Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 169: Extreme sublimation, phased array nuclear explosion! Emperor Yan’s invincible path!

Chapter 169: Extreme sublimation, phased array nuclear explosion! Emperor Yan’s invincible path!

"You're not here yet, are you?"

Xiao Longnu was very angry: "Humph, I don't know how to use the sky-viewing mirror now. Just now, it was just the sky-viewing mirror automatically protecting the master!"

"If you don't come again, I will shoot you to death with a sky-gazing mirror!"

If you finally seize the opportunity, you can feel happy and crazy!

As a result, you are so disrespectful?


If you really don’t give face, then don’t blame me for being cruel~

But her words made the two powerful men feel dizzy, their eyes turned black, and they even started to fight.

What the hell are you talking about?

If we don't fight, you will kill us.

If we fight, if there is a possibility of hurting you, the Sky Observing Mirror will automatically protect you, and we will die as well.

Then why don’t we fight in vain?

We will die whether we fight or not. What do you want us to do?

Are there any bullies like you? !

They were distraught.

Even Xiao Ling'er's next offensive was to dodge whenever he could, and he barely resisted when he couldn't dodge.

"What should I do?"

Their spiritual consciousness transmitted the message, and everyone was anxious.

Xiao Longnu didn't say this for fun.

They all see clearly and clearly.

This little girl is serious. If she is not satisfied, she will really kill her.

But you will die if you take action, and you will die if you don't take action. This...?

"Don't panic, there is a way, there must be a way!!!"

"There is always a way out."

At this moment, the Master of Sky Poison Valley looked pale, and he didn't even care about his sadness at this moment, and said through a message: "There is a chance!"

"It suddenly occurred to me that she asked me to take action, but she didn't ask me to kill her!"

"And the reason why the Sky Viewing Mirror protected the master just now was because the elder of our sect was too harsh and made him sense the threat so he automatically protected the master. Bao Ruyi had been beating him for so long before, but didn't the Sky Viewing Mirror show no movement or response?"

"Therefore, according to this Valley Master's opinion, fight her!"

"But you can't do anything serious, let alone be ruthless. In other words, as long as you make sure that you don't have the strength to hurt her, you won't be shocked to death by the sky-gazing mirror!"

"So, this person just needs to hold her back."

"As for the rest of us, although there are only six powerful ones, Xiao Ling'er can't defeat us. Even if we are temporarily defeated, it doesn't matter, as long as we can hold her back for a moment!"

"When the time for her damn explosive secret technique ends, her strength will decrease sharply, and she will not even be able to fight anymore in a short period of time."

"When the time comes, we will kill Xiao Ling'er, destroy Guiyuan Sect, and then escape immediately."

"This girl's speed can't catch up with me."

"If I'm still afraid of her settling the score in the future, the worst I can do is wait until I get back and move the sect..."

"it is good!"

The master of the Wind and Fire Hall was overjoyed: "It makes sense, but who will go up?!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Immediately, everyone looked at Bao Ruyi.

The latter jumped: "What the hell are you looking at me doing?!"

"You have fought against her, and the two sides are so harmonious. If you don't go, who will?"

Bao Ruyi: "···"

Who the hell doesn't know? But I'm afraid!

What if I didn't pay attention and the shot was too hard, which could hurt her, but the sky-viewing mirror suddenly exploded? Then I won’t be able to see the sun tomorrow?

However, seeing his hesitation, others urged him one after another.

"What are you waiting for?"


"No need to hesitate, come on!"

"Are you worried that you can hurt her? Please, don't think about the things that are there or not, let alone hold back. If you could hurt her, you would have hurt her long ago. Why wait until now?"

"Yes, not only can you not hold back, but you must also go all out. Only in this way will she not think that we are playing tricks on her and will not mess around. Otherwise, we will all die!"

"Yes, Lao Bao, come on quickly, our life and death are all in your hands, you are the most important!"

Bao Ruyi: "···"

Thank you very much!

His face twitched wildly.

Are your words comforting me or hurting me?


He rushed towards Xiao Longnu with a dark face: "Witch, don't be so arrogant!"

"Let me take care of you!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was shocked.

He quickly sent a message and cursed: "What are you barking at?"

"What are you barking at?"

"What kind of witch? If she is angry, or the person behind her is angry, do we still have a way to survive?"

"Are you an idiot? Just hit me. What's your dog's name?"

Bao Ruyi: "[○`Д○]!!! I'm so lucky!!!"

Deceiving too much!

The anger is terrible.


Are there any bullies like you? She bullies me, you bully others too, right?

But when he thought about it again, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Don't tell me, that's really what happened!

Ever since, he lost his temper.

Halfway through the shouting, he immediately became mute.

Seeing this, Xiao Longnu was a little satisfied, but only a little. She even muttered: "Why is it you again? You are too weak and have no ability at all."

"Oh, that's all. At least it gives me a good time."

"And those in the fifth and sixth realms, all come together!"

Bao Ruyi: "(⊙o⊙)···"


Who the hell did I offend?

After all, I am a powerful one!

The seventh realm!

Hedao realm! ! !

Too weak?

He wanted to curse.

But he didn't dare to speak.

I really can’t afford to offend him, damn!

I'm so depressed.

Bao Ruyi cried secretly in her heart, and then took action with hatred, really pushing her own methods to the extreme.

At the same time, he was extremely frightened in his heart, fearing that he would use too much force and be shocked to death by the sky-gazing mirror.

Fortunately, he didn't worry too much.

Even though he tried his best, he still couldn't break Xiao Longnu's defense.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, he was stunned.


Why am I so relieved?

Doesn't this mean I'm really weak?

Gan! ! !


"The Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land is temporarily stable."

"There is no enmity between us. I can see that that girl is a crazy person! She doesn't care about hatred at all, but wants to take action and fight!"

"Let Bao Ruyi and the others hold her back for now. Don't think about winning, let alone killing people. Just coax her and play with her."

"Thinking about it, if we can make this little aunt happy, it won't embarrass us too much."

"But what should we and the elders and deacons of the fifth and sixth realms of the two sects do?"


"There is no other way. Let's just die as many as possible. This little aunt comes from the Holy Land, and her status in the Holy Land is outrageous. She wants to play, what can we do?"

"Although this is very hurtful, it is the truth. Not only does she want to fight for fun, but she wants to pluck our heads and use them as chamber pots. What can I do?"

"Not to mention it was me who waited, but what could those people behind us do?"


The powerful men of the two sects were fighting with Xiao Ling'er while transmitting their spiritual consciousness.

Wry smiles again and again, all complaining.


The Master of the Wind and Fire Hall took a deep breath, suppressed his annoyance, and said through a message: "The destruction of the Guiyuan Sect is a sure thing, but we don't want to have accidents happen one after another."

"Just because of these two women!"

"We can't afford to offend that little aunt, but can't we kill Xiao Ling'er?!"


For a time, the crowd was excited.

"Kill her!"

"Her secret skills are indeed amazing, and her various methods are even more outrageous. If we hadn't joined forces, we would definitely not be her match. No one can stop that powerful lotus, but I don't believe that such secret skills can be maintained for a long time. !”

"She must have reached the end of her strength."

"Keep the distance, fight from a distance, and don't let her escape!"

"When she enters the weak stage, take advantage of her weakness and kill her!"

They quickly followed the plan, and the six of them spread out and surrounded Xiao Ling'er.

He even formed the simplest Liuhe formation, used the power of the formation to further enhance his combat power, and sealed Xiao Ling'er within it.

I won't fight her at all, let alone confront her head-on.

Just delaying time and preventing her from escaping.

"That's not good!"

Li Tianyang frowned and said angrily: "They are so shameless!"

"Such a powerful person can still be so shameless against a junior girl. Using such a method of attack is really abominable and shameless."

"It's shameless, but it's the most effective."

"The best way to face an enemy who uses secret techniques to fight is this." A Supreme Elder smiled bitterly: "What's more, in this kind of life and death battle, you have to use all possible means."


"I'd better get ready later."

Li Tianyang was silent.

Why doesn't he know that this is the most correct and appropriate way to play?

But he is angry! ! !


"be prepared!"

After a breath, Li Tianyang said angrily: "Once Taoist friend Xiao Ling'er's aura begins to fade, we will take action immediately. Even if we all self-destruct here, we must protect her from leaving!"

"Her talent is amazing, she should have an extremely bright future, and she shouldn't die waiting for us!"

"What's more, she has already killed a powerful person and brought a glimmer of life to us. The original kindness has been repaid. I return to Yuanzong and cannot be that shameless person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Yes, Sect Master!"

All the elders of the Guiyuan Sect responded in unison.

The disciples also silently wiped their magic weapons, spells, etc., preparing to fight to the death.


"Time is running out for the Nine Transformations of Immortal Fire."

Yao Lao's voice was a little cold: "Although it is shameless, what they did is undoubtedly the most correct choice."

"What are your plans next?"

"Yes, time is running out." Xiao Ling'er sighed helplessly: "My strength is still not enough. If I could possess Long Aojiao's 60-70% combat power, I would have killed them all right now, right?"

Yao Lao: "..."

"Long Aojiao is indeed..."

For a moment, Yao Lao didn't know how to describe it.

That's a real pervert!

She can be considered to have lived for a long time, but perverts like Long Aojiao have never been heard of, let alone seen!

"But you don't need to belittle yourself. In the future, it's not certain who will be strong or weak!"

"Yes." Xiao Ling'er smiled slightly: "It's hard to say which one is stronger or which one is weak."

"Besides, this is not my limit."


"In your opinion, in the fifth realm, can I be considered to have reached the extreme realm?"

Her aura gradually faded.

Although the speed was not fast, it gave the people of Wind and Fire Palace and Sky Poison Valley hope, and their eyes lit up, but they did not attack immediately.

They are waiting for Xiao Ling'er to decline completely.

I was also afraid that she was doing it on purpose, luring the snake out of its hole.

Swish swish!

Li Tianyang and others stood up one after another. Although their injuries were still serious, they had already taken a breath and prepared to fight to the death.

this moment.

Everyone is paying attention to Xiao Linger.

During the process of chasing and being chased, Xiao Longnu asked via voice transmission: "Do you want me to shoot them to death?"

"In the worst case, if I use the sky-gazing mirror, none of them will survive."

Xiao Ling'er: "..."

If she wasn't mentally strong enough, these words would be enough to make her mentality collapse.

He worked hard, but she could just slap him to death.

The foundation of the Holy Land...

However, she was unwilling to borrow Xiao Longnu's power, or in other words, she was unwilling to owe this favor.

Favors must be repaid.

Besides, this is my own business.

"I can still do it."

she responded.

"Okay, but if there is any danger, remember to call me." Xiao Longnu was doubtful.

Can’t you hold on to the Secret Explosion Technique anymore?

Is this still possible?

In the darkness, Long Aojiao also frowned slightly.

"Xiao Ling'er is indeed a good girl. She is qualified to be my maid or even my concubine."


She then thought about it, why the hell is she now a girl, so she could only put this idea aside, as if it had never happened, and sent a message to ask: "Do you want to use this girl's favor?"

"I will take action and kill them like chickens and dogs."

"If you don't want to waste this favor, you can also exchange it for something."

Long Aojiao's abacus was crackling.

But at the same time, he also wanted to save face: "I think it's better for you not to use your favors. After all, my favors are so precious? These mere ants are not worthy of it."


The six seventh realms, and even the fifth level of the seventh realm among them, all turned into ants in Long Aojiao's eyes.

But considering his previous record, it's normal.

Xiao Ling'er was slightly stunned and couldn't help but wonder why Long Aojiao came?

Immediately, she had a flash of inspiration: "Is it Master?"

Then, she replied: "There is no need to take action for the time being, I can still do it."

Long Aojiao frowned slightly: "Are you sure?"

"If you die later, my favor will be wiped out."

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Long, I still want to try!"

Long Aojiao immediately snorted: "I don't know how to praise!"

She was a little depressed.

This is the first time you care about someone so much, but you don’t buy it?

So angry!


"I didn't expect that she would come too."

Yao Lao sighed.

He was talking about it one second ago, but this second he jumped out and wanted to help.

Such a coincidence?

Immediately, she put aside her distracting thoughts and said: "I don't know whether I have reached the extreme state written in the book, but among the people I have met, no one has gone farther in the fifth realm than you!"

Extreme state!

After watching "Blocking the Sky", they understood this concept for the first time.

At the same time, Xiao Ling'er was also secretly competing.

Compete with yourself!

She is not trying to surpass anyone, nor is she trying to defeat anyone, but she is an enemy of herself. Every day, she must be better than herself yesterday.

Every step you take must be down-to-earth and move forward steadily.


She can already break through to the sixth realm.

But he has been deliberately suppressing his realm.

While suppressing his realm, he is also constantly improving himself.

Whether it is the physical body, the power of the soul, or one's own cultivation.

She is currently still at the peak of the fifth realm.

But in terms of the capacity of Xuanyuan Qi in the cave of the physical body, it is "massive" than many sixth-level monks!

Her physical body is stronger than most sixth realm monks!

The power of her soul can be compared to the seventh realm!

Up to now, it is very, very difficult to continue to progress in the current state.

Is this... reaching the extreme?

Xiao Ling'er didn't know.

Yao Lao is not sure either.

But they are all sure of one thing, that is, among the people they know, no one has gone further than Xiao Ling'er in the fifth realm.

Even if this is not the real extreme state, it is not far away!

And at this moment...

“Teacher, you’ve seen a lot, and you’ve never seen anyone go further than me?”

Xiao Ling'er smiled.

Like flowers blooming, as gorgeous as summer.

"Then, that's it."

"Perhaps this is my fifth realm."


In the sea of ​​consciousness, Yao Lao nodded, with a proud smile on his face.

That's not because I'm proud of myself, but...the joy that comes from the bottom of my heart when I watch my proud disciple grow, make breakthroughs, and even surpass myself.

"Your ultimate sublimation is right now!"

"is teacher."

boom! ! !

Xiao Ling'er's gradually falling breath suddenly stopped, and then suddenly rose straight up, then skyrocketed! ! !

Taking it to the next level?

No, this is ten levels higher!


An astonishing aura filled the air, and everyone was shocked.

"This is impossible."

"how come?!"

"Sure enough, did she do it on purpose, trying to lure us into action? Could it be that this is a flashback, the last blow before her complete decline?"

"No, no, she is..."



The people in the Wind and Fire Palace and the Sky Poison Valley were stunned.

"Using explosive secret techniques, you are extremely short-changed, and you can still break through on the spot???"

"is it possible?!"

this moment.

Even if they don't understand modern terminology, they still want to say - you're fucking stupid, right? !

"It's not good, it's not good!"

Shocked, they felt something was wrong.

"Once she breaks through, her energy and spirit will return to its peak, even stronger than before. This means that she can continue to use this damn explosive secret technique."

"In fact, the improvement of the great realm may seem like only one step, but in fact her combat power will skyrocket. Once she succeeds, we will all be in danger!"

"Quick, stop her!"

"We can't let her break through."

"Otherwise we will all die here."

They panicked.

Forget about cheating, why would you kill yourself by cheating?

Can this be tolerated?


"Don't think about adding more casualties. This evil woman, if we don't go all out, we will all die here!"


They roared and killed Xiao Ling'er one after another, not caring about anything else.

Before that, it wasn't that they couldn't fight, but that they were unwilling to fight hard.

After all... they come from two completely different forces. They were not an alliance before this, so they naturally have their own little ideas.


Why don't they fight and let themselves fight?

Are they not working hard? Then I won’t fight!

Why are they all paddling and pushing themselves to the limit? Beautiful thought!

Therefore, they all thought about taking down Xiao Ling'er without any injury.

Although two people died one after another, because of this, they were even more vigilant and afraid, and they did not want to be targeted by Xiao Ling'er.

Just like the one who shoots the most accurately on the battlefield will definitely die the fastest!

If you hit it accurately, you will be given special attention.

The harder he gets, the more Xiao Ling'er will stare at him and beat him.

Therefore, they were unwilling to fight and wanted to wait for Xiao Ling'er to weaken, and then kill him when the situation was ripe. But at this moment, they couldn't wait any longer.

If you wait any longer, you will die.

"Blood Explosion Technique!"

"Blood Burning Technique!"

"Wind and fire come from the same source!"

"All poisons eat the heart!"

The six great powers all exploded at this moment, using explosive and even annihilating secret techniques together. They wanted to have a showdown with Xiao Ling'er, and completely separate life and death!

It even blocks its breakthrough.

But...they were a step too late after all.

"So fast!"

"She has achieved a breakthrough???"

"How could it be so fast?!"

Everyone was numb.

Damn it, we reacted immediately and rushed in front of you, but you broke through in an instant? ? ?

When did it become so easy to break through from the fifth realm to the sixth realm?

It’s easier than eating and drinking!

It took me longer to pee than you did to break through.

Why is this witch so outrageous?

They all panicked.

This breakthrough speed is too fast.

Totally beyond their imagination!

"Damn it, she's suppressing the realm!"

"It must have been possible to break through a long time ago, but it has been suppressed for I don't know how long it has been suppressed. That's why the breakthrough is so simple, as simple as me just reaching out and piercing a layer of window paper!"



In panic, they all stood ready and joined forces to attack, trying to suppress Xiao Ling'er.

"Is this the true state of knowing one's fate?"

"So strong."


"Know one's destiny."

A mysterious and mysterious feeling lingered in Xiao Ling'er's heart. She raised her hand, and the clear palm prints seemed to be transformed into her own life, but they were blurry.

"My life and my future are in chaos?"

she whispered.

Then, facing the surge of offensive, he showed a smile.

"I can feel."

"Now I am completely fearless."



She shouted lowly, and then clapped her palm. With the blessing of fortune teller, the power skyrocketed.

"Great Fortune Palm!"

In "Emperor of Fire", the Great Heaven Creation Palm was created by the Saint of Creation by integrating hundreds of martial arts schools. This palm technique pays attention to the meaning of creation. It can break the sky with the palm and crush all things with force. It is extremely powerful.

The palm needs to be tempered by the golden spirit saliva before it can be used, otherwise it will suffer backlash.

However, the Heavenly Creation Palm that was 'transformed' and created by Xiao Ling'er did not need to be so troublesome.


After all, Emperor Yan is a novel of the ‘Zhongwu’ level.

But in the Xianwu Continent, both gods and demons exist!

In terms of combat power, Xiao Ling'er is far stronger than Emperor Yan at the same time!

Not only does the Great Fortune Palm not bring any backlash to it, but it is countless times stronger than the original version.


The palm prints are overwhelming.

With the intention of creation, it seems to create everything.

However, just within a few inches, the intention of creation suddenly "overturned" and turned into the completely opposite intention of destruction.

"not good!"

Both great powers were shocked.


They roared, turned around, and focused all their attacks on the palm print.


Everyone was surprised.

Li Tianyang and others were dumbfounded, staring at the huge palm print that was like a giant giant, their hearts beating fast.

Even if they are 'friendly forces', even if they just glance at them from the side, they feel unsteady and feel that death is approaching.

Bang, bang, bang, bang! ! !

One attack after another was defeated one after another!

One versus six.

But Xiao Ling'er relied on this move of the Great Fortune Palm to destroy all the opponent's offensive, and even knocked away three of the powerful protective magic weapons.

Then these magic weapons became dim and could not be restored for a long time.

At the same time, the protective energy of the six of them was shaken away, and each of them was shaken and shaken.

It was at this time that wisps of flames appeared around them.

"No, strange fire!!!"


They were shocked and couldn't resist for a while, so they had to retreat.

One person, one blow!

Xiao Ling'er, who entered the sixth realm, crossed a big realm, one against six, and forced six people back with one blow.

Even Long Aojiao was stunned by this scene.

"This woman..."

"I am already 60 to 70% as good as I was before."

"If I were still a man, of course!!!"

Thinking of this, her face suddenly darkened.

Even more unhappy.

Li Tianyang and others were stunned, with their mouths wide open, not knowing what to say.


"Fellow Taoist Xiao Ling'er is really..."

"It's invincible!"

"Such an act of defiance only exists in stories, right?"

"Hiss! I was a little incoherent for a moment."


They were shocked.

Li Tianyang fell to the ground.


"What are you???"

"What am I doing?" Li Tianyang turned his head stiffly and said, "Seeing this situation, fellow Taoist Xiao Ling'er must not need my help."

"Of course it's important to recover from the injury quickly."

"Ah, yes, yes, Sect Master, you are right."

"Quick, sit down cross-legged and recover from your injuries."

The elders reacted and immediately called on everyone to recover from their injuries.

When Li Tianyang saw this, he reluctantly turned around, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

I won’t tell you to wait, my legs suddenly became weak...


"This female is evil, so fierce."

"Surround her and kill her!"

"If we fail to complete our mission, we will die even worse."

The powerful men in the Wind and Fire Palace and the Sky Poison Valley were frightened, but at this moment, they were unable to get off the tiger.

They were fully prepared to fight. Only by taking action at this moment could they have a chance of survival.

The change in mentality caused their combat power to skyrocket.

Before, I thought of paddling and waiting for Xiao Ling'er to weaken, so that I could take him down without any damage. But at this moment, we can only fight hard and fight together. In this way, there may be a glimmer of hope.

No choice.


A fierce battle broke out at this moment.

After all, they are the seventh level powerful.

Any monk who can become a 'mighty' is by no means weak.

Both in terms of mind and strength.

When it's time to paddle, they paddle naturally.

But when it's time to go all out, they won't be shy!

"The Secret Technique of Sky Poison!"

"Wind and fire merge into one, and the flames burn the sky!"

"Soul-Eating Golden Wheel!"

"Wind and Fire Breaking the Void Technique!"


For a time, the six powerful men all tried their best to surround Xiao Ling'er with all kinds of shocking attacks.

Moreover, their offensive did not stop at all.

I vowed to kill Xiao Ling'er completely!

They are all powerful in the seventh realm, who hasn’t resorted to some desperate measures?

It's nothing more than different strengths and weaknesses, and different effects.

But we are all trying our best, how can you get a better deal?

They roared as if the person they were facing had the hatred of killing their father and taking away their wife!

The sky changed color.

The power of terror swept across the sky and the earth.

Space cracks appear in pieces.

Xiao Ling'er's breath disappeared.


Sensing that Xiao Ling'er's aura had completely disappeared, they stopped, but they were not careless. Instead, they looked around and scanned with their spiritual senses, trying to confirm whether Xiao Ling'er was still alive.

"Are you looking for me?"

Xiao Linger appeared.

She is indeed alive.

And has appeared outside the encirclement.

At this moment, she has wings on her back, her body is covered with vitality armor, and she has thunder and lightning on her feet, just like the goddess of thunder and lightning coming to the world.

Stab it!

Use strange fire as a sword!

With the giant sword in her hand blazing, she faced the six people, but this time, she wanted to switch from defense to offense!

"Six against one, it's very tricky."


"I have a question."

"Do I need the 'Clone Technique'?"

"Don't be mad!"

The six people were a little frightened, but they would not flinch. It was already a desperate moment. The brave would win when they meet on a narrow road. The more scared and flinched, the faster they would die!

"Come die!"

They wanted to repeat their old tricks and besiege them again.

Xiao Ling'er sighed softly: "Okay then, the answer is... use it."

Her voice was very soft, but to the ears of the six people, it was like the murmur of the God of Death: "Three thousand phantom thunder bodies."

It's sizzling!

The wind is sunny and the weather is thunderous!

Sudden thunder resounded across the sky, and then, Xiao Ling'er's figure suddenly blurred for a moment, and then it was divided into... thirty-six!

"One against six."

"I've tried this taste."

"Next, it's your turn."

Thirty-six Xiao Linger spoke together, and immediately, they all transformed into thunder and lightning. They blocked all attacks together and completely divided and surrounded the six opponents.

The same is true of one against six.

But this time, it's the complete opposite.

Thirty-six Xiao Linger besieged the six powerful men in Fenghuo Palace and Sky Poison Valley.

"not good!"

They are frightened.

An uneasy feeling is spreading, and at the same time, all kinds of methods are used.


For Xiao Ling'er, if he still goes all out after his own ultimate sublimation, the outcome of this battle is already doomed.

Six clones formed a group and besieged one person.

And at this moment, thirty-six 'clones' simultaneously raised the giant flaming swords in their hands, like a 'heavy ruler'.

"Henfen... Wave Devouring Ruler!"


The stormy waves broke through the sky!

But this stormy sea was filled with many kinds of strange fires and was extremely turbulent.

People in the Fire Department of the Wind and Fire Palace still wanted to fight fire with fire, but found that their own fire was like a grandson meeting his grandfather, instantly muting fire, and even becoming a nourishment...

Fortunately, they all have some means and various protective magic weapons, and in a desperate state, they will naturally not be killed so easily.

However, Xiao Ling'er's attack was only the beginning.

The aftermath of the Yanfen Devouring Wave Ruler was still there, and while they were still struggling to hold on, they turned all the flaming giant swords in the hands of thirty-six Xiao Linger into three-foot green swords. The only thing that remained unchanged was that they were still burning. .

"My talent is average."

Thirty-six Xiao Ling'er murmured: "Especially in sword cultivation, there is really no talent, so..."

In her mind, she couldn't help but picture her master's almost invincible demeanor when he used Sword Eleven.


My talent is really mediocre, and so far, I can't even scratch the surface of Jian Shiyi.

"Nine of Swords: Reincarnation!"


Thirty-six rays of reincarnation sword energy came from all directions, instantly causing the dead souls of the six powerful men who were already in trouble.

He hurriedly resisted, and even managed to survive with spurts of blood and serious injuries.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt that death was approaching.

"The big day..."

"Feng Tian!"

Boom! ! !

Thirty-six 'suns' erupted at the same moment, and every six were in a group, giving them no way to survive.

Even though thirty-five of them are 'Three Thousand Thunder Phantom Bodies' with less than 70% of their combat power, the Great Sun Burning Sky under the blessing of the strange fire is still extremely ruthless~!

If a big sun burns the sky, it is a nuclear explosion.

So, at this moment, it is equivalent to applying phased array technology and turning it into a phased array nuclear explosion!

Although Xiao Ling'er doesn't understand what a phased array is.

But at this moment, all the clones are 'her', and all the methods are exactly the same, even the power and frequency are exactly the same.

The conditions for a 'phased array nuclear explosion' have almost been successfully achieved.


Boom! ! !

The sun shines across the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening sound, howling wind, and heat wave...

Looking around, half of the sky was dyed red!


There were constant explosions and roars.

Even Xiao Ling'er, the caster, was affected. With a crackle, the thirty-five phantom bodies of three thousand thunders all turned into nothingness and dissipated.

In fact, even the main body turned pale and blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth.

Was shocked to the point of internal injuries!

"not good!!!"

Bao Ruyi was trembling all over, and everyone was dumbfounded.

He was sure that none of the powerful people on his side had survived, and he was the only one left!

What’s even more frightening is that Xiao Ling’er is too terrifying! ! !

The strong men in the fifth and sixth realms of the two sects were so desperate that they could no longer care about anything else and immediately ran away, running as far as they could!

Everyone secretly hates that they have two missing legs. Why do they run so slowly? !

Even Long Aojiao, who was watching from a distance, had his eyelids twitching.

She was horrified!

The six-in-one sun burns the sky, so I have nothing to fear.

But what if thirty-six are in one?

She frowned.

You can be sure that you will not be killed by the explosion, but it is almost a dream to escape unscathed.

Unless you try your best and use secret techniques of self-mutilation!

"After breaking through the realm, her combat power will increase so much?"

"This woman..."

"If you can continue to grow, you can become my Taoist companion after I recover!"

"Both husband and wife are extremely talented. Together they are invincible, and apart they can suppress all enemies. It is a good story~!"

Although she was frightened, she was even more satisfied with Xiao Ling'er.

Such a strange woman is not more fragrant than the Seventh Princess?

What does the Seventh Princess have? Apart from having a physique suitable for dual cultivation, who else can compare with Xiao Ling'er?

Just like that, you also want to be a licking dog and do this and that for her?



Think beautifully.


"The wind is tight, pull!"

Bao Ruyi also ran away.

He didn't dare to fight anymore.

You can't defeat any of them, why don't you run away and stay here to wait for death?

At this moment, he no longer cares about the consequences after escaping, because if he doesn't escape, he will die now!

"Why are you running?!"

Xiao Longnu was angry.

"I haven't had enough yet!"

She gritted her teeth, and seeing that she couldn't catch up, she became furious and said, "Go to hell!"


The shadow of the sky-viewing mirror reappeared, and the mirror flickered, but it was just for a moment. No one could see clearly what happened. They only saw Bao Ruyi who ran far away and suddenly 'dissolved'.

It is dissolution.

Like ice and snow melting...

The difference is that after the ice and snow melt, there is water.

But after Bao Ruyi melted away, there was no trace left.

"Want to run?"

Xiao Ling'er, who was not in the Nine Transformations of Immortal Fire, quickly pursued the fifth and sixth realm monks of the two sects, killing them all. In just half a stick of incense, he caught up with and killed them all.

No one survived!

At this point, the battle ends.

She took a breath and flew towards Guiyuan Sect.

Li Tianyang and others were already dumbfounded and frightened!

They thought about many possibilities.

They are even ready to go to hell together and die as martyrs.

After all, there were no reinforcements, and the other party came so suddenly, and they were fully prepared.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Xiao Ling'er suddenly appeared.

I thought that she could not survive alone, but she only had a lot of blood. Just when I felt sorry for her, she suddenly became violent and killed everyone.

With the cultivation level of the fifth realm, well, now at the early stage of the sixth realm, I was stunned to chase down a group of powerful people and then kill them all.

What the hell...

A Supreme Elder of Guiyuan Sect suddenly trembled and said: "If I heard it right just now, she seemed to have said that her talent was mediocre?"

An elder's mouth twitched: "Yes."

Everyone: "(⊙o⊙)···"

You call this mediocre talent?

So who are we?


No, don't insult the word trash, we don't deserve it.

We are worms!

It doesn’t even count as a ‘person’.

"Who would have thought..."

Li Tianyang sighed, and for a moment, his mood was extremely complicated: "At the beginning, I just wanted to save the face of my sect, thinking that by the way, I could make friends with a peerless genius, and maybe thousands of years later, I could save the Guiyuan sect from danger."

"But in my imagination, even thousands of years later, she is just one of the people who saved my family from danger."

"Today's scene is really unexpected."

There was something he didn't say.

How is this unexpected?

This is obviously something so outrageous that I have never even dreamed of!

It was just a random investment at the beginning, but this rate of return...

I don’t even understand!

But no matter what, at least Guiyuan Sect was saved.

They stood up. Naturally, they no longer had to rush to heal their wounds at this moment, but wanted to welcome Xiao Ling'er back...

They were smiling and were about to speak, but their expressions suddenly changed.

A black shadow pierced the sky and appeared behind Xiao Ling'er in an instant, carrying the power of seducing the soul and seizing the soul. It was extremely terrifying!

"not good!"

Xiao Ling'er's expression changed.

The war was over, and she had been using the Nine Transformations of Immortal Fire for a long time, which had already consumed a lot of energy.

The other party was even more prepared, and made a sudden attack, instantly feeling that death was approaching!

"let me."

Yao Lao was frightened and wanted to take over.

But suddenly, the death crisis disappeared.

Xiao Linger turned around instantly.

But at some point, Long Aojiao appeared behind him.

In her hand, a scythe shrouded in black mist and exaggerated and ferocious was trembling.

But Long Aojiao was as steady as a mountain, and her seemingly thin, white and tender hands grabbed her. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape.

"Give this girl something that hides your head and exposes your tail..."

"get out!"

boom! ! !

She shouted loudly, the sound shook the sky, like the roar of a real dragon, shaking the whole world!

"Tsundere sister?!"

Xiao Longnu was overjoyed.

at the same time.

The black energy spread, and two figures in black robes slowly emerged.

"Long Aojiao? What does this matter have to do with you?"

"This girl is doing my best, why do I need to talk to others?"

Long Aojiao snorted coldly, and at the same time, she exerted force with her jade hands.

Click... click!

The huge scythe was instantly filled with cracks, and then shattered into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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