Starting as a clan leader: My rules are a bit wild

Chapter 153 Qilin Bloodline! Wang Teng changes his profession to 'Elemental Master'? The H

Chapter 153 Qilin Bloodline! Wang Teng changes his profession to 'Elemental Master'? The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers!

This statement came out.

Everyone quickly looked at it carefully, and then they were all surprised.


Huo Kunlun said in shock: "Although Ximen Qilin is very talented, it is also extremely difficult to practice the Qilin method. There are rumors that he has killed many Qilin relics, extracted their essence and blood, and used them to practice the Qilin method!"

"It is said that he got the Qilin tattoo by a different way. It is precisely because of the Qilin tattoo that he was able to practice the Qilin method to perfection and possess such tyrannical fighting power!"

"Now the unicorn tattoo has disappeared, and if you look carefully, there seems to be another unicorn hidden in the unicorn talent behind Wang Teng's nephew. Could it be~~!"

"So..." Jin Zhen was surprised and happy: "Is the Qilin method returning to the Moon Sect?"

"If so, that would be a great joy!!"

"Not bad!"

Everyone nodded.

Huo Yun'er was also extremely happy.

Xiao Ling'er was even more surprised.

She heard Lu Ming say that Ximen Qilin's corpse could recover the Qilin method, but she didn't know if it could really be successful. She never thought that it would be completed in just one stick of incense?

At the same time, they were curious.


Will Ximen Qilin's body appear in Lin Fan's hands?

But at this moment, this question is obviously irrelevant. What is more important is whether Wang Teng has really received the complete inheritance of Qilin Law.


It was at this time that Wang Teng gradually calmed down and recovered.

The blue light in his eyes disappeared, he slowly straightened up, then took out a piece of clothing and put it on.

The excitement on his face was beyond words.

"Master, seniors."

"As you may have guessed, I have indeed received the complete inheritance of the Kirin Law."

"As for whether the bloodline has returned to the ancestors and has the bloodline of Qilin, I have no way of knowing."

He really didn't know about this.

"It's normal that you don't know." Huo Kunlun insisted on his opinion and said: "After all, this type of bloodline return to the ancestors is very rare. It is possible that your ancestors have never shown any signs of it for thousands or hundreds of generations."

"In your generation, they naturally have no way of knowing."

"But the perfect fit between you and Qilin Law is enough to illustrate this point."

"Is that so?" Wang Teng suddenly asked: "Maybe that's true?"

"By the way, Master, I should be able to write down the Qilin Technique now, but I can't 'check' some of it yet. Maybe I need to cultivate to a higher level and practice the Qilin Technique to a certain level before I can understand it."

"Not urgent."

Lin Fan smiled: "Just enter the part you can write down into the jade slip."

"From now on, the Qilin method returns to Lan Yue Sect."

"This is the fortune of Lan Yue Sect."

"This is also the first step in our journey to Lanyue Zongzhong!"

Lin Fan···

Naturally, he is ambitious.

Before that, he didn't dare to think too much.

They are basically trying to ‘survive’.

A small calamity every year and a calamity every year are enough to give him a headache, and he must try his best to survive it perfectly.

But now...

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but the beginning has already been opened.

All that's left is to stride forward and write your own legend on this road, as well as a new and exciting future for Lan Yue Sect.

Retracing the journey.

Or reach a higher peak.

Everything depends on the subsequent development.


After being excited, Huo Kunlun, Lian Bo and others said goodbye and left.

They are all discerning.

Wang Teng made it clear that he wanted to write down the Qilin Technique. This invincible technique was a top priority no matter where it was. Even in the Holy Land, it could not be learned unless it was passed down from direct lineage.

Naturally, they cannot stay or see more here.

However, they were all curious as to why Ximen Qilin's body appeared in Lin Fan's hands.

In this regard, Xiao Linger naturally became the ‘explainer’.

And when they learned that the body was sent as a gift by Lu Ming, and that it was given to Xiao Ling'er as a gift in the scene of "flowers in front of the moon", their expressions were very exciting.

"Pfft, hahaha!"

Huo Yun'er was even more happy and bent over with laughter.

"Sorry, bestie, I just can't help it."

"I really can't figure out whether he is interested in you or not."

"Hmm... Maybe he mistakenly thought you were interested in him, so he sent you a corpse in order to cut off your thoughts and ideas?"

"You said it!"

Xiao Ling'er laughed and cursed, and the two of them walked away while having fun.

Huo Kunlun shook his head and said with a smile: "It's great to be young."


The other people's expressions were even weirder.

Is it good to be young?

Didn't you realize that the two of them were too intimate?


Yeah, bestie.

That should be normal, right?



An hour later, Wang Teng wrote out all the Qilin spells he could and handed them to Lin Fan.

"Except for the core secret techniques, the Qilin Techniques are all here."

"very good."

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "I will make it into a jade slip later and put it in the Scripture Collection Pavilion."

"Then, Master, I will go back first?"

Wang Teng rubbed his hands, very excited, and wanted to go back and start practicing the Qilin method.

He secretly felt lucky.

"Fortunately, I was smart and chose to join the Moon Reaching Sect."

"How much is face worth?!"

"Can face be exchanged for three kinds of invincibility?"



"The Luan Gu Earth Immortal still wants to trick me into cultivating his Luan Gu inheritance. How much do I have to do before I agree?"

"Be my disciple of Lan Yue Sect honestly and peacefully. Wouldn't it be nice for me to practice the invincible technique my master gave me? When I reach that state, I can use the invincible technique with just one strike. Defeating Luan Gu is not a simple matter. Simple?"

Artificial sun punch.

The art of ever-changing.

Coupled with the current Qilin technique~

After that, there should be more.

Isn't this flattering?

"Sure enough, this man must bow his head when he should. Otherwise, what good will it do?"

He couldn't help but wonder.

If I had not bowed my head at the beginning, refused to ‘kneel’ and become a disciple because of my face, what would I be like now?


The best result is to break into the tomb of Luan Gu, then treat Luan Gu's inheritance as a treasure, and then seek abuse all over the world, right?


Wang Teng shivered all over.

"What's so good about that?"

"I absolutely don't want it~!"

"There's no rush." ​​Lin Fan smiled slightly. He could naturally guess what Wang Teng was anxious about, but he smiled and said, "You have merit in this matter!"

"Our Lanyue Sect has always been clear about rewards and punishments. If you have merit, you should be rewarded."

"However, your path is different."

Wang Teng was even more surprised.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment, then said: "Artificial Sun Fist, how is your practice going?"

In fact, this guy knows it very well.

But you have to pretend~

"not bad."

Is this an ‘assessment’? Wang Teng said quickly: "It can be formed within three breaths, and the longest lasting time is close to one stick of incense. It can also be improved, but it takes time."


“It’s already quite good!”

Lin Fan nodded, and then said: "In this way, I no longer need to give you any instructions on how to practice the Artificial Sun Fist. From now on, you can just follow the steps and continue practicing."

"Yes, Master."

He was full of expectation and stared at Lin Fan eagerly.

The latter's thoughts changed rapidly.

"He may not be able to master other invincibility techniques. I can give them to him, but they may not be suitable for him."

"Furthermore, since he can build the artificial sun fist from zero to one, he must be talented in this area."

"Since you have this talent, you can't waste it."


Lin Fan smiled slightly: "Master, I will give you two choices."

"First, a brand new invincibility technique."

"Second, a brand new road."

"This road is extremely difficult. It will be countless times more difficult than you imagine. It can even be said to be a completely unfamiliar system and field. What you know is only one in ten million."

"But if you can get it through, no one can limit your future."

"you choose···"

"Which one?"

Wang Teng was shocked.


He hesitated.

Start thinking about which one you should choose.


Or a completely new path?

He has no doubts.

Since my master said that there are these two options, then there must be these two options! But, which one should I choose?

"I already have three invincible techniques. Two are offensive techniques, and one is a disguise and change technique. If there is another one, what will it be? Body technique? Defense type?"

"For me, the one that brings the least improvement at present should be the offensive type."

"Both physical skills and defense have been greatly improved."

"If it's one of these two, you can choose."

"It's a brand new road..."

He hesitated.

Everyone has ever imagined that he is invincible and can conquer everything.

He even walks out of his own invincible path, creates a new system, embarks on a new path, and changes the world from then on, bringing blessings for eternity.


Fantasy is fantasy.

It is really too difficult to do this.

Wang Teng knew very well that although he had some talent, it was almost impossible to succeed.

Even, don’t say it’s yourself.

Even Senior Sister, and even the domineering and arrogant Long Aotian, may not be able to do it.

After all, although he is strong, he is still following the 'old path' and has not created his own system.

If you change yourself, can you do it?


"Since Master allows me to choose, it means that I have the possibility of success. Maybe the success rate is not high, but under Master's guidance, there should be no possibility of success."

"It's just that it must be very difficult."

"Even if you are not careful, you will be completely destroyed."

"But once you succeed, your future is boundless..."

"How should I choose?"

For a moment, he was at a loss.

But then, he thought of Luan Gu.

Suddenly he felt relieved.

"That's right, Luan Gu was defeated all the way. After a hundred defeats, he was still able to achieve the ultimate goal of defeating the demonic fetus and ascending to immortality, becoming the 'Great Emperor'. Even if I fail several times, dozens or even hundreds of times, it doesn't mean anything."

“Creating a new path will never be smooth sailing.”

"But as long as I can persevere and move forward step by step, even if I go the wrong way, I can still open up a small path. Perhaps, someone in the future can use my small path to reach that towering avenue."

"If this is the case, even if I fail in the end and die, it is not meaningless."


Thinking of this, Wang Teng was no longer confused.

He smiled: "Master."

"I choose..."

"That way, please ask Master to teach me."


Lin Fan looked at him deeply and secretly felt ashamed.


He didn't know whether Wang Teng could succeed, but seeing that he could successfully create the artificial sun fist, he thought he had a certain possibility.

But he didn't know what the success rate was.


He instinctively believed that once Wang Teng succeeded, he would embark on a new path and at the same time become an indomitable and powerful man!

After all, that road also leads directly to ‘truth’ and has no end!

If he can keep moving forward, even the Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors of the Upper Realm may not be able to suppress him.

But the difficulty is also unimaginably high.

"That's all."

"Since he has chosen this way, I will try my best to help him."

"If this road is blocked in the future... let's arrange some invincibility skills for him. Even if he can't live forever, he can still live an extremely wonderful life in his limited life."


Lin Fan exhaled and said softly: "I named this road..."


"Elemental Master?"

Wang Teng blinked: "It sounds pretty powerful."

"And the Artificial Sun Fist relies on those 'elements', right?"

"Not bad!"

"But the deuterium and tritium elements used in the artificial sun fist are just 'one of the elements' and an 'insignificant' part of it."

"And the elements~"

"There are over a hundred species."

Lin Fan did not give an exact figure.

Because before the time travel, there were a total of 118 known elements on the other side of the earth, of which 94 existed on the earth.

But he is not sure whether there are elements in the universe that humans have not yet discovered.

But in his opinion, there should be.

After all, human exploration of the universe is too limited, and it can almost be said that it is infinitely approaching zero.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for him to give accurate figures, which is not rigorous.

"There are many more kinds?"

Wang Teng was surprised, and then his eyes lit up.

"Just one or two of them can be used to use invincible techniques such as Artificial Sun Fist. If all the elements are used, wouldn't it..."

"it's not true."

Lin Fan shook his head: "There are indeed over a hundred types of elements, but not every one has such an effect, but each element has its own characteristics!"

"How exactly..."

"I'll teach you the general outline of the elemental master's techniques first!"

"Master, you said."

Wang Teng held his breath and concentrated, fearing that he would miss even a word.

"Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon and phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium and calcium..."

However, when he heard what Lin Fan said, Wang Teng became numb.

What is this? !

Book from heaven?

Don't understand at all? !

Seeing his confused look, Lin Fan was not surprised, but explained in depth: "What I just said are the one hundred and eighteen elements that I know, but I believe there are more elements waiting for you to go." Discover and use it.”

"Among them, hydrogen, as you already know, is the lightest!"

"As for the helium element, it is very rogue. It is the worst at gaining and losing electrons."

"The density of lithium is very low, and it will foam when it comes into contact with water or acid."

"Beryllium is like milk skin. Boron is a bit red. Carbon reacts slowly and forms chains and rings. Nitrogen is flame retardant. But if hydrogen is added, ammonia can be synthesized..."

Lin Fan tried his best.

Tell them all the characteristics of the elements that you still remember.

Of course, he cannot remember all the characteristics of one hundred and eight elements.

After all, I have graduated many years ago and am not a middle school student. How can I still remember it so clearly?

However, he didn't need to explain everything.

All he had to do was start by letting Wang Teng figure out what an element is and what elements there are, and then he could figure it out and study it himself.

Of course, it is extremely difficult!

But it is not impossible after all.

After all, he already had a certain understanding of hydrogen and its isotopes before this.

And if he really succeeds, he can use the entire periodic table of elements and even discover some new elements~

Then this road was completely cleared for him.

You can go deeper!

However, Wang Teng still doesn't understand.

In complete confusion.

Lin Fan saw this and said with a smile: "You don't need to be too anxious. This is a brand new road. Although you have taken the first step, it is still difficult to make strides on this road. .”

"Just take your time."

“As you continue to grow or go further and further down this road, you will find a completely different scenery.”

"As for application..."

"For example, artificial sun fist, if you can practice it to the point where it can keep running for a long time, think about it, besides using it for fighting, what else can it be used for?"

Wang Teng was confused.

He asked tentatively: "Warm yourself by the fire?"


"You might as well boil the water."


"I mean, unlimited energy."

Lin Fan raised a finger: "You should have a deep understanding of the terrifying heat that artificial solar energy brings. And if the heat energy can be converted and stored into energy that can be used at any time, wouldn't it be unlimited energy?"

"If you can go one step further and make the artificial Sun Fist still operate stably for a long time after it is released, and convert the heat energy into energy and use it, then can it be used as a formation base?"

"Then, how terrifying should the formation based on it be?"

“This is just one of the ways one of these elements can be utilized.”

"More than a hundred, how many ways to use it, how many methods are there?!"

After a pause, Lin Fan said again: "I will take fighting as an example again."

"Artificial Sun Fist focuses on instant bursts and high temperatures. It is an invincible killing technique. However, this is 'nuclear fusion' technology. If we change it and use 'nuclear fission' technology, then the instant bursts and high temperatures will be greatly reduced. But at the same time~"

"It will bring a kind of 'poison'. This poison is difficult to prevent and can be called terrifying."

"There is also cobalt element, which can be used to develop 'cobalt bullet sword skills, boxing skills', etc..."

The more Lin Fan talked, the clearer his thoughts became.

He even thought that if Wang Teng really mastered these elements and became an 'elemental master', then he could try to go one step further and guide him towards a more 'microscopic' world.

Even dark elements, matter and antimatter, etc....

Don't be afraid of a bright future.

The premise is that Wang Teng has a high enough understanding in this regard.

And if the whole road can be opened~~~

Then Wang Teng is no longer an 'elemental master', but the founder and pioneer of the 'Scientific Cultivation System'!

However, whether he can do it or not depends on him. Wang Teng left.

When I left, I was in a state of confusion and confusion, and it was difficult to regain consciousness for a long time.

Lin Fan didn't say much. At this time, it would be better for him to think about it himself. After all, he had already had successful cases before.

"However, next, I need to go out."


"Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers!"

Now, Lin Fan's cultivation has reached the sixth level!

If the cultivation level of all disciples is shared, it will soar directly to the sixth level of the sixth realm.

Although he has not yet reached the seventh level and is not a powerful person, if he really wants to take action and not hold back, Lin Fan feels that there should be few opponents in the seventh level.

Originally, I had planned to go to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers when I reached the peak of the fifth realm, and find a way to retrieve the Moon-Swallowing Sect's original sect-suppressing skill - the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Skill.

But there’s been a lot going on lately.

And the sudden appearance of more than twenty disciples with above-average talents directly improved Lin Fan's talents and understanding.

I have been busy until now, and I have entered the sixth realm.

Of course, in the eyes of others, he had just broken through the Zhixuan realm and became a fifth-level monk.

"Here we go..."

"Am I alone?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

But when I thought about it again, I felt something was wrong.

"The Great Evolution of Heaven and Earth!"

He used the art of deduction, and although the future of almost all destined people could not be accurately predicted, he could still roughly understand whether they were safe or not.

"It's most appropriate to bring Xiao Ling'er and Huo Yun'er with you?"

"Perhaps it's because the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers only accepts women, and it's the only Holy Land that only accepts women?"

"In that case, let's take them on a trip."

"Leave in three days."

Lin Fan made some arrangements for the time being.

He also informed the two of them to go to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers together in three days.

Xiao Linger never postponed.

Huo Yun'er was quite excited.

She grew up in a good family and was more lively and playful.

It would be nice to go to the Holy Land.

"However, it won't be smooth sailing here, so be prepared." Lin Fan reminded.

"Yes, Master."



Somewhere, Tiandilou branch.

A man in black robes whispered hoarsely: "I asked you to check, have you found it?"

"What's so difficult about this?"

The host said calmly: "The people you want to ask are almost all sons of destiny. Their secrets are protected by God and cannot detect reality. This business is not done by our Tianji House."


The man in black robe frowned.

When he was about to question, he heard the other party say: "But the people related to it are not completely untouchable."

"Southwestern Region, Splendid City, Chen Family."

"There is some connection to one of the people you want to inquire about."

"So far, you are the only one who has the ability to do it."

"So, you found someone else?" The man in black robe narrowed his eyes slightly: "Tell me who it is!"

"The price you gave me is just enough to know this piece of information."

"Others, you have to pay extra~"

"And even after adding more money, you still can't move it with your current strength."



The man in black robe left, and the smile on Tianji's face gradually faded: "Interesting."

"Go ahead to dangers."

"This person is quite ruthless. This deep hatred seems to be beyond the reach of mercy."


"The other party is like the bright rising sun, can you ever touch it?"


After the man in black robe left, he immediately rushed to the City of Splendid Embroidery.

"Lan Yue Sect..."

He whispered secretly, his voice cold.

"I want to return all the hatred you have brought to me!"

"and also···"

"None of you can escape!"


"I heard that the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers occupies an entire continent, and there are millions of mountains within it. The birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, and the spiritual energy is abundant. One day of cultivation in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers is worth ten days outside. I don't know if it is true or not. "

On the way to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers.

Huo Yun'er was very lively and kept chattering.

Xiao Linger chatted with her.

Lin Fan was meditating secretly.

He didn't let me come.

After all, this trip is quite dangerous, and if there is a conflict, I will be the first one to bear it, so it is best to be more cautious.

As for the Xiao Linger sisters, they are relatively safe.

And they don't know how to be a scarecrow, so they can only go there themselves.

"I hope this trip goes well, that I can understand the truth of the past and regain the moon-swallowing immortal power."

After many twists and turns.

Finally, the three of them arrived at the most central area of ​​the southwest region.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers is located within it.

Looking from a distance, the fog is so dense that you can't even see the end.

Even with Xiao Ling'er's current spiritual consciousness, it can only cover the area of ​​​​possibility, and it is impossible to explore it in detail.



It's hard to describe in words.

Thousands of flowers are blooming and fairy mist is lingering.

There are floating fairy mountains and palaces looming in this area.

‘Fairies’ shuttle through it one after another, just like a real fairy scene.

Even if it’s just the tip of the iceberg, it’s amazing!

"It is indeed a holy place."

Lin Fan sighed.

At the beginning, Lan Yue Sect owned ten thousand spiritual mountains and was already the leader among first-class sects.

Today, the Haoyue Sect sits on 20,000 spiritual mountains and can be regarded as the top existence among the first-class sects.

But the holy land has millions of terrifying seats!

The big gap is evident.

And it’s not just about the territory!

For the Holy Land, they may not have many disciples, and they may not even be as good as some first-class sects and forces with many disciples, but no one can be ignored!

All of them are talented people.

None of them are weak!

Moreover, it’s not just about talent that makes you stronger, it’s also about your foundation!

For a conventional first-class sect, it would be good to have an invincible method.

More than three? That is the middle and upper class among them.

For example, the Moon-Swallowing Sect had no more than seven invincible methods in total, and even included the Moon-Swallowing Immortal Kung Fu, a sect-suppressing method.

But no one knows how many invincible spells there are in the Holy Land.

Countless years of inheritance.

Countless years of development.

During these years, the Holy Land has accumulated so much knowledge, including techniques, magic weapons, secret techniques, supernatural powers, and even heretical ways, which are dozens or hundreds of times better than any first-class sect.

Because of this, first-class sects often change.

But the Holy Land...

But it has almost never changed.

Even Lin Fan, a 'half-time' cultivator of immortality, knows this very well.

But precisely because of this, he was very curious.

In the beginning, what was wrong with the leader of Lan Yue Sect that he dared to take action against the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers?

Being killed is inevitable.

But it was a bit strange that the sect was not destroyed.

In the end, he even helped to keep the Zhenzong Kung Fu, the Moon Swallowing Immortal Kung Fu, which was even more strange.


Xiao Linger looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan nodded lightly.

The latter understood, took a deep breath, and approached the gate of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers step by step.

So majestic!

Just a mountain gate is like a fairy gate falling from the sky, spanning hundreds of spiritual mountains. It is vast, huge, amazing and has terrifying power.

Under the mountain gate, there is a ‘Tongtian Pillar’!

On it, I don’t know which senior had the ability to write the word ‘Ten Thousand Flowers’.

Just one look at it can make people feel nervous and almost out of body.

Xiao Ling'er suppressed the shock in her heart and asked Yao Lao in her heart: "Teacher, how much do you know about the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers?"

"I don't know much..."

Mrs. Yao sighed: "The Holy Land is too transcendent. This is true for any Holy Land. Although we are in the same world as me, both in the Immortal Martial Continent, the difference is so great that it can almost be described as the difference between immortals and mortals."

"We are just mortals, but the Holy Land is truly immortal."

"Everyone in the Holy Land is extremely amazing."

"Even if you are a handyman disciple, you must not underestimate him in the slightest, otherwise you will suffer a big loss!"

"As for the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, as far as I know, it seems that countless years ago, the Xianwu Continent was in chaos, and the jungle law of the weak and the strong, and the strong being respected, was implemented to the extreme."

Yao Lao was full of emotions: "In those ancient times, everyone was in danger. Almost everyone lived a precarious life. No one knew whether they would be able to see the sun tomorrow."

"So, someone wants to change!"

"They brought together a group of like-minded people to try to change that."

"So, the concept of sect came into being."

"But those years were too chaotic. Soon, these people were like a wave, submerged and swallowed by the tide of the times, but their spirit was still there."

"Some people have inherited it, and I don't know how many years have passed, but some powerful people have finally succeeded. Therefore, there are sects that have inherited it and are still standing."

"And the sects that can be passed down during those years have experienced too much. Because of this, their heritage and their beliefs are almost impossible to destroy."

"The Holy Land was born."

"The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers is also one of them."

Yao Lao pondered: "At first, I heard my master talk about it, but she didn't know too clearly. After all, it was too long ago."

"It is said that when they saw that some sects had successfully stood firm and had their own 'order' and peace, other interested people began to follow suit."

"In that era, women's status was extremely low. Compared with men, they were even more precarious and prone to all kinds of disasters."

"Even some women who wanted to join the original sect were rejected."

"So, 10,000 of the women with extraordinary ambitions and talents joined forces and formed an alliance. They all swore an oath to heaven and then risked their lives to found the Ten Thousand Flowers Sect!"

"Fight for yourself, and fight for countless women in the world!"

"But at that time, women were almost associated with goods. They were almost on the opposite side of most monks. Because of this, the setbacks and difficulties they experienced after that were simply unimaginable and indescribable. "

"But, after paying a huge price, they persevered."

"The Wanhua Sect successfully established itself in that most chaotic era, and like other ancient sects, gradually evolved into the holy land it is today."

"Is that so?"

Xiao Ling'er was surprised: "I have never heard anything related to that period of time."

"It's been too long." Yao Lao lamented, "I only know a little bit about it from other people's words."


"Have all the sects become the holy places they are today?"

"Nature is not like this. In such a long time, most of them have disappeared in the long river of history. After all, humans are the most complex creatures and existences."

"The overt and covert fighting has never stopped."

"How easy is it to spread the word for endless time?"

"It should be said that all the sects that have been passed down from those years to the present have become holy places, while those that have not become holy places have long disappeared in the long river of history."


Xiao Ling'er was shocked and frightened.

"Holy place..."

"Is it such a big deal?"

"How profound is that background?"

"No one knows."

Yao Lao sighed again: "I only know that the Holy Land cannot be insulted, and the power of the Holy Land is difficult to measure."

"Inherited for endless years, it has existed since the most chaotic and splendid ancient times, and has been passed down to this day. No one can imagine what methods they have and what their background is."

"But, everyone knows that the Holy Land is too tyrannical!"

"Because of this, you can often hear that a certain sect or force is about to be promoted to second-rate or even first-rate status. But come to think of it, you have never heard of which sect wants to invade the Holy Land and replace it?"

Xiao Linger nodded.

But then, he looked strange again.


"Have you ever heard of one?"

Yao Lao was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't laugh or cry: "Your Lan Yue Sect is an anomaly."

"Over the long years, holy places have been destroyed, but they have all been destroyed by other holy places, or even by the cooperation of several holy places."

"Not being in the Holy Land, but daring to challenge the power of the Holy Land, the original Lan Yue Sect was considered the only one."

"I really can't understand why the ancestors of your Lanyue Sect made such crazy decisions."

Yao Lao said she didn’t understand.

Logically speaking, any immortal cultivator should understand the importance of the word 'holy land'!

If Lan Yue Sect can become the best among the first-class sects, its ancestor leaders must not be idiots, so why are they so stubborn and come to challenge the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land?

Isn't this lighting a lantern in the toilet - seeking death?

It's impossible for them not to understand this truth.

"I don't understand either. Maybe this trip can reveal the truth?" Xiao Ling'er smiled bitterly and then said: "By the way, teacher, do you know the specific circumstances of that battle that year?"

"I really know something about this."

Yao Lao held her forehead: "Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, I was somewhat famous in my time, and I heard a lot of clues overtly and covertly."

"If I talk about that battle, it was amazing!"

"There is a strong person in the eighth realm in Lan Yue Sect, and there is more than one!"

"It is said that many forces were waiting and watching at the beginning, and were even looking forward to the success of the Moon Reaching Sect!"

"After all, the Holy Land has been inherited for too long, and the territory it occupies is too good and too big. If the Moon-Raising Sect can overthrow the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, they can also try to destroy other Holy Lands and seize everything occupied by the Holy Land."

"But it's a pity."

"The fact is still the same as everyone knows, the Holy Land is unattainable and completely unshakable."

"The Moon-Raising Sect was very prosperous for a while, but the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers only sent one elder and his disciples. The Moon-Raising Sect was defeated like a mountain and abandoned its armor."

"I don't know if many people were killed or not."

"But it is an indisputable fact that Lan Yue Sect could not hold on even for half a day."

Xiao Ling'er: "!!!"

There is more than one powerful person in the eighth realm!

As a result, the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land just sent out an elder and her disciples, and they defeated the Lan Yue Sect at the peak of its history?


"The Holy Land is indeed powerful."

In the end, Xiao Ling'er could only sigh like this.

"That's natural."

"Otherwise, how could it be that they occupy the best and largest territory in the spiritual mountain with the most abundant vitality, while the other top first-class sects and forces are just tens of thousands of spiritual mountains that they look down upon?"

"If it wasn't strong enough, the Holy Land would have been overthrown long ago."

"Let alone the current situation, where the Holy Land is aloof and superior, and people from other forces do not dare to be dissatisfied at all."

Xiao Ling'er: "..."


After hearing this, she was very stressed!

Yao Lao chuckled and comforted her: "You don't need to be under too much pressure. The Holy Land is a superior existence, but you may not be inferior to those Holy Land disciples!"

"Your future is limitless."

"Your path has already surpassed that of being a teacher! When you are in such a state, being a teacher is far from your opponent."

"I believe that even if you are from the Holy Land, you can compete with me!"


Xiao Linger nodded.

At this moment, she was standing under the mountain gate of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers.

The Holy Land is transcendent.

There are not even any disciples guarding the mountain.

The formation has never been activated!

This is enough to show their unparalleled confidence.

Obviously, they were sure that no one would dare to break in!

Xiao Ling'er took a deep breath and said loudly: "The Lan Yue Sect has come to pay homage to the mountain."


Suddenly there was a divine light flashing inside the stone pillar, and then, a shadow appeared.

The other party was a woman in a green dress. She had an expressionless face. After looking at Xiao Ling'er for a moment, she said calmly: "What's the matter?"

Lin Fan stepped forward.

"Come to retrieve the sect-suppressing technique that our sect deposited in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers more than 10,000 years ago."


"Who are you?"

"The current leader of Lan Yue Sect - Lin Fan."

Lin Fan was neither humble nor arrogant, and his voice was calm.

"We'll wait for now."

The projection dissipates.

His deity will report it as soon as possible.


"Let them in."

In the holy land, an old voice came out.

Immediately, the projected image appeared quietly, still expressionless: "Enter my holy land, how dare you?"

Xiao Ling'er took a step forward: "Why don't you dare?"

I came here with my master and junior sister.

Even though the Holy Land is strong, it can't even think of humiliating us!

Naturally, we cannot let Master handle this matter.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ling'er did her duty and said: "If you sincerely let me in, we will treat you as guests and follow the rules of the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land."

"But if you deliberately create difficulties, we are not afraid."

"If you have any means, just use it!"


The other party laughed: "Haha."

"Yes, you do have some courage. You are the first one who dares to speak like this to people in the Holy Land."


"I would like to see if your strength is as powerful as your talkativeness."

"I won't embarrass you either."

She chuckled: "As long as you can defeat me, a handyman disciple, there will definitely be no more disciples in my Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land to make things difficult for you."

"Do you dare to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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