Jianzi said calmly: "As for how to find you... Your swordsmanship is like a firefly in the dark night, shining extraordinarily. It would be strange if I couldn't find you, right? "

"Your swordsmanship has reached such a level?" Wuming was surprised.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know."


I thought you came here because of my reputation, but it turns out you don’t know who I am and you just want to fight with me? ? ?

I was already prepared to expose my identity, and I would never feel calm again in the days to come. But this is the result? ? ?

I feel embarrassed when you do this, as if I am very self-righteous.


However, Wuming still had no fighting spirit.

Seeing him like this, Jianzi had no choice but to use some extraordinary means, pretending to threaten: "If you are still unwilling to fight with all your strength, how about I destroy your Chinese Pavilion first, and then fight?"



Wuming sighed: "Why are you so aggressive?"

"Since you want to fight, then fight."

The reason why he kept his name anonymous was just because he lost much fighting spirit after his wife's death and just wanted to show off. It wasn't because he was afraid of anyone, nor because he didn't dare to take action again.

"it is good."

Jianzi was overjoyed, put down Sanye, and waved his sword.

"If you... since you want to see me doing my best, then you can accept it."

"Heavenly Sword!"


Wu Ming takes action!

He has never used a sword, he only commands the dance room with a sword, but he has pushed his sword skills to the extreme.

For more than twenty years, although he has been anonymous and arrogant, he has realized the realm of Tianjian in this state, which is why Tianjian has no name.

The sword energy is flowing freely, and the true energy is exploding...

"Well done!"

Jianzi was overjoyed.

At the same time, he fought strictly according to the 'definition' in his mind - he was from the world of immortal martial arts, and his world background was higher than that of this small world, so he should let them use only their swordsmanship instead of 'energy'.

It's like a martial arts master who only uses sword moves and sword intent, but not internal strength!

However, despite this, his swordsmanship is also extremely amazing.

"Cut the sky and draw the sword!"

Jianzi draws his sword.

In just an instant, a 'white line' appeared between heaven and earth.

Wherever the white line passes, even the sword energy of the 'Heavenly Sword' is constantly dissolving.

Wuming's color changed slightly.

"What a powerful talent!"

"Be careful!"

"Inexplicable swordsmanship!"

Although Wuming was wondering why the opponent didn't use his true energy, this powerful and shocking sword move put enough pressure on him, and he immediately used the sword skills he learned from the Hero Sword to fight against the enemy.

However, the sword failed one after another, and the inexplicable sword skills were almost useless!


"I don't want to use this move, but you are qualified to see him, Sword... Eleven!"

What the hell!

Jianzi's heart trembled, his knees softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

What the hell?

Eleven of Swords, Nirvana? ? ?

Do you know this? ? ? !

What a fuss!

He was almost frightened and surrendered on the spot, but when this move came out, Jianzi didn't feel much pressure, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily: "What kind of swordsmanship are you doing???"

"Holy Spirit Sword Technique!"

Wuming was a little embarrassed.

The Holy Spirit Sword Technique was something he secretly learned from the Sword Master, which was really a bit disgraceful.

But at this moment, the other party was so tyrannical that he didn't care about that much.

"I was scared to death. I thought it was a misty sword technique!"

He responded with a sword.

The two fought hard and couldn't tell each other apart.

Sanye watched quietly from the side, the leaves swaying in the wind, like an ordinary grass.

However, the emerald green color and jade-like leaves make it extraordinary everywhere.

As for Wuming's sword moves, it was able to analyze them thoroughly in a short period of time, even clearly.


A duel.

And this one after another retreats.

Between the vertical and horizontal sword energy, all the big trees within a hundred meters were cut in half, and then even cut into pieces!

"Happy, happy!"

Wuming's whole body was shaking.

He has lived in seclusion for twenty years and has never interacted with anyone.

It was so enjoyable to spar with others today, which made him excited, and his sword intention also rose: "My Holy Spirit Sword Technique cannot defeat you, but I still have a sword technique."

"Young man, beware!"

The long sword was unsheathed, and the true energy surged.

Wuming slowly closed his eyes, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, his own essence, true energy, and sword intent gathered and merged at this moment, turning into the strongest sword.

"This is what I realized after living in seclusion for more than twenty years."

"I call it...the supreme swordsmanship!"

"Catch the sword!"

The supreme swordsmanship is very strong!

Rao Jianzi was also secretly surprised.

"This person's swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle in martial arts. Even though it can still be improved, there is not much room for improvement, right?"

He handled it carefully.

But in the end, there was still one move missing. The sword energy broke through the defense and cut off a strand of his hair.


Jianzi put away his sword: "I lost."



"Young man, what do you mean by this?" Wuming frowned: "I tried my best, but you didn't even use your own Qi, so where do I win?!"

"Your swordsmanship and your swordsmanship are clearly superior to me!"

"Could it be that you think I can't afford to lose?"

What a fuss!

Do you look down on me so much?

He was unhappy.

Jianzi shook his head: "I have my pursuit, you don't understand."

"In short, I just lost."

The failure of customization is also a failure, right?

At least there is no need to interrupt the losing streak, which is the best result.


Wuming is numb.

"Okay, I'll go."

Jianzi waved his hand, picked up Sanye, and turned into sword light and went away.

Only the nameless one is left messy in the wind.

This? ? ?

What is going on?

And who is it that cultivated such a perverted young man?

In the battle just now, I did ‘win’, but only if the opponent didn’t use his true energy, but only used his swordsmanship! If he uses true energy, wouldn't he fail in a short time?

Nowadays, Wuming is still unable to return to his clan with ten thousand swords. The battle with Jianzi makes him unable to let go.


"The next one is another one. This one's understanding of swordsmanship is even better than Wuming~!"

"Wonderful, wonderful~!"

"In other words, I can at least lose one more time..."

"No, why lose again? I will win!"

Jianzi walked with his sword, heading towards the 'Light of the Sword' that was like a bright pearl.

However, he muttered to himself, which made Sanye feel funny.


Sanye was a little frightened: "The person we are going to face next is indeed worthy of being treated with caution."

"With his swordsmanship and talent, if he were born in the Xianwu Continent, I'm's hard to estimate!"



"Junior came here uninvited, and asked senior for advice."

In the secret room, Sword Master Dugu Jian opened his eyes.

On the Wushuang Sword, twenty-one gaps are quite conspicuous.

"Who are you?"

The stone door of the secret room opened, and Dugu Jian's rickety body stood up slowly. He was almost exhausted and in extremely poor condition.

"The younger generation has heard of swordsmanship, and the seniors can just think of themselves as swordsmaniacs."

"Now, I just ask senior to take action."


Dugu Jian felt the pure sword intention in Jianzi's body and sighed: "Having a genius like you is really a blessing for me in swordsmanship. In you, I see the shadow of Wuming."

"No, even more than him."

"It's a pity that I still have things to do, but this seven-foot-long body cannot die in this sparring session."

"Sorry, young man, if you want to fight, go and fight Wuming. His current swordsmanship should not be inferior to mine."

Jianzi was silent.

He could feel that the opponent's condition was extremely poor.

If you don't take action, you may still live for a few years, but if you do, you will die.

"I wonder what you want to do, senior? I can help you do this."


Dugu Jian smiled: "The world will meet and kill Xiongba. Is it possible for you to do it?"


Jianzi was surprised, and then his face looked a little strange: "It can be done."


"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." Dugu Jian smiled: "Did you know that today's world will sweep the martial arts world, and the hegemony can be said to be the destiny..."

"I'm sure I can do it!"

Dugu Jian: "..."

"Senior, please enlighten me."

"Junior will definitely be able to fulfill your wish."

"Otherwise, I will never touch a sword again in this life!"


"it is good!"

Dugu Jian chose to believe in Jianzi, or in other words, believed in his love and desire for the sword.

As both sword cultivators, that kind of desire cannot be deceived.

"Take my Holy Spirit Sword Skill!"

He takes action.

But he was stopped by Jian Zi urgently: "Holy Spirit Sword Technique? You have just learned it."



Dugu Jian reacted: "Have you fought against him before?"

"So, my Holy Spirit Sword Technique only has one move available."

"Little Doll."



 The boss is on vacation. At the end of the year, the company is also busy with work, and the coding time becomes more and more tense. However, Ninave will try her best to keep it updated!

  That is to say...if there is a little less on a certain day, please forgive me.



(End of this chapter)

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