Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 157 Han Tianzun’s girlfriend! shock! Who is Wang Teng’s nemesis?

Chapter 157 Han Tianzun’s girlfriend! shock! Who is Wang Teng’s nemesis?

The eldest lady of the Chen family was silent.

"Miss Chen?"

Huo Yun'er asked.



She suddenly became silent, and then fell silent again. After a moment, she smiled bitterly and said, "This girl, I am Chen Qingrou, the daughter of the head of the Chen family."

"As for what it has to do with Lan Yue Sect, actually..."

"I do not know either."

Huo Yun'er: "(⊙o⊙)???"

"You don't know either?"

What a fuss!

You don’t know who knows?

What's more, I clearly 'saw' with my spiritual consciousness that you stood up and said that you were the person related to Lan Yue Sect, okay?

"I really don't know."

Chen Qingrou smiled bitterly, but her beautiful face was now full of melancholy: "The situation was urgent at that time. My third uncle was still in the hands of the devil. If no one comes forward, my third uncle will die."

"I didn't think too much, so I took the initiative to admit it."

"I thought that even if I fell into his hands, at least my third uncle would be safe."

"But I didn't expect that the devil was completely dishonest, and the third uncle still..."

"In fact, if you hadn't arrived in time and protected us to the death, I, and even the entire Chen family would have been destroyed in their hands, leaving no chickens, dogs, or bones."

"Thank you very much."

"But, I really don't know what the relationship between our Chen family and Lan Yue Sect is."

She was helpless: "And as far as I know, our Chen family should not have even the slightest involvement with Lan Yue Sect. After all, we are extremely far apart, and our Chen family is too weak. We have always been cautious, not daring to make enemies, let alone Dare to take sides as you please."

"Even if you want to buy various resources, you have to go to the fairy city and find regular shops."

“Even if the shops are more expensive...”

"The reason for this is that I am afraid of causing trouble."

"But I never thought that even though I was so cautious, I still...sigh."

As soon as these words came out.

On the contrary, it made Huo Yun'er feel embarrassed.

She has been paying attention and using her family's secret method.

Chen Qingrou was only a third-level monk, so it was impossible for her to lie in front of Huo Yun'er without being discovered.

But it was precisely because of this that she felt embarrassed.


In fact, the Chen family has nothing to do with the Lanyue Sect, but for some unknown reason, they suffered a disaster?

"No, that's not right!"

Huo Yun'er suddenly reacted: "Perhaps you have nothing to do with Lan Yue Sect, but what about the rest of your Chen family? Can you guarantee it for them?"


Chen Qingrou hesitated: "We, the Chen family, love each other, support each other, and value our family above all else! It stands to reason that in that situation, if someone is really related to Lan Yue Sect, they will definitely come forward on their own."

Huo Yun'er: "..."

She really wanted to say two words, naive.

But considering that she had undergone a big change for the first time, she was more tactful: "Then why is it you who finally stood up, who doesn't know anything?"

Chen Qingrou was stunned.

Then his complexion changed slightly, and he pinched the corners of his clothes with both hands, his knuckles turning white.

"Well, that might be because..."

"There is no need to rush to a conclusion." Huo Yun'er interrupted her and said, "Now, you Chen family members should have fled to a safe place."

"You can contact them and ask about the specific situation and see if anyone comes forward and admits it."

"After all, the Chen family is homeless. We have to figure this out."

"If it is really related to our Lan Yue Sect, we should shoulder this responsibility."

"Otherwise, we also need to figure out where the problem lies."

"Okay." Chen Qingrou nodded.

Then he took out the sound transmission jade talisman, took a deep breath, and started to contact his parents.

Seeing her expectant and optimistic look, Huo Yuner hesitated to speak.

The Chen family loves each other, supports each other, and values ​​family above all else?

Everybody for one, me for everybody?

It does sound good, family is above all else, what a wonderful vision, but is it really so?

If that's the case, why didn't anyone come forward at that time, but you, the eldest lady, came out to take the blame?

If this is really the case, why did you and the Chen family not even let out a fart when we showed up to stop the enemy? They all ran away as soon as possible?

Even your parents never stopped for a moment?

Not even a word to tell you to be careful?

All these things, no matter what, it is difficult for me to believe your Chen family's words and philosophy of "family is above all else".

"But you should be aware of it, right?"

She stared at Chen Qingrou and murmured in her heart.

The latter took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and contacted his parents and clan members in front of Huo Yun'er.


"Are you okay?"

she asked with urgency.

"Qingrou? You survived?" Chen Qingrou's father's surprised voice sounded, and then he said in surprise: "That's great, we all thought..."

Then, he changed the subject: "Qingrou, girl, don't blame us."

"After all, family and clansmen are more important than anything else. And our Chen family is too weak. Under such circumstances, we have no power to resist at all."

"As a father, he is the head of the family and is responsible for the entire family. Therefore, he can only lead them to retreat first..."

"Father, I understand."

"I understand."

She sighed: "Actually, from the moment I stood up, I was prepared to die, but I didn't expect something would happen."

"It's a pity that Third Uncle..."

"The third child, ugh."

"It's time and fate, girl, it's not your fault."

Chen Qingrou: "..."


What do you mean it's not my fault?

Her complexion changed slightly, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

He didn't even care about his life and wanted to save his third uncle, but from what he heard, someone was blaming him? Do you blame yourself for not being able to save your third uncle?

But this...

"Father, mother, where are you now? I'm here to find you."

"This matter is not urgent. We are all seriously injured and need to recover. Even if you come here, it will be useless. It is better not to join together for the time being."

Chen Qingrou's face suddenly turned pale.

But she still couldn't believe it. After a moment of silence, she asked: "Father, is there anyone in the clan who can stand up and admit that he is related to Lan Yue Sect?"

His father was surprised: "Aren't you the person related to Lan Yue Sect?"

"As a father, I also want to ask you, what is your relationship with Lan Yue Sect, and why did it lead to such a disaster of genocide?"

Chen Qingrou's face changed again and again. At this moment, it was as pale as paper, even pale.

She suppressed all kinds of emotions and said: "Father."

"If I said that I didn't know about Lan Yue Sect, but I just didn't want my third uncle to suffer, so I took the initiative to admit it, would you believe it?"

His father was obviously stunned.

After a moment, he said: "Believe it. As a father, I naturally believe it."

"It's just that this is too coincidental. After you stepped forward, Lan Yue Sect immediately came to help..."


Chen Qingrou laughed miserably.

Is this called believing?

"Father, where are you now? I have come to find you."

she asked again.

However, his father still refused to tell him his location.

From the inside and outside of his words, Chen Qingrou only felt one word - avoid like snakes and scorpions!

But at this moment, I am that snake and scorpion.

"So, the so-called family is above all else is a lie, right?"


His father sighed: "Don't blame your father."

"Since you also know that family is above all else, then naturally you have to think about your family."

"Don't you understand what's more important than our entire Chen family and you?"

"If you really think about your family, if you admit all this to save your family as you said, then why don't you continue to carry it?"

"After all, it is about the life, death and future of our entire Chen family."

"As a father, I owe you a favor."

"I'll give you a hard time, okay?"

Chen Qingrou trembled all over.

He was obviously sitting on a futon, but he almost collapsed.

The long-standing belief and persistence from childhood to adulthood completely collapsed at this moment.

It seemed like the whole world was shattered.

However, the father's voice still kept coming out of the sound transmission jade talisman.

"I also know this is unfair to you, but for the sake of the entire Chen family..."


"Just pretend that I have never had you as a daughter, and you have never had me as a father."

"I've wronged you, girl."

"After that, we'd better stop contacting each other and leave a way for the Chen family to survive."

Chen Qingrou was stunned for a moment.

It was as if the whole world had lost its color.

She thought about many possibilities, and vaguely guessed that she would be misunderstood and blamed by others, but she did not expect that her own people, her father, would treat her like this.

Just avoid them like snakes and scorpions.


Not even willing to ‘contact’?

I'm afraid I can't avoid it!


She burst into tears and murmured, but could not utter a complete sentence.

On the other hand, Huo Yun'er on the other side sneered, grabbed the sound transmission jade talisman, and said coldly: "What a head of the family, what a father, and he doesn't even care about his own daughter."

"Even knowing that my daughter will take the blame for the sake of the family, she still turns a blind eye and allows her to continue to take the blame."

"Even pretending to be noble and asking her to sacrifice and dedicate herself."

"Even 'contact' is not allowed."

"It's really eye-opening."

"But I just don't understand."

"Why can't you be the one who feels wronged?"

"Why couldn't you be the one who stood up in the first place?"

"Why does the wronged person have to be her?"

"Why is she so wronged?"


"No contact? Just right, you are not worthy of a father like you!"


Without waiting for the other party to respond, Huo Yun'er crushed the sound transmission jade talisman and said coldly: "It's okay if you don't want this kind of family and this kind of parents!"

"Join the Lanyue Sect. If Master is not willing, I will send you to the Huode Sect."

"I can't make any other promises to you, but at least if you go to Lanyue Sect or Huode Sect, they can protect you."

She was very angry.

Both are women and similar in age.

Fathers are also ‘heads of the family’ or ‘heads of a clan’.

But, my father would never be like this!

She was convinced that if faced with the same situation, her father would be the first to stand up, instead of letting her daughter take the blame and then avoid her like a snake and a scorpion after taking the blame.

They even kidnapped her morally and asked her to 'sacrifice' her.

As far as Huo Yun'er is concerned.

You can sacrifice yourself.

In a similar situation, he would most likely make the same choice as Chen Qingrou.


You can't force me, let alone kidnap me with morality, and make me sacrifice!

What's more, this person is still his father?

Huo Yun'er was filled with indignation.

Chen Qingrou recovered a little, but she was still extremely low-pitched and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid it will cause you trouble."

"Besides, I'm sorry."

"Family... No, the Chen family can't give you an answer."

"As you guessed, no one has come forward to admit that they have anything to do with Lan Yue Sect."

"I heard."

Huo Yun'er nodded lightly: "This matter is not urgent, we will discuss it in the long run."


After a while, she informed Lin Fan of the news.

When the latter learned about it, he was a little surprised.

"You don't even know?"

"This is quite interesting."

"However, I can try to analyze it."

Lin Fan pondered slightly.

"First of all, the target of the people in the Hidden Soul Palace is Xiao Ling'er, which proves that it is a copy of the 'Yan Emperor Template'. Therefore, they really want to target the Moon Sect."

"Secondly, the Hidden Soul Palace is a super-first-class force, or in other words, a T0.5 force, second only to the major holy places. Therefore, there is a high probability that they will not get the wrong target.

In other words, the Chen family should indeed have some connection with the Lan Yue Sect. "

"But the Chen family themselves don't know it. Of course, they don't suspect that someone is hiding it and not reporting it. But the Chen family is so weak. As long as that person is not as stupid as an old dog, it is impossible to think that hiding in the Chen family will be enough." All the best."

"So, there is a high probability that they really don't know."

"Therefore, the result is that the Chen family or someone from the Chen family is related to the Lan Yue Sect, but they don't know it."

"This is enough to show that they are not in 'official' contact with the Lan Yue Sect, but have interacted with the Lan Yue Sect without knowing it."


"There are only three possibilities."

"Yaya, Fan Jianqiang, and Qiu Yongqin. They are the only three people who will not use the name of Yuezong at all when they are wandering around, and they will remain anonymous."

"But Yaya is in the North Territory, so we can rule it out. Fan Jianqiang is so stubborn. If it were him, he would not leave such a little tail. So, Qiu Yongqin?"


After the brainstorming, everything became extremely clear.

Lin Fan contacted Huo Yun'er and said, "Ask her if she knows Han Li or Li Feiyu."


Huo Yun'er was puzzled.

"Just do it."

At Lin Fan's insistence, she asked Chen Qingrou.

The latter was surprised: "Han Li?"

"Do you know Fellow Daoist Han?"

Huo Yun'er was shocked.

Do you really know each other? !

But who Han Li is, I didn’t create it!

But the master was thousands of miles away, so how did he know that Chen Qingrou probably knew Han Li?

"I don't know this either, but my master knows."

She wrote back immediately.

Lin Fan's mouth twitched slightly.

"It really is?"

It was not too surprising that he could guess this. After all, except for the limited number of people from Lan Yue Sect, no one left the sect. If they were sent out one by one, only Qiu Yongqin would be left.

The two identities he walks around with are Han Li and Li Feiyu.

If it is really related to Qiu Yongqin, it must be related to one of these two identities.

"Please help me ask, how did they meet?"

After some questioning, Lin Fan was completely right.

It turns out that not long after Qiu Yongqin left the sect to pursue his career, that is, in the days before Yaya went up the mountain, 'Han Li's cultivation level was still low at that time and he had just entered the third realm.

He went to the Forest of Monsters and rescued Chen Qingrou and others, and became a Taoist friend with Chen Qingrou. The two had a good relationship.

Listening to Chen Qingrou's story, Lin Fan could guess that she was interested in Han Li.

But Han Li seemed to have no idea in this regard.

After that, the two separated and never saw each other again.

However, Chen Qingrou often contacted Han Li through the sound transmission jade talisman, and the latter occasionally responded.

From beginning to end, Chen Qingrou didn't know Han Li's true identity.

Not even knowing that he was a disciple of Lan Yue Sect.

"It makes sense and makes sense."

"However, Hidden Soul Palace's methods are really not simple. Can you find the Chen family?"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Fan did not tell them the truth for the time being, and said: "Yun'er, after Ling'er recovers, you can take Chen Qingrou back."

"If she is willing, she can enter the Lanyue Sect's gate."

"Yes, Master."

Hearing this, Huo Yun'er breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt very sorry for Chen Qingrou.

Pity her plight.

At the same time, the other party also suffered this "catastrophe" because of Lan Yue Sect. In her opinion, Lan Yue Sect should be responsible for both emotions and reasons.

"Master agrees to let you get started."

Huo Yun'er smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much about everything that happened before."

"Even, that's a good thing in my opinion."

"Although you were 'backstabbed' by the family, at least it allowed you to recognize the faces of the Chen family, allowing you to see the reality in advance instead of living in that false dream."

"Thank you."

Chen Qingrou held Huo Yun'er's hand tightly, and for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

At least, in her opinion at this moment, this little sister, whom she had known for a short time, was more reliable than her family members who she cherished very much and valued more than her own life.

Also care more about yourself.


"Are you free?"

Li Feiyu took out the jade voice transmission talisman and suddenly received a voice transmission from Lin Fan. He was a little surprised: "Sect Master?"

"Do you have any instructions?"

"It's something, but it's not an order." Lin Fan told today's encounter in the shortest possible way, and said: "That girl Chen Qingrou, do you still remember her?"


Li Feiyu looked a little ugly.

The girl in the goose-yellow dress.

Although they only got along for a short time, the girl's tenderness and watery eyes that seemed to be talking had already been deeply reflected in his mind.

Is that girl not the Bai Yueguang in my heart?

However, how can I dare to mention the matter of men and women when I am seeking revenge?

But she never thought that the chance encounter would cause her to experience such a disaster.

"Could it be..."

"Am I the evil star or disaster star?"

"Nothing good will happen to the people I love?"

For a moment, he was almost trapped by inner demons, and his eyes were red.

But Lin Fan's words made him calm down completely.

"Don't let your imagination run wild."

"Many things are destined by fate, but man is determined to conquer nature."

"We who are cultivating immortals are going against heaven, fighting against heaven and earth, fighting against ourselves, and seeing mountains, rivers, and sentient beings."

“Our path, whether it is laughter or joys and sorrows, cannot be escaped.”

"All we can do is to stand tall and stride forward." Lin Fan's words seemed to have some kind of magic power. After hearing this, Li Feiyu calmed down completely.


"What about the evil star?"

"Even if this is the case, I will change everything!"

"But before that happens, the blood feud must be avenged!"

"As for Chen Qingrou..."

"If I can still have that kind of blessing after revenge, I will become a Taoist couple with her and live together."

"If there is no destiny, why force it?"

"After all, before that, I was just an Avenger."

"An avenger who walks on the road of revenge and will never give up until he reaches the end!"

After a pause, he took a deep breath and responded: "Sect Master."

"I understand."

"Please also tell her that I remember her. This matter happened because of me. One day, I will give her an explanation."

"But before that, I would like to ask you, sect master... to take good care of her."

"rest assured."

Lin Fan responded to this matter: "Although our Lan Yue Sect is not a great family, we have never lacked human touch. We should take care of her both emotionally and rationally."

"And her talent is not bad. If she gets started and is willing to work hard, she will be able to achieve great results in the future and will not be forgotten by everyone."

"Then the disciple will feel relieved."

"Thank you, Master."

"How are you out there?"

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your concern. Everything is fine. Revenge has been laid out, but it will still take some time."

"That's good. Just be careful. If you need help, just ask."

"Don't worry, Sect Master, disciple understands."



"Han Tianzun template."

Lin Fan muttered secretly: "I don't need to worry too much."

"Although he is jokingly called Han Paopao, being able to run every time is also a skill."

"After all, the only way to achieve output is to survive."


a few days later.

Xiao Ling'er's three daughters returned to Lan Yue Sect.

‘Lin Fan’ has returned first.

And their return also means that the Moon Swallowing Immortal Skill has returned to the Moon Reaching Sect!

"Swallow... the moon-swallowing immortal skill?!"

The five elders were extremely excited and burst into tears.

Su Xinghai stroked the jade slip and couldn't stop trembling all over.

The second elder is now the strongest, but he is also full of emotions, with two lines of tears hanging from the corners of his eyes.

The third elder Li Changshou, the fourth elder Chen Erzhu, and the fifth elder Duan Qingyao hugged each other and cried with joy.

Currently, no one in the entire Lan Yue Sect is more excited or more emotional than them.

because of them···

He is the person who started by touching the tail of the peak of Lan Yue Sect.

After all, their masters and ancestors were basically people from that period.

Although they have never witnessed it with their own eyes, they have been exposed to it for a long time, and their emotions are naturally far superior to those of younger disciples.

Therefore, they have an obsession with reviving Lan Yue Sect that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

The same is true for the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique.

For them, this is not just a magic spell, but also a symbol of belief and spirit.

All their efforts, efforts, and hardships over the years have been worth it.

The Immortal Art of Swallowing the Moon has returned, and the Moon-Taking Sect is also growing and reviving...

"I will die without regrets." Duan Qingyao murmured.

"Me too!" Chen Erzhu giggled.

"If my master could see this scene, he wouldn't die with regrets, right?" Li Changshou cried and laughed.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of his master's murmur before he died, and his eyes that couldn't be closed for a long time after death.

"Master, if you have a spirit in heaven, you will definitely protect us."

"The return of the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Skill is a blessing, but it is also a risk."

"Please also wish us smooth sailing, recovery and return to the top."

The great elder wiped away his old tears: "The Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique is the foundation of our sect. Now that the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique has returned, we only need to select disciples with extraordinary talents to teach them."

"After a period of time, our Lan Yue Sect will definitely be able to stand at the top of the Southwest Region again and become the best among first-class sects!"

"There must be all kinds of dangers in this, but we old guys can now die in peace."


The elders all laughed.

Seeing this scene, they had no regrets.

If another crisis comes, they will die immediately with a smile on their face.


Huo Kunlun, Jin Zhen, Lian Bo, Cheng Guangshan and others all opened their mouths to congratulate.

"This is indeed a great joy."

"There is hope that the Lan Yue Sect will return to its peak."

"This is just the beginning, there is a long way to go." Lin Fan remained calm and did not feel how great he was.

This is really just the beginning!

After that, the difficulty and danger of recovery will increase linearly.

"Besides, why did the five elders say this?"

"What's the point of dying without regrets?"

"You are all still young. Now our Lan Yue Sect is hiring people. If you die, who will take charge of the overall situation?"

"What you practice is the Moon-Swallowing Spirit Technique, which has the same origin as the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Kung Fu. I think there are some similarities. It shouldn't be difficult for you to switch to the technique."

"So, I grant the five elders one year to practice the Moon Swallowing Immortal Technique."

"Of course, the sooner you succeed, the better."

"After all, this is the time for our Lanyue Sect to employ people."


The five elders immediately burst into tears of gratitude.

When I thought about it again, I and the others were already in despair before, so they pushed Lin Fan out to be the leader of the sect, and they felt extremely embarrassed.


The five of them looked at each other and seemed to have reached an agreement, then they all knelt down in front of Lin Fan with a loud voice and bowed heavily: "Thank you, Sect Master, for helping me embrace the Moon Sect!"

"Why are the five elders doing this?"

Lin Fan was moved and quickly stepped forward to help them up with his own hands.

Said: "I just did what I should do."

"The five elders are also indispensable."

"If you and many of your ancestors hadn't fought to the death to protect the sect, the Lan Yue Sect would have disappeared in the long river of history. How would there be today's turnaround?"

"Therefore, let's not talk about this again."

"The Lanyue Sect's success is the result of the joint efforts of everyone in our sect, and it is definitely not the work of Lin Fan alone."

"After that, we must work together."

"Let Lan Yue Sect return to its peak, or even... surpass it!"

"Are you confident?"

Everyone was moved by it.




Even Jin Zhen waved his fists and shouted loudly.

Huo Kunlun glanced at him.

"This kid..."


"However, I also want to howl twice. What's going on?"


in the corner.

Gou Shengfan is strong and thoughtful.

Waving his fists, he whispered: "Let him live, let him live, let him live!"

His voice was low and he deliberately controlled it.

Therefore, besides himself, only Lin Fan heard it.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes at this guy, who responded with a strange smile and said through the voice: "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"However, this kind of motivation is also very necessary. I understand, understand and support it."

Lin Fan nodded and said nothing more.

Get chicken blood, PUA~

Most young people nowadays are disgusted.

The same goes for him.

But there is no way, when I am a 'business manager', I find that this thing is really easy to use.

It still has to be used.

It is a good way to unite and win over people's hearts.

The most important thing is that the efficiency is very high and the cost is almost zero...

It's really the best choice, bar none.


After the passion.

Everyone in Lanyue Sect was in high spirits.

Although for ordinary disciples, they have neither access to the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique nor the Qilin Technique, this is enough to show that the sect is getting better and better!

Qilin Law belongs to the level of ‘Invincible Law’.

The Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique is an 'immortal-level' technique.

It is an existence that can directly point to the true immortal road.

A technique, a technique.

In addition to the Artificial Sun Fist and Misty Sword Techniques that Lin Fan had used before, and the invincible techniques such as the Burning Sun and the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus that Xiao Ling'er had used...

In the eyes of ordinary disciples, the Lan Yue Sect has extremely amazing foundation!

Even if you can't learn it or get in touch with it for the time being.

But as long as you work hard to grow, contribute to the sect, earn more points and improve your own cultivation and status, then one day, you will be able to learn one or more of them!

This greatly enhanced the enthusiasm and loyalty of all ordinary disciples.

For example, when they started, Lan Yue Sect was just a small company with a few people, and it might even go bankrupt at any time.

But now, the Lan Yue Sect continues to grow and develop under their noses.

Up to now, although it is not a Fortune 500 enterprise, it is not a public institution, nor is it a state-owned enterprise~


This small company already has its own 'pillar industry', with diversified promotion channels and many opportunities. As long as you work hard, you can earn a hundred times your salary, become general manager, CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

In contrast, ordinary disciples are naturally willing to drink this bowl of chicken soup for the soul and pour the chicken blood into their bodies, lest they be half a step too late~


That is from this day on.

The entire Lanyue Sect is thriving and has a new look!

People, still those people.

However, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm for cultivation have increased several times.

Even Huo Kunlun, Lian Bo and others often lamented.

The next day.

All five elders have gone into retreat.

They obtained the complete version of the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique, and the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique they had previously practiced was a technique created by an ancestor based on their knowledge of the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique.

Although it is a weakened and simplified version, there are many similarities.

Therefore, it is not difficult for them to switch to practicing Kung Fu, at least they do not need to start from scratch, and the risk is not high.

As for the internal affairs of the sect, they are temporarily handed over to the ‘six mascots’.

Originally there were seven, but Qiu Yongqin was out. As the first batch of disciples, they naturally had to shoulder the responsibility.

It is worth mentioning that they have also grown over the years.

Lin Fan thought at first that they could not even survive, but later he learned that they were not bad at all, but...the original Moon Reaching Sect limited their development.

Although they are not A-level talents, at least among ordinary third-rate sects, there are some who are inner sects and even direct disciples.

In the past few years, Xiao Ling'er has made the whole sect full of benefits and carried the sect forward alone. The six mascots also worked extremely hard and lived up to expectations!

Although they have not yet entered the fourth realm, they are all above the sixth level of the third realm.

They don't have top talents, and they don't have the aura of the protagonist.

But it is better to be diligent and conscientious.

Handling ordinary matters within the sect is a no-brainer.

Therefore, Lin Fan granted them the status of deacon disciples and gave them the part before the fifth level of the Moon Swallowing Immortal Skill, allowing them to practice. The subsequent skills will depend on their subsequent performance.

The six people were naturally grateful and grateful, and vowed to die for the sect.


Lin Fan gave a portion of the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Technique to each of his disciples.

However, Xiao Linger said it was not necessary.

She has the skill Burning Flame Technique that can be grown. As long as there are enough strange fires, it can even be better than the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Skill.

Fan Jianqiang doesn't need it either.

This thing...

You can really be self-sufficient and live a very nourishing life.

Lin Fan was 98% sure that this guy had a system around him.

Zhu Rurong took over. He had only practiced the Moon Swallowing Spirit Technique before, and he had the lowest cultivation level, but the speed of changing cultivation was the fastest.

It is worth mentioning that Bazhen chickens and Bazhen ducks have been well taken care of by him these days, and they have begun to lay eggs, but they have no intention of breeding. He is considering artificial incubation.

The twelve newborn red-haired wild boars are also growing and are extremely talented. As a new and hybrid breed, they have extraordinary potential.

At the same time, Zhu Rurong also began to contact and think about other types of monsters.

Especially flying monsters.

Even if the combat effectiveness is not good, as long as the speed is fast enough, it is of great benefit to use it for transportation.

Finally, there is Wang Teng.

He is not the prototype of the protagonist, but he has also escaped his own fate.

Wang Teng was overjoyed to obtain the moon-swallowing immortal power.

Originally, his skill was not very strong, it could only be said to be barely sufficient.

Now that I have obtained the Immortal Level Skill, I am naturally extremely excited.

"Thank you Master!"

He was excited and emotional.

"Hmph, luckily I'm smart and don't want to mess with the ancient inheritance. Otherwise, wouldn't I be going astray?"

"But is it amazing to practice the skills to reach the Earth Immortal level?"

"I also have immortal skills now. Even if I can't cultivate to the level of earthly immortal, master will naturally give it to me when I cultivate to a higher level."

"Who would be surprised that the ancient inheritance of Shaanluan was defeated all the way?"

But then I thought about it...

its not right.

My cheap apprentice wants it.

Well, yes, I have to change my tune.

Ahem, cough, cough, it’s not that no one wants it, it’s that I don’t have the blessing to accept it, yes, I don’t have the blessing to accept it~

Seeing Wang Teng overwhelmed with gratitude and unable to calm down, Lin Fan fell into deep thought.

"its not right?"

"It stands to reason that Wang Teng and Yaya should be templates in the same story. Although they are not the protagonists, there are always supporting role templates."

"But the problem is..."

"Wang Teng has come out, where is the 'protagonist' in their script?"

"Where is the template of Emperor Ye Tian?"

"It's not like you haven't come out yet, right?"

"No, it's a bit messy. Let me straighten it out first."

While looking at Wang Teng, Lin Fan fell into deep thought.

"It stands to reason that Yaya has indeed started her own invincible path many eras before the appearance of Emperor Ye Tian's template, and has lived for nine lifetimes."

"It wasn't until the end that Emperor Ye Tian appeared. Until now, the Mercedes-Benz is still parked at the foot of Mount Tai..."

"In the ninth life, even if the world's life span is extremely short due to various reasons, it will still be at least tens of thousands of years."

"In other words, if you look at it from this perspective, it will take tens of thousands of years for Emperor Ye Tian's template to appear?"

"But that's not right. Wang Teng, logically speaking, should be a contemporary of Emperor Ye Tian, ​​and the destiny protagonist he is going to encounter is Emperor Ye Tian, ​​and he will be defeated by Emperor Ye Tian."

"Even if he has broken the shackles and walked out of his own way..."

"Then where did Ye Tiandi's template go?"

Lin Fan blinked.

Somewhat confused.

Originally, he thought that as a time traveler and having read countless novels, he could basically be said to be prophetic and had a clear understanding of various templates and the general development of various things.

It suddenly turned out that things were not that simple!

For example, I can't explain this problem at this moment.

"No, be more cautious."

"No matter what, you can't be careless at all."

"It stands to reason that a template like Wang Teng is born to be a role for the protagonist. Now that he has appeared, it stands to reason that the protagonist should also be born, but we haven't discovered it yet."

"But he could collapse at any time."


"We must continue to strengthen Wang Teng!"

Lin Fan felt that he should strengthen Wang Teng more.


If the protagonist is really Emperor Ye Tian, ​​and I haven't been able to put him in the door wall, it will be a lot of fun.

Even if Wang Teng is strengthened, he may not be able to do it!

But then I thought about it, Ye Hei had been helped through many crises by the ruthless empress, but now that the ruthless empress has not grown up, and she is still a member of her own family, she will not turn against her own people, right?

"In other words, Wang Teng's destined nemesis template is not the Ye Tiandi template?"


"It's chaos."

"But then again, that's right!"

Lin Fan frowned: "I took it for granted!"

A sudden realization dawned on him.

"Although these people have their own 'templates' in my opinion, in fact, they are not parallel lines that never intersect!"

"If we just go by the story itself, how could Xiao Ling'er know Wang Teng or even become a fellow student with Wang Teng?"

"It's impossible for Xiao Ling'er to save Han Tianzun's little girlfriend!"

"These story lines have actually begun to intersect."

"No, no, it should be said that these stories are one!"

"Therefore, Wang Teng's nemesis in the Xianwu Continent may not be Emperor Ye Heiye, but may also be someone else. It is not impossible even if Template No. 10 suddenly pops up to kill Wang Teng."


At this moment, Lin Fan was a little panicked.

out of control!

He suddenly discovered that the story line that he originally thought he had under control began to gradually get out of control.

"calm down."

"Although the directions between the various templates are starting to get out of control, they remain the same."

"And what I want to do will never change from beginning to end."

"One, accept the protagonist's template and become stronger, and two, develop the sect."

"As for the various changes, as long as you are strong enough, there is no need to worry!"

Thinking of this, Lin Fan calmed down again.

"Besides, that's what makes it fun, isn't it?"

"If all the characters follow the established storyline, and knowing each other's template can predict their subsequent encounters, what's the point?"

"The integration will bring about many changes, and I am even more looking forward to what will happen next."

 I've been mentally and physically exhausted recently, so tired. On Tuesday, the baby got a bacterial infection and had a high fever, which led to convulsions. On Friday, the fever subsided, and today she had a high fever. She didn’t come back until 11 o’clock when she went to the hospital. The test result was a viral infection. Alas...



(End of this chapter)

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