Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 174 The Holy Land jumped out! Namo Gatling Bodhisattva! ?

Chapter 174 The Holy Land jumped out! Namo Gatling Bodhisattva! ?


The thunder was too fierce.

The terrifying roar that struck the formation made everyone deaf and their heads were buzzing.


Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xiao Ling'er pulled Xiao Longnu out of the way.

Huo Yun'er followed closely behind.

Lian Bo, Huo Kunlun and other powerful figures Lin Fan had already greeted them in advance, so they were all waiting secretly. When they sensed the invasion of powerful enemies, they all showed up as soon as possible and worked together to stabilize the sect-protecting formation.

The five elders immediately called on the entire sect to enter the 'Reverse Expedition' formation, each occupying a formation, and with Lin Fan as the leader, prepare to counterattack.

Zhu Rurong shouted and rushed all the spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden to various formations.

Inside Huode Peak.

The Huode Sect elders, direct disciples, and core disciples were all confused.

"what happened?!"


"What a powerful thunder, but why is it black?"

"With so many seventh-level experts joining forces, the formations are trembling?"

"This is an invasion by a powerful enemy!"

"And it's an unimaginably powerful enemy!"

"Everyone, be careful, don't act recklessly, and remember to obey the instructions of the sect masters..."

The heartbeats of the four elders accelerated, trying to stabilize the 'people's hearts'.

Other elders are also helping.

But soon, they discovered something was wrong.


"Why are the disciples of Lan Yue Sect not panicking at all?"

“Everyone is in order, it doesn’t look like anything happened???”

"No, the invasion of such a powerful person can easily destroy the sect. With such strength, even our Huode Sect will be frightened, right? Why is the Lanyue Sect so calm???"

"Those strong men are nothing more than that. Even the outer disciples are so orderly. Is this???"

They were confused.

I suspected that I was hallucinating or seeing something wrong.

Otherwise, how could such a bizarre scene occur?

Aren't you panicking?

Aren't you afraid?

The opposite side is not some ants, but at least a group of powerful people!

Otherwise, how could it be so difficult for our sect master, the three elders, and your powerful ones to resist with formations?

This is too strange, right?

Are they so calm?

Are they that brave?

At this moment, not only the Huode Sect disciples felt outrageous, but also the Fourth Elder and others had their eyes widened, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Are you turning a blind eye to a crisis of this level?

Not panicked at all?


Just at this moment, they saw the fire cloud passing by from low in the sky.

The fourth elder quickly jumped into the air and stopped her.

"Miss, this..."

"Why is this?"

They ask questions in their own minds.

Huo Yun'er was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly: "I'm curious why our Lan Yue Sect is so calm, calm and orderly?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

He didn't even bother to worry about Huo Yun'er calling him 'our Lan Yue Sect'.

After all, Huo Yun'er already worshiped Lin Fan as his teacher, so there was nothing wrong with saying so.

"it's actually really easy."

"We're used to it."

"got used to???"

"Can you still get used to this?"

"How can it be!"

"No, Miss, please stop teasing me. How can I get used to this kind of thing?"

Huo Yun'er waved his hand: "You don't believe it, it's because you don't understand. Before the war breaks out completely, I will tell you."

"Do you know how I view the Lan Yue Sect?"

"I really don't know about this." The fourth elder and others asked quickly: "Please let the eldest lady clarify my doubts."

"In my opinion, Lan Yue Sect is a fighting sect."

"Fighting Sect? Why do you say this?"

They were even more confused.

Although a third-rate sect is as strong as a second-rate sect, it can't be said to be a fighting sect, right?

These words don't fit with a third-rate sect...!

Huo Yun'er shook his head and chuckled: "Then I will tell you about the experience of Lan Yue Sect in the past few years. After that, you can decide for yourself whether Lan Yue Sect is compatible with the Battle Sect."

"A few years ago, Ling'er just joined the sect for one month."

"There is not even a single fifth-level monk in Lan Yue Sect. Apart from Ling'er, there are only seven disciples."

"It wasn't long before Ling'er and I first met."

"That night, the Lan Yue Sect was in a precarious situation. Faced with the covetousness of at least hundreds of fourth-level monks and at least several fifth-level monks, it still did not back down and remained standing."

"In fact, they did not pray to anyone, nor did they passively fight back, but took the initiative. In that battle, many fourth-level monks were killed, and even more than two fifth-level monks were directly killed!"

"One of them is the elder of Yunxiao Valley."

"Because of this, we became enemies with Yunxiao Valley."


"Another year···"

"The two major families of Hongwu Immortal City join forces..."

"...Jianzi faces challenges every year."

"Until today last year, it was even more outrageous. The Ximen family and the Zhou family came together. Ximen Qilin was so ferocious, but Lan Yue Sect still didn't take even half a step back. Lin Sect Master's eleven swords were shocking..."

"Until now."

"The Ximen family is gone."

"Qilin Dharma returns to Lanyue Sect."

"We have already welcomed back the Zhenzong Immortal Technique and the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique."

"The strength of everyone in the whole sect has already made a qualitative leap."


"The crises we face every year are enough to destroy the Lan Yue Sect countless times, but the Lan Yue Sect fights and wins every year."

"Never backed down and never failed."

"Why do they have to be afraid and panic over the past few years?"

"Why can't you get used to it?"

"To sort it out from the beginning, in my opinion, the original Lan Yue Sect cannot be regarded as a sect at all, but more like a reckless man with only two kitchen knives in his hand."

"But it seems that such a reckless man dares to carry two kitchen knives from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers to Zhongzhou..."

"Still alive!"

"Does this deserve the words "fighting sect"?

"Why can't you get used to it?"


After listening to Huo Yun'er's explanation, everyone felt their scalps numb and their heads buzzing.

"It's actually like this?"

"The Moon Lantern Sect, what a Moon Lantern Sect!"

"It's breathtaking!"

"The Lan Yue Sect has experienced so many unspeakable horrific crises in just a few years, and even reversed the defeat many times and forcibly swept away all enemies. It is really..."

"It's no wonder they are so orderly. They are indeed used to it."

"The fighting sect is worthy of its name."

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore."

Huo Yun'er shook his head gently: "The other party has appeared, and I am going to help Master."

"If you don't want to take action, just watch here. No matter who the enemy is, as long as you don't take action, they should not kill you."

"If you want to help, have you seen those glowing formation eyes? Just one for each person."

After saying that, Huo Yun'er left lightly and entered the nearest formation eye.

Everyone in the Huode Sect looked at each other.

"Shall we help?"

"The enemy is fierce!"

"But the sect master, the first elder, the second elder, the third elder and the eldest lady have already taken action. Are we just watching?"



"How about we go to those formations too?"

"I think it works!"

The fourth elder nodded: "It's just that I have a problem that I still don't understand."

"what is the problem?"

"Why are the sect leaders so active? When the enemy appears, they rush out to take action immediately. They don't even enter the formation, but directly fight. This???"

"It's indeed a bit strange. Logically speaking, we are just a cooperative relationship. If we really count, we don't owe Lan Yue Sect much..."

They were puzzled and entered the formation.


The top of Lanyue Sect.

Lin Fan was feeling his own strength.

Because they are just scarecrows and not the real person, even if their disciples and elders have greatly increased in strength, they are still not much stronger than last year with the blessing of the counterattack formation.

At most, it can be regarded as between the same.

But suddenly, another extremely amazing force gathered.

Lin Fan's combat power suddenly increased greatly, which made him feel sure!

When he discovered that everyone from Huode Peak had entered the counterattack formation, he smiled slightly.


"One step closer to my goal."

"But today, we must first sustain this wave of crises."

"Jie Jie Jie!!!"

At this time, bursts of strange laughter resounded throughout the sky and the earth.

Lin Fan's expression remained unchanged and he thought to himself: "Sure enough, I guessed it right. The enemy this time is the Hidden Soul Palace."

"It's just that the span is a bit too big."

"Last year, there were only two families, the Ximen family and the Zhou family. Although there were people from the Haoyue Sect, they only watched the excitement and shock, and did not take any action."

"Will you directly join a super first-class sect this year?"

"Even if you don't go all out, it's still exaggerated!"


There was another bang.

The black thunder and lightning disappeared.

Black figures appeared one after another high in the sky.

Looking around, there are thirty-two people!

All are powerful!

They were all dressed in black, with hoods on their heads, and at the same time, they had a strange belt hanging on their waists.

Most of them are bronze in color, and a small part are white and silver.

There is another one who is golden!

"It's the Hidden Soul Palace!"

Huo Kunlun and Lian Bo stood side by side with ugly expressions on their faces.

Huo Kunlun whispered: "Twenty-five bronze protectors, six silver protectors, and even... a gold protector!"

"Today, it's really dangerous and we're in big trouble."

Lian Bo's face also looked much uglier.

The Hidden Soul Palace is notorious, but it is also a super-first-class force, almost only below the level of the Holy Land.

Therefore, even if the other party is the Eastern Region Sect, they all know something about it.

"If you are above the seventh level and have qualified combat power, you can become a bronze protector."

"If you are above the sixth level of the seventh realm and meet the combat strength requirements, you will be automatically promoted to Silver Protector."

"Only in the eighth level can one be a golden protector, and he is the backbone of the Hidden Soul Palace."


"That's not good."

They were shocked, but did not show any panic.

"Sect Master Lin, should he make some arrangements?"


As the other party appeared, Lin Fan's face trembled slightly.

"What the hell?"

"It's a bit much."

"What the hell..."

"Is it really because of Su Yan that the super doubled?"

"There's actually an eighth fucking realm?"

"Can Long Aojiao withstand it?"

"But fortunately, with Little Dragon Girl here and the Sky Observing Mirror in hand, I won't be without the strength to fight. Don't panic, don't panic."

"Well... there is also the foreign aid Long Aojiao."

At this time.

Su Yan almost stumbled and ran over: "Master."



"What should I do?"

He was numb.

This is so scary!

I thought it would be safe if I joined the sect.

As a result, we have only had a few good days, huh?

Suddenly became so dangerous?

A group of enemies who are so awesome at first glance come to the door. They are many times more powerful than our own. Could it be the trouble caused by my 'death aura'?

If this is the case, then you will become a sinner!

He blamed himself a little, so he approached Lin Fan, hoping that Lin Fan, who was also a time traveler, would give him 'advice' and get free rewards from the system.

Lin Fan glanced at him, but he didn't show any signs of panic, and said, "It doesn't matter."

"Although the enemy is strong, don't underestimate our sect."

"Just find a formation and do your best."

After hearing this, Su Yan's heart suddenly became certain.

He quickly agreed and ran towards a formation.

At the same time, chat with other group members in the ‘Yuan Shen Chat Group’ and get their advice for free...

However, the rewards are a bit ordinary.

This made Su Yan a little stunned.

This kind of advice in a crisis, after listening to the advice, the reward is actually common?

It’s a little strange!


"Lan Yue Sect."

"Today is the day your sect will be destroyed."

High in the sky, the gold-medal protector said calmly: "With me here, it will be easy for you to raze the entire Yue Sect to the ground."

"The reason why I held back just now was because there were some outsiders in the formation."

"Fire Kunlun."

He looked at Huo Kunlun and said quietly: "If Huo Dezong doesn't want all the masters to die here today, then retreat immediately."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, Huo Dezong."

"You only have this chance."

"I, Hidden Soul Palace, took action, and I think you know the result very well."

Is this going to differentiate from within?

Lin Fan frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Huo Kunlun did not disappoint Lin Fan. He sneered and said, "Stop talking nonsense and ruining the relationship between our two sects!"

"My little girl worships Sect Leader Lin as her teacher. Our Huode Sect and Lanyue Sect are like 'in-laws'! What's more, our two sects have been as close as one family for a long time, and we have many cooperations."

"How can you instigate this with just a few words?"

"Your Hidden Soul Palace is indeed very strong, but if you want to destroy me, Huo De Sect, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"As long as I give the order..."

The golden protector chuckled: "I've already given you face. If you don't want it yourself, then you can't blame me."

"An order? Let's see who we can contact."

Huo Kunlun's face darkened.

He tried it immediately, and was immediately convinced that the other party had already set up a formation in advance to isolate the communication with the sound transmission jade talisman and other means, and he suddenly panicked.

"Come prepared."

Huo Kunlun snorted coldly: "But, you want us to shrink back? It's a dream!"

"Okay, then let's die together."

The other party was not in a hurry to take action, but instead looked at Lian Bo: "Lian Sheng, the steward of Prince Qin's Mansion in the Northern Territory. Logically speaking, you and your two brothers are inseparable, but why did you and your two brothers become the lackeys of Lan Yue Sect? ?”

"If you leave now, this protector can give Prince Qin's palace a little favor."

"Otherwise, Jie Jie Jie."

"Are you a skull? Jie Jie Jie, it's really ugly." Lian Bo scolded angrily: "Besides, who is their brother?"

"Are these two old guys worthy?"

"That's right!" Cheng Guangshan and the other two also cursed: "Who is his brother?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, don't blame us for being rude!"

Gold Medal Protector: "···"


For a moment, he was confused.

I just feel like my brain is twitching.

What the hell?

We are clearly fully prepared and have thought of every possibility, even finding out your details!

What are we doing now?

I'm threatening you!

I'm asking you to leave!

In the end, you guys are fucking arguing with me about whether you are brothers? ? ?

Is there something wrong with your brain?


So disrespectful, right?

Then go to hell!


and many more.

He decided to endure it a little longer.

"Long Aojiao."

"This protector is here, do you still want to hide your head and show your tail? Can't you hide yourself?"

"Show up quickly!"

Long Aojiao appeared lightly: "Old man, this girl has come out, what are your last words?"


The golden protector's eyes were beating wildly.


This bitch is even crazier!

I am in the eighth realm! The boss of the eighth realm! Gold Medal Protector of the Hidden Soul Palace, do you fucking look down on me so much? Even as soon as I opened my mouth, I asked, "What are my last words?"

What, are you convinced that I will die?

He suppressed his anger: "Long Aojiao, I don't know why you are here, but now you have the last chance to leave this place, otherwise, no matter what your background is, I will kill you here!"


Long Aojiao smiled, then opened and closed her red lips with only one word: "Get out."

Golden Protector: "···"

Everyone in the Hidden Soul Hall: "..."


It's so deceiving!

I simply didn't take them into consideration at all.

And, how embarrassing is this!


A gust of wind blew by, as if silently telling - Silly beep.

"Good good!"

"This protector has already given you a chance. Since you don't want it, then let's all die here! Jie Jie Jie!"

"Just in time, after collecting your souls, this protector can successfully complete the mission..."

"and many more."

"Wait a minute~!"

The words have not yet fallen.

Jianzi suddenly jumped out holding Sanye: "There is still me, don't you ask me?"

The golden protector's breath was suffocated, and his consciousness was swept away.

The fucking ants in the fifth realm dare to scream in front of him?

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you think I'm a sick cat? !

"Who do you think you are?"

With a casual strike, he threw out an offensive that was enough to kill the peak of the Sixth Realm, drowning the sword.

Jianzi glared.


The three leaves trembled slightly, and the third leaf pointed out, and a sword energy instantly destroyed all offensives, stopped all crises, and firmly protected the sword.

Jianzi felt certain.

"No wonder Master didn't let me lead other elders. I thought it was because Master didn't want Lingjian Sect to be involved. It turns out... Sanye is already so powerful?"


The golden protector's hair and beard were all flaring, and he was half angry.

It’s okay to not give face over and over again. The first time I took action, I didn’t even kill an ant in the fifth realm? !

He was about to strike hard again when a Silver Protector recognized the identity of the swordsman and said via voice transmission: "Protector Jiu, please think twice, this guy is the swordsman of the Spirit Sword Sect."

Protector Jiu: "···"    "?!"



But he was smart and didn't ask Jianzi again if he wanted to leave.

I don’t want to lose face?

If I ask again and get slapped in the face again, do I still want this face?

But, what did I do today?

Are you so jealous?

Or is the Hidden Soul Palace just so hopeless?

One by one, they all refused to give Hidden Soul Palace any face or put Hidden Soul Palace in their eyes, causing me to lose face and face one after another. This is simply unreasonable! ! !

He was angry: "Needless to say, you will naturally not retreat?"

"That's natural."

Jianzi chuckled and said: "The sect leader is my master, do you think I can leave?"

"Good good."

Protector Jiu looked at each other coldly: "In that case, you can't blame me."

"You all, go to me..."

In an instant.

Both sides looked tense, and everyone was ready to take action.

Among the twenty-six bronze protectors, Protector Li was trembling all over at this moment. His excited heart and trembling hands made him speechless and choked for a moment.

Everyone in Lan Yue Sect was on alert and focused.

Long Aojiao narrowed his eyes and stared at Protector Jiu.

Although she was extremely arrogant just now, she is an existence in the eighth realm after all. Even now, she cannot be careless in the slightest, otherwise, it is really possible to explain it here.

She often said that she was invincible, but what she meant was that she was invincible in the contemporary era and suppressed an era, not that she was invincible in the world.

In other words, she is convinced that she will eventually be invincible, but it is not now, it will take time.

Protector Jiu is at least an old guy from the last era, or even the previous era, so naturally he cannot be careless.

However, Long Aojiao was not too worried.

An old guy who was probably left over from the previous era is still just an ordinary eighth-level powerful man. If he didn't have the incredible opportunity, he would have been like this in this life.

And he can grow rapidly, and it won't take long for him to surpass him.

By then, he won't even be worthy of chasing his own back!


Xiao Longnu was very excited.

Normally, she seems to be a little girl who is not very sensible, but once there is this kind of excitement, she seems to immediately transform into a crazy person, and it is difficult to extricate herself.


"Give it all to this protector and die!"

Protector Jiu raised his hand and lowered it gently.

Everyone on both sides is holding their breath and concentrating, the war is about to break out...


boom! ! !

The sky exploded.

It just ‘exploded’!

The perfectly fine sky seemed to suddenly explode at this moment!

The restrictions, formations, barriers, etc. set up by the protectors of the Hidden Soul Hall were all broken at this moment.

"There are still experts?!"

Their expressions changed slightly.

"Could it be???"

Before I had time to figure it out, I saw a deep space crack suddenly appear on the shattered sky, and then, in the crack, there was Buddha's light shining!


Before the people arrive, the sound comes first.

The sound of Buddha fills the air, the light of Buddha shines everywhere, and countless golden scriptures dance in the sky, lingering for a long time.


One after another, golden figures walked out of the deep space cracks, standing on the horse in the sky.

Sudden changes caused the war to cease.


"A Buddhist?"

The entire Lan Yue Sect was a little confused.

“When did we have contact with Buddhism?”


"Could it be that...he came to help the Hidden Soul Palace?"

"That's not the case. The Hidden Soul Palace is a 'demon cultivator' sect. No matter what, Buddhism will never come together with the Hidden Soul Palace, right? At least we have to pay attention to the influence on the surface!"

Everyone in the Hidden Soul Hall was even more confused.


"The Lan Yue Sect is also related to Buddhism? Why hasn't it been found out before?"

"Besides, it's so strong!"

They're numb.

That’s all Buddhism.

For ordinary Buddhism, the Hidden Soul Hall is not empty.

Even if the Hinayana Buddhism is right in front of them, they have no fear in Hidden Soul Hall and can compete with them.

But Nima, this seems to be...

Mahayana Buddhism? ? ?

This is a holy land-level force in the Western Region!

Buddhist Holy Land···

Come to help Lanyue Sect? ? ?

Everyone's minds were buzzing, not knowing what happened or what the situation was.

Only Su Yan shrank his neck, feeling that something was wrong.

"What the hell, bald ass?!"

"The young master of the family who I killed seems to be in some very awesome temple and is a direct disciple of a certain big shot?"

"Is this the one who came to find me?"

"Is this my crisis?"


Su Yan suddenly reacted: "If these bald donkeys are here to find me and are my trouble, then what the hell is this Hidden Soul Hall in front of me???"

"Are you an enemy of Lan Yue Sect?"


"If that's the case, then we are really brothers in the same boat."

"Me joining Lan Yue Sect is a match made in heaven, and we complement each other perfectly?!"

But, what the hell is this? !

I was already unlucky and dangerous, but my sect was also the same. Today...

I'm afraid it's very difficult to be kind.

Can Master and the big guys in the sect be able to withstand this?

He was shocked, but there was nothing he could do. He could only hope that everything would develop in the direction of 'perfection'.



As the Buddha's voice filled the air, there were sounds of surprise and doubt.

"The Lan Yue Sect has some abilities."

"These restrictions, formations, and barriers are not weak. I spent a lot of effort waiting for them to come over."

Lin Fan: "..."

Does this have anything to do with me?

Hidden Soul Hall: "..."

Are these bald asses stupid?

That is obviously our formation and restriction! ! !


Protector Jiu's expression changed again and again.

Mahayana Buddhism is something you can’t afford to offend!

Fortunately, they are not in the same area, so there is no need to be too afraid.

But now that the formations, restrictions, and barriers have been broken, Huo Dezong can shake people off at any time. It seems that today's incident will be difficult to end perfectly.


If we just retreat like this, won't my Hidden Soul Palace and my Jiu Dharma Protector become a complete joke? !

Under the gaze of everyone.

A total of nineteen figures walked out of the cracks in space.

They are all great monks.

Eighteen of them were naked from the waist up, and their whole bodies were covered in golden color, as if they were made of gold.

The other person was a young novice monk. He didn't even have a ring scar on his head. He was obviously a low-status young monk.

But that's nothing.

What really surprised both the Hidden Soul Palace and the Moon-Running Sect was that among those golden monks, two of them were eighth-level experts! ! !

"Mahayana Buddhism...Eighteen Arhats!"

Protector Jiu spoke coldly.


All the eighteen Arhats turned to look, and one of them laughed: "The poor monk is still wondering why the breath of Lan Yue Sect is so disgusting, it is no different from those devil caves."

"It turns out that it's you evil heretics who are causing trouble."

"It seems that we and the Eighteen Arhats are very lucky today."

"It is also a great achievement to conquer the heretics such as Hua'er and other evil spirits."

"It is also beneficial to our sect's missionary work in the southwest region..."

They were a little excited.

Murderous intentions gradually arise.

The Eighteen Arhats are not ordinary monks who eat fast and chant Buddha's name every day. They are... thugs.

The kind that specializes in fighting.

Since each of the eight regions and one state in the Xianwu Continent has its own different folk customs and habits, the situation in each place is different.

For example, the Southwest Region is dominated by thousands of sects.

The competition in Zhongzhou is the most fierce, with the top forces from the eight regions involved and competing in it...

The Eastern Region is dominated by demon sects and many business alliances.

The Northern Territory is dominated by the Immortal Dynasty.

As for the Western Region, Buddhism is everywhere.

Mahayana Buddhism is the most sacred place in the Western Region and the only holy place in Buddhism.

In the Western Regions, Mahayana Buddhism is naturally an 'invincible' existence, both in terms of strength and belief. However, in other regions, Buddhism is not favored.

Because Buddhism is not just about practicing Buddhism, but also having ‘faith’.

Belief has its advantages and disadvantages.

And from the perspective of other systems, Buddhism is mostly not a good thing. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, self-deception, etc. are all labels that Buddhism cannot take off.

This directly led to the extremely difficult development and preaching of Buddhism in other areas.

Mahayana Buddhism has always been trying to find ways to penetrate.

But the effect is minimal.

After so many years, the Mahayana Buddhism sect only has two or three big cats and kittens in other areas. Although there are temples, they are not doing well. There are not many believers at all, and they have no say.

But if today, all thirty-two protectors of the Hidden Soul Hall were killed here...

If we spread the word based on this, Mahayana Buddhism will have the opportunity to further establish itself in the Western Regions~!

If it's done successfully, wouldn't it be a great achievement?

After returning, this status...

Shouldn't you mention it? !

In just a moment, the Eighteen Arhats reached a consensus.

Ask the Lan Yue Sect to hand over that kid?


With just this strength, Lan Yue Sect can still run away?


First deal with the guardians of the Hidden Soul Hall!

They then quietly moved sideways, and the eighteen people formed a vague encirclement, surrounding the thirty-two protectors of the Hidden Soul Hall.

Protector Li frowned, feeling extremely angry and unwilling.

"How could this be?"

"Lan Yue Sect, Xiao Ling'er!!!"

"Why are their luck so good? Even though I have exhausted all my plans and the destruction of Lan Yue Sect is imminent, they suddenly get help from Mahayana Buddhism?"

"Today, I'm afraid..."

He was very unwilling.

But I know very well that today, it should be impossible to destroy the Lan Yue Sect.

Even whether he can survive is a question.

After all, the Mahayana Buddhism Sect is already ready to take action, and the Lan Yue Sect will definitely not let go of this opportunity to add insult to injury...

"No, I won't die!"

"The great revenge has not been avenged, how could I die?!"

"I want to live."

"I want them all to regret it. I want them to die miserably in regret and annoyance!"

"I...have to live!"

He looked around, desperately looking for a chance of survival.

Protector Jiu looked at each other coldly and hummed: "It turns out that he is the Eighteen Arhats of the Mahayana Buddhism. You are waiting for an uninvited guest, so you came here very cleverly."

"I don't know why your Mahayana Buddhism Sect is connected with the Lan Yue Sect. However, if you want to use our Hidden Soul Palace as your opponent, you have picked the wrong target."

He wasn't very afraid.

Although the Hidden Soul Palace is only a first-rate force, and if it really wants to go to war with the Holy Land, it will inevitably die miserably, but one is in the Eastern Region and the other is in the Western Region.

There is also Zhongzhou, a large city in the middle!

The Mahayana Buddhism can't go all out to come to the Eastern Region to destroy the Hidden Soul Hall, right?

What's more, if they really do this, how can our Holy Land in the Eastern Territory stand idly by and sit idly by?

We are both in the holy land, why don’t we care about face?

So, he really has no fear.

Whether you need to retreat or not, you won’t know until you fight!


The dragon-subduing Arhat wearing a dragon-shaped tattoo smiled and said, "Amitabha."

"Donor, your idea is exactly what the poor monk wants."

"Not as good as..."

"Let's get started."

Is there anything else to say?

Eighteen versus thirty-two, the advantage is mine!


I'm afraid you'll turn around and run away!

"So what if there's one more eighth level person?"

"I haven't been scared all these years."

"Join hands and set up Qianjue Soul Refining Array!"

Protector Jiu was also ruthless. With an order, the thirty-two protectors of the Hidden Soul Hall, including himself, took action at the same time. In an instant, the entire world was covered in black energy.




All kinds of screams, roars, and weird laughter emerged one after another.

There are even various 'ghosts' looming in the black mist!

At the same time, the black mist spread, trying to swallow up the Eighteen Arhats and even everyone present.

"A group of devils who don't know what they mean. Sure enough, they only have these dirty tricks."

Fuhu Arhat took a step forward and chanted the Buddha's name, but the words in his mouth were full of murderous intent: "You are so brave. You dare to take the initiative when facing us."

"Do you think you have a huge numerical advantage, so you have nothing to fear?"

"But how will you know..."

He clasped his hands together, and the Buddha's phantom appeared behind him. The Buddha's light shone universally, spreading thousands of miles in an instant, dispelling all darkness and ominousness. The demons and ghosts hiding in the black mist screamed and melted instantly...

"How powerful is the foundation of the Holy Land?!"

"Today, I will let you know why there are ants under the Holy Land."

Break the formation with one blow.

Under the unbelievable gazes of Protector Jiu and others, Fuhu Arhat stepped forward step by step. With every step he took, a golden lotus appeared, and his momentum continued to rise.


"Today, I will attack the tiger and kill you and everyone else!"

He actually wanted to single out thirty-two protectors.

Protector Jiu, who was initially frightened, suddenly became furious.


Okay, okay, here we go again, right?

Previously, Huo Kunlun, Lian Sheng, Long Aojiao, Jianzi and others expressed their contempt for me one after another, but now they have really taken action. How the hell do you still look down on me?

After all, I am a powerful person in the eighth realm and have lived for tens of thousands of years. Why don't you give me face?

good good!


He gave an order, and the thirty-two guardians joined forces again, using all kinds of special moves to kill the Crouching Tiger Arhat in an instant.

The latter sneered and did not dodge or evade. At this moment, his body suddenly swelled to a height of six feet.

Immediately, he recited Buddhist teachings, and the golden light all over his body surged. He also took action with the phantom of the Buddha behind him. Each punch and kick had the power to create the world!

"That's six feet long golden body!"

Huo Kunlun was surprised: "Mahayana Buddhism, or one of the secret body-refining techniques of the Mahayana Buddhism sect, if you practice it to the level of Dacheng, you will have a golden body that is nine feet long!"

"The nine-foot-long golden body is perfect, and the physical body can fight immortals!"

So fierce? !

Lin Fan was secretly surprised.

However, the Crouching Tiger Arhat has already begun to kill everyone.

Not only does he have a six-foot-long golden body, but the scriptures he speaks of are also extraordinary, which can greatly increase his combat power!

The phantom is like the sky and the earth, opening and closing, which is amazing.

Except for the Protector Jiu, the other seventh-level Protectors could not even break through the defense of the Buddha's phantom. At most, they could only slow down the offensive of the Crouching Tiger Arhat!

The dove protector can break through the Buddha's phantom defense.

But he couldn't break through the Zhangliu Golden Body's defense!

That golden body is so dazzling, it's like a tank facing infantry without armor-piercing weapons. There is no need to worry about defense issues at all, it can crush them to death in a rampage!

In just a few encounters, more than twenty of the thirty-two guardians were seriously injured!

This result shocked everyone except Mahayana Buddhism.

"How could this happen?!"

They couldn't believe it.

"Is this, is this the foundation and strength of the Holy Land?"

"Not only the talents of the people within it, but also their skills, secret techniques, magic weapons, etc. Even the super first-class sects are all far behind!"

Everyone can see clearly.

Protector Jiu and the others are really not weak, and they have already tried their best.

All kinds of offensives are emerging one after another, and all kinds of magic weapons are flying all over the sky.


It can't break the defense!

The Crouching Tiger Arhat doesn't need to dodge, just rush forward, but his fists and kicks, whether they are bronze guardians or silver guardians, are difficult to resist and bear!


Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't expect that a Mahayana Buddhist would suddenly pop up and start a fight with the Hidden Soul Hall.

But he knew very well that this crisis would never end here.

Mahayana Buddhism obviously did not come for the Hidden Soul Hall.

In other words...

Then it can only be the Lan Yue Sect.

Now it seems that the defeat of Hidden Soul Palace is a foregone conclusion.


How to deal with Mahayana Buddhism is a question.

The strength of these eighteen Arhats far exceeds that of the Hidden Soul Palace!

While thinking, three guardians of the Hidden Soul Hall were blown up one after another.

"Damn it!"

Protector Jiu was furious and wanted to stop Fuhu Arhat, but he found that he really couldn't do it.

He panicked.

Just when I was about to think of a way, I suddenly felt someone breaking away from the team and escaping at an alarming speed...


"Protector Li? You!!?"

What the hell!

I was about to fight to the death, and you suddenly escaped? !

If you run away, won't the team disperse?


However, Protector Li didn't look back and went away in an instant. Moreover, his speed was extremely astonishing. He obviously used some kind of secret method. Even the Dragon Subduing Arhat couldn't stop him in time.

As soon as he ran away...

The already outmatched protectors suddenly panicked and fled one after another.

When Protector Jiu saw this, he was instantly sure that the situation was over. While he was frightened by the tyranny of the people in the Holy Land, he turned around and ran away.


The Dragon-Subduing Arhat waved his hand and immediately chased and intercepted them. Battles broke out one after another, but the battlefield was getting farther and farther away from Lan Yue Sect.

That is at this moment.

The young novice monk stepped forward and said, "Amitabha."

"The young monk, on the order of the Bodhisattva, is here to bring the direct disciples who are destined to the Bodhisattva to teach me. I also ask you to make a convenience."

Looking for someone? !

A direct disciple of the Bodhisattva?

Everyone was shocked.

Huo Kunlun took a step forward, cupped his hands and said: "Little master, I am Huo Kunlun, the leader of the Huode Sect. I have refined many Buddhist utensils, and I have some connections with your Mahayana Buddhism."

"May I ask...which Bodhisattva it is?"

"Who is the direct disciple?"

"As far as I know, there are no Buddhists in Lanyue Sect."

Lin Fan nodded: "Not bad."

The little novice monk smiled: "He is not a Buddhist yet, but he will be soon."

"As for which Bodhisattva..."

He raised his head slightly and said with a little pride: "Of course it is Namo Gatling Bodhisattva!"

Huo Kunlun's expression changed drastically.

at the same time.

Lin Fan, Fan Jianqiang, Zhu Rurong, Su Yan: "Σ(⊙▽⊙"a???!!"


"What kind of Bodhisattva?!"

(End of this chapter)

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